November 23, 2015 SPECIAL UP-DATE

I want to talk about the new logo I just created.  First of all my logo has nothing to do with the new world order and their all seeing eye that we see showing up in so many places!  Fact is, after I made the new logo my Sister-in-Law called me and said she loves my new logo. She asked me if I made the logo to look like Jesus was watching the new world order with His eye?  I didn’t even realize that I had designed a logo with what looks like an eye in the middle.  When I created the logo the only way I could get the pictures you see in the middle of the logo to fit was to stretch the middle and as a result it appears as an eye.  When I made the logo I prayed about it and asked Jesus to help me make a new logo.  If anyone asks me about the logo from here on I am going to tell anyone asking that the new world order thinks they have an all seeing one that is watching everyone but Christ Jesus with the real power is watching them.  What I had in mind when I created the new logo was to show the cross where Jesus shed His blood for us. The crown of thorns around the pictures in the middle is to show some of the pain our Lord went through for us and that pain lead to his death which is shown via the pictures of the Lord’s tomb and His resurrection as seen from Jesus’ burial shroud left behind when He rose from the dead.  Finally, you can see that neither the cross nor the tomb could hold Jesus from fulfilling His promise to come back riding on a horse as the Kings of Kings to rule as King on Earth.  So, if anyone tells you that this logo has a new world order tone to it I can honestly tell you it is not true. As far as I know the new world order never points to Jesus Christ and His second coming to Earth but, here at my site I always point out that no one on this planet has real power as Christ does to take control and that my friends includes the new world order people.


I also wanted to present this link to you that was sent to me in order to help Pastor Titus.  Anyone coming to my site knows I do not ask for any funds to support my ministry. I give everything I have for free.  Part of my role in this ministry is to point out the needs and then to turn those needs over to Christ and then to show you what the need is, then I sit back and see how the Holy Spirit works to touch people to take care of those needs.  I have done my best to support Pastor Titus who the Lord has placed under my wing to help spread the message about the gospel and the Lord’s warning concerning the last days.  Pastor Titus is also supporting orphans and now there is a great need.  Please go to the following link and, if the Holy Spirit speaks to you please help my Brother Titus. UP-DATE: SOMEONE GAVE 5 HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR PASTOR TITUS BUT  WE ARE FAR AWAY FROM THE FUNDS WE NEED TO SUPPORT TITUS AND ALL THE ORPHANS.  IF I CAN’T RAISE THE FUNDS FOR TITUS THAN MAYBE ITS TIME TO END THE END TIMES MINISTRY.


    • Sheldon on November 24, 2015 at 8:09 pm
    • Reply

    Frank, please don’t be discouraged. Our enemy would like nothing more than for us to “give up”. Phil 4:6 Be anxious for nothing,but in everything by prayer and supplication,with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. I will continue to pray for your ministry. Heb 12:1b let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus.

    • Terry Haight on November 25, 2015 at 12:17 am
    • Reply

    Frank, I agree with you. I believe that God will move people to get involved. I want stop until I see that new building completed.

    • carlene cournoyer on December 5, 2015 at 3:34 pm
    • Reply

    Have a wonderful Christmas

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