What is really going on? Islamic fear tactic

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 22, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Click to link and watch video on how Muslims plan to control the economy. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/6413026

Currents news shows the video is correct. I quote, the report entitled, "Seattle cartoonist launches "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" "After Comedy Central cut a portion of a South Park episode following a death threat from a radical Muslim group, Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris wanted to counter the fear. She has declared May 20th "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day." Norris told KIRO Radio's Dave Ross that cartoonists are meant to challenge the lines of political correctness. "That's a cartoonist's job, to be non-PC." "On her website Norris explains this is not meant to disrespect any religion, but rather meant to protect people's right to express themselves. "





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