Jesus warned us about the many earthquakes that would come in the last days/Increased in knowledge/ March 11, 2010



 5.3   2010/03/12 03:22:51    -9.218    157.551  71.8   SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2010/03/11 23:20:22   -23.860   -175.824  58.8   TONGA REGION
MAP  5.5   2010/03/11 22:34:06   -37.647    -73.496  36.9   BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2010/03/11 21:09:09    -7.514    128.206  170.2   KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.8   2010/03/11 20:11:20   -34.327    -71.680  2.3   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.5   2010/03/11 19:28:08   -34.307    -71.772  24.5   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/03/11 17:18:51   -34.256    -71.845  23.3   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.3   2010/03/11 16:56:34   -34.407    -71.757  35.0   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2010/03/11 16:23:53   -34.384    -71.799  29.1   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2010/03/11 15:54:39   -34.328    -71.879  35.0   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.4   2010/03/11 15:26:18   -34.240    -71.844  35.0   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  6.0   2010/03/11 15:06:04   -34.218    -71.889  32.0   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  6.7   2010/03/11 14:55:28   -34.282    -71.837  18.0   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  6.9   2010/03/11 14:39:44   -34.259    -71.929  11.0   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/03/11 12:44:07   -38.367    -71.702  56.1   ARAUCANIA, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/03/11 12:31:27   -15.349   -173.303  32.8   TONGA
MAP  5.0   2010/03/11 10:51:41   -34.205    -71.697  52.2   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.6   2010/03/11 06:22:19   -57.290    -28.114  309.1   SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 tell us to watch for “great earthquakes” and many earthquakes.  Take a long above at what has happen today and yesterday.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 states, “But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and fro. “SANTIAGO, Chile – The earth shook and shook Thursday as dignitaries walked in for the swearing-in of Sebastian Pinera as Chile's president. It shook some more as they waited for him.   People in the balconies of the vast congressional hall in coastal Valparaiso shouted warnings as a massive light fixture rocked overhead, and heads of state nervously eyed the ceiling. But a steely calm prevailed, and Pinera strode in smiling.  The president and his ministers then quickly swore their oaths, and the audience of 2,000 headed for the exits and the hills, joining an evacuation called out of concern that Thursday's repeated aftershocks would set off another tsunami.  Inauguration Day was peppered with more than a dozen significant aftershocks, amply demonstrating Pinera's challenges after last month's magnitude-8.8 quake, one of the biggest in modern history.  Chile's first elected right-wing president in 52 years won office promising to improve the economy. Now, he says he'll be the "reconstruction president." His advice to citizens: "Let's dry our tears and put our hands to work."here to increase knowledge." In chapter 3 of my book I cover in detail how our generation has fulfilled this prophecy.  Here is a sample of what our generation has gained.  I quote, “WASHINGTON (AFP) – A scan of brain activity can effectively read a person's mind, researchers said Thursday.  British See full size imagescientists from University College London found they could differentiate brain activity linked to different memories and thereby identify thought patterns by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).   The evidence suggests researchers can tell which memory of a past event a person is recalling from the pattern of their brain activity alone.” We’ve been able to look at brain activity for a specific episodic memory — to look at actual memory traces," said senior author of the study, Eleanor Maguire.”

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