Obama to force peace? Special Report May 15, 2010

Prophecy Sign: Read Zech. 12:3 because Obama is on the road to fulfilling it and it is not good news for America!

Obama threatens to 'impose' Palestinian state

Warns White House can force solution 'Israelis won't appreciate'

Posted: May 15, 2010

Palestinian President Abbas shakes hands with U.S. Middle East Peace envoy Mitchell in Ramallah

NEW YORK – If Israel and the Palestinians fail to reach an agreement to create a Palestinian state, the Obama administration will look into imposing a solution on the parties, a senior Palestinian Authority negotiator told WND.

The negotiator, speaking by telephone from Ramallah, said the PA agreed to resume direct talks with Israel earlier this week only after a U.S. pledge to ensure against any new Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank.

The PA negotiator told WND the Obama administration told the Palestinians if a deal is ultimately not reached with Israel the U.S. will consider imposing a solution "that the Israelis won't appreciate." Further, the PA negotiator said recent meetings between the Obama administration and the Palestinians revealed the White House is on board a Palestinian threat to unilaterally ask the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state outside of negotiations with Israel.


I think you better read what I posted on May 13, 2010. It looks like my warning may come to pass.

If you live in the United States you need to see what your leaders are saying to Israel over Jerusalem.  Keep in mind, the U.S. has already been place under the Genesis 12:2 curse because they are trying to force Israel into dividing up Israel and handing over East Jerusalem to the PLO.  I quote, “The US administration has warned against an Israeli government announcement it could continue to demolish buildings in East Jerusalem.”  This next statement in the report came from a US State Department official . “If either side takes significant actions during the proximity talks that we judge would seriously undermine trust, we will respond and hold them accountable and ensure negotiations will continue," the official said.  What does this mean?  Will the U.S. Administration put Israel into a head lock?  Will they send in troops to force Israel to give up East Jerusalem and divide up their land, or maybe they will stop supporting Israel as an ally and halt any arms from the U.S. .  As tension mount over Jerusalem action will have to be taken soon.  We won’t have to wait that much longer to find out what was meant by  the phrase “ensure negotiations will continue”.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 (Many earthquakes)

Earthquake kills one, injures dozens in Algeria

At least one person has been killed and dozens have been injured in a 5.2-magnitude earthquake that has occurred outside the Algerian capital, the German DPA new agency said.


God help us all!


  1. We need the peace world!!

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