More signs of the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel war/ April 28, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 22, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 warns about a war between Israel and their neighbors.  The war will take place prior to the seven year tribulation.  Here is important information you need to know. “The relationship between Israel and Turkey has been strained at best, but one cannot deny the strategic importance of the military cooperation that exists(ed) between Israel and her Muslim neighbor nation.

On the one hand, the joint military exercise taking place between Turkey and Syria is cause for concern and intelligence officials are monitoring events as the war of words between Israel and her Arab neighbors intensifies, including Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Hizbullah.

Just recently, Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad threatened to catapult Israel back to the ‘stone age’ if compelled to engage in a military conflict with IDF forces. This latest threat joins numerous statements released in recent weeks from Lebanese President Mishael Suleiman, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and Hizbullah leaders.”

“For a second time in a number of months, Turkish forces earlier this week have begun joint exercises with Syrian troops, sending a worrisome message to Israel. Turkey has been openly shifting its alliance to radical nations such as Syria and Iran, openly speaking out against Israel in the international political arena, formerly a staunch ally”

If you are new to my site you need to keep in mind that Israel and Turkey were very close allies up until January 2009.  On December 27 Israel finally took action against the PLO, which includes Hamas, and Hizbullah after having some 7,000 rockets fall on Israel.  By  January Turkey turned against Israel for attacking them and since then have become enemies with Turkey.  Since January 2009 Turkey has formed a new alliance with guess who?  The answer is Iran and Syria.  Why did this happen?  If you know prophecy you understand why.  Both Iran and Syria hate Israel and are looking to wipe the tiny nation off the map, and now Turkey has joined with them.  The news report above tells us that Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and the Hizbullah are engaging in words of war with Israel.  This is not by coincidence but it is a very importan sign to the believers that the Psalm 83 war is about to take place. 

Once Turkey and Iran witness Syria, Lebanon, Hizbullah, and Egypt get wiped out by Israel they will join forces with their Russian allies and try again to wipe Israel off the map.  This second invasion will end up fulfilling the Ezekiel prophecy found in Ezekiel chapter 39-39.  I say this again for any of you who haven’t taken Jesus Christ as our savior yet, every one of these nations mentioned in the above report are the same nations God told us to watch.  I pray you see this connection between current events and God’s warnings.  Now is the time to give your life over to Christ.  Will you do it?

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