Feb. 22, 2015- Your prayers are helping me make a difference for Christ

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 18, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

I was blessed to receive a message from Osoro Zablon who I have sent my prophecy book to in order to help people learn about the last day signs. Osoro wrote me the email below as well as sent me pictures of the class studying the book. The class is in Kisii Kenya. Osoro would like more books but I don’t have the books to send at this time. If you follow my posting you know I have to depend on Jesus to make it possible to get these books to people who request them. May I ask you to please pray for funds to make more copies. If you are lead to help contact Shawn Allen Svacha at Ascent Ministries because they are taking care of the cost of making new copies for me. info@ascentministries.org.


Dear Frank,
Thank you so much for your reply. This is  to inform you that I have seen the hand of the Lord through Jesus Christ as I work in the Lord’s vineyard even  though there are some challenges therefore I need your prayers.
Bellow  are photos as I  have been traveling to school to help students by teaching them during free lessons as they loved the book. And I wish I had money to send you a memory card to give you full information  as I recorded through a phone when I was preaching to students. 
Kindly if you have more copies send to me and the new edition book if possible. 
Pass greetings to your group of prayers and your family members at large.
Yours with much love,
Osoro Zablon.

Students discussing during free lessonsafrica1



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