They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast/Advanced Computer an answer to pray/ EU &US money troubles/Syria and Russia connection may lead to war/May 14, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


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Prophecy Sign: As I said in my May 10, 2010 post Daniel shows us when the revived Roman Empire returned it would have troubles and would not adhere.  I quote Daniel 2: 41-43. “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay.  And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.  As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” 

There is no question that the European Union is the revived Western leg of the old Roman Empire.  What about Christ’s warning, when this empire is revived the Antichrist will be given power from ten kings?  This is what Jesus said, “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast." (Revelation 17:12-13)

See full size image This is what I stated on May 10 of this year. Because of the developments going on in the European Union I want to take a look at a possible group of ten leaders of nations that could be the ones Jesus warned about. Most of you should know by now that Greece had to be bailed out by the IMG or that nations would collapse.  At the current time in the EU there are sixteen nations using what is called the Euro.  The news in the past few days have pointed to five of those sixteen nations which have been marked as having severe economic problems. The nations flagged by the EU are: Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain.”  In that May 10th post I showed you that the EU has 16 nations who are hooked in with the same currency, which is called the euro.  As you can see five of the nations using the euro are in a financial crisis and may find themselves dropping out of the euro.  The EU is trying to keep this from happening but it appears the huge debt will end up killing off many of the euro nations before it is all over.  One of the current events I am watching has to do with France and you will see why after you read the report below.

I quote, “President Nicolas Sarkozy slammed his fist on the table and threatened to pull France out of the euro at a meeting of European leaders deciding Greece's aid package last Friday, according to Spain's El Pais newspaper. “Sarkozy demanded a "commitment from everyone to support Greece…or France would reconsider its position in the euro," according to one source cited by El Pais.”  If all the five euro nations fail and drop out of the euro and France bails because it doesn’t want to bail out anyone than the number of euro nations would be Ten.  Since Jesus warned us about ten kings giving all their power up to the Antichrist you can see why I am watching what is happening inside the EU and specifically the euro nations.  I am not a prophet, so I can’t you if this scenario will actually take place, but considering the warnings made by Jesus, I am standing watch.

A lengthy report out today issued by the Telegraph addressed both the problem with the EU (euro zone), and America. “Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, fears that America shares many of the same fiscal problems currently haunting Europe. He also believes that European Union must become a federalized fiscal union (in other words with central power to tax and spend) if it is to survive.” Let me break this down for you.  What they are saying is America is in serious financial trouble and could collapse under the weight of her debt just like Greece.  The report is also pointing to a new system that will hold the euro zone together. The reporter calls this “ federalized”.  Some of you may be asking what does federalized mean?  Here is the definition of this word. Of or constituting a form of government in which sovereign power is divided between a central authority and a number of constituent political units.

You are probably asking me why am I telling you this?  Since the euro nations and the EU are in trouble they are now talking about bringing on a new system with a central authority.  Since the Antichrist is the one who will control what every one can buy or sell, is it possible that the system the EU is trying to put together the one that will end up in the hand of  the Antichrist or this central authority.  Everyone better read what Jesus said again!  “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast" (Revelation 17:12-13).

As you can see from what Jesus warned and what is currently going on in the EU, and what they want to do, the red flag has been lifted up.  When events run parallel to the Word of God that’s when I really take notice.  The band aid solution the nations have been taking to stop the financial bleed will only work for a short period of time, then all hell will break out.  I can see the signs of this in Greece already and today there was a report on this subject in a report entitled, “More woes for Greek economy

“Images of flaming buildings and riots in Athens during last week's protests in debt-ridden Greece have taken an early toll on the country's vital tourism industry, hotel owners said Thursday. About 20,000 overnight stays at hotels in Athens and nearby resorts have been cancelled since May 5 riots that left three people dead, according to the local hoteliers' association. The setback reveals persisting challenges for Greece's battered economy, despite a €110-billion ($138-billion) international rescue program that staved off bankruptcy. A painful austerity program taken to secure the aid is expected to keep the economy in recession until 2012, while unemployment has hit new records.”

For the past two days I showed you two U.S. States that have the exact same problem as Greece, and the other four euro nations in trouble, which is their massive debt problem.  Today I want to focus on the State of Philadelphia.  I quote, “If you live in Philadelphia, higher property taxes and a fee for trash pickup may be two things you'll pay for next year. Philadelphia City Council approved Mayor Nutter’s $3.9 billion budget for 2011 with a vote Thursday evening. To fill in a $150 million budget gap, officials made several tax increases, the most notable being a 9.9-percent jump in property taxes, officials told NBC Philadelphia. That increase will only last for two years”.  America is falling apart under the pressure of her national debt and there is no way she will be able to pay off this amount of debt.  Each U.S. State is trying to stay afloat by increasing taxes but all this is going to do is compound the problems, because it will force families to spend less money and this in turn will have a negative affect on the over all U.S. failing economy.  Get ready people because we are watching  a sceniro that is giving heat to the global economic failure which will bring out the Antichrist.

Ask some of the people in Buffalo who they feel about the current situation in the U.S.  "I need a freakin' job." That's the message President Obama saw as he arrived in Buffalo, N.Y.,  this afternoon for an event talking up the administration's success in creating new jobs. He also pitched Congress on approving a $30 billion credit for small-business growth. Yet critics say Obama has been focusing his recovery efforts too narrowly and hasn't done enough to help people find work. After all, the latest job figures show 9.9 percent of the country still out of work. That inspired a group of unemployed Buffalo residents — who also have a website called — to appeal to the president in the form of a billboard along the route his motorcade took into town. Here is a photo of the billboard:

Prophecy Sign:  Daniel 12:3 tells us that in the last days there will be an increase in knowledge.  In the past year I have had problems with my computers. Unfortunately in this computer age there are people who have gain much knowledge but use this knowledge to hack into peoples computers.  Almost every week I receive emails warning me not to click on a email that says this or that, because if I do it will send a virus that will wipe out my computer. Unknowingly I did just that and had to pay through the nose to fix the problem.  The third time this happened to me I was so upset that I prayed about this knowing I was going to have to shell out a lot of money I didn’t have.  I even posted that I may not be able to post for a week do to computer problem.  A few days after praying  and posting about my problem I received a email from on fire Christian couple who owns Advanced Computer.  They asked me to contact them which I did.  It turns out that Jesus answered my prayers via this couple. Doug, who owns the business fixed my computer and even went beyond the problem to make sure my computer speed was faster than it was. 

Last week I went to download Real Player and I ended up getting about 52 icons on my desk top which I couldn’t get rid of.  I called Doug and he fixed the problem quickly.  I asked him what would be the cost to me if I went to another company to fix this problem.  I was told it would cost three times as much.  Today I checked the web to see how much companies were charging to fix problems such as I have had in the past.  I called the Geek Squad today and asked them what it would cost me to remove a virus on my computer.  I was told it would cost me $200.00 and is price was standard for all the Geek Squad stores.  Doug’s price was 69.50 for the same thing.

I can only tell you that I thank Jesus for hooking me up with Doug and his wife Tina at Advanced Computer.  There is more to this story about this couple that will make you want to contact them. Doug knows I write for the Lord at this prophecy site because he reads my posts.  I was told by Doug to let everyone know that he will make sure that (no porn) can make it into your computer.  Doug told me to let you all know that this service he is providing will come to you for free!  This is something the Lord has laid on his heart to do. 

I want everyone to know one thing.  I am not making a dime off of Doug’s business by placing his information at my site.  I was so impressed by how Doug is helping people save money and helping people combat unwanted porn, that I asked him if it was alright if I put his information at my site.  Being a good businessmen he gave me his permission to do so.  All I can say is if you have any kind of computer problem call Doug and Tina first.  You will save a lot of money that the other companies would gladly take form you.  As with my problems Doug fixed them without me even bringing in my computer.  He did it right on line.  Where ever you live, in the U.S. or another country Doug and do the same thing he did for me.

I am glad that we can rely on people who have gained this increase in knowledge Daniel warned us about. People like Doug are able to undo what those who seek to cause warm or steal from you.


See full size imageToday I received a e-mail from a very close friend and here we go again.  “You  should be alert during the next few days. Do not  open any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK,'regardless of who sent it  to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD  IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your  computer.”If you get nailed by one of these viruses call Doug.


Prophecy Sign: The Psalm 83 war is coming and actions taken by Russia may just speed up this war.  Although Russia will not be involved in the Psalm war they can do things that cause Israel to take action against Syria that will lead to this war.  If you remember it wasn’t long ago that Israel found out Syria was building a nuclear power plant just like Iran is doing now.  Israel warned Syria to stop, and when they didn’t Israel flew in a destroyed the nuclear site that was under construction.  Now read this new. “Russian President Dimitry Medvedev has signaled his country is considering putting back on track a nuclear reactor in Syria that was under develpment by North Korea when it was bombed by Israel as a threat, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin. 

I can see the following take place.  We know for sure Israel is going to wipe out Syria.  The Prophet Isaiah tells us this in Isa. 17:1. So, Russia moves in and starts building the plant the same way Russia is doing for Iran.  Israel tells Russia to back off but they refuse and keep building the nuclear site.  Israel issues a warning and that warning hits deaf ears the same way it has in Iran.  Israel then makes good on their promise to stop the plant and attacks Syria.  Syria’s allies which are the bordering nations around Israel in turn attack Israel.  What you now have is the making of the Psalm 83 war.  Will this scenario take place.  Only Jesus knows, but considering the fact these are the exact same nations listed in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 I have once again raised the red flag up!  If this scenario pans out Russia will take revenge on Israel for attacking Syria, and they will try to invade Israel with Iran, Turkey and the other nations listed in the 38th chapter of Ezekiel’s Book.


  1. It’s joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.

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