Swine ful crime and information concerning Affidavit to FBI-Are earthquakes getting worse? Sept. 23, 2009


Today at 10:30 I am interviewing Dr. Leonard Horowitz.  As you can see from the information below Dr. Horowitz has filed papers with the FBI to go after people like David Rockefeller, Rupert Murdock, Morton Zeuckerman, Thomas Glocer and Jerry Speyer.  These are some of the most powerful people on Earth.   If you read the short section of the report below you will find out why Dr. Leonard has asked the FBI to investigate these men and others.  Under section bb Dr. Horowitz states, "“bb.I testify as an expert in medical sociology and vaccine virology this is not “conspiracy theory,” but a certifiable “conspiracy reality” operating in health science sustained by a “conspiracy of silence” infecting responsible journalists, the media, and the American people. It is a sociopolitical pathology preventable only by the free exercise of our First Amendment right to a free press. Given the manner in which the defendants control the media, however, including the medical scientific media, America’s founding fathers objective to secure civil rights and happiness by way of a free press has been substantially negated by these criminals.”

My interview with the doctor will be shown on my radio/video show at The Edge this Friday September 25, 2009 at 6pm EST.  Link is below.


Tetrahedron Publishing Group

Health Science Communications for People Around the World

217 Cedar St., Suite # 326 ۰  Sandpoint, ID 83864 ۰ 208-265-8065   http://www.tetrahedron.org


Release: No. H1N1-15

Date Mailed: September-15-2009

For Immediate Release

Contact: Rob Potter—949-715-2217 or 310-877-3002

WARNING: Drug Cartel Exposed Creating, Releasing, Injecting, Infecting, and Depopulating Planet with Pandemic H1N1 Swine Flu Viruses and Vaccines

Los Angeles, CA— World leading drug-industry investigators have uncovered stunning documents proving an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, America’s leading consumer health expert, and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released shocking proof in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology “trust” are behind everything you ever heard about pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccination. Their documents, being sent through attorneys to the FBI today, evidence powerful industrialists operating a crime ring within “Partnership for New York City” are behind the pandemic’s creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions seen everywhere from supermarkets to health clinics.

“David Rockefeller’s trust, that engages several powerful partners on Wall Street, including media moguls Rupert Murdock, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Speyer,” are implicated in advancing global genocide,” Dr. Horowitz wrote to FBI directors, through a team of attorneys assembled to stop the swine flu vaccines from being given.

“This ‘partnership’ controls biotechnology research and development globally. Health commerce internationally is also controlled virtually entirely by this trust that exercises near complete control over mainstream media to promote/propagandize its products and services for the drug cartel's organized crime. This trust, in essence, makes or breaks medical and natural healing markets, primarily through the mass media companies and propaganda it wields for social engineering and market building,” Dr. Horowitz wrote.

This is the link to the complete report.


Matthew 24:7 said to watch for earthquakes.  If you click to the link below you will see the increase of quakes.  This is only one of many prophecy signs that are proving Christ's Words are coming to pass.




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

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