Signs of the last days power shift/Warning of gold & silver/Message to Church/ Rockets launched at Israel again/Earthquake update/Hunger growing as Christ warned/Oct. 14, 2009





I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition

If your Church would like me to put on a prophecy seminar you can contact me by emailing me at the following email address:  I do not charge anyone for my teachings.  All I request is you provide the transportation to and from your Church or organization.  At this time I will only be able to do seminars in the United States.


You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  DiMora’s latest radio/video show is now playing. This show deals with the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty.  Show is still running at the following link below. 

Prophecy Sign:  In my post yesterday I issued another warning that the U.S. dollar was going to decline until the point where America would have another depression. I issued this warning because of what Jesus has shown us concerning the rise of the revived Roman Empire as prophesied in the Book of Daniel chapters 2 & 7, and in chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation.  Both of these books tell us the old Roman Empire would return just prior to Jesus second coming.  We don’t have to wait for the rebirth of the old Roman Empire, because it has been standing since 1957 in the form of the European Union.  Since 1957 nation after nation has joined this EU Union.  Today there are 27 nations linked together in the EU and this past week the Union got much stronger when Ireland voted yes to the Lisbon Treaty, and Poland signed the treaty right after Ireland voted yes.  Take a look at the old Roman Empire and see which nations were in that empire, then take a look at the modern day revived Roman Empire, the EU, and you will notice that they are the same nations that used to be in the first Roman Empire.  Both Daniel and Jesus forewarned this would happen, and warned when we saw this take place we would know that the next step to this revived Roman Empire would be the rise of the Antichrist.  His rise to power would begin as he makes his way up through ten kings, or leaders of ten nations. The EU is growing in power everyday and the revived Roman Empire’s currency, which is the euro, is growing in strength just as fast, while the American dollar is being crushed by the euro.  You are making a very big mistake if you think there is no connection between the growth of the EU and the growth of the euro.  These events are the building blocks to push this last days empire to the forefront.  In my warning about things to come, I warned you gold and silver would be climbing and I cited Revelation chapter 18 to show you why I know these prices are going to skyrocket. 

Late last night I came across a new report that proves my warnings are coming to pass.  Keep in mind, I cam making the connection from what Jesus has shown us for the future and connecting what He said to current events.  These are the signs all true believers should be able to spot.  I quote the news. “Ben Bernanke's dollar crisis went into a wider mode yesterday as the greenback was shockingly upstaged by the euro and yen, both of which can lay claim to the world title as the currency favored by central banks as their reserve currency. Over the last three months, banks put 63 percent of their new cash into euros and yen — not the greenbacks — a nearly complete reversal of the dollar's onetime dominance for reserves, according to Barclays Capital. The dollar's share of new cash in the central banks was down to 37 percent — compared with two-thirds a decade ago. “  I have written about 420 posts since opening up this site.  Those posts are still up for everyone to read.  If you go back and read those posts you will have read my warnings show you what is now taking place with the dollar and euro have all come to pass.  Everything I told you has come true!  Do you know why I am correct?  Because all I am doing is showing you what Jesus has warned us about the future.  I put two and two together and give you the results.  In the case of the revived Roman Empire it is very easy to put the pieces together. If Jesus said this empire would end up being the last world empire, it stand to reason they will shown signs they are becoming the last days power house.  This is the case with the EU. I know I may be repeating myself but for the sake of the new people bare with me.  I have many people emailing me and asking me questions about this.   As I stated nation after nation are joining the EU.  The modern day Roman Empire is becoming stronger as the euro takes over the dollar.  Put these facts together and your eyes begin to open to what the Holy Spirit is showing you.  In simple terms, the EU is the fulfillment of Christs’ warning.  The only thing left now for this modern day revived Roman Empire is to install one man who will take over this new Roman Empire.   While I am writing this post today 27 leaders from the EU are working on who the first full time EU President will be.  This position they are working on will soon be filled by the Antichrist.  What we do not know at this time is if the first person to occupy this seat will be the man of sin, Antichrsit, or will he come up after the position has been established.  You will know for sure as soon and the Antichrsit makes a 7 year covenant with Israel as it say in Daniel chapter 9:26-27.  If you are here and you see a leader who is part of the revived Roman Empire confirm this covenant, then you will know who the Antichrist is.  If the man who does confirm the covenant is in fact the sitting Presient of the Revived Roman Empire he is the Antichrist.  Another thing that could happen is the Antichrist could rise to power after he confirms the covenant and then take over the position that the Lisbon Treaty has just created.  Here is the point.  If you have not taken Jesus Christ as your Savior yet, you are running out of time.  The Lord has made it very clear to me that the Antichrist is rising up and he is already making moves that will lift him up to fulfill the rest of Christ’s warning about this man.   All I can do is ask you to watch the news.  If you do, you are going to see more news about the decline of America and her dollar.;jsessionid=65E301CF47ED50D15170F8D6530791C5

In yesterday’s post Jesus laid it on my heart to warn you that the price of gold and silver were going to climb.  The timing of this word of knowledge was perfect and shows me, what I am hearing is in fact warnings from the Holy Spirit.  I quote the new news on this subject. “LONDON (Reuters) – Gold prices hit a record high in Europe on Tuesday, while platinum, palladium and silver rallied to multi-month peaks, as the dollar's tumble to 13-month lows against the euro fuelled buying of the precious metals.”  “Gold and other dollar-priced commodities are benefiting from a slide in the U.S. currency to 13-month lows against the euro, which helped push the dollar index <.DXY> to its lowest in over a year.”  Look, the signs of the last days power shift are being reported everywhere.  I hope and pray that these warnings are showing you the big picture?  Christ is real, His Words are real, and everything, every detail about the future is being laid out for us to see. 

Here is where I will lose many of you.  Take a look at the road you are now walking on.  If Jesus Christ is not the person guiding you down this road, you have taken the wrong road and are on the way to hell.  I advise you to turn around, repent of your sins, ask Jesus to become your guide and Master so you can begin walking on the road to eteneral life in Christ.

This morning I read a report from the Independent which is a news service out of the UK.  If you don’t get the big picture as to what is happening to the U.S. and the EU maybe this will help open your eyes. I quote, “The EU is on the point of an important change. The American Empire is starting to die and the EU will, slowly and surely, be taking over its role and influence. It is already happening financially as the euro emerges as the world's most reliable currency. Politically too, the EU with its "soft power" is becoming a major diplomatic force. We Europeans are, after more than 60 years, finally ridding ourselves of our dependence on and subservience to the US, a fact already recognised by serious politicians on the European mainland.”   People keep asking me why Daniel’s book doesn’t say anything about the United States?  That is because the United States fell away as a power and they are to weak to play any kind of major rule in the last days.  Watch the news and you will see for yourself how America will keep declining from power.  Has the Holy Spirit opened your eyes to His truth today?  If so please email, I would love to lead you to the Lord.  If you live in the U.S. leave me your phone number and I will lead you to the Lord over the phone.  It would be a blessing to walk your name to Christ today so He can enter your name in His Book of Life.  My email address is  When you email me please let me know what time zone in the U.S. you live in.

There is a financial tsunami on the horizon and it won't be long before we see how devastating it will be.  The clearest indicator of this coming storm is what we are seeing in the stock market and the price of gold and falling dollar. 

The stock market has been bolstered by money that the federal government has been lending out to various entities to help them raise capital.   These entities have been reinvesting this money back into the stock market in hopes of earning a greater rate of return than the cost of the interest on those loans – which they have been doing which is why we've seen a gradual increase in the markets.   But as in all things pertaining to this world, all good things must eventually come to an end and such is the case right now.  According to several analysts, the profit to earnings ratios that are being seen at this time are almost double of where they should be right now in our current economic conditions.  The higher the profit to earnings ratio the higher the risk of that particular stock.  This means that it is expected that the higher the p/e ratio, the greater the expectations of those companies represented by that stock to make a greater amount of profit.  The average p/e ratio should be at around 15% at this point in time when they are actually at close to 30%.  This means that the stocks are overpriced – which is not news.  But what has been taking place is that investors have been "riding the wave" caused by careful manipulation by our government by lending the money out to these people and raising their own capital by the interest that  they've been charging for these loans.  This is the great deception that is taking place and it is about to come to an end.  Simple economics tell us that you invest in stocks when there is a "chance" of making a buck.  You then sell them when you think those same stocks aren't going to make you money anymore and it looks as if they may actually drop in value.  This determination comes by the various reports released by —- you got it —- the federal government.  The same government who is leading this ruse.  Stock investing 101.  The market may reach 10,000 but whoever decides to stay in long enough to see that happen is trying to make that last buck before bailing out.  And bailing out is what is going to happen.  The price of gold has reached a record price per ounce and the dollar continues to lose value (also controlled by our government) – signs that all confidence is lost by investors around the world in the US economic system. 


If the Fed were to raise interest rates then the dollar would gain some ground back but even that won't help this sinking ship now.  It's too late.  Even that won't bring China and Japan back to buying dollars the way they used to.  China and Japan (our 2 biggest creditors) are in a precarious position.  They can't stop buying dollars altogether because if they did then it would crash our economy, which in turn, would crash every other economy.  We are still China's #1 importer and they need to keep that going to keep their factories running.  They are caught between a rock and a hard place.  They want to dump the dollar now but can't.  The same with everybody else who does business with the US. 


It is in our best interest in keeping the dollar low by not raising rates because it – in effect – lowers the debt that we owe these countries.  That $1.4 Trillion dollars we currently owe China might only be worth $1 Trillion right now.  This is why China and everybody else is so nervous at what is taking place in our country and it's also the reason why most of these investors are only buying short term treasuries instead of longer term.  Confidence in the dollar is gone and will never return. 


Now back to the stock market.  Since consumer and foreign confidences are down and unemployment has not subided but continues to increase by the half millions each month – and also for the fact that the US doesn't manufacture nearly enough to keep this ship from sinking (due to outsourcing to China and Mexico) – we are going to see a massive sell-off in the markets anytime now.  Once these investors feel they've squeezed every dime they can out of the markets they are going to bail out – and quickly.  Unfortunately, for many, it is already too late.  They bought long (high) and will have to sell short (low).  When all is said and done, many of these borrowers of the Fed's money will go bankrupt and then out of business.  Those who survive will then put their money into gold (and silver) and this will be what drives the price of gold to even greater heights.  When all is said and done, the stock market may drop back down to the 6,000 range – or lower.  This will translate everybody losing pensions and retirement money.  It will wipe out all of the 401k plans.  Expect to see this happening soon.  Now is the time to buy gold.  It is the single most safest investment right now so it's pretty obvious that we are going to see a mass exodus in that direction. 

The final nail in the coffin is the fact that inflation has already started to kick in but isn't being reported (for obvious reasons).  Because the dollar is losing it's value, it is costing us more to import goods into this country.  Many of the materials used in our manufacturing here in the US are imported.  Because what few manufacturers we have left here in America are having to pay more for these materials, it is costing them more to make their products and this is reflected in the PPI (producer price index) which nobody pays attention to.  This index compares what the producers of goods are having to sell their products for now verses what they had to sell them for at an earlier predetermined time to make the same profit.   When the PPI increases, the manufacturer has 2 choices.  He can either bite the bullet and sell his product for the same price he always has and take a lower profit or he can pass the increased cost of production onto the consumer and make the same profit he always has.  The point is that the cost of production continues to rise each time the dollar drops.  This is why manufacturing is down and it's also the reason why those who have been laid off in this field aren't going to be hired back – and the reason why layoffs are far from over.  Unemployment will continue to climb because of one reason and one reason only – INFLATION.   It took Bush and year and a half to admit we were in a recession and nobody will admit that inflation has already started.  One thing about inflation:  it starts off very slowly and gradually builds up steam.  It's kind of like a snowball that is rolled down a hill.  By the time it reaches the bottom it's a huge boulder size ball.  We are going to start seeing an increase in retail prices on everything from food to everything else.  Hyperinflation is unavoidable but it won't happen overnight.  I also don't think it will happen until after the rapture because in the days of Noah, people were buying and selling until the flood. 


Israel is our number one indicator of where we are in the course of the end times and I believe that the financial condition of the world is number 2.  Seeing the events unfolding in Israel right now and what is happening in world finances – to me – is a good indicator of how close we are to the removal of the church from the world.  Couple these things with the increased earthquake activity and other things taking place around the world – which are too many to mention – then we can be sure that Jesus is near and that the Age of Grace is coming to a close.   The Lord will come for us when people are still buying and selling, etc.  The associated verses that go along with that all paint a picture of business as usual.  We are now at a point when, very soon, things won't be business as usual.  The birth pangs are quite visible and they are meant to be to us who are watching.  If you notice in the various reports on all of this in the media you will notice that they all say that there will be a few years yet before it gets to a doomsday scenario or when hyperinflation sets in as far as the world economy is concerned.  But what all the financial experts in the world can't see are the intentions of those who are going to bring the system down and their timetable for doing so.  All timetables and estimations by these experts and forecasters are based on everything following their normal course of events.  The problem is that the NWO gang isn't going to wait that long.  They want this implantation of the NWO in as soon as possible and so all the estimations and theories about how long it will take for the system to come down are all null and void.   And there is one more factor that is going to change all of these estimates and timetables and that is going to be the rapture of the church.  This will cause instant devastation and it will happen immediately.   


I believe the financial crisis is deliberate and that it is following a pre-planned course of events meant to bring the whole system down – not just in America – but the world over.  We know all about the NWO and it is necessary for these things to happen so that the new one world government can be implemented.  It is not a coincidence that what we see taking place in the world is coinciding with the latest EU developments.  This system is being installed step by step one piece at a time and when the AC shows up all he will need to do is grab the reins of this new world system and run with it. 


There can be no other explanation for the insane spending by Obama other than that this is being done intentionally as directed by his superiors in order to bankrupt our country.  They have no plans of paying the money back that we owe.  China and everybody else is going to get burned.  They are intentionally devaluing the dollar by not raising the interest rate and they're also doing it by this absurd overspending.  Ultimately, I believe it is their goal to ditch the dollar altogether and go to another currency.  I also believe that this would be the time to finally establish the North American Union (NAU), which is something they've been trying to keep a secret but haven't been too successful at doing.  Expect that long awaited bank holiday sometime soon.  They are going to need it in order to switch over to the new currency.   It will catch us all by surprise.  And when it happens we'll be exchanging our dollars for pennies on the dollar.   A dollar may get us 50 cents – if that. 


The US is past the point of no return in being able to reverse course and repair the damage they've already done – but I'm sure they wouldn't turn back even if they could.  As I said, this has all been planned out.  This is not happening by accident.  Unemployment will continue to climb, inflation will begin to increase steadily (deflation is out of the question) no matter what the Fed does with interest rates, tax revenues will continue to decrease and the stock market will fall hard.  This will all happen sooner than later.

Prophecy Sign:  I have been giving you signs of the downfall of the Middle East peace talks, and how it will cause the next war. As you read yesterday, Paul waned us sudden destruction would come as they were still calling for peace and safety, just as the are at the present time.  In January of this year Israel invaded the Gaza Strip to put an end to the rockets that were being launched by the PLO.  After the war finished I wrote you a message and told you watch the news, because you would see these rocket attacks resume again.  This would be the sign that the next round of birth pains have begun.  Those birth pains I was warning you about started to show themselves yesterday.  Today they have increased.  I quote, “Four Palestinians have been wounded in an Israeli air raid on tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, Palestinian medics have reported. Israel confirmed the air raid, which it said was in response to a rocket fired from into Israel on Tuesday night. The rocket caused neither casualties nor damage. Tunnels are used to smuggle food and other goods into Gaza which is subject to an Israeli-Egyptian blockade. Militants use them to bring in weapons.”  Here is what I believe is going to happen.  Tensions in the Middle East are going to grow as more of these rockets are launched from the Gaza.  If the number of these rockets increases as they did during January of this year you will see another invasion by Israel into the Gaza.  This could set the stage for the Psalms 83 war to break out as other Arab nations come to help the PLO.  You have to understand, the PLO will never give up their quest to take hold of Jerusalem and this quest is going to lead to another major war.  The Gaza Strip is a time bomb waiting to go off.   While the U.S, the EU, China, Russia, and the UN are trying to get the peace talks on tract, new conflicts are emerging.  Yes they are calling for peace and safety right now, but the sudden destruction is on its way.

In my previous posts I told you that Lebanon would engage Israel in war soon because God told us Lebanon would be one of the nations that join together against Israel in the Psalms 83 war.  New today shows us Lebanon has been getting ready for this next war.  I quote, “Israel's president says Hezbollah has turned Lebanon into a "powder keg", after an explosion at a member of the group's house near Tyre on Monday. Shimon Peres said the Shia Islamist group was preventing the country making peace with Israel and possibly becoming "the Switzerland of the Middle East". Earlier, Israel's army released a video purportedly showing munitions being removed from the house after the blast.  Both Hezbollah and the Lebanese army have said one person was wounded.”   Many of these arms have found their way into the Gaza Strip.  I am telling you again, this war is just over the horizon.

As the Lord is my witness, right after I wrote this section concerning hell, I checked my email.  The first email I read had a link entitled, “WAKE UP CHURCH!!!!”   Before I wrote this post today I prayed and asked Jesus to give me the things that you want the people to know.  He laid on my heart as He often does, that millions are on the way to hell.  As I watched the video I began to cry. It was as if I could feel the heart of God in His sadness knowing so many people will choose hell instead of heaven as they believe the lies and tricks handed out by Satan.  My heart was crushed, knowing that his warnings will go deaf to millions and millions of people who think they are on the road to eternal life.  The message on this video is a message to all people on just the Church.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 warn us to watch for many earthquakes and great earthquakes.  Here is an up-date to all the big earthquakes, which have taken, place in just a two-day period.   Three of these earthquakes were major quakes.  I want to remind everyone, that soon you are going to hear about some really huge earthquakes.  We know they are coming because all the end time signs are increasing just like birth pains.  Christ warned us to watch for these birth pains and when He warns us about something, they always show up in the news.

MAP  5.0   2009/10/14 09:34:37  -11.558    165.929  35.0  SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2009/10/14 07:59:01  -15.270   -173.167  10.0  TONGA
MAP  5.0   2009/10/14 06:54:50  -14.183    166.560  89.1  VANUATU
MAP  5.4   2009/10/14 00:55:11  -12.666    166.283  28.2  SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS

MAP  5.2   2009/10/13 20:48:12   -13.102    166.841  35.0   VANUATU
MAP  6.3   2009/10/13 20:21:54    52.634   -167.149  13.7   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  5.0   2009/10/13 12:47:22    38.880    70.643  35.0   TAJIKISTAN
MAP  6.0   2009/10/13 11:38:06    2.938    128.219  32.0   HALMAHERA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.4   2009/10/13 10:15:15    44.629    149.146  46.4   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  5.0   2009/10/13 07:41:13    52.799   -167.172  39.5   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  6.2   2009/10/13 05:37:22    52.959   -167.039  18.0   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  5.1   2009/10/13 04:49:06   -12.262    165.453  35.0   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2009/10/13 00:54:26    34.938    46.889  10.0   WESTERN IRAN
MAP  5.2   2009/10/13 00:21:31   -13.486    166.594  10.0   VANUATU

Prophecy Sign: One of the last days signs we are suppose to keep on the watch for is the sign of hunger or famine.  In Luke 21: 11 the Lord points out many signs and one of them is famine.  In Revelation 7:15, 16 you can see the people who came out of the tribulation are those who had been hit by droughts, intense heat and hunger.  We are witnessing the birth pains of these signs now, but they to will become much more intense.  Take a look at the proof of this sign. I quote, “ROME, Oct 14 (Reuters) – A combination of the food crisis and the global economic downturn has pushed more than 1 billion people into hunger in 2009, U.N. agencies said on Wednesday, confirming a grim forecast released earlier this year. The Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Food Programme said 1.02 billion people — about 100 million people more than last year — are undernourished in 2009, the highest number in four decades. "The rising number of hungry people is intolerable," said FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf as the new annual report on world hunger was released.




It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian. 

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Ephesians 2:8-9  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

 John 3:3-7 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"  Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again."


 1 Corinthians 15:3-4  “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”

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    • Uithoven family on October 15, 2009 at 9:54 am
    • Reply

    Frank – excellent post! I agree and have thought the same things for quite a while. Most can’t “see” what is happening beneath it all. I believe that is a revalation from the Holy Spirit! Thank you for all you do!

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