Why should you take time to read Frank DiMora’s Prophecy book? The last days signs labor pains/ May 18, 2010


Img_3194_2IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438

What I am about to say to you is the Truth. When I face Jesus at the judgment seat I will be held accountable for what I am about to tell you and, I assure you I don't take that lightly.  In 1977 I was visited by Jesus Christ. I spent three and a half hours with Him. At first He came to me in a dream which followed by a visitation while I was wide awake. I never saw Jesus face to face, but I came to realize it was the voice of the Holy Spirit.

I can't give you all the details here because it would take me 2 hours to explain exactly what happened, but I assure you this actually took place. I even willing to take any lie detector test just to prove what I went through is the truth.   All I can say is Jesus came to me and gave me documents from all over the world, which proves every word He said about prophecy for this generation was beginning to be played out.  I spent 3 and 1/2 hours with Christ getting instructions as to what I was to do to bring these facts to all of you.  He outlined a path I was to take in order to get the message out, and I was told He would send me people on this path to assist me when I needed the help.  Please understand, I did not ask for this visitation. To be honest, I did not want to post what happened to me, because I did not want to draw attention to myself.  The story is not about me, but about Jesus and what He did to for me to make sure He got His message out.

I have many eye witnesses which will confirm my story is true.   God only knows why I was picked to do this ministry?  My first set of instructions was to put a slide show together with all the documentation I was given. I can’t go into how Jesus made it possible that I was given the documentation because that is a hole story in it self, but I did now this, I didn’t have a clue as to how to put a professional media show together, nor did I have any equipment.  It turned out that Jesus made good on His promise as He sent the people He wanted to help me.  As a result I produced my first ever professional media presentation which made its way to a major theater not once but twice.  By the way, no one ever paid to see this presentation, and no one has ever paid me for my services. 

As soon as the slide show was completed Jesus blew opened the doors for me to speak.  The Lord made it possible for me to be invited on TV programs, radio, Church's, home groups, and I did many presentation's at hotels in California.  Since 1977 I have had many miracles happen to me in order to lead people to Christ. However, these things are unexplainable to people, but to the people Jesus worked with they know God was touching them. 

In 1993 the Lord laid it on my heart to change the course of my ministry.  It started as a slide show but as prophecy was being fulfilled I couldn't keep up with the changes doing a slide show format, so it turned into a live overhead projector show.  Then in 1993 Jesus laid it on my heart to write this book. I was given instructions to write this one book and this one only.  I was to keep myself separate from all other authors, I was to completely trust Him to get His word out, I was never charge anyone for this book, and I was to continue to walk in faith and believe He would run this ministry and direct where it would go.

I have done my very best to follow His instructions ever since my first encounter with the Holy Spirit.  It took me from 1993 to 997 to write the book since I had never written a book before. In 1997 my first book was released.  The people who have read this book are reading many of the documents Jesus first gave me when He first visited me in 1977.  Everything that Christ handed me in 1977 has been fulfilled except a few major prophecies which I have been writing about on this web site.  Why was I suppose to write this book, and why was I picked in 1977?  I was picked to join a group of people who are now blocking people from facing the gates of hell.  Jesus gave me this material as proof His Words are Truth, and for those who would read my work for Christ, many would turn from the road leading to the flames of hell, and turn to Jesus Christ. 

It was my mission to join others carrying this same message and our task is to intercept as many as we could from falling away from God's love and His Salvation plan for them.  I am one of many standing at the outer doorway to hell, I am one of many blocking Satan's work, and opening the eyes of the lost.  I am one of many warning we are running out of time just as the people who listen to the warning Noah was preaching just before the global flood killed everyone except for Noah's family. 

Many people do not believe there is even a real place called hell, nor do they believe Jesus would send them there even if there was such a place.  Please like this fail to understand the work of the (CROSS). Jesus knew that if He did not die in your place we all would end up in the lake of fire that never goes out. Fact is Jesus talks more about hell than anyone in the Bible.  Here are just a few of these verses. “

“The Son of Man shall send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire.  There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth”  (Matthew 13:41-42).

“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.  All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left…Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you curse, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels…’ and these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” (Matthew 25:31-33, 41, 46).

“And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God and books were opened.  And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life….And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire”  (Revelation 20:12, 15).

Not long ago I was handed a disc about a man who was taken to hell to see what it was like. This man gives a very accurate account of what hell looks like and he provides Bible verses to explain what he saw while in hell for 23 minutes.  Why am I telling you this?  It has been my mission since 1977 to prevent as many as I can from ever going there, and the only way that can happen is if you repent of your sins and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior.

 Calvary Chapel Pastor Chuck Musselwhite

The last stage of my ministry was set in place in two stages.  The first stage came in 2008 when Calvary Chapel Pastor Chuck Musselwhite opened up this web site up for me.  I was visiting him in his office and telling him the Lord was directing me to reach even more people than I was, but I didn’t know how to do it.  The Pastor then went to his computer and signed me up for my own web site.  Then he turned to me and said something like, “there you go, go preach on the Internet”.  Just like before where I didn’t have a clue how to put a professional media presentation together, or write a book, I didn’t have a clue how to work my way around a blog.  Like before I had people help me figure out how to present my material, which Jesus has been giving me since 1977.  The book Jesus told me to write and never to charge anyone for, now had no limits to the number of people who could read the things Christ wanted them to know.  Anyone who wants to read what Jesus has given me can simply come to my site and download the book for free.  When you read this text you will see why so many people are giving their lives over to Jesus Christ.

Host Gina Romano



The final stage of my ministry as I can see it now started in 2008.  For five straight months in a role I received a message from a different person each month telling me the Holy Spirit spoke to them, and told them to tell me I would be preaching to millions of people.  Please keep in mind, I did not know any of the five people who gave me these messages from the Holy Spirit.  Shortly after the fifth person dropped this bomb shell on me I received an e-mail from Gina Romano.  Gina was a Radio show Host for a show entitled “Revelations”. Gina asked for my phone number because she was blown away by what she was reading at my post and wanted to speak to me about it.  To make a long story short, Gina asked me if she could do an interview with her, which I did.  After the first interview I asked Gina how many people does her show reach?  She told me anywhere between 4-7 million people.  That first interview lead to at least six other interviews with Gina. 

Shortly after my last interview with Gina I received a e-mail from Andy Radford,  Andy is Technical Director and TV Producer of The Edge Radio/video show which is based in Europe.  Andy wanted to speak with me about doing my own show on The Edge.  Andy said he wanted to set up a meeting between himself, me, and Daniel Ott who is the main Host of The Edge TV.  They wanted this meeting to interview me to see if they would give the green light to have me as a Host of a new show at the Edge.

 Andy Radford

 Daniel Ott

We had the meeting and they agreed and gave me the okay to begin my own show.  I was told that I could say anything I wanted to say, and I could take all the time I wanted to say it.  After I hung up from this meeting, I realized that the five people who were given the same message about me speaking to millions had come to pass.  I was now going to have my own International Radio/video show that was able to reach many as 4-7 million people. 

It has appeared to me that the Lord is making my minister grow the closer we get to the second coming of our Lord Jesus.  I now can offer the material Jesus has given me to millions of people around the world. They can get my free book, they can watch me give the information at The Edge for free, see my presentations live for free.  Jesus has made is possible that no one can say, “Frank DiMora wants anything from you what so ever”.  The only thing that I desire is that you will read what was placed in my hands so you will come to know Jesus was telling you the truth about the events of these last days. It is my prayer that my work and labor for Christ will end up driving you to the Bible.  My work was never meant to take the place of the Bible, it has always been a means to drive you to the Bible, for it is with the Bible that your relationship with the true Messiah will grow.  There have been many attempts by Satan to drive a wedge in my ministry, even by tying to wreak relationships between my own Christian Brothers.  All these toothless attempts have failed, but many of these attempts cause much sorrow for me.  In the past Six weeks I have noticed the labor pains Jesus warned us about have kicked up a notch.  I am not sure how much time the Church has left to freely preach the good news about our Lord and Savior Jesus, but I will tell you one thing, I am honored to be chosen to serve the God of Hope. I invite all of you to help me get my message out now, while we can. 

Find out what hell is going to be like. Watch the video below.  Before you flip this off as being crazy I suggest you listen and see what  Bill saw in hell. Bill backs up what hell looked like from the Word of God. Click to the > at the left side of the video below to watch it.  (The story of the 23 minutes in hell).



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to read at my site or for you to download.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


My newest radio/video show will be up and running Friday May, 21, 2010 at 6:00 PM EST.  You can watch this Friday’s show and my previous shows by clicking to the link below.



I do not have Internet access much so I have not done many devotionals. I want to encourage you to set your eyes on Christ. In our nation especially it is easy to focus on life and all of its pleasures and comforts but we are called to set our minds and eyes on the kingdom of God and His work. If you have been born again, born into God's kingdom then there is work to do my friend. If you do not have a heart for the work I would encourage you to check your heart, turn to Christ and be born again. Jesus said that "he who is not for Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad" We can not longer live for this world, but for the next life. Don't waist your time on things that will perish but be wise and listen to Jesus' words and obey them, "sell what you have and give alms (give to the poor), provide yourselves money bags that do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not perish, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." My friend, what is your treasure? Is it of this world or is it in Christ? Live for Christ, live for the unseen. There are so many people to reach with the truth. Love you all in Christ, By Jonathan Ball

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