DiMora answers lizazoon’s comment Feb. 5, 2010


Today I was sent a comment from a person who goes by the name of lizazoon.  I went to this person’s site and it appears he or she has made it a point to come against Christ and His teaching.  This is what lizazoon wrote to me. I quote, “There is not a single prophecy in the bible worth it’s name. None give exact irrefutable data. Those so called prophecies are no more than horoscopes.”

Below is my answer to what this person sent me.

I am sad to see that is what you believe.  My heart goes out to you for Saton has

captured your soul.  You said there is not a single prophecy worth its name.  I am

not going to spend a lot of time with you, because you have been blinded from the truth for now.  However, God told us the State of Israel would be born again in the last days.  This prophecy went out over 2,900 years ago and in 1948 the nation of Israel, which was not a nation, became a nation again.  Not only did that prophecy come to pass but also Isaiah's prophecy said Israel would be born in one day 

In Isaiah 66:7-8, the prophet foreshadowed the re-birth of Israel, which happened "in one day." The woman giving birth before going into labor represent Israel. This accurately describes what happened on May 14, 1948 – when the Jews declared independence for Israel as a united and sovereign nation for the first time in 2,900 years.  During that same day, the United States issued a statement recognizing Israel's sovereignty. And, only hours beforehand, a United Nations mandate expired, ending British control of the land. During a 24-hour span of time, foreign control of the land of Israel had formally ceased, and Israel had declared its independence, and its independence was acknowledged by other nations. Modern Israel was literally was born in a single day.  Isaiah said the birth would take place before there would be labor pains. And that too is precisely what happened. A movement called Zionism began in the 1800s to encourage Jews worldwide to move to Israel, which at that time was called Palestine. Within hours of the declaration of independence in 1948, Israel was attacked by the surrounding countries of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

You don’t have to be very wise to see that a nation that used to be a nation and came back to be a nation again for a second time.  A wise person of history knows this very thing happened to Israel and it happened in one day.  Since then Israel has seen the labor pains of these last days.  Lizazoon you can choose to discount these two prophecies about Israel, but not to believe Israel is a nation again just as God stated it would be, is a lie, and in your heart you know it.  Why are you fighting against Christ?  You were directed to my site because Jesus Christ loves you and is trying to soften your heart toward Him.

I noticed at your site that you have many questions that you say the Christians can’t answer.  You have a video about a man sleeping with a woman and the issue of being unclean.  What you fail to see is that salvation is no longer based on the Law, which was given them via Moses.  All that died when Jesus hung and died on the cross.  Under the age of grace which was given to us via the cross, a man is not unclean because he sleeps with a woman who has a period, he is unclean (a sinner) because his act is out of the will of God.  All sin is the same to Christ, and all sin can be forgiven, however, there is one sin that will not be forgiven Lizazoon, and that is refusing Jesus Christ as your savior.  This is the sin that will send people to hell.  By your words you have sent me Lizazoon, if appears that you are on that road.  That is why my heart is sad.  There is still time for you to ask Jesus to show you the truth and to allow that truth to enter your heart.   I thank Christ for giving me the chance to help lead you to the doorway of salvation.  I can’t push you in Lizazoon, you must ask Jesus to open it.  If you don’t you can expect that soon you will enter the seven year tribulation and have to face the man of sin, (Antichrist).  I beg you to consider the better way and the only way to God, which is in Christ Jesus.

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