Image of the Antichrist-Kingdom against kingsom-Israel told to say out of Jordan, Egypt, and, Morocco. What is the importance of these nations?- Israel & new stance on U.S. dollar-Peace process hitting break wall?-Jewish Temple news-Aug. 11, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009

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Prophecy Sign: “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase” Daniel 12:4.  “And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” Rev. 13:14-15.  Many of you are probably wondering where I am going with these prophecies?  Via Daniel, God showed us that this present generation would become known as the generation of knowledge.  There is no question that this generation is well known as the generation of knowledge.  This prophecy has already been fulfilled!  You will understand why I quoted Revelation 13:14-15 when you watch the two videos below.  Jesus warned us that the false prophet who links up with the Antichrsit is going to set up an exact image of the Antichrsit. As you can see from Christ’s warning the false prophet is going to make the image seem to come to life so that he even speaks.  Of course this exact image of the Antichrist is going to command everyone to take the mark of the Antichrist. I want you to watch the videos so that you will see our increase in knowledge has made it possible to fulfill Rev. 13:14-15!  Today people can and have already made exact images of well known people.  Take Albert Einstein for example, when you watch the video you will see that they have brought Einstein to life and yes, he speaks and looks as real as if he were still alive.  The videos you are going to watch just has the upper torso of Einstein but there are other robots that are full size and they even appear to be breathing!  It is very possible that this type of technology may be use to fool the unbeliever.  If the people producing these robots and make an exact image of Albert Einstein they can make an exact image of any world leader they want including the Antichrist. This is just food for thought.  The robots you will see are so real it is creepy. The bottom line is this, What Jesus has warned us for this generation is coming to pass just as are all the other prophecies the Lord asked us to keep on the watch for.

Animatronic Albert Einstein at CES 2009

Hanson Robotics Swami Robot

AI Robotics: Perfect Woman:

Human or Robot

Hanson Robotics ALICE

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 informs us to watch for civil unrest. He is one good example of what is happening in America.  Newsmax ran a report today that shows the other side of the story and I think when you watch this you will get up set. “America has been sucker punched. The unifier, the great post-racial, post-American president, has adopted the street tactics of Chicago thug politics. His ACORN/SEIU/Union goons are beating up decent American citizens at town hall meetings. And with the violence comes vilification: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has claimed that protesters are “carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.”  When you watch the video you will see the truth about the swastika.

Prophecy Sign: Once again I want you to see some signs that the Ezekiel war is just around the corner and both sides, Israel and Iran are getting ready to do battle.  First off, if you are new to my site you may not know what the Ezekiel war is all about.  Ezekiel was shown by God that Russia and her Muslims allies are going to invade Israel in the last days when Israel has already been reborn as a nation.  Well, Israel was reborn as a nation in 1948 so that part of the prophecy is already finished.  Many prophecy teachers including myself believe that when Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear weapons program, there will be a counter attack, which will come from Russia and Russia’s allies. We see in the news today Israel is stocking up for this war. I quote, “A Pentagon advisor and senior military strategist believes Israel's recent purchase of some sophisticated weapons will greatly enhance the capability of Israeli Defense Forces to deal with growing threats from their Islamic enemies.” “Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis (USA-Ret.) says the new technology could be also used in a possible strike against Iranian nuclear sites. "It would appear as if Israel is certainly assembling the pieces for a strike, should they decide to do it," he believes.”  Most of you who have come to my site already know Israel and the U.S. have given Iran until September to haut their nuclear weapons program.  If I were a betting man I would bet that Israel is going to hit Iran before the end of 2009 because Iran just told the world they are not going to stop their nuclear program for anyone.  No one can say for sure what is going to happen but recent current events point to war. Will it turn out to be the war Ezekiel was shown?  We  all are going to see very soon.

Prophecy Sign: Just a few days ago I gave you warning from the news concerning the war of Psalms 83.  Two of the nations we are told that is going to attack Israel are Jordan and Egypt. Take a look at what nations the Israeli’s were told to stay away from today.  I quote, “The National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued updated travel warnings on Tuesday, urging Israelis to refrain from traveling to Jordan and Egypt – two Muslim countries with which Israel signed peace treaties, as well as Morocco and Kenya – two African countries with large Muslim populations. “  If you noticed Morocco was also named in this report.  When you study Bible history you will learn that Marocco was part of Libya.  Morocco is one of the nations that is going to partner up with Russia when Russia invades Israel.  It is getting to the point where most of the nations mentioned in Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38 are in the news every week and the news all points to another war soon.  None of this news is a coincidence!  If Jesus asked us to keep on the watch for these things, you shouldn’t be surprised when you these this type of news.  The only people this news should take people by surprise are those who do not believe in the Word of God and those who do not read the Word of God.  Which one are you?  This report went on to say, “Hizbullah, according to the NSC, plans to either kill Israelis abroad or kidnap them.”  Hizbullah is a major part of the PLO or modern day Palestine and Psalms 83 shows us Palestine is also going to attack Israel.  The Hizbullah are also in Lebanon and Lebanon is another nation coming against Israel in Psalms 83.  Do you get the picture yet?.

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7 show us that the U.S is not goig to play a major role as world power in the last days.  How do we know that?  Because God never once mentions America in the list of world empires.  Not only that but God specifically showed us the last world empire is going to be a revived Roman Empire.  At the present time there is a superpower shift-taking place and America is falling away as a superpower. The American way of life is about to change as never seen before and the U.S. dollar is going to drop right through the floor.  I have given you proof over the past year showing you the nations are getting ready for America’s fall.  Look at the news today.  Israel used to be the United States strongest ally but even they don’t want to mess around with the dollar. I quote the headline from the J. Post today which read as follow, “Bank of Israel halts daily dollar-purchase program” “Following the announcement, the dollar dropped 1 percent to NIS 3.87. “ “"The governor of the Bank of Israel's announcement is maybe the most expected surprise seen in the capital market in a long time," Tal Avda, deputy head of investments at Clal Forex, said Monday. "History has shown that the only significant factor influencing the shekel-dollar exchange rate in the long term is the value of the greenback in the global-currency market, and [Bank of Israel] Governor Stanley Fischer knows that."  If Israel is taking  this stance you know America is in serous trouble.  Waiting for America to fall are the Revive Roman Empire nations.  When America goes down someone is going to have to set in a pick up the pieces.  As I mentioned in my previous posts, this is the time the Antichrist will hit center stage.

Prophecy Sign: Once again I want to brink out the prophecy sign Paul gave us concerning the call for Peace and Safety during the time of the end.  If you are new to my site read 1st Thessalonians 5:2-3 and you will see this warning.  Paul tells us that while they are calling for peace and safety sudden destruction will come.  This is war!  I am convinced that as soon as the Arab nations realize the peace process isn’t going to give them what they want, namely Jerusalem and half of Israel, they will join forces and attack Israel.  I do believe this is where we may see the war of Psalms 83 come into play.  Obama as previous U.S. Presidents is hitting a break wall in the peace process. I quote, “After running into a dead end in its efforts to jump-start Middle East peace talks, the Obama administration has signaled that it has evaluated the situation and understands that not all is well. But instead of a course correction, senior administration officials have decided that what they need to do is to deploy their most effective weapon – the rhetorical brilliance of President Barack Obama – on a recalcitrant state of Israel.  They say that in the next few weeks the White House will begin a public relations program in Israel and Arab countries to better explain the president's intention to broker a comprehensive peace agreement. The highlight would be interviews with Obama on Israeli television as well as appearances broadcast in Arab countries. In particular, the officials say they hope to convince the majority of Israelis, who have been shown in polls to view Obama and his policies with distrust, to support his stand on freezing building in Jewish settlements in the West Bank as well as in Jerusalem, rather than the policies of Binyamin Netanyahu, their own prime minister.”  Obama is having trouble everywhere.  The American’s are up set with him for pushing what appears to be a socialistic health care system and, the Israeli’s are up set with him for demanding Israel give everything to the PLO except the kitchen sink.  If you want to know what to watch for, watch what happens next week when these nations sit down and try to jump start the peace process.  Keep in mind, Paul said sudden destruction would come while they are talking peace and safety.  This is the time Paul wants us to keep on our toes.

In another section of this same report we see signs of what Zechariah warned in Zech. 12:3 where he tells us all the nations will turn against Israel.  I think you will be the picture once you read this section of the report. “The reason many Israelis think they have been singled out for rough treatment by Obama is not because they don't understand that his intentions are good and that his motives are pure; it's because he has unfairly singled them out. The dispute about settlements between the two governments was a calculated decision on the part of Washington to pick a fight with its smaller ally and raise the stakes until Netanyahu gave in. That would have handed Obama an easy triumph and a way to show the Arab world that American friends of Israel no longer have a decisive say in American foreign policy.”  No U.S. President has ever done what Obama is doing to Israel.  It is a clear sign that he is steering away from Israel.

Prophecy Sign: Great earthquakes in many places, this is one of the warnings Jesus told us to look for in Luke 21:11.  Yesterday I gave you a special report on the huge quake that hit India’s region.  I told you these quakes are coming!  Take a look at what has happen in just the last few days and notice the size of these quakes.  Jesus’ Words are all coming to pass and if you don’t believe His Word, just stay tuned because you are going to see some pretty massive earthquakes hit soon. 



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2009/08/10 05:28:17 







2009/08/10 04:06:32 







2009/08/09 10:55:56 





See the earthquakes around the world:

Take a look at what has happened in the last 30 days.

11-AUG-2009 15:19:04 13.58 93.05 4.6 35.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
11-AUG-2009 08:51:28 14.11 93.08 4.6 35.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
11-AUG-2009 08:32:12 14.07 93.19 4.5 35.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
11-AUG-2009 07:54:38 14.35 92.97 4.9 38.7 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
11-AUG-2009 07:14:35 14.11 93.11 4.5 35.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
11-AUG-2009 06:10:04 14.10 93.01 4.7 37.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
11-AUG-2009 00:20:11 14.03 93.19 4.8 35.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
10-AUG-2009 22:54:46 -10.67 34.43 4.6 10.0 MALAWI
10-AUG-2009 21:19:39 14.32 92.96 4.7 23.7 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
10-AUG-2009 20:07:07 34.74 138.22 6.4 26.0 NEAR S. COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
10-AUG-2009 19:55:39 14.01 92.92 7.6 33.1 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
10-AUG-2009 17:46:27 -3.13 143.18 5.7 35.0 NEAR N COAST OF NEW GUINEA, PNG.
10-AUG-2009 14:23:07 -32.25 -179.45 5.2 10.0 SOUTH OF KERMADEC ISLANDS
10-AUG-2009 14:10:07 -26.75 -114.31 4.9 10.0 EASTER ISLAND REGION
10-AUG-2009 13:12:51 -9.33 122.99 4.5 93.3 SAVU SEA
10-AUG-2009 12:42:53 43.55 130.50 4.9 567.6 E. RUSSIA-N.E. CHINA BORDER REG.
10-AUG-2009 05:28:16 -11.49 166.15 5.0 45.6 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
10-AUG-2009 04:06:32 -11.60 166.09 6.6 42.8 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
09-AUG-2009 19:43:20 55.28 162.52 4.7 21.1 NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA
09-AUG-2009 16:01:28 32.95 138.03 4.5 321.7 SOUTH OF HONSHU, JAPAN
09-AUG-2009 10:55:56 33.14 138.04 7.1 303.1 SOUTH OF HONSHU, JAPAN
09-AUG-2009 07:09:04 -4.77 153.03 5.5 86.2 NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.
08-AUG-2009 13:52:37 40.34 27.24 4.2 10.0 TURKEY
08-AUG-2009 13:31:52 28.82 141.43 4.8 57.7 BONIN ISLANDS REGION
08-AUG-2009 11:30:34 -18.18 -178.40 4.2 579.9 FIJI ISLANDS REGION
08-AUG-2009 10:27:24 -19.66 -177.88 4.3 431.4 FIJI ISLANDS REGION
08-AUG-2009 09:30:50 -24.17 -66.74 4.2 185.7 SALTA PROVINCE, ARGENTINA
08-AUG-2009 06:43:21 46.67 -27.47 4.8 10.0 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
08-AUG-2009 05:44:13 24.24 125.18 4.8 19.3 SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISLANDS
08-AUG-2009 04:27:22 -8.31 119.93 4.5 193.8 FLORES REGION, INDONESIA
07-AUG-2009 22:30:34 37.25 142.17 4.6 32.9 OFF EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
07-AUG-2009 20:28:49 -7.95 156.53 5.4 10.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS
07-AUG-2009 18:59:25 26.77 57.46 4.5 10.0 SOUTHERN IRAN
07-AUG-2009 17:34:16 -15.99 -177.77 5.1 10.0 FIJI ISLANDS REGION
07-AUG-2009 13:38:18 50.22 -178.85 4.6 8.4 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS.
07-AUG-2009 11:48:38 -24.14 -66.91 4.2 164.1 SALTA PROVINCE, ARGENTINA
07-AUG-2009 10:49:34 40.32 -124.63 4.9 16.4 NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF.
07-AUG-2009 03:34:37 -15.63 -177.16 4.8 10.0 FIJI ISLANDS REGION
07-AUG-2009 03:33:18 51.62 16.15 4.1 5.0 POLAND
07-AUG-2009 03:06:08 40.54 52.04 4.4 48.8 TURKMENISTAN
07-AUG-2009 01:10:59 6.81 -72.90 4.4 164.4 NORTHERN COLOMBIA
06-AUG-2009 22:39:37 50.52 -130.37 4.2 10.0 VANCOUVER ISLAND REGION
06-AUG-2009 08:13:43 -6.83 130.18 4.9 10.0 BANDA SEA
06-AUG-2009 04:57:49 37.48 22.01 4.5 42.8 SOUTHERN GREECE
06-AUG-2009 03:59:30 17.40 -91.94 4.5 37.7 MEXICO-GUATEMALA BORDER REGION
05-AUG-2009 21:43:24 -38.84 137.20 5.0 4.4 OFF SOUTH COAST OF AUSTRALIA
05-AUG-2009 17:34:32 5.30 127.32 4.9 149.4 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
05-AUG-2009 14:20:30 8.26 -103.18 4.5 10.0 NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE
05-AUG-2009 11:26:47 24.22 125.12 4.5 23.4 SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISLANDS
05-AUG-2009 10:48:16 -5.76 146.92 4.8 82.6 EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG., P.N.G.
05-AUG-2009 09:13:13 29.62 -113.85 5.5 10.0 GULF OF CALIFORNIA
05-AUG-2009 08:31:41 -45.48 166.34 6.0 10.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
05-AUG-2009 07:49:04 43.35 28.66 4.7 10.0 BLACK SEA
05-AUG-2009 07:34:33 -9.40 158.89 4.9 35.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS
05-AUG-2009 06:28:33 -8.59 67.46 5.0 10.0 MID-INDIAN RIDGE
05-AUG-2009 03:51:15 32.61 131.89 5.1 41.6 KYUSHU, JAPAN
05-AUG-2009 02:58:45 22.50 93.46 4.7 69.3 MYANMAR-INDIA BORDER REGION
05-AUG-2009 00:17:58 24.22 125.11 6.1 22.0 SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISLANDS
04-AUG-2009 22:32:48 2.43 96.31 4.6 40.5 NORTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
04-AUG-2009 17:57:40 -17.64 167.53 5.0 49.0 VANUATU ISLANDS
04-AUG-2009 16:20:38 50.68 96.85 5.1 10.0 RUSSIA-MONGOLIA BORDER REGION
04-AUG-2009 15:29:51 31.69 142.46 4.5 35.0 SOUTH OF HONSHU, JAPAN
04-AUG-2009 01:23:56 12.70 -89.45 4.4 100.7 OFF COAST OF CENTRAL AMERICA
03-AUG-2009 23:00:34 -56.48 -25.55 4.8 24.0 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
03-AUG-2009 22:44:25 -22.34 171.25 4.9 58.0 LOYALTY ISLANDS REGION
03-AUG-2009 22:18:15 31.18 103.77 4.3 10.0 SICHUAN, CHINA
03-AUG-2009 21:41:59 -21.03 -174.57 4.4 35.0 TONGA ISLANDS
03-AUG-2009 20:10:18 -14.26 -75.48 5.3 45.0 NEAR COAST OF PERU
03-AUG-2009 18:40:50 29.37 -113.70 6.2 10.0 GULF OF CALIFORNIA
03-AUG-2009 18:33:32 28.89 -113.04 5.0 1.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
03-AUG-2009 17:59:59 29.37 -112.81 6.9 10.0 GULF OF CALIFORNIA
03-AUG-2009 17:55:23 28.98 -112.99 5.0 10.3 GULF OF CALIFORNIA
03-AUG-2009 14:18:31 18.93 145.38 4.8 257.0 MARIANA ISLANDS
03-AUG-2009 13:33:13 -28.59 -177.95 4.7 129.0 KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
03-AUG-2009 10:31:25 0.60 127.49 4.9 158.0 HALMAHERA, INDONESIA
03-AUG-2009 07:23:28 21.51 143.04 4.5 338.0 MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
03-AUG-2009 07:19:32 37.44 141.37 4.6 44.0 NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
03-AUG-2009 03:30:36 -24.55 -67.66 4.1 116.0 CHILE-ARGENTINA BORDER REGION
03-AUG-2009 01:47:56 12.32 143.93 5.1 35.0 SOUTH OF MARIANA ISLANDS
03-AUG-2009 01:31:01 -8.61 159.14 5.0 84.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS
02-AUG-2009 23:55:34 13.12 -88.74 4.5 114.0 EL SALVADOR
02-AUG-2009 13:21:09 7.73 126.47 4.7 99.0 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
02-AUG-2009 11:34:47 23.81 121.12 4.6 16.0 TAIWAN
02-AUG-2009 08:54:35 -0.46 132.87 5.8 35.0 IRIAN JAYA REGION, INDONESIA
02-AUG-2009 01:07:39 -6.54 130.61 4.8 82.0 BANDA SEA
01-AUG-2009 23:07:02 -12.09 -75.42 5.0 100.0 CENTRAL PERU
01-AUG-2009 22:00:51 -9.16 123.18 5.4 121.0 TIMOR REGION, INDONESIA
01-AUG-2009 21:52:16 19.00 147.73 4.7 40.0 MARIANA ISLANDS REGION
01-AUG-2009 19:34:16 17.83 -106.01 4.5 10.0 OFF COAST OF JALISCO, MEXICO
01-AUG-2009 17:59:48 40.28 140.84 4.3 99.0 EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN
01-AUG-2009 17:54:33 38.28 138.58 4.8 28.0 NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
01-AUG-2009 17:04:59 1.26 124.50 4.3 239.0 MINAHASSA PENINSULA, SULAWESI
01-AUG-2009 16:53:38 7.30 126.54 4.5 145.0 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
01-AUG-2009 15:57:04 38.28 138.63 5.0 39.0 NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
01-AUG-2009 13:33:31 -56.32 -124.32 5.2 10.0 SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE
01-AUG-2009 09:45:50 37.59 141.79 5.0 43.0 NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
01-AUG-2009 05:06:18 -9.26 113.26 4.5 42.0 SOUTH OF JAWA, INDONESIA
01-AUG-2009 03:03:01 -18.85 -175.24 4.7 159.0 TONGA ISLANDS
01-AUG-2009 01:16:09 -20.62 -174.26 4.8 35.0 TONGA ISLANDS
31-JUL-2009 21:54:41 31.85 104.19 4.7 35.0 SICHUAN, CHINA
31-JUL-2009 21:00:54 18.56 -70.94 4.7 10.0 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION
31-JUL-2009 14:56:14 -8.94 108.61 5.4 11.0 JAWA, INDONESIA
31-JUL-2009 14:09:53 -4.86 134.16 5.2 35.0 IRIAN JAYA REGION, INDONESIA
31-JUL-2009 11:01:18 -41.15 -90.90 5.1 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND
31-JUL-2009 10:09:46 -56.42 -143.05 5.7 10.0 PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE
31-JUL-2009 09:55:47 -11.90 166.56 4.9 228.0 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
31-JUL-2009 08:14:39 -20.94 14.98 5.1 10.0 NAMIBIA
31-JUL-2009 08:07:12 -20.72 -174.15 5.3 10.0 TONGA ISLANDS
31-JUL-2009 03:43:30 37.12 71.47 4.5 108.0 AFGHANISTAN-TAJIKISTAN BORD REG.
31-JUL-2009 03:19:07 55.51 166.25 4.8 10.0 KOMANDORSKY ISLANDS REGION
31-JUL-2009 02:30:04 42.75 141.86 4.6 112.0 HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION
31-JUL-2009 00:05:25 -10.00 118.70 5.4 1.0 SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA
30-JUL-2009 22:39:09 59.97 -151.14 4.6 45.0 KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA
30-JUL-2009 20:05:35 -20.84 -174.26 5.8 10.0 TONGA ISLANDS
30-JUL-2009 19:21:12 -36.46 177.91 4.4 81.0 OFF E. COAST OF N. ISLAND, N.Z.
30-JUL-2009 12:27:57 52.28 177.99 4.5 157.0 RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS
30-JUL-2009 08:34:43 -23.08 -13.56 4.7 10.0 SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
30-JUL-2009 07:37:53 39.74 39.81 4.8 10.0 TURKEY
30-JUL-2009 06:51:13 61.77 -149.93 4.3 13.0 SOUTHERN ALASKA
30-JUL-2009 02:06:48 -45.75 166.67 5.0 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
29-JUL-2009 23:22:53 -45.57 166.71 5.0 9.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
29-JUL-2009 21:57:49 -4.90 152.50 4.7 41.0 NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G.
29-JUL-2009 21:33:06 -5.16 152.61 5.2 48.0 NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G.
29-JUL-2009 19:59:41 -46.23 166.27 4.8 13.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
29-JUL-2009 16:53:04 21.99 120.46 5.3 16.0 TAIWAN REGION
29-JUL-2009 14:52:08 22.57 143.28 5.2 140.0 VOLCANO ISLANDS REGION
29-JUL-2009 12:22:49 43.34 146.84 4.7 54.0 KURIL ISLANDS
29-JUL-2009 11:03:31 43.39 147.20 4.6 63.0 KURIL ISLANDS
29-JUL-2009 10:00:36 36.79 -104.83 4.0 5.0 NEW MEXICO
29-JUL-2009 09:31:07 -5.54 101.57 5.4 6.0 SOUTHWEST OF SUMATERA, INDONESIA
29-JUL-2009 09:09:57 -10.76 164.97 4.9 10.0 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
29-JUL-2009 08:40:46 -6.27 130.46 4.9 188.0 BANDA SEA
28-JUL-2009 23:34:56 41.39 18.87 4.2 45.0 ADRIATIC SEA
28-JUL-2009 19:14:05 10.55 94.21 4.9 4.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
28-JUL-2009 12:50:51 -8.98 112.50 4.9 73.0 JAWA, INDONESIA
28-JUL-2009 08:43:48 -5.48 101.62 5.9 35.0 SOUTHWEST OF SUMATERA, INDONESIA
28-JUL-2009 05:14:57 10.58 94.16 5.3 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
28-JUL-2009 03:17:57 39.72 73.93 4.8 50.0 TAJIKISTAN-XINJIANG BORDER REG.
27-JUL-2009 21:15:01 10.60 94.37 4.6 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
27-JUL-2009 19:16:17 43.94 145.25 4.8 143.0 HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION
27-JUL-2009 15:54:52 -8.91 160.87 5.1 69.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS
27-JUL-2009 13:31:00 -0.03 123.70 4.6 214.0 MINAHASSA PENINSULA, SULAWESI
27-JUL-2009 13:04:28 -22.52 170.90 4.8 82.0 LOYALTY ISLANDS REGION
27-JUL-2009 12:34:19 -5.51 151.77 5.4 39.0 NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G.
27-JUL-2009 12:08:14 10.68 94.31 4.8 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
27-JUL-2009 11:08:21 -5.43 151.69 5.1 65.0 NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G.
27-JUL-2009 10:58:14 -23.93 -66.45 5.2 173.0 JUJUY PROVINCE, ARGENTINA
27-JUL-2009 09:03:25 42.21 81.18 4.7 35.0 NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA
27-JUL-2009 06:23:50 34.90 73.20 5.1 39.0 PAKISTAN
26-JUL-2009 23:10:27 -4.74 102.99 6.2 66.5 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
26-JUL-2009 23:01:36 -17.79 168.01 6.2 67.3 VANUATU ISLANDS
26-JUL-2009 21:49:21 10.55 94.18 5.0 11.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 19:45:08 10.67 94.32 5.0 25.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 15:51:01 10.58 94.24 4.9 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 15:27:04 11.86 94.35 5.2 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 15:26:57 10.81 94.35 5.0 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 14:58:13 10.60 94.15 4.9 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 13:48:50 10.47 93.76 4.7 7.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 13:29:15 10.68 94.28 5.1 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 12:48:35 10.70 94.31 4.9 11.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 12:34:32 10.70 94.38 4.8 15.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 12:25:51 10.54 94.06 4.8 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 11:55:44 10.62 94.24 4.8 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 11:18:51 10.83 94.49 4.5 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 10:58:01 10.68 94.37 4.6 9.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 10:42:29 10.84 94.40 4.7 23.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 10:14:15 10.72 94.38 4.9 16.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 09:40:26 10.65 94.41 4.8 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 09:06:47 11.13 94.89 4.6 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 08:51:32 11.13 124.01 4.6 133.0 LEYTE, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
26-JUL-2009 08:40:55 10.73 94.44 4.6 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 08:11:16 10.74 94.35 4.7 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 07:40:13 10.76 94.33 4.8 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 06:54:47 10.89 94.49 4.8 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 06:47:25 55.36 166.67 4.6 25.0 KOMANDORSKY ISLANDS REGION
26-JUL-2009 06:45:36 10.88 94.48 4.7 10.0 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA
26-JUL-2009 06:10:58 23.43 121.51 5.5 7.0 TAIWAN
26-JUL-2009 06:06:44 -0.31 132.33 5.4 24.0 IRIAN JAYA REGION, INDONESIA
26-JUL-2009 05:03:16 -20.12 169.83 5.0 237.0 VANUATU ISLANDS
26-JUL-2009 03:24:07 20.05 145.85 4.6 59.0 MARIANA ISLANDS
26-JUL-2009 03:07:49 1.57 124.76 4.8 208.0 MINAHASSA PENINSULA, SULAWESI
26-JUL-2009 01:00:12 23.65 121.06 5.4 18.0 TAIWAN
25-JUL-2009 19:03:21 -29.75 -177.74 5.5 35.0 KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
25-JUL-2009 18:41:54 1.87 97.00 5.2 12.0 OFF W COAST OF NORTHERN SUMATERA
25-JUL-2009 13:32:42 5.66 126.86 4.7 61.0 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
25-JUL-2009 11:32:24 44.91 147.98 5.1 113.0 KURIL ISLANDS
25-JUL-2009 11:16:40 -14.63 167.27 4.9 195.0 VANUATU ISLANDS
25-JUL-2009 08:44:23 -21.35 -179.20 4.2 617.0 FIJI ISLANDS REGION
25-JUL-2009 07:46:05 61.37 -147.42 4.3 0.0 SOUTHERN ALASKA
25-JUL-2009 07:20:28 -37.33 -72.90 4.7 35.0 CENTRAL CHILE
25-JUL-2009 06:38:35 -37.42 -72.83 4.9 35.0 CENTRAL CHILE
25-JUL-2009 04:17:11 -23.95 -66.48 5.1 182.0 JUJUY PROVINCE, ARGENTINA
25-JUL-2009 01:43:40 59.29 -143.66 5.3 10.0 GULF OF ALASKA
25-JUL-2009 01:42:24 -6.46 154.93 5.9 35.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS
25-JUL-2009 01:03:14 -13.35 167.10 4.8 228.0 VANUATU ISLANDS
24-JUL-2009 21:45:55 -59.36 149.29 5.3 25.0 WEST OF MACQUARIE ISLAND
24-JUL-2009 14:27:00 53.54 169.29 4.7 62.0 KOMANDORSKY ISLANDS REGION
24-JUL-2009 10:45:33 5.03 94.55 4.8 35.0 NORTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
24-JUL-2009 09:19:09 -3.58 -81.60 4.8 20.0 NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN PERU
24-JUL-2009 06:58:02 3.20 126.63 4.6 63.0 TALAUD ISLANDS, INDONESIA
24-JUL-2009 05:48:19 37.55 35.69 4.6 7.0 TURKEY
24-JUL-2009 03:11:56 31.14 85.88 5.7 13.0 XIZANG
24-JUL-2009 02:58:06 51.52 6.52 4.1 5.0 GERMANY
23-JUL-2009 20:18:35 4.65 -76.81 4.5 26.0 COLOMBIA
23-JUL-2009 19:55:53 11.58 -70.46 4.5 29.0 NEAR COAST OF VENEZUELA
23-JUL-2009 07:58:23 10.73 125.94 4.8 139.0 LEYTE, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
23-JUL-2009 04:22:15 1.85 124.11 4.3 329.0 MINAHASSA PENINSULA, SULAWESI
23-JUL-2009 03:17:50 0.19 97.10 4.3 35.0 NORTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
22-JUL-2009 21:06:20 52.04 157.53 4.9 81.0 KAMCHATKA
22-JUL-2009 14:51:02 33.08 134.27 4.7 18.0 SHIKOKU, JAPAN
22-JUL-2009 09:01:12 -45.55 166.60 4.8 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
22-JUL-2009 04:56:05 -46.14 166.00 4.4 33.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
22-JUL-2009 03:53:03 26.77 55.79 5.5 10.0 SOUTHERN IRAN
21-JUL-2009 21:41:20 52.88 160.89 4.4 35.0 OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA
21-JUL-2009 19:55:45 -13.69 66.13 5.1 10.0 MID-INDIAN RIDGE
21-JUL-2009 17:14:11 -6.58 154.99 5.0 83.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS
21-JUL-2009 15:07:29 -14.69 -174.12 4.7 47.0 SAMOA ISLANDS REGION
21-JUL-2009 14:20:55 49.81 -65.71 4.3 18.0 GASPE PENINSULA, CANADA
21-JUL-2009 11:40:21 -23.45 172.74 4.9 35.0 LOYALTY ISLANDS REGION
21-JUL-2009 10:10:46 8.69 -70.25 4.5 2.0 VENEZUELA
21-JUL-2009 08:50:11 -46.16 166.24 4.0 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
21-JUL-2009 07:54:19 7.31 -73.00 4.4 144.0 NORTHERN COLOMBIA
21-JUL-2009 07:13:29 6.00 126.00 4.8 123.0 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
21-JUL-2009 02:45:00 -45.83 166.22 4.5 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
20-JUL-2009 23:01:11 -6.66 29.98 5.0 10.0 LAKE TANGANYIKA REGION
20-JUL-2009 17:14:35 19.56 119.03 4.6 39.0 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION
20-JUL-2009 15:19:47 2.31 126.96 5.4 35.0 NORTHERN MOLUCCA SEA
20-JUL-2009 14:41:54 25.91 125.86 4.6 24.0 SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISLANDS
20-JUL-2009 10:44:58 19.22 -109.22 4.5 10.0 REVILLA GIGEDO ISLANDS REGION
20-JUL-2009 03:55:51 -46.01 165.87 4.2 8.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
20-JUL-2009 03:37:37 -8.87 117.80 5.1 35.0 SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA
19-JUL-2009 11:39:47 -8.99 95.49 5.1 15.0 SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN
19-JUL-2009 10:31:58 -45.72 165.99 4.1 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
19-JUL-2009 08:48:45 -45.54 166.29 5.2 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
19-JUL-2009 08:35:44 -1.75 -80.40 5.4 48.0 NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR
19-JUL-2009 07:38:55 -45.67 166.51 4.1 4.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
19-JUL-2009 06:02:32 33.06 141.28 4.7 35.0 OFF EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
19-JUL-2009 05:11:29 -45.40 165.51 5.5 17.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
18-JUL-2009 20:32:27 35.85 43.35 5.2 7.0 IRAQ
18-JUL-2009 17:06:35 0.82 -29.28 4.9 10.0 CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
18-JUL-2009 15:43:28 6.81 -73.08 4.1 143.0 NORTHERN COLOMBIA
18-JUL-2009 15:33:43 -45.59 166.58 5.1 4.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
18-JUL-2009 14:00:16 -15.83 -175.36 4.8 305.0 TONGA ISLANDS
18-JUL-2009 12:06:27 -45.83 166.34 4.1 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
18-JUL-2009 11:12:42 -45.67 166.55 4.5 7.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
18-JUL-2009 09:16:17 -45.95 166.45 4.6 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
18-JUL-2009 04:32:57 4.94 126.71 4.9 47.0 TALAUD ISLANDS, INDONESIA
18-JUL-2009 04:22:25 -5.24 145.98 4.8 74.0 EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG., P.N.G.
18-JUL-2009 02:45:25 31.56 141.79 4.5 53.0 SOUTH OF HONSHU, JAPAN
18-JUL-2009 02:41:28 34.21 -37.35 4.8 10.0 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
18-JUL-2009 01:25:04 -45.42 166.65 4.8 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
18-JUL-2009 00:57:24 -45.44 166.65 4.9 8.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
17-JUL-2009 23:18:58 -17.94 -178.53 4.6 581.0 FIJI ISLANDS REGION
17-JUL-2009 20:16:45 33.43 131.79 4.6 79.0 KYUSHU, JAPAN
17-JUL-2009 14:45:44 16.84 -98.69 4.5 10.0 NEAR COAST OF GUERRERO, MEXICO
17-JUL-2009 14:35:40 31.44 104.11 4.7 10.0 SICHUAN, CHINA
17-JUL-2009 14:33:53 16.25 -98.69 4.5 76.0 NEAR COAST OF GUERRERO, MEXICO
17-JUL-2009 11:07:52 32.68 76.74 4.6 35.0 KASHMIR-INDIA BORDER REGION
17-JUL-2009 09:18:45 1.12 -79.00 4.6 10.0 COLOMBIA-ECUADOR BORDER REGION
17-JUL-2009 09:00:15 4.16 125.71 5.1 137.0 TALAUD ISLANDS, INDONESIA
17-JUL-2009 07:52:31 -45.41 166.57 4.5 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
17-JUL-2009 07:11:50 2.24 126.95 5.2 57.0 NORTHERN MOLUCCA SEA
17-JUL-2009 06:39:23 -45.43 166.54 4.7 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
17-JUL-2009 06:32:46 -45.42 166.67 4.8 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
17-JUL-2009 03:20:30 -21.79 -175.07 5.2 27.0 TONGA ISLANDS
17-JUL-2009 01:55:43 26.49 142.40 4.9 30.0 BONIN ISLANDS REGION
17-JUL-2009 00:59:50 -21.20 -174.27 5.1 42.0 TONGA ISLANDS
17-JUL-2009 00:13:07 -45.65 166.45 4.7 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 23:52:03 5.01 126.53 5.2 58.0 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
16-JUL-2009 23:01:05 -46.21 166.10 5.2 18.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 22:18:22 -46.22 166.12 5.6 28.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 18:42:50 24.03 122.17 5.2 38.0 TAIWAN REGION
16-JUL-2009 17:59:36 -17.62 167.62 5.8 10.0 VANUATU ISLANDS
16-JUL-2009 16:13:45 -46.17 166.10 5.3 30.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 15:18:01 3.33 -31.43 4.7 10.0 CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
16-JUL-2009 15:05:43 3.34 -31.49 5.2 10.0 CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
16-JUL-2009 10:48:15 24.06 122.23 5.4 32.0 TAIWAN REGION
16-JUL-2009 06:30:01 -45.70 166.55 5.6 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 06:29:04 42.35 133.03 5.2 475.0 NEAR SOUTHEAST COAST OF RUSSIA
16-JUL-2009 06:28:43 6.99 125.71 4.6 15.0 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
16-JUL-2009 04:44:29 38.87 101.33 4.9 10.0 GANSU, CHINA
16-JUL-2009 03:19:08 -46.37 165.61 5.2 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 02:38:31 -23.83 -179.73 4.4 537.0 SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS
16-JUL-2009 02:13:09 -45.40 166.75 5.1 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 02:07:33 -45.77 166.54 4.9 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 01:59:32 13.91 144.89 4.4 147.0 MARIANA ISLANDS
16-JUL-2009 01:01:29 -46.31 166.06 4.3 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 00:44:46 -46.29 165.87 5.6 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 00:24:07 -46.20 166.16 5.3 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
16-JUL-2009 00:00:10 -46.38 166.16 4.4 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 23:57:52 9.46 126.31 4.9 114.0 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
15-JUL-2009 23:41:20 -45.45 167.13 5.1 67.0 SOUTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND
15-JUL-2009 20:10:44 -3.42 150.42 6.1 19.5 NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.
15-JUL-2009 16:55:15 -45.58 166.69 4.5 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 16:51:21 -45.81 166.32 4.7 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 16:19:26 -45.53 166.58 4.9 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 16:17:29 -45.46 166.64 4.6 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 15:21:27 -20.30 -68.87 5.2 115.0 CHILE-BOLIVIA BORDER REGION
15-JUL-2009 14:15:27 -46.28 166.27 5.2 177.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 13:50:38 -45.41 166.50 5.9 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 12:55:41 -3.34 150.42 5.4 35.0 NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.
15-JUL-2009 10:32:46 -45.59 166.75 4.8 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 10:21:33 -46.17 166.00 5.1 19.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 10:01:49 -45.76 166.46 5.6 5.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 09:52:16 -46.20 165.79 5.6 13.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 09:41:53 -46.04 165.94 6.1 12.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 09:22:32 -45.72 166.64 7.8 35.0 OFF W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z.
15-JUL-2009 04:04:34 51.26 -178.29 4.8 57.0 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS.
14-JUL-2009 18:38:07 -21.78 -67.01 5.7 161.8 CHILE-BOLIVIA BORDER REGION
14-JUL-2009 18:02:02 -17.45 167.93 5.2 26.0 VANUATU ISLANDS
14-JUL-2009 12:27:54 52.93 171.11 4.6 35.0 NEAR ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS
14-JUL-2009 11:27:37 22.86 143.72 5.1 94.0 VOLCANO ISLANDS REGION
14-JUL-2009 07:45:44 13.59 120.59 4.7 35.0 MINDORO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS
13-JUL-2009 22:31:56 -53.15 -118.40 5.3 10.0 SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE
13-JUL-2009 20:28:54 24.07 122.12 5.0 37.0 TAIWAN REGION
13-JUL-2009 18:05:03 24.03 122.17 6.2 32.0 TAIWAN REGION
13-JUL-2009 15:09:34 -0.80 84.33 4.7 10.0 SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN
13-JUL-2009 11:33:57 18.44 -107.57 4.5 10.0 OFF COAST OF JALISCO, MEXICO
13-JUL-2009 10:52:20 -9.18 119.27 5.9 70.0 SUMBA REGION, INDONESIA
13-JUL-2009 04:38:44 24.85 127.87 4.8 35.0 SOUTHEAST OF RYUKYU ISLANDS
13-JUL-2009 03:06:26 52.69 -34.88 4.7 10.0 REYKJANES RIDGE
13-JUL-2009 00:11:49 -31.25 58.44 4.6 10.0 SOUTHWEST INDIAN RIDGE
12-JUL-2009 23:31:30 43.57 130.44 4.1 574.0 E. RUSSIA-N.E. CHINA BORDER REG.
12-JUL-2009 23:01:10 -36.96 178.18 5.3 85.0 OFF E. COAST OF N. ISLAND, N.Z.
12-JUL-2009 19:28:08 42.84 145.44 4.6 63.0 HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION
12-JUL-2009 16:01:20 25.65 101.02 4.9 10.0 YUNNAN, CHINA
12-JUL-2009 15:44:38 -5.90 153.20 4.5 67.0 NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.
12-JUL-2009 15:25:09 -3.74 101.14 4.7 46.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-JUL-2009 14:43:50 -30.65 -71.17 4.9 60.0 NEAR COAST OF CENTRAL CHILE

Now I want to ask you, do you think Jesus' warning about earthquakes in many places is taking place?

Prophecy Sign: Weeks ago I told you to listen to the news because you are going to hear more news about the rebuilding of the Third Temple.  If you click to the link below you will see a video at this site entitled “ISRAELI RADIO HOSTS TALK OF MESSIAH AND THE COMING TEMPLE” It also says, “In Israel two radio hosts Rabbi Tovia Singer & Jeremy Gimpel have been dicussing the Messiah and the coming Temple watch it here and below:”. If you listen to the Rabbi you will hear him say this Temple is going to be built soon.  He is correct is saying this because all the prophecies signs are taking place right now and the Temple still has to be rebuilt.  We know from Christ that this is the time for the Temple to once again be built.  Now if you don’t believe yet just wait because, you are going to see and hear more news soon about this Temple and yes even witness the Temple being rebuilt.  One thing you need to keep in mind.  If you are witnessing the Temple going up you have missed the rapture of the Church.  This Third Temple is to be built at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation.  The Church will have been taken to Christ by then.  If you miss the rapture turn to chapter 14 of my book and read what you just missed.  You are going to have to know what to do if you missed the rapture

If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.

Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!

Current up-dated list of some of my work for Christ:

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)

You can view my radio show by clicking to the link below.  (Link to DiMora's International radio/video show out of London).

This Sunday August 9, 2009 was guest speaker on Timothy’s show. The show can be heard by going to:

Mary Aguilar the Co-Host of "Insight on The Word Radio" who, has asked me to speak this Friday Aug. 7, 2009.  Insight on The Word Radio Syracuse, NY 13210

347.945.7601 (Listeners Line)

Host Name:


I was the quest speaker on this program many times.

Frank DiMora's Radio Interviews and His own International Internet Radio show:

I welcome any of you to listen to my radio shows and my International Radio show on video called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” Below are the links to most of my interviews and my own show out of London.

The coming attack on Israel part 1 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 2 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 3 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 4 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 5 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 6 of 6:

Economic crisis

DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano. Interview was heard on June 26, 2008












August 10th, 2008 – Part 2

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

August 10th, 2008 – Part 5

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:


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