Signs of the times: False teachers and False prophets-Aug. 28, 2009


Frank DiMora, author, of the prophecy book, "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth" brings everyone up to date with many of the current events that show us Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. Frank covers, Ezekiel 38-39 signs, Psalms 83 signs, earthquakes, seas and waves roaring, the decline of America, and rise of the last world empire the Revived Roman Empire, famines, droughts, diseases, peace and safety talks, Turkey turning to Russia instead of EU, new world currency, and Jews returning to their homeland. Click to link below to watch Frank's show at The Edge. Show begins 6pm EST today.


Beware of men who claim the Messiah is already here! Obama is proclaimed to be the Messiah.

Beware of false prophets!

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