Revelation 6:6 news: Elite member tells exactly what will happen. New World Government coming. Events showing this to be true. May 9, 2010




I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


My newest radio/video show is up and  running.  I will be cover a host of subjects which show the last days signs are getting more intense. The link below will take you to the show.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains” (Mark 13:8).  Prophecy Sign: “ Daniel 2: 41-43 “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay.  And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.  As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.”

Many people believe the European Union is the revived Roman Empire both Daniel and Jesus warned us about that would rise up again in the last days.  I am not going to get into it deep here as to why we are watching the European Union.  I will tell you this if you are new to my site. The EU is almost a carbon copy of the first Roman Empire.  Turn to chapter two of my free prophecy book for complete details.

If you noticed I combined two prophecies together in this first section.  I did this because all these things are connected.  Daniel warns the feet and toes of the last world empire would be a mixture of strong nations and weak nations.  As as you can see from the current news coming out of the European Union they have many nations that are proving to be weak nations.  Last week we watch riots in Greece as Greece faces collapsing under her debt.  A few days ago I pointed out from the news that Spain and Portugal were headed down the same road as Greece.  You talk about “birth pains” today’s news paints an even gloomier outlook for the EU.  Why do people riot?  If you are cut off from work or you run out of money how are you going to buy any food to feed your family. 

If you anything today make sure you read Revelation 6:5-6! “"When the Lamb broke the third seal, I heard the third living being say, 'Come!' And I looked up and saw a black horse, and its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. And a voice from among the four living beings said, 'A loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley for a day's pay. And don't waste the olive oil and wine.'" What does the symbolic language of this verse tell us about the rider on the black horse? We can identify several points:1) He rides a black horse. The color black is a symbol of famine. 2) He holds a pair of scales in his hand. The rider (the Antichrist) will be in full control of the world. The scales in his hand indicate a need for him to carefully measure and ration the food supply. We know this because the next verse indicates a scarcity of food. 3) "A loaf of wheat bread or 3 loaves of barley for a day's pay". Three loaves of barley equal approximately one pint. This is generally regarded as a minimum sustenance diet. Therefore, this verse foreshadows a time when an entire day's wage will barely yield enough food to survive.

What we are seeing are shades of Revelation 6:6 where Jesus tells us a person will work all day long for a very small meal.  If you have been keeping a watch on the news we see the price of food climbing higher and higher each year, this is taking place when people are losing their jobs and governments around the world are cutting back on programs that help feed people.  This week the major focus was on the EU and especially Greece.  Now the EU is concerned about Romania.  Stay with me you will see where I am going with this. First I want to quote what they said about Romania.

“(BUCHAREST) – Romania braced Friday for a wave of protests after the president unveiled austerity cuts in public sector wages and pensions to meet a deficit target set by the IMF and avoid a Greek emergency scenario. "This programme to cut public expenses was inevitable," President Traian Basescu said during a press conference on Thursday after a meeting with IMF and European Union representatives in Bucharest. Wages in the public sector are to be cut by 25 percent, Basescu said, adding that "all salaries, including the minimum one, will be affected." Pensions will be slashed by 15 percent, just like unemployment benefits. These cuts should help Romania "avoid an extremely difficult situation, generated not so much by what is going on in its own economy, as by developments in the region," he said, in a reference to the Greek crisis.”

Jesus told us to expect civil unrest and famine, and that is what is coming. Right now it is up in the air how much rioting will go on in Greece when more people are cut from the pay rolls and are cut from government helps.  A the present time this same type of thing is taking place in just about every U.S. State.  Americans are being forced to take days off with no pay, and their benefits are being cut, at the same time their health care cost are skyrocketing, and the taxes are increasing.  Let’s not forget that America still has 15 million people out of work.  Let’s get back to Greece.

The citizens in Greece didn’t like what they saw coming from their government and the riots broke out. The same thing may take place in Romania as they say goodbye to many of their entitlement programs and say hello to more taxes.   In the past month I have seen more news reporting that the EU may not hold together and the euro may fall apart if these weaker nations go under.

Here is an example of one just report. “PARIS — Europe’s consistent inability to move quickly enough to get ahead of the financial markets during the Greece crisis is shaking the euro and the foundations of the European Union itself, as critics of the euro have long predicted would happen. The question being raised with increasing urgency is whether the European Union can fashion a mechanism to speed decision-making before irreversible damage is done and the euro itself slips into history. The delays are inevitable, most experts say, stemming from the nature of the European Union and its own institutional voids: no single government, no single treasury, no effective fiscal coordination, no mechanism for crisis management.”  Why am I showing you this news?  Because we are seeing the exact same things Jesus and the Prophets warned us.  The EU is no doubt a form of the old Roman Empire.  It is made up of the same nations as the old Roman Empire.  It has weak nations as Daniel said, which could cause the EU to split apart, or as Daniel warns us”  they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.  As the European Union tries to put out a economic crisis another more of these problems are showing up in other EU nations.

If the EU begins to break up we would want to pay attention to what happens. I said this before, but for the sake of the new people at my site I need to repeat this.  If the EU doesn’t adhere together look for ten nations to stay together.  If this happens then really pay attention because Jesus said ten kings are going to hand over all their power to the Antichrist and he will rule the entire revived Roman Empire.

We do know a major power shift is under way. This last days power shift is actually the end of Daniel’s vision where God shows Daniel the rise of the Antichrist from this revived Roman Empire.  As you can see from the news the European Union is not the only superpower facing this global economic crisis.

At the present time both the United States and the European Union are two of the major superpowers bordering collapsing because of debt. Both of these superpowers currencies are under threat of collapsing.  This type news has sent jitters throughout the world.   If either one of these powers falls it will cause as massive shift, one that could rush in the new system, which the Antichrist will control.  If you are new to my site I want to connect something here for you that you may not know .  In Genesis 12:3 God warned us that He would curse anyone who cursed Israel.  You may not like to hear this, but God picked the nation of Israel and promised to bless them.   God also told Joel that anyone who divides the land of Israel will be destroyed. “I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land” Joel 3:2).  Zechariah 12:3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it”.  As you can see anyone, or if you will, any nation who tries to do these things to Israel will be destroyed, or as Zechariah says, “cut in pieces”. 

Before connecting the dots to bring you a clear picture of what is happening, read the report about on Venezuela.  I quote, “CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) – Venezuela's annual inflation rate has surpassed 30 percent after consumer prices surged in April. The Central Bank and National Statistics Institute on Friday reported a 5.2 percent increase in consumer prices during April, driving up the annual rate to 30.4 percent. President Hugo Chavez's government has been struggling against the highest inflation rate in Latin America and a weakening economy in general.  You also need to know that Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez has taken sides against Israel and formed an alliance with Israel’s enemy Iran.  Here is a brief look at some news about this. “It grows ever clearer, in words and deeds, that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad intends to build Iran into a nuclear power, President Obama's threats of sanctions be damned. And as screamingly apparent is Ahmadinejad's intention to defy the world in an unholy and threatening alliance with Venezuelan thug-in-chief Hugo Chavez, who just agreed to provide Iran with what it needs to thumb its nose at the world: gasoline.”

Does it strike you that the United States, the European Union, Venezuela, Iran and Russia are all working to have Israel divide up their land.  Does it surprise you that at the current time everyone of these nations are in a major economic crisis?  Below is a short section taking about Russia.

Ask yourself why these specific nations are on the verge of a crash and these nations are beginning to show the signs of civil unrest?  Didn’t God say He was going to curse anyone who came against Israel or try to divide up Israel, or Jerusalem?  What you are seeing take place in all these nations is the product of not listening to God’s warning about Israel.  These nations may think they can stay afloat by adjusting their economies, but all of them will slide deeper into the hole as they attempt to divide up Israel and hand over East Jerusalem to the PLO.

Now let’s take a look at the United States. This morning on Fox News Sunday it was stated 7 billion dollars will have to be sent to Greece to help keep them from collapsing.  The U.S. is part of the IMF, (International Monetary Fund) and they will be forced to send the money. Fox also stated the Obama Administration is going to have to borrow 3.7 trillion to stay afloat.  This is a disaster in the making and signs the entire system is going to go down.  The current Obama Adminstration is trying to paint a good picture showing that jobs are coming back. Here is one report on this issue. The New York Times online May 7, 2010 ran the following headline: “Economy Gains Impetus as U.S. Adds 290,000 Jobs”. “The Labor Department’s monthly snapshot of the job market, released on Friday, showed that employers added 290,000 jobs in April”  If you believe this is a sign America is climbing out of her problems you are being mislead.  Read this report. “NEW YORK ( — More than 80% of U.S. school districts are expected to eliminate jobs and more than half will likely freeze hiring during the upcoming school year, an education organization said Tuesday. Based on a survey of school administrators from 49 states, a total of 275,000 education jobs are expected to be cut in 2011, according to the American Association of School Administrators.” In the survey released Tuesday, AASA said job cuts in the 2010 to 2011 school year alone would nearly negate the estimated 300,000 jobs saved or created by the government.”

In short, the world economic system is about to go through a series of events that will fulfill the rest of the prophecies which have not yet been completed.  For three years I have been giving you specific signs from Christ to watch for.  I gave you scriptures showing you how the New World Order is coming and that the Antichrist is about to rise from a global economic crisis.  All of you need now to watch the videos below.  You will see Pastor Williams give you a message form the one of the elite trying to bring on the New World Order.  I watched these videos and was blown away because everything the Lord has shown me was addressed in these nine videos.  If you think you are ready for what is coming soon you better watch these videos.  If you think you have enough cash, you better watch these videos.  After you watch these videos you will have a different outlook on Revelation 6:6!  Jesus Christ wants to save you and help you in these trying times.  I am asking you to please let Him into your life.

Lindsey Williams The Elite Speak Disk 1 Jan 2010 Part 2 of 9

Lindsey Williams – The Elite Speak Disk 1 Jan 2010 Part 3 of 9.wmv


Lindsey Williams – The Elite Speak Disk 1 Jan 2010 Part 4 of 9.

Lindsey Williams – The Elite Speak Disk 1 Jan 2010 Part 5 of 9.


Lindsey Williams – The Elite Speak Disk 1 Jan 2010 Part 6 of 9.

Lindsey Williams – The Elite Speak Disk 1 Jan 2010 Part 7 of 9.



Lindsey Williams – The Elite Speak Disk 1 Jan 2010 Part 8 of 9.


Lindsey Williams – The Elite Speak Disk 1 Jan 2010 Part 9 of 9.



  1. Over the years, however, Horne grew disillusioned by the film industry, and how she was used in films. In addition, she was blacklisted by Hollywood during the 1950’s because of her involvement in the civil rights movement, and because of her associations with civil rights activists such as Paul Robeson. She eventually went back to her roots, performing again in nightclubs, and focusing on her recording career.

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