Ending Ministry?Peace talks or war signs?/Crops are killed by disease/Famines/Gas find for Israel/The many quakes/Feb. 2, 2010




Important message below concerning my ministry coming to a close.

People coming to my site have been reading my message that many of you are requesting my book as a hard copy. I have stated that I can only print up the books as the Lord provides.  At this time I have spent all of my funds on the books and DVD's and on mailing out the books.  At this point I have to trust the Lord will help me.  Each book cost me $10.00 just to print one copy.  The book is 8 1/2 by 11" and has 254 pages. For the first time I have run out of funds to reprint the books.  Please pray the Lord provides so I can continue to get these books into everyone’s hands.  This is one of the reasons why I put the book on my site for free. 

Once I see that the Lord has stopped providing and calling me out to spread the Word I will know my ministry has come to a close.  At this point I am just waiting because I ran out of funds and no one has contacted me to come to their Church or to give a Seminar.  As I said, each time I get to this point I seek Christ, and He takes care of the Ministry, but it seems as though this time the Lord is not answering my prayers in this matter, so I am beginning to think it is time for me to step aside and spend more time with my loving wife, who has allowed me to take so much time away from our relationship in order to do the Lord’s work.  I am sure Jesus will show me what to do very soon as I have a date in mind that if my prayers aren’t answered I will know what direction Jesus wants me to go. Please pray for me.

Thank you


If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To inquire about having a prophecy seminar  contact me a fjdimora@gmail.com. 

You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and you will be ready to receive my updates.

I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

My radio/video show is up at: the link below:

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See full size imageProphecy Sign: In Psalms 83 we read that Jordan is one of the nations that will join in on a last days attack against Israel.  We know from the Apostle Paul war will break out at a time when they are calling for “Peace and safety”, you can read Paul’s words on this in 1 Thess. 5:3. We also know during the time of the end, nations are going to try to divide up Israel.  The nations who do this will be destroyed by God.  Joel tells of these things of the future in Joel 3:2 when he says,  I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.”  Two of the nations that are on God’s list to be destroyed are Jordan and the United States because they have gone against the Lord and are doing the things God said not to do in Joel 3:2.  In this next report you hear the call for Peace and safety and you also see that these nations are in fact trying to divide up Israel exactly as written in Joel 3:2.  I quote, “US President Barack Obama telephoned Jordan's King Abdullah II to discuss efforts to "overcome obstacles" facing the launch of Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, the palace said.  "The two leaders discussed Middle East developments, mainly efforts aimed at overcoming obstacles facing the launch of serious and effective Palestinian-Israeli negotiations in line with a two-state solution," a palace statement said.”   “The United States has been trying for months to re-launch peace talks, but the Palestinians are demanding that Israel halts all settlement growth in the West Bank and east Jerusalem as a pre-condition for negotiations”.

The question now becomes when will Jordan and the US be taken out by God?  I believe this will happen in stages.  I believe the first stage for Jordan will come during the Psalms 83 war when Jordan attacks Israel with the other nations bordering Israel.  Jordan will be defeated by the Israeli’s and most likely will lose a portion of their land.  Later during the tribulation when all the nations again come against Jerusalem Jordan as well as all the nations that burdened themselves over Jerusalem will be wiped out.  

I believe the first stage of destruction for the U.S. will come when her economic system collapses and she is torn apart when she enters an even greater depression than the first one.  Since the U.S. is already turning against Israel and has taken said with the PLO to divide up Israel, the U.S. will also meet her fate at the end of the tribulation when she and all the nations are wiped out by Christ.  How do I know this will happen? Zechariah tells us this in Zech. 12:3 and I quote, “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”


See full size imageSpeaking about Zechariah and the warning about the holy city of Jerusalem, look at the news showing us how Jerusalem is a major problem for the current Israeli Prime Minister. “Will Netanyahu use a court decision to forgo a plan to alter the Mughrabi Gate? King Abdullah of Jordan is distancing himself from Israel's prime minister because of the violation of the status quo in East Jerusalem. The Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is waiting in the corner for the slightest provocation against Islamic holy places by the Israeli government. The only trouble Benjamin Netanyahu is still missing is that of the Mughrabi Gate, at the entrance to the Temple Mount/Noble Sanctuary compound. Whether he likes it or not, that problem is already nearing boiling point. But two weeks ago, the Jerusalem District Court supplied him with a ladder. Now, the prime minister must decide whether he wants to use it to climb down from the ramp, or whether he prefers to climb up, and gamble with what is left of Israel's relations with the Muslim world. Next week will mark the third anniversary of the start of the salvage dig at this sensitive site, which leads to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and overlooks the Western Wall. Back then, close to 2,000 policemen accompanied archaeologists and workers to the compound. Their assignment was to prepare for restoration work at the site, after cracks were discovered in the ramp leading to the gate in 2004.”  The Muslims are very zealous over their Dome of the Rock, and if Israel were to do anything to this area it would cause a new war to break out right away for sure. Zechariah was right no it warnings us about all the trouble the world would be facing over the ownership of this city.


In Psalms 83 we see that the Palestinians will also attack Israel with the other nations listed in the Psalms 83 war.  At a time when we are hearing the call for peace and safety, we see the Palestinians holding firm to their demanding East Jerusalem be given back to them, and that Israel divide their nation into two States.  This has caused the entire peace process to come to a halt.  Today’s news tells us, "The time has come to stop finding excuses for avoiding a return to the negotiating table," the London paper quoted Mitchell as saying, citing French officials. Mitchell believed the Palestinians were showing little enthusiasm for talks because as inaction was safer than reentering dialogue when the outcome was so uncertain, the paper said. President Barack Obama's envoy is said to blame Abbas for frustrating his most recent attempt to coax the two sides into renewed discussions during a trip to the region in January.”  Once again for all the new people, I believe the break down of this peace process will be the factor that starts the Psalms 83 war, but only time will tell.  Here is the bottom line, we are seeing the fulfillment of the call for Peace and safety, and soon we will see the sudden destruction comes to pass.


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38 is another war Israel will face soon.  This is the war lead by Russia.  I believe after the Psalms war is over the Ezekiel war will break out.  Iran plays a major rule in this attack on Israel.  The current events show us that Iran’s actions could not only set in place the Psalms 83 war but could set in place the Ezekiel 38 war as well.  “WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama's national security adviser is citing a heightened risk that Iran will respond to growing pressure over its nuclear program by stoking violence against Israel. The adviser, retired Marine Gen. James Jones, said history shows that when regimes are feeling pressure they can lash out through surrogates. He said that in Iran's case that would mean facilitating attacks on Israel through Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. Iran helps arm Hezbollah and Hamas.”

If you notice Iran is trying to bring about war via Lebanon and the Palestinians in the Gaza.  I it clear from Psalms 83 that Iran will get their wish and Israel will in fact go to war against these nations soon.  When the war is over and Iran sees that their plan did not work and Israel is much stronger than they were before the war, they will be filled with rage and want to take revenge out on Israel for defeating the nations who had come against them.  Iran who has already made a alliance with Russia will drag Russia into a new war against Israel, only Russia will be the one who leads this war.  The outcome will be the same for the nations attacking Israel, because Ezekiel tells us that 5/6 of the entire force coming against Israel will be wiped out. 


See full size imageOn December 28, 2009 I showed you how Israel had discovered huge gas fields.  I warned you more of these blessings out from the seas and would come soon and would fulfill the Deu. 33:19 prophecy.  Guess what?  Only a month after I warned you about this look what has happened.  The Canadian Bontan Oil and Gas Company, which has been exploring for natural gas off the coast of Israel, announced Tuesday that it had found prospective resources of up to 6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in Mira and Sarah Prospects off the country's coast. As defined on the company's Web site, prospective resources are “those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations by application of future development projects.The two finds could be worth upwards of US $6 billion.”  As you can see the blessings are beginning to flow on Israel.  There are many people who believe that when Israel is given the Mother Load of oil as we see in Deu, that there could be a shift in the balance of power in the Middle East, which could bring on the Ezekiel war.  What ever the reason, we know that the oil rich nations which are largely Islamic nations will be going to war against Israel soon.



See full size imageProphecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 Jesus tells us in the last days diseases would be a sign He would return soon. In my post dated July 7, 2009 I showed you how the UG99 disease is killing off the wheat crops.  I told you more of these diseases would be seen soon.  This was my quote, “In the near future you will witness more signs that are killing off the food supply.”  My warning, which I have taken from Christ’s warnings, can be seen in this news report today. “Feb. 1 (Bloomberg) — Soybean fungi are spreading across Brazil and Argentina, the world’s second- and third-largest producers, threatening record crops as demand gains. Argentine farmers confront an “unprecedented” outbreak of Frogeye Leaf Spot, which can cut yields by 12 percent and has reached the heart of the Pampas farmlands, said agronomist Luciano Ascheri. In Brazil, more than 1,200 cases of Asian Rust have been reported, compared with 636 at this time last year, according to Embrapa, a government agricultural agency.  Downpours caused by El Nino encouraged the outbreak, which may reduce supplies as global consumption rises by about 6.4 percent this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Brazil estimates its harvest will rise to 65.2 million metric tons from 57.2 million last year, while Argentina’s crop will rise to 53 million tons from a drought-hit 32 million in 2009, according to the USDA.”  When you read the rest of the report you will learn that this is going to affect the price of soybeans."  Every time I hear this type of news it brings me back to Revelation 6:6 where Jesus tells us a person will work all day long for one small meal.  This shows us the price of food during the tribulation will be skyrocketing and we are just now seeing the beginning stages of these price increases.  Maybe you need to read Rev. 6:6.  I quote,“Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!" Just as I told you on July 7, 2009 that you will see more crops killed off by diseases, I want to repeat that warning now, because I know more of these types of diseases are coming.



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Prophecy Sign: As long as I have quoted Matthew 24:7, you need to know that part of this scripture also warns us about famines and war.  We also know from Revelation chapter 16 that the sun will be scorching the Earth.  We are already seeing droughts in many places which have brought about famines, but all these signs will get much worse.  Concerning famines and war, maybe you need to read the news just released. I quote, “The number of hungry people in southern Sudan has quadrupled since last August to some 4.3 million because of conflict and drought, the UN emergency food agency said Tuesday. Across the country some 11 million people will need food aid this year, the Rome-based World Food Programme said in a statement, adding that it has a shortfall of 485 million dollars (350 million euros) in its programme there. "This spike in the number of hungry people in southern Sudan comes just ahead of the rainy season when roads become blocked and communities are cut off from food assistance," said Leo van der Velden, WFP's coordinator in southern Sudan. “  What the bottom line?  Famine, war, and droughts are signs of the last days and all these things have to be taking place all at once if this is the generation to see Christ return.  As you can see, all these things are taking place so we know our Lord will be returning very soon.


See full size imageProphecy Sign: Did you know God warned us that Israel would be blessed in the last days? Guess where these blessings would come from? Can’t get it? Let me show you what the Lord said in Deuteronomy 33 19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand."

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes.  I took a few days off and these are the quakes which hit in when I didn't post.

MAP  5.0   2010/02/02 06:45:06    -0.322    -16.199  10.0   NORTH OF ASCENSION ISLAND

MAP  6.2   2010/02/01 22:28:18    -6.102    154.424  33.0   BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP  5.1   2010/01/31 15:18:45   -18.751    169.394  231.5   VANUATU
MAP  5.1   2010/01/31 09:55:46   -25.489   -176.662  35.0   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  5.3   2010/01/31 07:02:47    -2.920    100.863  61.7   KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2010/01/31 02:01:10   -20.897   -178.653  544.5   FIJI REGION

MAP  5.1   2010/01/30 23:00:03   -22.360    171.492  163.9   SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2010/01/30 21:36:58    30.236    105.612  14.4   EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA
MAP  5.4   2010/01/30 15:59:47    2.271    126.678  49.9   MOLUCCA SEA
MAP  5.3   2010/01/30 05:50:10   -28.152    -70.629  48.0   ATACAMA, CHILE


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  1. May I ask what this has to do with Bible prophecy? I noticed your comments
    have nothing to do with the Lord or prophecy? I am trying to keep comments
    on the subject of Bible prophecy and current events.  To save time and space I will
    be blocking any comments that lead in other directions other than the subject I address
    on my site.

  2. The fact that your blog entry here just uncovered some of the coolest new knowledge and online social trends in one go. How frickin’ cool is that!

  3. What will be your harvest this year, my friends?

  4. This website is AMAZING. How do you make it look this good! GLAD TO KONW THE KINDLY FRIEND LIKE YOU.

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