War talk continues/April 3, 2010

Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 is a war not yet fulfilled but there are signs in the news every week that this war is about to take place.  This war will involve an attack on Israel by Israel’s neighboring nations which will include the PLO. “Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal said on Saturday that all options against Israel remain open, including war, Channel 10 news reported. "We will do everything to obtain the rights stolen from us, including confrontation with the enemy," he told journalists. Meshal was meeting with senior members of Palestinian terrorist organizations, including Ahmed Jibril, the head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.”


”Hamas Politburo chief Khaled Mashaal said Saturday after meeting with Palestinian factions leaders in Damascus that "the possibilities for war exist all over the region and in every scenario." He futher added, "We shall realize our right by standing firm in the face of aggression through resistance." 


The second war not yet fulfilled is the one found in Ezekiel 38-39.  This war will be lead by Russia but many of the Muslims nations will be attacking Israel with Russia including Iran.  As you can see from the news today we have signs of the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel war.  “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned Israel and world leaders Saturday that attacks on Gaza would cost "too much," referring to Israeli air strikes on the Gaza strip on Friday. "One more time I warn the leaders of arrogant powers and the supporters of Zionist regime to not make a new mistake in the Middle East — attacking Gaza will cost you too much, "Ahmadinejad said at the inauguration of a factory in southern Iran.”


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