What good is it to tell the unbelievers about prophecy, letters from someone comment/ Nov. 7, 2009


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Today after someone left me a comment as to what good is it to use Bible prophecy on unbelievers I wrote the following.  “If you have come to my site and read the connections between current events and Bible prophecy and have turned your life over to Christ, should you write me so I can post your comment as an encouragement to the person who left the comment.  It would be a blessing to him or her and also to me.  Even if people don’t write in, I know how many people I have lead to Christ using prophecy and I have been blessed because of it.  As people write in to me I will post their remarks.  I just received my first one

The Lord led me to your site this last May, and your site has brought me back to walking with Jesus Christ after backsliding for almost 8 years.  Now I’m going back to church and reading God’s word, praying for forgiveness and asking the Lord how I can serve him.  Because the Lord has led me to your site, I have been inspired to witness to others and warn them that the Lord is coming back for his bride very soon, and that they need to repent and pray for salvation before it is too late.
After praying to the Lord to show me how I can serve him, he laid on my heart to use my creative gift that he has blessed me with, and design a flyer that can be given to others as a Free Gift of Salvation, and it is up to them to except it or not.  I included your prayer for salvation that you have posted on your website, and I felt that the Lord wanted me to include His Bible prophecy signs to show unbelievers that His word is the truth and everything will happen according to His word.
Please pray that many souls will be saved by giving out this Free Gift of Salvation.
I attached my flyer for you to review and I pray that you share it with others, so that they can make copies and give this Free Gift of Salvation to help save souls for the Lord’s Kingdom.
Frank, I pray that the Lord continues to bless you and your family for the sacrifices you are making to glorify God and for sharing your wisdom and knowledge to educate others like myself, so that we can also reach out to the lost and help save souls before it is too late.
God Bless,
Mindy, the Lord’s watchman



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Fulfilled prophecy proves the inspiration of Scripture. Paul sought to persuade his hearers "concerning Jesus, both out of the Law of Moses and out of the prophets." (Acts 28:23) When the predictions of the prophets are fulfilled they present a powerful case for the inspiration of Scripture. When a skeptic reads the prophecies in the Bible such as from Isaiah, Joel, Ezekiel, Daniel and the prophecies of Jesus Himself in Matthew 24 they will most definitely be challenged with the fact that the Bible is not an ordinary book but that it has in fact been inspired by God.

The Law is important (and much lacking in use today) to use when talking to sinners for it brings the knowledge of sin (Romans 3:19, 20) and the "Law" (like the Ten Commandments) speaks to a man's conscience, while prophecy speaks to the intellect of the sinner. Prophecy creates faith in God's Word while the Law brings knowledge of sin and conviction to the heart of the sinner. These are both very important tools which we should use to bring sinners to Christ.

Prophecy is great because God is giving the thinking mind proof that He is God and that what He says will happen. The fact that every single prophecy in Scripture has happened, up to date, in sequence is proof that the Bible is supernatural in origin, since no other religion can come close. The destruction of Tyre, the invasion of Jerusalem, the fall of Babylon and Rome- everyone was correctly predicted in the Word of God (Bible) and later fulfilled to the tiniest detail. No other source such as physics, or any other book such as the Quran, or the book of Mormon has been 100 percent accurate. The Bible stands alone. It is facts like these that should shake the minds of sinners and wake them up. This means, that if God wrote the Bible (through men, just like we use a pen to write our thoughts) then all that He said is yet to come will still happen. Judgment will come, justice will be served and we had better repent of our sins before it is too late. We should fling ourselves at the mercy of God in Christ Jesus while there is still time. Jesus warned to "be ready", Jesus warned "behold, I am coming soon". So wake up, take heed, before you find yourself left behind to live out the book of revelations.

Frank, thanks for your ministry, it has really opened my eyes to the facts that prophecy is being fulfilled right before my eyes. It is a real eye opener! It makes me realize even more that we must get busy about the Lords work while we still can. The knowledge I have learned from your website has caused me to become even more urgent as God is using you to show us that time is indeed short!  God bless.”


Next letter:


    I was lead to your site because of my calling to learn more about the bible. I was raised in a Baptist church and as I got older I did attend the catholic church (with my boyfriends family) and never really got a lot out of the service. In 1991, my boyfriend and I got into a very serious accident. I ended up breaking my 1st vertebrae and had to undergo 14hours of surgery microscopically to fuse a bone from a bone bank so that my c1, extra bone, and c2 would be fused with metal screws. My parents had to sign papers that if I moved I could die or even be paralyzed but they had no choice and just left it in god’s hand. Days later I awoke and was in a halo and was able to move and was not paralyzed. I THANK GOD EVERYDAY for his MIRACLE. Doctors call me an angel. I can only give praise to God for that it was God who made all things possible. It has not been an easy road however, I have faith that God kept me here for a purpose and I am searching for that purpose. I have prayed many times for God to show me that purpose. In my search I began reading my bible…although, I must say I don’t understand all of it and have lots of questions. Your site has provided me with a lot of answers. I am married with two beautiful children. Your site lead me to search for a church and on Sunday night I attended a church and loved it and wouldn’t you know the speaking from the pastor was on Noah and his times and he was able to answer many of my questions from Genesis. I feel the lord led me to that church. Since then, I am fighting with my husband since he is catholic and does not want anything to do with the Baptist religion. I tried to tell him that it is about learning about God and God’s words to us as Christians. He is not happy that I will be taking my children with me. I ask that you pray for my family and me during this troubling time. Also if you have any advice I would love to hear it. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading your daily insights.

God Bless,


Next letter:


To the reader who can't see how non believers will be swayed by teaching them how current events are the fulfillment of prophecies given to us by Jesus over 2000 years ago:

What I have encountered, time and time again, is that this method is the ONLY THING that gets a non-believer's attention. People who do NOT want to talk about God or listen to talk about God, suddenly become interested when you show them that current events were actually foretold in THE BIBLE 2000 years ago.

When people begin to talk about unusual events that are happening today, the door is then open for me to say "Yes, that was odd, but I wasn't surprised, after all, the bible told us it would happen. They say "what do you mean?" Since I keep my bible with me at all times, I pull it out and read to them. They are almost always in awe. These same people, who have never wanted to listen to anything I have to say about God, are now asking ME QUESTIONS about God, end times, when, where, how, what to do about it.

These people have a hard time with blind faith, but when you can give them "PROOF" they become  believers. I have found that end time events is the best testimonial tool EVER.

We are now in a time of "Soul Harvest". It's time to use every tool in our arsenal to win souls for Christ and He has just made it easier for us with all these fulfilled prophecies! Thanks God!
Cindy Smith
Baton Rouge, LA (Hurricane Katrina was a great teaching tool around here)


I was led to write to you without even having accessed your blog for several days to encourage you in the thankless task of being a watchman on the wall.  It never ceases to happen that when I send out a warning to my meager mailing list, that nobody acknowledges it, but a least one person will bring up some argument or other to challenge me on a point that is related to prophecies but that they have listened to arguments against them.  But God won't let us resign from our calling.  May He strengthen you and encourage you with His presence and a "Well done, good and faithful servant," in your spirit for what you have been doing up to now.

As to the biggest reason to study Prophecy, aside from the fact that it validates the existence to God, although Paul indicated that God doesn't need that kind of validation because He has already put eternity in men's hearts and has given hard evidence all around us of His existence and His attributes, the biggest reason other than that is to discern the times and seasons.  Jesus strongly rebuked the religious leaders of His day for not being able to do that very thing although they could read the weather patterns.  They just couldn't see the pattern in the Prophecies – I'd guess for the same reason so many nowadays can't do so.  They are so wrapped up in their own little personal world and their own comfort zone that they fear will be broken down that the read the Bible only for what it can do for them.  And the don't want to hear about the end of the age as we know it – for sure Americans don't want to hear about the destruction of America. 

As we see Prophecies fulfilled before our very eyes (through studies such as your blog among others), we come to realize that we have to release our death grip on this world and begin living our citizenship in heaven even here on earth.  When we see Prophecies fulfilled they should serve to do at least two things.

First, they should show us how little time there is left to draw near to God so He will draw near to us.  And we should be expecting satan's legions to greatly accelerate attacks against us who believe.  They may be in the form of severe temptations in areas where we are especially weak – like a sinful addiction (whatever kind it may be) that we are struggling to break and just can't seem to get total victory over.  Then when we stumble and give in to that sin, they condemn us and start beating us up to try to discourage us and keep us from doing the second thing fulfilled Prophesies should be doing.

Second, they should show us that the time is extremely short to do the work the Lord has called us to do – sadly that work has been allowed to slide and fall into disuse except for a few voices crying in the wilderness in the age of Laodicea that has gripped the church – the work of getting out the Gospel, the true simple gospel, that you post on every page of your blog each day.  If we have any feelings for our friends or those left behind for what is to come, and for what it's going to be like afterward in eternity in hell, it should spur us on to be bolder than we have ever been before.  Yes, you'll lose closeness of friendships and family members will shun you.  I've had that happen to me already and I'm not asking for sympathy for that.  It's what happens when you start trying to reach them.  They would rather send around "spiritual" messages that are soulish and impress the emotions so they can feel a warm fuzzy "love" for God and pass the messages on as proof of that love for Him, than they would get close to that God they profess to love.  As for me, the loss of them doesn't discourage me, as I must be about "my Father's" business.

So, don't disparage the study of Prophecy as it's our hope IF we are born again, living as close to God as we can and trusting in the Blood of Jesus alone for salvation through God's grace to forgive all our sins.  For we have a hope that the world and the Laodiceans don't have, the hope of the Rapture (which a study of Prophecy reveals to us is about to happen).  For this reason, we keep looking up and trying to warn those close to us.  God told me that He wasn't concerned about whether they pay any attention, but that I be faithful and warn them.  That's where I'll get my reward and anyone who heeds and turns to Jesus for Salvation, will be added praise from me and added reward in Heaven.

God bless you as you continue your ministry as watchman on the wall.

 Chiangmai, Thailand

Just a note of thanks for your website.  God has been speaking to my heart because of you.  Please continue. I also wanted to say that the thing that has impressed me the most, is that you don’t ask for money (unlike so many evangelists).  This speaks volumes to your character and the selflessness of your mission.  And I love that you always remember to give all the glory to the Lord.  May God continue to bless you and your family for all you are doing.




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