MASS EVACUATIONS : Governor of Louisiana Requesting Aid from Feds /Oil spill videoes continued from June 12, 2010 post


“The National Guard will provide security, medical capabilities, engineers and communication support in response to this threat. Currently, our Soldiers and Airmen are staging for and are engaged in the planning of the effort to evacuate and provide security and clean up for the coastal communities expected to be impacted by the oil spill. They are engaged in the protection of vital infrastructure to include medical facilities, fuel distribution, interstate highways, water-ice distribution and power facilities which are all vital to the recovery of coastal Louisiana.”


    • Chris Peper on June 24, 2010 at 10:34 pm
    • Reply

    Whenever there is a disaster, the government always uses it to increase their power over the people. There was a time when Americans were more self-reliant but now the government uses any disaster as an excuse to declare a national emergency and take more of our rights away. I suspect that the government had some hand in the disaster to begin with. Problem-reaction-solution. Read David Icke.

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