EU in trouble/Last world empire/Middle East news/Peace talks/Word on Jerusalem/Economic disaster signs/Antichrist info/Peace talks/ war rumors/Predictions for major storms and other end time signs. May 12, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


My newest radio/video show is up and  running, and you can still watch my previous shows by clicking to the link below.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: If you are new to my site read chapter two of my free book.  It in this chapter I show you that the European Union is in fact the revived Western leg of the old Roman Empire.  Daniel was shown by God that just before Jesus returned to Earth the old Roman Empire would be revived again. Read chapters 2 and 7 of the Book of Daniel.  In Daniel 2:43 God showed Daniel that this last days empire “shall not cleave one to another”.  Let me make this simple for you. This empire will break up.  If you are watching any news at all you must have seen the mess the European Union is in right now.  Many of the nations in the EU are on the same road as the U.S is, that being a economic melt down.  Like the United States the massive debt burden is beginning to take down nations in the EU.  Greece was the first to receive a bailout.  I can assure you right now, this was only a band aid for a huge wound!

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Knowing that the situation in the EU would have a huge affect on the U.S. economy President Obama stepped in to give advice how to keep them afloat.  I quote, “Yesterday he called Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero to discuss the importance of 'resolute action' by Spain. Spain's public finances, along with Portugal's, have caused the most concern after those of Greece, which secured a European bailout. The White House said Mr Obama was actively engaged in ensuring that Europe's debt crisis did not hurt the global economy. There are fears that the state of the economies in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland – who all currently have high levels of debt – could stall the U.S. economy just as it was beginning to improve”. This report also stated, “While politically unpopular, the U.S. rescue plan convinced markets that authorities were serious about keeping banks afloat.”See full size imageFirst of all if the EU takes any advice from from Obama on how to stop the economic bleed they must be out of their mind.  It is a fact that the Obama Administration has set the record for adding to the U.S. debt.  In the short time he has been in office he has managed to increase the debt more than any U.S. President.  Here is a fact. “The latest posting from the Treasury Department shows the National Debt has increased over $2 trillion since President Obama took office. The debt now stands at $12.6 trillion. On the day Mr. Obama took office it was $10.6 trillion.”  As of May 12, 2010 that debt is now almost 13 trillion dollars.  Obama talked to the EU about a bailout that would stop banks from folding?  If you check out the link below you will find out that in the first five months of this year alone 69 more U.S. banks have failed, and more are on the chopping blocks.

  See full size image  If you noticed the above report talked about Obama’s worry over the EU’s problems because the EU’s economic crisis could hurt America and the global economy.  This is exactly what I have been warning about  for years and now it is actually taking place.  We know for sure that there is going to be major economic disaster that will indeed be a global disaster.  We know for sure that it will be the Antichrist who will take control of the world’s economic system.  This will no doubt happen when the crash comes.  How do we know this to be true?  Jesus tells us how this man of sin will control the economic system. I quote Revelation 13:16-17. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Knowing what Jesus has revealed to us we can expect this global economic disaster to strike very soon.  It started in the United States and it is spreading to nation after nation.  The debt crisis in these nations is going to get much worse as you will soon see.  Must people I talk to know that it is going to take a major disaster for the world to allow one man to control everything.  I am warning you all now, that disaster is in the making.  Look to Christ for His help in this trying times because you are going to need His strength to deal with what is coming.

Debt clock:

Let me show you that what happened is happening in Greece is also happening in the United States.  One of the reasons why we saw citizens riot in Greece was because the government cut social services, they cut wages, and they hit their pensions.  I warned you what happens in California will happen to the rest of the nations and it is.  California is about to go bust and now that State has to do the same things the Greece government did.

 See full size image “May 11 (Bloomberg) — California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will seek “terrible cuts” to eliminate an $18.6 billion budget deficit facing the most-populous U.S. state through June 2011, his spokesman said”   “California’s revenue in April, when income-tax payments are due, trailed the governor’s estimates by $3.6 billion, or 26 percent. The gap wiped out gains from the previous four months, leaving collections $1.3 billion behind projections for the budget year that ends in June.”

If you do a Google search on U.S. States that have had to issue furloughs to stay afloat you will realize just how bad the economy really is.  I told you yesterday that people around the world are looking for someone to lead them.  It is no wonder why when you see what some of these so called leaders are doing when people are suffering. I quote, “ALBANY — Gov. Paterson has granted stunning pay raises of up to 29 percent to several key aides — even as he slaps furloughs on 100,000 state workers, and his lieutenant governor threatens layoffs. The shocking move by the lame-duck governor involves five members of his embattled press office, whose two top-ranking members abruptly resigned earlier this year amid what they privately called misleading statements made by the governor.”  Here we have another U.S. State ready to file bankruptcy, people have to take cuts or work less days for less pay to keep the State afloat and this is what he does?  Believe me when I tell you the world wants someone who they can trust, someone who will do the right thing.  Jesus warned that the man people are looking for, and asking for is coming.  Unfortunately this man who they will receive is Christ’s enemy.  Let the Holy Spirit speak to you via Jesus Words which I quote, “I have come in my Father's name, and you do not receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him” (John 5:43). That time is approaching much faster than you think. 

See full size image “Let’s look at another huge U.S. State in debt up to their ears. “An expansion of gambling has been suggested as Texas faces a projected shortfall that some lawmakers say could hit $18 billion. Republican Speaker Joe Straus told House budget writers Tuesday that they'll have to handle a state shortfall of at least $11 billion without new taxes, but he raised the possibility of unpaid furloughs and four-day workweeks for state workers. "Increasing taxes would restrain economic growth and hinder our ability to create jobs," Straus said at a meeting of the House Appropriations Committee.”

If I had the time to show you what is happening in each U.S. State I would do it, but I don’t. If you live in the U.S. just Google your state and find out how much debt your State is in?  Here is the bottom line to all this.  Our generation is on the road to a major global meltdown.  This meltdown will no doubt will at the end of the day lift the man of sin to power. If you don’t know Christ as your savior, I say watch what happens with revived Roman Empire because Jesus warned us this man will rise up from this empire.  May my Lord as Savior open your eyes today so that you will ask Him into your life and not the one who is coming in his own name!

image_dome of rockProphecy Sign: For the past few months I have been focusing on the prophecy found in Zechariah 12:3 which says the following: “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” I have also quoted what was written in Joel’s Book about what happens when you oppose Israel. I quote, “I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land” (Joel 3:2).  These prophecies are very important as they warn the reader what is going to happen to anyone who comes against the Jews, and the land that God has given them.  One of the major last days signs that tell us we are about to enter the seven year tribulation is this sign that Jerusalem has become the focus of troubles. 

This is a hard fact.  Jerusalem has become the center of attention for the world, and especially during the failed peace talks. Almost every week now there is a news report some where warning that war is coming to the Middle East if the peace talks fail.  How anyone can not see these prophecies have been fulfilled is beyond me?  Just to prove my point that God’s Word is true I want you to read what was just released.

“JERUSALEM – Beset by questions about the future of Jerusalem in talks with the Palestinians, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin reached for the Bible on Wednesday to stake out the Jewish state's disputed claim on the city. Netanyahu told a parliamentary session commemorating Israel's capture of East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 war that "Jerusalem" and its alternative Hebrew name "Zion" appear 850 times in the Old Testament, Judaism's core canon. "As to how many times Jerusalem is mentioned in the holy scriptures of other faiths, I recommend you check," he said. Citing such ancestry, Israel calls all of Jerusalem its "indivisible" capital — a designation not recognised abroad, where many powers support Palestinian claims to East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.” 

See full size imageAs you can see, the entire report is speaking to us about the very things God warned.  Are you going to let the Holy Spirit help you receive Christ.  These events aren’t  taking place by coincidence.  God loves you, and he wants you to receive Christ now, so you won’t have to receive the one who is coming in his own name.  Look at what Christ has gone through in order for you to enter His kingdom. 

Simulating Peace TalksProphecy Sign: Speaking about the rumors of another Middle East war, today’s news had more news about war between Israel and Syria.  I quote, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday said that Iran is trying to provoke war between Israel and Syria, during a visit to a Northern Command training base.” “Netanyahu said, however, that peace talks must take place without preconditions. "The path to peace is through negotiations, and that is our intention with the Palestinians and with the Syrians.”  Here we see two of the last days prophecy signs. We see the fulfillment of I Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul said we would hear the call for Peace and safety, and then sudden destruction would come, and we see Matthew 24:7 being fulfilled as we are exposed to another war rumor.   A very important part of this report has to do with the city of Jerusalem, although the city was not mentioned. Netanyahu’s reference to new talks (without preconditions,) was pointing to discussing Jerusalem.  Netanyahu has told the nations trying to get the peace process moving again that Jerusalem would not be given up.  If you read chapter 8 of my book you will see all the quotes from Netanyahu saying he will never give up Jerusalem.  Here is an example of what the Prime Minister say said about Jerusalem. I quote, “JERUSALEM – Israel's prime minister pledged to keep Jerusalem undivided despite Palestinian claims to its eastern half, as Israelis celebrated the 43rd anniversary Wednesday of the city's reunification in the 1967 Mideast War. The Jewish section of Jerusalem took on a festive mood Wednesday with parades and speeches by political leaders, touching only lightly on the political explosiveness of the hotly contested city.”  Need I say any more?


See full size imageAs long as Paul warned us about the call for Peace and safety in the last days we need to watch what is going on.  First of all, if you see all these signs taking place, why would you even doubt God’s warning?  Read this next report first and I will make the connection to prophecy for you.  “Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says there is a human tragedy in Gaza and although all problems can't be solved, nations must do their best to end it. Medvedev spoke Wednesday in Turkey – his second stop in the region after Syria, where he said that Israeli-Arab tensions threaten to draw the Middle East into a new catastrophe, adding Moscow's weight to a diplomatic push to ease antagonism between Israel and Syria. On the Palestinian conflict, Medvedev remarked, "we are facing a human tragedy in Gaza."

What is important here is the fact that Russia has made alliance with Turkey, Syria, and the PLO which includes the Hamas sect of the PLO. All of these nations are going to attack Israel in the very near future.  Syria, the PLO and Hamas will be involved in the first war, which is found in Psalm 83, while Turkey, and Russia are two of the nations which will attack Israel after the Psalm 83 war.  Time is ticking away and the world can feel something major is going to go down if there is not peace agreement.  In the second part of Paul’s warning he talks about the sudden destruction that will come.  I believe we are about to see this destruction when the Arabs attack Israel as a result of the failed peace talks.  What I mean by the failed peace talks is, the Arabs won’t be able to control Jerusalem via the peace process. 

See full size imageSee full size imageWhen you read this next report which also deals with the rumor of war, you will learn the Israeli military leaders want the Prime Minister to get ready for war.  “High officers leading this week's big war game in northern Israel confronted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi with harsh criticism over the lack of a clear government strategy for dealing with the rising Hizballah threat of aggression and the uninterrupted flow of advanced weaponry from Syria to Hizballah. The exercise drilled various war scenarios. debkafile's military sources report that Wednesday, May 12 at the end of the exercise, the officers accused the prime minister and chief of staff, who observed the drill, with doing nothing because they were over-anxious to "keep Israel's borders with Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah calm, whatever the cost." This kept the Israel's military machine waiting in passive mode for Hizballah to go to war when it was fully armed and ready. Netanyahu used the occasion to accuse Iran of warmongering and inciting Syria and Hizballah to attack Israel with the lie that Israel was on the point of attack.”  The Israeli military is very aware that war is coming and the flow of arms into the region is a sure sign that Israel better prepare for it.  You learn today that Netanyahu picked up the Bible to learn about the fate of Jerusalem.  Pray someone would point out to him what Psalm 83 has to say.  If he believes in what God says then he will rush to make sure his military is fired up and ready to respond to this coming attack.

Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:25 Jesus told us we would see the roaring seas and waves.  If you are new to prophecy please keep in mind this is one of many signs we are suppose to keep on the watch for.  The United States has seen an increase in the number of severe storms in the last month.  These storms have hit America at the same time Obama sent Mitchell over to Israel.  Of course Mitchell under Obama’s direction has been trying to get Israel to give East Jerusalem away to the PLO.  He is also trying to divide up Israel so the PLO can have their own State within Israel.  What is God say about anyone who comes against Israel in this way?  Genesis 12:2 tells us God is going to curse anyone who curses Israel.  America’s attempt in dividing up the land of Israel has brought on this curse.  Read my post from yesterday.  I show you that every time the U.S. sits down with Israel and makes moves to have Israel do as Obama says, America is hit by a disaster.  The storms of last week go hand in hand with the peace talks.  Mitchell is still pushing Israel and the U.S. finds herself getting hit back by more severe storms.   If you click to the link below you will see a video talking about these storms.  I am positive that if Obama keeps up the pressure on Israel, America will find more of these disasters will be coming, and they will be worse then the ones before.


I put two and two together and have come up with what we will most likely see in the near future.  Jesus said the roaring seas and waves were coming, and He would curse those who curse Israel.  Will the next hurricane season be a vehicle of God’s curse on those who oppose His will?  New just out tells us what to expect.  “The upcoming hurricane season could be a top 10 active year, a stark contrast from the relatively calm 2009 season. Chief Hurricane Meteorologist Joe Bastardi predicts a total of 16-18 storms this season. To put that in perspective, only eight years in the 160 years of records have had 16 or more storms in a season. The season should start early with one or two threats by early July, and stay late with additional threats extending well into October.”

One of the keys to knowing our generation is the generation to see Christ’s second coming is found in Matthew 24:33.  In this warning Jesus told us that this generation would see all these signs taking place all at the same time.  These signs include, famines, earthquakes, flooding, rumors of war, civil unrest, the seas and waves roaring, major droughts, starvation and so on.  Our generation is the only one who has seen all these things taking place all at the same time.  If you take time to watch the videos below you will see what is in store for Planet Earth and those who live on it.  When you read the Book of Revelation and watch these videos you will get a sample of what the seven year tribulation is going to be like.  You do have an escape route from this wrath that will be poured out on anyone who has refused to receive the free gift of salvation from Jesus Christ and Him only.  If you confess your sins to Christ and ask Him to forgive you, Christ will put your name in His Book of Life and you will be saved by the blood of the Lamb!   Refuse this gift and your fate will no doubt end up just like those living during Noah’s generation.  They didn’t believe there end was coming and they were caught off guard.  Don’t let this happen to you.

Those who tell you Jesus won’t come for His Church until the half way mark of the tribulation do not understand the promise of Christ.  Let me explain.  First read what Jesus stated in Matthew 24:38-41. “38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.”

Anyone who has read the Book of Revelation knows that nothing will be the same during the seven year tribulation.  There is going to be so much turmoil people will be much different then than they are right now.  For example, nothing will be normal during this time and people will not be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage as if knowing was wrong.  What Jesus is pointing to is a time when people would be taken before the chaos broke out,  it would happen at a  time when all looked like things would go on as normal, and then all hell would break out.  We are living in a time when people think Jesus is not going to come back and we are in that time frame to fulfill Jesus words.  Notice Jesus said two men will be in the field; one taken and the other left.    This is a picture of the rapture at the time that all seem normal.  This is not a picture that will happen during the tribulation.  Wake up, the promise of the rapture is coming!



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