Last world empire/single currency/American dollar dump/Peace & safety/Middle East war signs/Third Temple/Cashless society & mark of the beast /Eph. 6:12 signs/Rev. 6:6 signs/Kingdom against kingsom/Dec. 16, 2009


Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

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Prophecy Sign: One of the most important signs of the last days is the rise of the old Roman empire, which is found in chapters 2 and 7 of the Book of Daniel.  The Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire is very important to keep on the watch for.  Read my Oct. 27, 2009 post to see why the Islamic nations will play a major role in Bible prophecy in the last days.  America is not going to play a major role as a superpower in the last days.  Daniel doesn’t even address the United States, which tells us something caused this great nation to fall from power.  The current U.S. economic crisis appears to be the reason why Daniel never says a word about America. I have warned you in the past nations around the world will begin to dump the falling U.S. dollar.  I told you there was going to be a Arab state currecny even when the Arabs denied they would do it.  A one curreny system for the Arabs would drive another nail into America’s life blood, because the Arabs want to dump the dollar as the reserve currency.  Now look at the news today.  “The Arab states of the Gulf region have agreed to launch a single currency modelled on the euro, hoping to blaze a trail towards a pan-Arab monetary union swelling to the ancient borders of the Ummayad Caliphate.”  ”The Gulf monetary union pact has come into effect,” said Kuwait’s finance minister, Mustafa al-Shamali, speaking at a Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) summit in Kuwait. The move will give the hyper-rich club of oil exporters a petro-currency of their own, greatly increasing their influence in the global exchange and capital markets and potentially displacing the US dollar as the pricing currency for oil contracts. Between them they amount to regional superpower with a GDP of $1.2 trillion (£739bn), some 40pc of the world’s proven oil reserves, and financial clout equal to that of China.”  “The Gulf states remain divided over the wisdom of anchoring their economies to the US dollar. The Gulf currency – dubbed “Gulfo” – is likely to track a global exchange basket and may ultimately float as a regional reserve currency in its own right. “The US dollar has failed. We need to delink,” said Nahed Taher, chief executive of Bahrain’s Gulf One Investment Bank.”

Since opening up my site I have tried to warn you all that America would have to decline to give way to the reborn Roman Empire.  Anyone who watches any news at all knows America is in debt in the trillions and the U.S. dollar is in serious trouble.  Many of you may say, “Frank the dollar is getting stronger”,  You may see short spurts but the dollar is dying and the world leaders know it.  Why do you think the Arabs are coming up with their own currency?  Why did India, and China just dump 2 billion dollars and buy gold?  Because they all know the U.S. dollar will be worth soon and they are making moves to protect their interests.  All these events point to the decline of the U.S. and the rise of the Roman Empire.  If you noticed in the report above I put euro in red.  The reason I did this is to show the people who may not know that the Western leg of the old Roman Empire already has their own currency called the euro.  Our world is about to face the worst economic crisis it has ever faced, even worse than what we just saw in September of 2008.  The next round of birth pains will happen as the dollar slips away and America falls on her face.  Right after this happens the world will call for someone to fix the world crisis and guess who Jesus says will come to control the world economy?  The Antichrist!  Since it appears the Antichrist comes from the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire you should pay very close attention to what the Arabs do in forming a single currency.  A new global economic system is on its way and the U.S. dollar will be a thing of the past. 

There was more news today about anorher alliance dumping the dollar.  I quote, “The member nations of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, ALBA, have decided to give up the US dollar in trading between them. They will instead use the sucre conventional monetary unit. The first international sucre transaction has already been made, with Cuba signing a contract with Venezuela on buying a consignment of rice. The agreement on a single system of regional payments is to be signed during an ALBA countries’ summit due in the Venezuelan city of Kumana next April. The financial mechanism will become operational next year to promote dollar-free cost-accounting. The ALBA alliance comprises the Latin American and Caribbean nations that seek to promote trade and cooperation among the participants and counteract the continually US-advanced free-trade areas. The ALBA alliance was initiated by Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro back in 2004. “ If after this news you don’t see Jesus handwriting on the wall I honestly don’t know what it would take to open your eyes and heart to the Lord’s warnings?

Prophecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. “The United States and Egypt, along with France, are planning a joint move to restart Israeli-Palestinian talks on the basis of the June 4, 1967, borders, territorial exchanges and a complete freeze of construction beyond the Green Line, including East Jerusalem. The freeze would not be announced publicly.”  “Such an initiative would allow Abbas to hold general elections in the territories in June 2010. The Egyptian foreign minister said the new program would set up the basic principles of the negotiations, the intended results and a clear timetable. He added that an agreement would have to include the following points: Establishing a Palestinian state on all territories occupied in 1967, with a possibility for small-scale territorial exchanges; establishing East Jerusalem as a Palestinian capital; a just arrangement for all refugee issues; agreed security arrangements; normalization between the Arab world and Israel; and no construction in settlements until the negotiations are complete.”

RAMALLAH – If Israel completely halts construction in the settlements, negotiations with the Palestinians on a final-status agreement can be completed within six months, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told Haaretz Tuesday, adding that Israel needn't declare the freeze, just carry it out.


Prophecy Sign: We know from three places in scripture that in the last days the Third Jewish Temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount.  In Daniel 9:27 it says, He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."  This text tells us the Antichrist will go into the rebuilt Temple three and a half years after he confirms a covenant with Israel.  Of course this covenant will involve many nations because there are many Arab nations who are Israel’s enemies.  Jesus points to Daniel’s warning in Matthew 24:15 where He says, “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand”.  Christ wants people to recognize what this means, but many who don’t know anything about the Bible or His teachings will be blinded to what this means.  If you are left behind after the rapture takes place you will see the Antichrist go into this rebuilt Temple and stop the daily sacrifices the Jews will start up again once the Temple is rebuilt.  In  2Thessalonians 2: 4 Paul continues this warning by telling us, “He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”

In Chapter 11 of my book I give you the complete detailed list of events that have been taking place leading up to the soon rebuilding of the Third Temple.  I keep warning everyone reading my post to watch what happens in the Middle East because this Third Temple is about to be rebuilt.  Last month there were more tensions and fighting at the Temple Mount.  The Arabs don’t want the Jews on the Temple Mount and recently the rumors that the Jews are going to force this Temple to be rebuilt has only intensified the tensions on the Temple Mount.  We may see another round of fighting, this news report will explain.

 “A group of activists dedicated to bringing Jews to the Temple Mount told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that they were hoping to see hundreds of participants take part in a planned "mass pilgrimage" to the mount scheduled for Thursday morning in honor of Hanukka, which celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple after it was recovered from Hellenist Greeks more than 2,000 years ago. The pilgrimage, which will include guided tours of the area throughout the morning, will also be a litmus test for the shaky calm that has prevailed in Jerusalem's Old City since October, when rumors of a "Jewish takeover" of the mount sparked fierce clashes between Arab rioters and security forces in and around the sensitive holy site and in various neighborhoods of east Jerusalem.” 

When will this Temple be rebuilt?  I for one believe it will be built after the Ezekiel war, which is found in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.  After the Ezekiel war when all of Israel’s enemies are destroyed, there won’t be anyone in their way to rebuild their Third Temple.  I believe right after this war the Antichrist will come on the scene and confirm the covenant with Israel and the many nations for seven years.  This is the seven years Daniel writes about.  We know time is coming to rebuild the Temple because Israel’s enemies are talking about going to war with Israel for three reasons.  First is the failing peace talks. Second is the Arabs want East Jerusalem back, and third, when Israel attacks Iran to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb, that will cause a counter attack against Israel.  The world leaders know war is coming between Israel and Iran.  Israel has been holding off from attacking Iran, because they are giving the UN time to try and stop Iran from firing up their nuclear power plant, but it isn’t working.  The message from Iran to Israel is very clear, read it for yourself!  I quote, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said there isn't a "damn thing" Israel can do to stop its nuclear program, Reuters reported. "The Zionist regime (Israel) and its (western) backers cannot do a damn thing to stop Iran's nuclear work," Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech, according to Reuters.”

I will be watching the news to see if there is more fighting on the Temple Mount when hundreds will make a mass pilgrimage to this site.  You have to realize Jerusalem is going to be the center of trouble in the last days.  We were warned about this in Zechariah 12:3. This is also the reason why Iran hates Israel because they have a hold on Jerusalem, and they plan to take it back by force.,2933,578712,00.html

Prophecy Sign: As long as I am writing about Iran maybe someone new to my site doesn’t realize that God said in Ezekiel 38:5 that Iran will be a major ally of Russia when the Russians lead the last days invasion against Israel.  I can assure you that Iran is not going to stop building their nuclear weapons program and Israel will be forced shortly to send in their jets to take out that nuclear site.  As I said, Israel has been waiting to see what the UN or any nation can do to stop Iran’s program. Today we saw the last effort to get Iran to halt their program.

I want to quote a report entitled: “UPDATE 1-Iran says U.S. fuel sanctions move will fail” to you what the U.S. just did, then I will show you what Iran did right after.

“* Iran shrugs off impact of such punitive measures

 * Experts say sanctions would raise prices, not stop supply (Adds quotes, background)

TEHRAN, Dec 16 (Reuters) – A senior Iranian oil official said on Wednesday a move by U.S. lawmakers to target the Islamic Republic with fuel sanctions would not cause any problems because Tehran had many suppliers.

On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation to impose sanctions on foreign companies that help to supply fuel to Iran, a measure lawmakers hope will deter the country from pursuing its nuclear programme. [ID:nN15243629]

"They cannot succeed," said Hojjatollah Ghanimifard, vice president of investment affairs at the state National Iranian Oil Company. "We have a long list of suppliers of gasoline," he told Reuters.”

Two hours after the U.S. announced the measures against Iran, Iran showed their response and I quote, “Iran state television said Wednesday that the Islamic Republic has successfully test-fired the Sejil-2 missile, whose range outstrips the Shahab, a missile said to be capable of striking Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf.”  “The missile test coincides with increased tension over Iran's nuclear program, which the West fears is aimed at making bombs. Iran denies the charge. Neither Israel nor the United States have ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the row. Iran has vowed to retaliate for any attack.”  Just watch the Middle East news and you will soon see the rest of the Lord’s warning come to pass.

When you read today’s news from Israel you get the clear picture just how close this next Middle East war is. I quote, “The moment is fast approaching when Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, may have to make the most difficult decision of his career — whether to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities and risk triggering a conflagration that could spread across the Middle East.  Israeli experts believe the point of no return may be only six months away when Iran’s nuclear programme will have — if it has not already — metastasised into a multitude of smaller, difficult-to-trace facilities in deserts and mountains, while its main reactor at Bushehr will have come online and bombing it would send a radioactive cloud over the Gulf nations. “  “Mr Netanyahu has consistently called Iran the most serious threat Israel faces. President Ahmadinejad of Iran has called for Israel to be obliterated and his Revolutionary Guards supply training, money and weapons to both Hezbollah in Lebanon, on Israel’s northern border, and to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, whose missiles are believed to be capable of reaching Tel Aviv.”  Once again we not only see Iran and Israel getting ready to battle but the Hamas and Hezbollah in both the Gaza and in Lebanon are ready to attack Israel as well.  All of these nations are mentioned to attack in either Psalms 83 or Ezekeil 38.  If Israel attack with 6 months and these prophecies are fulfilled that would mean the Antichrist will soon follow to make confirm a covenant.  At that point this planet will have entered the last seven years under the Antichrist’s rule.  Get ready, we are almost there!

To make matter even worse a few days ago new from London stated,  “(CNN) — A secret document that appears to show that Iran was working on building nuclear weapons as recently as 2007 is "alarming" and "part of a body of evidence backing up deep concerns over Iran's nuclear program," a Western diplomatic source with knowledge of the papers told CNN on Monday.”  This news only added fuel to Israel’s decision making about attacking Iran.

More Middle East war signs against Iran: “A top Pentagon official said Monday that a US missile defense drill would simulate an Iranian attack – a departure from the usual scenario of a North Korean attack – according to Reuters.”


Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 13:16-17 Jesus tells us the Antichrist will control the global economy.  How is this going to happen?  First read Jesus’ warning, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  For years now the world governments have been moving to a cashless society.  The have been paving the way for the system that the Antichrist is going to use when he comes into power.  The new way to do business is by computers or what is call electronic funds transfers.  In chapter 1 of my book I give specific details how we have now reached the point where microchips in the skin can and are being used to deduct funds from a persons bank.  The UN just took a giant leap today in getting rid of cash. I quote, “LONDON (Reuters Life!) – After more than three centuries, the humble check is set to become a historic relic after British banks voted to phase it out in favor of more modern payment methods.  The board of the UK Payments Council, the body for setting payment strategy in Britain, agreed on Wednesday to set a target date of October 31, 2018 for winding up the check clearing system. The board is largely made up of Britain's leading banks.  "There are many more efficient ways of making payments than by paper in the 21st century, and the time is ripe for the economy as a whole to reap the benefits of its replacement," Paul Smee, the council chief executive, said in a statement.  The use of checks has fallen drastically in the past 10 years as more consumers transfer money electronically, by direct debit or with debit and credit cards. Last year, around 3.8 million checks were written every day in Britain, compared to a peak of 10.9 million in 1990, the council said.” 

I am looking for two things to happen.  First, the governments will continue to change over from paper checks to nothing but electronic payments.  If the global economic crisis hits first, the nations will force the switching over at once.  The microchip in the hand technology is here and is being used, but it is not mandatory yet.  If you plan to be left behind when the rapture takes place you will be confronted by the Antichrist to receive this mark in the hand or forehead.  Do let Satan keep you blinded to what is happening.

Prophecy Sign: A few days ago I gave you signs that Satan is attacking the Lord’s Church and the Apostle Paul speaking about this warfare in Ephesians 6:12?  I quote, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” Coming up this week is another huge battle against the Christians. I quote, “On the international front, we are working tirelessly against the ''Defamation of Religions'' resolution at the United Nations – a measure which would criminalize Christians around the world for evangelism.  A full U.N. vote is expected IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS.”  What is the chance the U.N. will vote yes to this measure?  First let’s see what Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:9. "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.”  Since are in the last days and we know the world will turn on those who follow the Christian faith we can expect to see the persecution Jesus warned about.  I think it is a very good chance the U.N. will pass this measure.  Even if it is delayed, some new measure will pop up.  The rapture of the Church hasn’t taken place yet and things are already heating up against the Christians.  Jesus has shown us that during the seven year tribulation period this is when the Christian persecution will reach its max.

Prophecy Sign: just a few days ago I covered Revelation 6:6 where Jesus warns us the price of food will be so high people will work all day long for one small meal of wheat or barley.  This is the Word He spoke. “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"  Recently I have warned you inflation is going to take hold and add to the already burdens the world is facing.  Read this recent report.  Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) — Falling production in commodities from rice to milk is bad news for just about everyone except investors. Rice may surge 63 percent to $1,038 a metric ton from $638 on Philippine imports and a shortage in India, a Bloomberg survey of importers, exporters and analysts showed. The U.S. government says nonfat dry milk may jump 39 percent next year, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. forecasts a 25 percent gain for sugar. Global food costs jumped 7 percent in November, the most since February 2008, four months before reaching a record, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. “

Prophecy Sign: Jesus said kingdom will rise against kingdom.  Here is an example of this at the Copenhagen climate change meeting.  Once at the site via the link watch the first video to the left and see the civil unrest.  While you are at this site please watch the video with Prince Charles addressing the Copenhagen meeting.  At the end of his speech he talks about we only have 7 years left to stop this global warning.   Every time I hear talk about seven years the red flag goes up because as you now know the Antichrist will confirm a covenant with many nations for a period of seven years.  If the leaders come up with come plan to stop the global warming, which is a plan to form a One World Government, and if this agreement leads to a seven year treaty, than I will question it.  I want to make sure we don’t get blind sided by not watching any treaty or covenant that may be the one God’s points to in Daniel 9:27.


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Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in your word that I must be born again in order to have eternal life.  I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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