Antichrist coming/ The road leading to a One World Government/May 10, 2010

Prophecy Sign: If you are new to my site read Daniel chapters 2 and 7, and chapter 17 of the book of Revelation.  In these chapters it is revealed to us that in the last days we would see a revived Roman Empire.  Out of this empire people living in the last days would see the rise of the Antichrist.  The nations in the European are the same ones that were in the first Roman Empire. If the European Union is in fact this revived Roman empire we need to keep looking for ten leaders, or as Jesus calls them in Revelation chapter 17 (kings). Christ warned ten leaders (kings) are going to hand over all their power to this Antichrist. 

See full size imageBecause of the developments going on in the European Union I want to take a look at a possible group of ten leaders of nations that could be the ones Jesus warned about. Most of you should know by now that Greece had to be bailed out by the IMG or that nations would collapse.  At  the current time in the EU there are sixteen nations using what is called the Euro.  The news in the past few days have pointed to five of those sixteen nations which have been marked as having severe economic problems. The nations flagged by the EU are: Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain.  These nations are flagged for several reasons, but the most important is their debt.   In a recent video I put up for you at my site you heard the famous trend setter Gerald Celente   Mr. Gelente has stated that this situation could spiral down quite quickly, taking the others down with them.   Also, a few day ago I showed you Romania has reported that it is in deep economic trouble as well.  As I said in my previous post Daniel shows us that when the revived Roman Empire returned it would have troubles and would not adhere.  Read what Daniel was told by God. “Daniel 2: 41-43 “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay.  And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.  As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.”

This is where it gets good!  The European Union is made up of 27 nations of which 16 of the nations use the Euro as their currency.  Right now there are 6 of those nations in trouble.  This past week we have seen many reports warning that the EU or the Euro zone nations could fall apart mainly over the debt issue.  Let me through this out at you.  What if the 6 EU nation using the Euro fall away or as Daniel stated, won’t adhere?  If you have 16 nations using the Euro and 6 drop out that leaves ten nations!  If this happens and I say if, ten the Words of Christ found in Revelation 17:12- 13 could be fulfilled. “"The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.”  These are very interesting times to say the least, and we need to watch what happens in the EU. As I said, if you read my post last week I told you what was happening in Greece would begin to affect other nations.  Former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton talks about this subject.   I truly believe the global economic crisis that will bring on the Antichrist is going to get much worse before 2010 is over.  I warned you many things in my book what to watch for and all those things are taking place as you will see after you watch this short video.

In chapter one of my prophecy book I give you stats on the number of people in the U.S. who have to use the food stamp program in order to severe.  I told you that the Obama Administration is going to try to paint a good picture for the U.S. economy but in the end the people will find out they were blind sided.  As you read this next report you will see that the number of people using food stamps have increased. I quote, “Nearly 40 million Americans received food stamps — the latest in an ever-higher string of record enrollment that dates from December 2008 and the U.S. recession, according to a government update.”  Believe me this is a sign that things are getting worse not better.  Here is the thing.  All of a sudden we are seeing many nations with the exact same problems.  This types of burdens add pressure to the global economy and they are signs showing us we need to prepare for even harder times.  I think it is very possible that many of the EU nations will in fact go the way of Greece and these types of problems will force many nations to run out of money causing what I believe is a call for the Antichrist to come and fix things.  The world will be in a panic and will be looking for someone to lead them out of what could become the worse worldwide depression of all time. 

One of the reasons why people in Greece rioted was because the government began to cut their pay and cut other major programs which the people were really on.  If you read my previous posts I warned you more cuts are coming to the U.S. people like in Greece are not going to be happy what they see.  I quote, “Think states have made deep spending cuts? You ain't seen nothing yet. States have been struggling with huge budget gaps since 2008, but this year could be worse as federal stimulus funds wind down. Until now, stimulus money spared governors and state lawmakers from making some of the most brutal budget cuts. But with this lifeline running out, officials are looking at making significant cutbacks to public services, particularly schools and health programs.”  All these news reports are leading to same direction, more tensions and more problems which will lead to a new global economic system.  Every nations is looking for a leader that can lead them out of the present global economic mess.  When things are really bad the that man of sin Jesus warned us about will show up on the scene like a savior.  Do not be deceived, this man will be no savior, but will end up destroying billions of people, until Jesus comes and puts an end to his rule.

Now that you know Jesus warned us the Antichrist would rise from the revived Roman Empire can you see this man coming?  The people in the EU are looking for such a man.  “A new report has listed a bleak catalogue of the problems the EU is likely to face over the next 20 years, making it clear that solutions will require courageous leadership, the very quality widely perceived as lacking in the current EU political landscape. …"Above all, the situation calls for strong political leadership, a form of leadership marked by the capacity to sustain an honest and fruitful dialogue with citizens and to govern in partnership," the report says.”  You better believe that the stage is being set for the rise of the Antichrist.  I have much to write about but do to appointments I will have to continue this on Tuesday.  God bless you all and thank you for allowing me to come into your lives and keep you up to speed concerning the times we live in.  I want to make one thing very clear, keep your eyes on Christ, not on me or what anyone else who may be writing on prophecy or even your Pastor.  The only one all who belong to Jesus should be pointing to is our Lord and savior.  I thank Christ for giving me the chance to keep people on the watch, and to be able to lead many to the only true savior.

Prophecy Sign: If you are new to my site read Daniel chapters 2 and 7, and chapter 17 of the book of Revelation.  In these chapters it is revealed to us that in the last days we would see a revived Roman Empire.  Out of this empire people living in the last days would see the rise of the Antichrist.  The nations in the European are the same ones that were in the first Roman Empire. If the European Union is in fact this revived Roman empire we need to keep looking for ten leaders, or as Jesus calls them in Revelation chapter 17 (kings). Christ warned ten leaders (kings) are going to hand over all their power to this Antichrist. 

See full size imageBecause of the developments going on in the European Union I want to take a look at a possible group of ten leaders of nations that could be the ones Jesus warned about. Most of you should know by now that Greece had to be bailed out by the IMG or that nations would collapse.  Are the current time in the EU there are sixteen nations using what is called the Euro.  The news in the past few days have pointed to five of those sixteen nations which have been marked as having severe economic problems. The nations flagged by the EU are: Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain.  These nations are flagged for several reasons, but the most important is their debt.   In a recent video I put up for you at my site you heard the famous trend setter Gerald Celente   Mr. Gelente has stated that this situation could spiral down quite quickly, taking the others down with them.   Also, a few day ago I showed you Romania has reported that it is in deep economic trouble as well.  As I said in my previous post Daniel shows us that when the revived Roman Empire returned it would have troubles and would not adhere.  Read what Daniel was told by God. “Daniel 2: 41-43 “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay.  And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.  As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.”

This is where it gets good!  The European Union is made up of 27 nations of which 16 of the nations use the Euro as their currency.  Right now there are 6 of those nations in trouble.  This past week we have seen many reports warning that the EU or the Euro zone nations could fall apart mainly over the debt issue.  Let me through this out at you.  What if the 6 EU nation using the Euro fall away or as Daniel stated, won’t adhere?  If you have 16 nations using the Euro and 6 drop out that leaves ten nations!  If this happens and I say if, ten the Words of Christ found in Revelation 17:12- 13 could be fulfilled. “"The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.”  These are very interesting times to say the least, and we need to watch what happens in the EU. As I said, if you read my post last week I told you what was happening in Greece would begin to affect other nations.  Former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton talks about this subject.   I truly believe the global economic crisis that will bring on the Antichrist is going to get much worse before 2010 is over.  I warned you many things in my book what to watch for and all those things are taking place as you will see after you watch this short video.

In chapter one of my prophecy book I give you stats on the number of people in the U.S. who have to use the food stamp program in order to severe.  I told you that the Obama Administration is going to try to paint a good picture for the U.S. economy but in the end the people will find out they were blind sided.  As you read this next report you will see that the number of people using food stamps have increased. I quote, “Nearly 40 million Americans received food stamps — the latest in an ever-higher string of record enrollment that dates from December 2008 and the U.S. recession, according to a government update.”  Believe me this is a sign that things are getting worse not better.  Here is the thing.  All of a sudden we are seeing many nations with the exact same problems.  This types of burdens add pressure to the global economy and they are signs showing us we need to prepare for even harder times.  I think it is very possible that many of the EU nations will in fact go the way of Greece and these types of problems will force many nations to run out of money causing what I believe is a call for the Antichrist to come and fix things.  The world will be in a panic and will be looking for someone to lead them out of what could become the worse worldwide depression of all time. 

One of the reasons why people in Greece rioted was because the government began to cut their pay and cut other major programs which the people were really on.  If you read my previous posts I warned you more cuts are coming to the U.S. people like in Greece are not going to be happy what they see.  I quote, “Think states have made deep spending cuts? You ain't seen nothing yet. States have been struggling with huge budget gaps since 2008, but this year could be worse as federal stimulus funds wind down. Until now, stimulus money spared governors and state lawmakers from making some of the most brutal budget cuts. But with this lifeline running out, officials are looking at making significant cutbacks to public services, particularly schools and health programs.”  All these news reports are leading to same direction, more tensions and more problems which will lead to a new global economic system.  Every nations is looking for a leader that can lead them out of the present global economic mess.  When things are really bad the that man of sin Jesus warned us about will show up on the scene like a savior.  Do not be deceived, this man will be no savior, but will end up destroying billions of people, until Jesus comes and puts an end to his rule.

Now that you know Jesus warned us the Antichrist would rise from the revived Roman Empire can you see this man coming?  The people in the EU are looking for such a man.  “A new report has listed a bleak catalogue of the problems the EU is likely to face over the next 20 years, making it clear that solutions will require courageous leadership, the very quality widely perceived as lacking in the current EU political landscape. …"Above all, the situation calls for strong political leadership, a form of leadership marked by the capacity to sustain an honest and fruitful dialogue with citizens and to govern in partnership," the report says.”  You better believe that the stage is being set for the rise of the Antichrist.  I have much to write about but do to appointments I will have to continue this on Tuesday.  God bless you all and thank you for allowing me to come into your lives and keep you up to speed concerning the times we live in.  I want to make one thing very clear, keep your eyes on Christ, not on me or what anyone else who may be writing on prophecy or even your Pastor.  The only one all who belong to Jesus should be pointing to is our Lord and savior.  I thank Christ for giving me the chance to keep people on the watch, and to be able to lead many to the only true savior.


    • GARY S. on May 10, 2010 at 6:59 pm
    • Reply


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