Rise of last world empire/decline of U.S/Gold & Silver warnings/War signs/Major Earthquakes & Storms/Peace & Safety talks/Drug sign/ Oct. 8, 2009


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When you are reading this post if you find misspelled words please notice if they are in quotes.  If they are, I have to quote them just as they are in the report.

Prophecy Sign:  In the Book of Daniel we see the rise and fall of world empires.  God told Daniel the final world empire, which would head lead by the Antichrist will be a revived Roman Empire.  If you read my post from the past few days you would have gotten the proof that the European Union is the fulfillment of this revived Roman Empire.   As the EU rises, America is falling away as a superpower.  The last days power shift has already started to take place.

In my post of August 25, 2009 I warned you of the following, and I quote my own words.  I told you that the U.S. tax base would drop, and this would add to the States debts. Everything I have warned you is coming true.”

In my July 30, 2009 post, I had written a warning to you concerning the following: “PROVIDENCE — State tax officials have put more than 1,200 businesses across the state on notice this week that they are out of business unless they pay their overdue sales taxes immediately” After quoting the news report I stated the following warning.  “Go ahead and close down 1,200 businesses.  Let’s say each business has 4 employees and this is probably a small figure.  That would mean Rhode Island just lost 4,800 more jobs and don’t you think that is going to affect the tax base?  You bet it is. This is what has been taking place every since September of last year when America’s decline really took off!  As I said before, I believe America was left out of prophecy in Daniel’s book because America would have already fallen away as a major player in the end times.”

Every month since I issued you the warnings that America’s tax base would continue to fall, hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their jobs. The lose in the tax base in strangling the U.S. economy, and is affecting how the government functions.    Here is proof of what I have been warning you is coming to pass.  I quote from an October 6, 2009 report. “The State of Illinois' pile of unpaid bills has grown to a record-breaking $3 billion. Comptroller Dan Hynes said Tuesday it's never before been this bad at this point in any previous fiscal year. CBS 2 Political Editor Mike Flannery reports that some social service agencies that rely heavily on state reimbursement warn they will soon be forced out of business. Hynes said that things are likely to get worse before the state's bleak revenue picture begins to improve.  The comptroller reported corporate income tax receipts down $77 million for July through September; sales tax receipts, down $244 million; personal income tax receipts, down $251 million.“  What is taking place in the State of Illinois is taking place in just about every State in the U.S.  There is no doubt in my mind that the reason why the Prophet Daniel was not told to write anything about America is because she would have fallen away from power and would not even be consider as any kind of power in the last days.  The present economic course the American President is taking right now is leading the country into claiming bankruptcy.


Last year I warned you about what was going to happen with gold and silver, and two days ago I was lead by the Holy Spirit to warn you again.  This is what I stated in my post-dated Oct. 6, 2009. “In my prophecy post of February 28, 2008 I warned you what was going to happen.  I now quote my own words from that Feb. 28th post. “On Feb 7, 2008 I warned you all that you should keep your eyes on the U.S. dollar, because you are going to see it fall in the marketplace. I also warned you that the Euro which is the European Union’s currency will climb. This has to happen because the EU is the (reborn Roman Empire) who we are told would stand at the time Jesus returns. In my Feb. 15, 2008 post which, is also still up on my site, I told you to keep your eyes on the price of Gold. I said we have only begun to see the price of gold climb, and I tell you why the price will rise.”   

A day later after I warned you about the gold prices climbing a Financial Times report stated, “Gold prices continued to surge on Wednesday, hitting a fresh record close to $1,050 a troy ounce as investors bet that trading momentum would push the precious metal still higher.  Barclays Capital said gold prices, which have risen 10.3 per cent since the end of August, could run to as high as $1,500 an ounce if previous technical trading patterns were extrapolated.”  I admit to you all I am not an expert in buying either stocks, or precious metals, however, I do know what Christ has said about the last days generation crying over their lost gold and silver.  People weep over things that have high value and in the last days gold and silver are two of those things.   Please laughed at me in the year 2,000 when the eruo hit the market place.  I told them that the euro would crush the dollar, hardly anyone took my warning serious.  Today is a different story now that the euro has surpassed the U.S. dollar ever since 2001.  People laughed at me when I told them the European Union would have one man to rule over all Europe.  As of two days ago those laughs have stopped and people are asking how did I know this was going to happen?  If I have knowledge that has been increased, it is only because I am in the Word of God every day.  I am giving you insights and warnings from Christ Jesus.  Either you believe in what Christ has shown us for these last days, or you can remain in the dark until you actually see the Antichrist.


Another major sign that America economy can not continue much longer can be seen in today’s BBC report. I quote, “The US budget deficit hit a record $1.4 trillion (£877bn) in the year to 30 September, US Congress estimates say. Analysts had predicted a $1.6tn deficit but revised the estimate, which comes after the end of the US financial year.”    


Prophecy Sign:  Speaking about war in the Middle East, yesterday I warned you the Psalms 83 war will probably take place because the PLO will not be able to get back the city of Jerusalem as a result of the peace process failing.  I have been warning you from time to time that we are almost at the point where this next war is going to break out.  Today’s news backs up what I have been warning you about.  I quote, “With police mobilizing to secure Jerusalem following days of Palestinian rioting, it is instructive to offer some context for clashes that have been taking place on the Temple Mount and at scattered sites throughout east Jerusalem.”  “The riots are being directly incited by the PA, whose official media outlets and institutions are stoking Arab flames by claiming right-wing extremist Jews are attempting to threaten Al-Aksa Mosque – a decades-old blood libel that should be easily dismissible in light of heavy Israeli restrictions on Jews and Christians from ascending the Mount during most hours of the day, whereas Muslims are usually free to access the site 24/7.”  This report goes on to say, “So why the current clashes?  This all actually began two weeks ago, immediately following a meeting between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, President Barack Obama and the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Obama had hoped the meeting would initiate Israeli-Palestinian negotiations aimed at creating a Palestinian state within two years. During his speech to the UN General Assembly days before the riots, Obama used strongly worded language to call for the creation of a "viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967."  The term "occupation" routinely is used by the Palestinians as well as some countries hostile to the Jewish state in reference to Israel's presence in the West Bank and Jerusalem. It is unusual for US presidents to use the term, although Jimmy Carter once famously called Israel's presence in the West Bank and east Jerusalem "illegal."   It seems the PA, emboldened by Obama's speech, may be using the riots as a pressure tactic to send a clear message to Israel – if negotiations do not create a state in the near future, expect another intifada. The PA under Arafat was notorious for negotiating on the one hand while leading a violent campaign against Israel on the other.”   Barack Obama is trying to give back the land the PLO lost in the war of 1967.  In other words, Obama is siding with the PLO and is saying if they go back to the 1967 borders the city of Jerusalem will go back into the hands of the Palestinians.   Since Israel’s Prime Minister has made it very clear that Jerusalem is not on the peace table, you can expect the Psalms 83 war to break out very soon.  


Here is more proof that the Middle East peace process is going to end up in a war.  I quote, “JERUSALEM — Israel's powerful foreign minister declared Thursday that there is no chance of reaching a final accord with the Palestinians any time soon, casting a pall over the U.S. Mideast envoy's latest effort to get peace talks moving again. Peacemaking policy in Israel is decided by the prime minister's office, and not the foreign ministry. But Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman carries significant weight in Israeli decision-making, and his is a sentiment common among confidants of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. President Barack Obama brought Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas together in New York last month in an effort to jumpstart talks that broke down months ago. So far, no breakthroughs have been announced. “Lieberman told Israel Radio on Thursday that anyone who thinks the two sides can soon reach a deal ending their decades-old conflict "doesn't understand the situation and is spreading delusions."


If you watch the news and you know what God has told us about the future, it is easy to see how events are shaping up to fulfill prophecy.  As you can see from the report above Jerusalem is at the heart of the Middle East problems.   While I am no the subject of the Psalms 83 war let me quote a section of a report from the LA Times.  “The head of the International Union for Muslim Scholars, Yusuf Al Qaradawi, is urging Egyptians to turn this Friday into a nationwide day of anger against the "Israelipractices at the Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem."  The Qatar-based cleric flew to Egypt from Doha on Monday to deliver a speech at the Egyptian Journalists' Syndicate in Cairo, where he condemned the Arab governments' silence towards the "violation of Al Aqsa's holiness" by Israeli settlers and occupation forces.”  Why am I centering on Egypt?  Because Egypt is one of the nations listed in Psalms 83 that will attack Israel with the Palestinians and other neighboring Arab nations.  What you are reading in the news is setting the stage for the Psalms war.  I realize I can only give you these warnings, I can’t make you believe what God has warned, but I am praying that you will allow yourself to be filled with the Holy Spirit so you will not be blind to all these end time signs. 


I think you will find this information interesting and it does concern the Temple Mount where all the trouble is taking place.  The Temple Mount is where the third Jewish Temple is going to be built soon in Jerusalem.  Here is information from “The Mitzpe Yericho Temple Institute BS"D Tuesday, October 06, 2009.”  I quote, “An event of historical proportions will take place, G-d willing, this coming Wednesday, the 4th day of Chol Hamoed at 2:00 PM in Mitzpe Yericho. For the first time in the history of the Jewish people, a model Temple school forKohanim and Levites will break ground here in Mitzpe Yericho. The model, which will be built to scale, will serve to teach the Kohanim and Levites the service which they will need to perform in Jerusalem when the Holy Temple is rebuilt. After 2000 years of exile, how can the Kohanim work and serve in the Temple without knowing how? This unique school will give the Kohanim and Levites first-hand experience re where to bring the sacrifices, where to throw the blood, wine, etc. The school will start with groundbreaking for the outer altar, a 16 by 16 meter structure with a height of 5 meters and a ramp of an additional 16 meters!”  I wanted you to see this information.  Why?  Because when Israel defeats the Arabs who attack them soon, right after the war Israel will rebuild the third Jewish Temple.  This is the Temple that Jesus spoke to Paul about in II Thessalonians 2:4 where he wrote us the following warning. “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember you not, that, when I was yet with you. I told you these things?  If you read chapter 11 of my free prophecy book you will see the proof that Israel is has recreated everything that was used in the services of the 2nd Temple.  Everything is in place to rebuild the Temple.  The only thing stopping them is the Arabs. As you can see from news, war is going to break out soon over this site, and then you will see the Words of Jesus Christ come to life.  The training of the Levites Priests to perform the new sacrifices in the Third Temple is the last phase to be completed.   


Prophecy Sign:  Once again I need to report on the sign of many earthquakes and great earthquakes Jesus told us were coming.  These prophecies can be found in Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11.  One of the things I told you the Holy Spirit has shown me is huge earthquakes were coming.  Since I gave you that warning we have seen a lot of huge earthquakes and the past two days alone we have witness nations rocked.  In two days from October 7, 2009 – October 8, 2009 25 big earthquakes were recorded, and many of these quakes were major earthquakes.    Of those 25 quakes three major earthquakes rocked the Santa Cruz Islands. The Santa Cruz quakes measured a 7.7- 6.6-6.5.  Three major earthquakes rocked Vanuatu. One of these quakes measured an 6.8, and the other 7.3.   You can see all these recent quakes at the link below.  Each time I warn you I ask the Lord if I should continue my warnings concerning these major earthquakes. 

Now let me turn to the news concerning these huge quakes today Oct. 8, 2009. I quote, SYDNEY (Reuters) – Undersea earthquakes caused panic in the South Pacific on Thursday, sending islanders fleeing to higher ground on fears of a second devastating tsunami in as many weeks, but a series of waves proved to be tiny and harmless. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued a tsunami warning for the entire southwest Pacific, which included island resorts and Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia, after the quakes struck beneath the seas between Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands.” The tsunami warning centre issued its warning after two subsea quakes, one measuring 7.8 magnitude and the other 7.3. Late in the evening, the centre reported another 7 magnitude quake but ruled out a tsunami threat. No details were immediately available.”  It is my prayer that each time one of these quakes hits, the first thing that will come into peoples minds will be Jesus Christ! 


This morning I asked what I should write?  I prayed and this is what I was told to write.  “They are coming”.  When I was given this message the verse that the Lord showed me to back up this warning came from Mark 13:8.  In this verse Jesus warns us these last days signs would take place as birth pains.  In other words, The news we are now witnessing concerning all these end time signs will begin to increase in their intensity.  The Apostle Paul tells us the same thing in I Thessalonians 5:3.  Knowing what Jesus has said in His Word, I would get ready to see some really big earthquakes again.  As with all birth pains these signs may appear to be declining, but anyone who has given birth knows the next round of pains is much worse than the last!  That’s all I have to say about that.


Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel chapter 38-39 God shows us Russia is going to lead an end times invasion against Israel.  Russia is going to be allied with Libya, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, and Germany.  In Ezekiel 38:6 we see the Lord telling us that “Gomer and all his bands” will invade Israel with Russia.  Let me give you some very important information about these nations and then I will connect the dots between the Ezekiel prophecy and our end time signs, which we are witnessing.

First of all let me cover Germany.  Gomer is the name of the tribe in the Old Testament, which is today modern day Germany.  Gomer was the eldest son of Japheth, most likely representing Germany, and the rest of the nations listed in Ezekiel 38 are Muslim. Gomer was the father of Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah. He is believed to have settled the northern shores of the black sea, Eastern Europe, the British Isles and northern Russia; Cimmerians, and to the Crimea and Asia Minor. Togarmah was supposed to have given his name to the region of Asia afterwards called Armenia. It was celebrated for a nation in trading of horses and mules at the fairs of Tyre (Ezek. 27:14; and the men of Togarmah, like the modern Armenians, were an industrious, peaceable, and trafficking people. The sons of Ashkenaz, according to old Roman maps, place them around the area of Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany to the banks of the Danube.  Now that you know who Gomer is let me quote a section of a news report from Fox News.  The global Muslim population stands at 1.57 billion, meaning that nearly 1 in 4 people in the world practice Islam, according to a report Wednesday billed as the most comprehensive of its kind. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life report provides a precise number for a population whose size has long has been subject to guesswork, with estimates ranging anywhere from 1 billion to 1.8 billion.  The project, three years in the making, also presents a portrait of the Muslim world that might surprise some. For instance, Germany has more Muslims than Lebanon, China has more Muslims than Syria, Russia has more Muslims than Jordan and Libya combined, and Ethiopia has nearly as many Muslims as Afghanistan.”   When Russia invades Israel she will bring down from the North millions of Russian Muslims with her.  If you read my chapter 10 of my book you will see the quote where Russian President Putin has said he considers Russia to be a Muslim nation.  Most people wouldn’t think that Germany would attack Israel because Germany is part of the European Union and is at the present time semi friendly with Israel.  What is going to happen in the near future when the German Muslims see Russia is coming against Israel; they will join their Russian Muslim Brothers in their quest to destroy Israel.  As you can see from the Fox report Germany is loaded with Muslims. 

God shows us in verse 5 of Ezekiel 38 that Ethiopia will also join Russia in the attack against Israel.  As you can also see from the Fox report Ethiopia is also loaded with Ethiopian Muslims.   We know this Ezekiel war is about to take place and when it begins it will be a war of Muslims coming against the Jews.  Now you know the connection between the news, the statistics concerning the number of Muslims living in each nation mention in the Ezekiel prophecy.  I am warning you that this war is much closer than you think it is.



The Fox news report above stated that “The global Muslim population stands at 1.57 billion, meaning that nearly 1 in 4 people in the world practice Islam”  When Jesus Christ raptures His Church out of this world the Muslim religion is going to play a major role in the false church that will be lead by the false prophet and the Antichrist.  In Revelation Chapter 17 Jesus shows us warnings about the apostate church that is around during the seven year tribulation.  When the Lord’s Church is raptured out of the way all the other churches will join together to make up this apostate church.  In Chapter two of my book I point out that there is a very good chance the Antichrist will be Muslim.  Notice if you will that Jesus warned us that if you do not bow down to the Antichrist and don’t receive his mark in your hand or forehead, they would cut off your head. This prophecy is found in Revelation 20:4.    What religion today cuts off the heads of those who do not worship their God?  It is Islam.  When you read chapter 2 of my book you will see the evidence that  world religions are currently trying to form a universal church through interfaith relations.  This is part of the false church of the last days. 

If you haven’t received Jesus Christ as your Savior yet, I am asking you to do so now before Jesus removes His true believers from this Earth.  Once the true believers in Christ are gone you will another chance to enter heaven but you will have to refuse the mark of the Antichrist and have your head cut off.  Is that the road you want to take? 

Prophecy Sign: Once again I have to cover the last days sign found in Luke 21:25 where Christ told us, in the last days we would see the sign of the roaring seas and waves.  Just about everyone knows strong winds push the seas and waves.  For the past month many nations around the world have seen the roaring seas and waves.  Some of the nations have seen the waves rush their shores because of massive earthquakes.  However, most of the damages this past month have been from super storms.  Today we received news about another one of these storms.  I quote, “A powerful typhoon slammed into Japan's main island on Thursday, killing at least one person as violent winds damaged homes, uprooted trees and prompted fears of landslides. Typhoon Melor, packing gusts of up to 198 kilometres (123 miles) an hour, was cutting a swathe across densely populated central Japan– the first tropical storm to make landfall since 2007, the weather agency said. It brought heavy rain and strong winds that ripped roofs off houses, damaged walls and toppled trees, blocking roads and railways in central Japan.”   Most of you who have been coming to my prophecy site realize that I do not remove my posts.  I leave them up so you can see my past warning, and I even put the date to these posts so you can see what date I issued the warning.   If you go back and read my previous posts you will find that I warned you bigger storms were coming, and that is exactly what has happened in the past two months.  It is clear to me the Lord is showing us even bigger storms are on the way.  The labor pains are increasing.


Prophecy Sign:  In Revelation 9:20-21 we read Jesus warning which shows us this generation would be known as the drug generation.  If you read chapter 6 of my book you will learn the meaning of drugs in Rev. 9:21.  Most people already are well aware that this generation has been labeled the drug generation exactly as Jesus said it would.  Part of the labor pains you are going to see if you miss the rapture of the Church will be that drugs will become legal in most nations around the world.  The move to make drugs legal has already started and here is another example of what I am talking about.  I quote, “SAN FRANCISCO — Marijuana advocates are gathering signatures to get at least three pot-legalization measures on the ballot in 2010 in California, setting up what could be a groundbreaking clash with the federal government over U.S. drug policy.  At least one poll shows voters would support lifting the pot prohibition, which would make the state of 40 million the first in the nation to legalize marijuana.  Such action would also send the state into a headlong conflict with the U.S. government while raising questions about how federal law enforcement could enforce its drug laws in the face of a massive government-sanctioned pot industry.  The state already has a thriving marijuana trade, thanks to a first-of-its-kind 1996 ballot measure that allowed people to smoke pot for medical purposes. But full legalization could turn medical marijuana dispensaries into all-purpose pot stores, and the open sale of joints could become commonplace on mom-and-pop liquor store counters in liberal locales like Oakland and Santa Cruz.”  I want you to keep this thought in mind.  California is going broke and needs money to keep the government going.  The government can use the tax base that would be generated if the state were to make pot legal.  The sale of pot would bring in billions.  It is for this reason I think pot will become legal.  I know for sure that once the Church is gone all types of drugs will become legal.


It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming  to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for  adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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    • Michelle N. on October 8, 2009 at 3:58 pm
    • Reply

    Dear Frank,
    My brother and his wife are in northern Japan. Please say a prayer they are safe. We haven’t heard from them yet.
    God bless,

    • carolanngillies on October 9, 2009 at 12:49 pm
    • Reply

    frank,want to thank-you for bringing these posts. it helps me see where we are in gods timetable.

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