Continued form this mornings post-(China dumping the dollar) Iran buying up Gold/June 4, 2010

See full size imageThe Prophet Daniel never once said anything about the United States being a world empire in the last days.  Fact is, Daniel doesn’t even mention the U.S. in the last days prophecies.  The reason why is we believe the America superpower will fall away a a power to give way to the last world empire which both Daniel and Jesus showed us it would be a revived Roman Empire.  America is heading for a collapse and China is going to help push her under.  When you watch the video above they stated China owned the U.S., they weren’t kidding around! China has been holding up the U.S. by buying her debt but that will all come to a halt and when it does the U.S. chaos will be under way.  There was news today that China is going to unload the dollar. 

“China ready to say goodbye to dollar”

Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China

The head of China's Central Bank has declared that the country is ready to end pegging its currency in dollars, but said that any changes would be gradual. Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, described the decision as a "temporary" response to the global financial crisis, but gave no timescale for any change in policy. "If we are to exit from irregular policies and return to ordinary economic policies, we must be extremely prudent about our choice of timing," Zhou said. "This also includes the [yuan] exchange rate policy."  

Let me put what is happening in a different light for you. The U.S. economy is sitting on a railroad track. The super train called “China” is speeding toward the U.S. at lightening speed.  The problem is, the U.S. economy is wearing ear plugs and dark dark sun glasses and can’t hear or see that the train is going to run them over.  This is how the people in America who do not know Bible prophecy and Christ’s warnings we be overtaken.  When the crisis hits, it will be a complete surprise to them.

China is not sitting is a pretty position either and the report entitled “How a Bursting Housing Bubble in China Could Slam the U.S.” explains. 

China's housing crisis is much worse than the one in the U.S., according to a Chinese government minister, and given the scale of its pumped-up real estate bubble, suddenly deflating it could have global consequences. "The housing market problem in China is actually much, much more fundamental, much bigger than the housing market problem in the U.S. and UK before your financial crisis," Li Daokui, a member of China's Central bank monetary policy committee, told the Financial Times. The worst consequence of a burst housing bubble might be a huge spike in interest rates. But fear of an even bigger force — Chinese citizens' anger at the high cost of real estate — could tame China's efforts to constrain the housing market. 111 Times Median Family Income There is some data to support Li's concerns. For example, official Chinese data showed real estate prices in 70 cities climbed 12.8% in April, the fastest one-month annual rise in five years, according to AFP. During the height of the U.S. property bubble in 2005, house prices rose an average of 22% a year, only to plunge 20% in 2009, according to Standard and Poor's.”  The report also talks about fears that China will see civil unrest.  I quote, “But in all likelihood, China's primary concern will be keeping a lid on social unrest, which is likely to burst out of control if its people get too frustrated because they can't afford a place to live as they move from the country into the urban areas.”

See full article from DailyFinance:

New headlines today on EU crisis. “BNP Affirms Euro-Dollar Parity Call as Outlook ‘Remains Bleak’

May 10 (Bloomberg) — The outlook for the euro “remains bleak” and the currency will fall to parity with the dollar next year as investor concern about the region’s debt crisis deepens, according to BNP Paribas SA. Gains that sent the euro to its biggest two-day advance in more than a year versus the dollar probably won’t be durable, said Ian Stannard, a senior currency strategist at BNP Paribas in London. The 16-nation currency jumped after European policy makers crafted a 750 billion-euro ($962 billion) loan package to support debt-laden member governments.”

The Euro was one of the strongest currencies since 2001 and now in a mater of months the Euro has fallen like a drunk over a cliff.  Many people will perceive this to be good news for America as the euro gets closer to the value of the dollar.  The problem is that the dollar isn't worth the paper it is printed on and that is why China is dumping the dollar and nations like India, China and now Iran are buying up all the gold they can find.  America and the European Union are as we see it will probably crash about the same time.  In any case the pieces will be picked up by guess who?  Christ told you who by tell you that the Antichrist will control everything.  You better put Revelation 13:16-17 in your minds because the Antichrist will control what you can buy or sell.

“Iran 'restricting euro transactions'

Wed, 02 Jun 2010 07:36:11 GMT


As the stagnant European economy weighs heavily on the euro forcing it into a downward spiral, the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) unveils a major plan for converting 45 billion of its euro reserves into dollar and gold ingots. The CBI's new monetary policy comes against a backdrop of a new phase of economic recession in European states of Greece and Spain which has caused a drop in the value of euro against the dollar in international markets. There are growing fears that the economic crisis would likely hit other eurozone countries as well.”   After reading all this proof that a major crisis is on the way can you not smell the stench of the Antichrist approaching?


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