Middle East News-Noah’s signs-May 25, 2009


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In my May 18th post I told you Netanyahu was going to clash with President Obama. This is what I stated in my May 18th post. "What can we expect to happen when the peace talks fail? If Netanyahu stands his ground and it appears he is going to, we can see war headed toward the Middle East. “(IsraelNN.com) Yair Shamir, son of former Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir, says he’s sure Netanyahu won’t fold under pressure from US President Barack Obama in the meeting between the two scheduled for later Monday in Washington." Netanyahu did exactly what I figured he would do and it was reported in the news today. " JERUSALEM, May 24 (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rebuffed U.S. calls to impose a freeze on all settlement activity in the occupied West Bank, setting the stage for friction with President Barack Obama. "We do not intend to build any new settlements, but it wouldn't be fair to ban construction to meet the needs of natural growth or for there to be an outright construction ban," Netanyahu told his cabinet, according to officials The note of defiance came less than a week after Netanyahu held talks in Washington with Obama, who wants Israel to halt all settlement activity, including natural growth, as called for under a long-stalled peace "road map". The prophecy given to us in Zech; 12:3 seems it has been turned up a notch. The move by Israel's Prime Minister is going to be seen as a flap in the face to President Obama. I have been warning you a new Middle East war will come and I do believe it will take place because the peace process fails which it seems to be doing. The Arabs are going to take Natanyahu's building as a message to them, you can not have land for peace! Months ago I warned when the Arabs think they have come to the end of the road dealing with the peace talks they will attack Israel. That attack will happen soon.


A new poll was taken in Israel concerning attacking Iran. "Just over half of Israelis back an immediate attack on the nuclear facilities of arch-foe Iran but the rest want to wait and see the results of US diplomacy, according to a poll released on Sunday. Fifty-one percent support an immediate Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites, while 49 percent believe the Jewish state should await the outcome of efforts by the US administration to engage with the Islamic republic, said the survey published by Tel Aviv University. " What is going to happen in the near furture? The other 50% of Israel will see the there will be no diplomacy that will work to get Iran to stop their weapons program. Israel is preparing to attack Iran and I don't think this attack is very far off. As soon as this takes place you will see the Ezekiel propohecy taken shape. Of course this is exactly what Iran's president wants and according to the news he thinks he is ready to wipe Israel out when they attack. Iran's former Revolutionary Guards chief Mohsen Rezai warned on Sunday he could stop Israel with "one strike" and said it would not dare to threaten the Islamic republic if he is elected president. "My government… understands missiles and tanks as well as foreign policy and knows exactly where Israel's sensitive spots are. It could stop them forever with one strike," Rezai told a news conference.



Prophecy Sign: Matthew:24:7 the sign of war and rumors of war. Here we go again with North Korea. “North Korea today risked further international isolation after it claimed to have successfully tested a nuclear weapon as powerful as the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.The test comes less than two months after the North enraged the US and its allies by test firing a long-range ballistic missile. The KNCA news agency, the regime's official mouthpiece, said: "We have successfully conducted another nuclear test on 25 May as part of the republic's measures to strengthen its nuclear deterrent."


I hope all of you are paying attention to what is happening in the Middle East.  I keep telling you war is coming but I often wonder how many of you believe what I say.  After all, it isn’t what I am saying, it is what God has warned us in his word.  All I am doing is trying to prepare you all for what is going to happen next.  Ezekiel 38-39 is just over the horizon and so is the Psalms 83 war. We see signs of these wars again in the news. “Iran has sent six warships to international waters, including the Gulf of Aden, to show its ability to confront any foreign threats, its naval commander said on Monday. Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, quoted by the ISNA news agency, made the announcement five days after Iran said it test-fired a surface-to-surface missile with a range of 2,000 km (1,200 miles), putting Israel and U.S. bases in the area within reach.”


Anyone who has read my posts knows I have been saying the entire long that Iran is not going to stop building their nuclear weapons program. Iran President wants a show down with Israel and he has done just about everything he can to force Israel into attacking him.  Ahmadinejad knows that one he is attacked the rest of his Arab brothers will invade Israel.  The Prime Minister of Israel just returned from the U.S. where he told President Obama Iran had to be stopped before they could worry about signing any type of new peace treaty.  I am warning you all again, the signs in the news will lead to another war in the Middle East and it will be fulfilling either Psalms 83 or Ezekiel 38. “TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Monday rejected a Western proposal for it to "freeze" its nuclear work in return for no new sanctions and ruled out any talks with major powers on the issue. The comments by the conservative president, who is seeking a second term in a June 12 election, are likely to further disappoint the U.S. administration of President Barack Obama, which is seeking to engage Iran diplomatically.”


As you know Ezekiel told us Russia was going to lead the invasion against Israel. In my previous posts I showed you how Syria has leaked up with Russia.  We know from Psalms 83 Syria is one of the nations that is going to attack Israel.  When Israel wipes out Syria, Russia, Syria’s main ally will call up Iran and the rest of the nations listed in Ezekiel 38 and they will invade Israel.  Tensions are flying high in the Middle East and I would expect to see more signs of this pending war very soon. Here is today’s news. “Damascus,(SANA)- Vice- president of the Academy on Geopolitical Affairs in Moscow General Leonid Ivashov said that Israel is behind the continuous conflicts and tension in the Middle East. In a statement to Russia Today Satellite Channel, Ivashov said on Monday that achieving a comprehensive and just peace doesn't only serve the Middle East, but it also serves all humanity and in spite of that Israel doesn't work for achieving it.”  Everyone is in position to attack Israel.  Now all we have to do is watch and see who makes the move first.  Knowing what Iran’s leader said about not stopping the nuclear weapons program, I would look for Israel to bomb Iran soon.  Everyone should get ready, it won’t be long before we know and see prophecy fulfilled.


 If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again. Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapter 24 Jesus told us people living at the time He returned would have become just like the people living during Noah’s time.  The people in Noah’s generation were Godless people and our generation is  well on the road in becoming a carbon copy of Noah’s generation.  Here is an example. “This provocative twist on the Bible’s opening line was plastered on the side of 25 Chicago buses this week as part of an advertising crusade by the Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign. The ads have been cruising between downtown and the city’s North and South sides, including the No. 56 Milwaukee route, since the beginning of the week and will run through June.”


If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior.  No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins.  Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness.  Just saying a prayer without true converstion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ.  Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ.  Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday.  Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence.  It will be a deminstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.  

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinners prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways.  Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.


Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.


Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ.  A good Church will not be affarid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!



You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.



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