The Heat is up!-May 22, 2009


The Peace and Safety and the Psalms 83 war are going to air on The Edge’s International Internet Radio Show this coming Tuesday May 19th , it us up at running now! Click below to this link . You can also view all my videos at The Edge by going to this same link.

Frank DiMora's side site at The Edge: Support DiMora by telling others about the radio show at The Edge.

You can now download my newest up-dated May 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009

My new book will be posted later on this evening.  My last book was dated Jan. 2009.  This new updated book will be updated to May of 2009.  Please take a look at all the new evidence proving all prophecy is coming to pass.  If you are new to my site, you need to know this is a free download however, copyrights apply.

If the Lord speaks to your heart about helping me that will be between you and the Holy Spirit.  At the present time I am looking for lighting to help me film my videos for my radio/video program on The Edge International radio show.  If you have any lighting you aren’t using and would like to part with it, I sure could use it to help improve my videos.  As you know I work on a 0 budget and never charge anyone for any teaching I do for the Lord.  Sometimes I need to let the people know my need for the ministry.  Then I sit back and see how the Holy Spirit works.  My email address is


In my post dated May 19, 2009 I stated the following: “Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:25 Jesus warns there will be signs from the sun in the last days.  In Revelation 16:8-11 we see the sun scorching people during the tribulation and we see fire. In Revelation 7: 15-15 Jesus shows us the people who are killed during the tribulation came out from being hungry, thirsty, and the sun and the heat had affected them.  In Matthew 24: we see famines and droughts.” If you read that post, I explain why I know the sun’s heat is going to get much worse. Not knowing a new report was about to be released I told you what to expect based on the Word of God.  This morning a new report was released. I quote,  “Global warming will be twice as severe as previous estimates indicate, according to a new study published this month in the Journal of Climate, a publication of the American Meteorological Society.  The research, conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), predicts a 90% probability that worldwide surface temperatures will rise more than 9 degrees (F) by 2100, compared to a previous 2003 MIT study that forecast a rise of just over 4 degrees”.  This new study runs parallel with Jesus warnings.

Speaking about heat, the heat is on America as we see more signs today of her continuing to fall as a superpower and economic giant. If you read my May 15, 2009 post you will see what I call the (Daniel Factor).  The Daniel Factor is the reason why America has to decline as a power. Let me show you the proof of what I have been warning you is coming to pass.  Last year I told you to watch the banks because more banks were going to fold. “WASHINGTON (AP) – The federal seizure of struggling Florida thrift BankUnited FSB is expected to cost the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. $4.9 billion, representing the second-largest hit to the FDIC's insurance fund since the financial crisis began felling banks last year. The costliest was last year's seizure of California lender IndyMac Bank, on which the bank insurance fund is estimated to have lost $10.7 billion.”

Since opening up this site a year and a half ago I have warned you the dollar would fall.  I also told you to watch what happens in Europe with the Euro. I told you the Euro would take the lead in the market place. If you chapter 1 & 2 from my book you will see my warnings there as well. I am not surprised to hear this news today, “May 22 (Bloomberg) — The dollar fell to a four-month low against the euro after Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, said America’s recovery may be “slow” and Standard & Poor’s threat to strip Britain’s AAA debt rating stoked concern that U.S. bonds may also be downgraded. Stocks in Europe erased declines from earlier in the day as commodity producers climbed with oil and metals. U.S. futures rose after Sears Holdings Corp.reported an unexpected profit. Asian stocks fell after Lenovo Group Ltd. posted a wider-than- estimated loss.”  

If you are new to my site or to Bible prophecy you may not understand why this is taking place.  God showed the Prophet Daniel in the end times the Old Roman Empire was to be reborn and from that empire the Antichrist would arise. The Antichrist would obtain his power from 10 leaders who come from this modern day Roman Empire.  Since the European Union (EU), is the reborn Roman Empire she has to show signs of becoming the world leader.  Part of those signs is the down grading of America and her dollar.  It is part of the process that is going to complete all the prophecies not yet fulfilled. In another section of this report it talked about the  ‘Triple Whammy’ “. I quote, “Speculation has increased that the U.S. could potentially face a credit rating downgrade and in doing so, lose its AAA rating,” Lee Hardman, a foreign-exchange strategist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., wrote in an e-mailed report today. Investors in U.S. assets may face a “triple whammy of falling U.S. equities, U.S. government debt and the dollar,” he said.”

In Daniel 2: 41-43 God shows Daniel that the reborn Roman Empire will be mixed with nations that are going to be partly strong and partly broken. We also see they will not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay.  Great Britain is a prime example of what God showed Daniel.  The UK is part of the EU but they rejected the Euro as their currency and now they are paying for it.  The UK is one of the nations in the EU that is struggling as a nation economically. Here is a quote from Bloomberg report. “The pound weakened against all but three of the 16 major currencies after S&P lowered the outlook on the U.K.’s AAA rating yesterday to “negative” from “stable,” citing the nation’s slowing economy and growing debt burden.”  If you know what prophecy says it isn’t hard to connect the dots.

Ohio has an unemployment rate of more than 10 percent, for the first time in more than 25 years. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services announced Friday that the state jobless rate for April was 10.2 percent, up from 9.7 percent in March. Department spokesman Brian Harter said last month's rate was the highest since December 1983, when joblessness in Ohio hit 10.4 percent. The U.S. unemployment rate for April was 8.9 percent.

For those of you who have been reading my posts, you know I asked you to watch the news and to look for businesses to keep closing.  Yesterday I took a drive in the city I live in and I was blown away by all the empty building.  Businesses are folding up all over the place.  I know I predicted this but it is another thing to see it first hand.  The same thing is happening to cities across America. Here is an example. “CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Malls, those ubiquitous shopping meccas that sprang up in the 1950s, are dwindling in number, with many struggling properties reduced to largely vacant shells. On the low-income east side of Charlotte, N.C., the 1.1-million-square-foot Eastland Mall recently lost a slew of key tenants, including a Dillard's and, next month, a Sears. Sales per square foot at the venue fell to $210 in 2008 from $288 in 2001.As the recession alters American spending habits, traditional shopping malls like Eastland Mall are deteriorating at an accelerating pace. The Metcalf South Shopping Center in Overland Park, Kan., is languishing after plans to redevelop it into an open-air shopping district fizzled. The stretch of shops that connects the two largest tenants — a Sears and a Macy's — stands mostly vacant, patrolled by security guards.”

Concerning the end times sign of disease which can be found in Matthew 24:7 here is the latest news. “GENEVA, May 22 (Reuters) – Countries should be ready for more serious H1N1 infections, and more deaths from the newly-discovered virus, World Health Organization chief Dr. Margaret Chan said on Friday. "In cases where the H1N1 virus is widespread and circulating within the general community, countries must expect to see more cases of severe and fatal infections," she said. "We do not at present expect this to be a sudden and dramatic jump in severe illness and deaths."

Prophecy Sign: What about the warning of sudden destruction coming when they are calling for Peace and Safety?  A few days ago I reported on the peace talks between President Obama and the Prime Minister of Israel.  I told you we should expect war soon because the peace talks won’t go anywhere. Take a note at what Netanyahu just stated when he returned back to Israel. I quote, “The State ceremony marking Jerusalem Day was held Thursday at the capital's Ammunition Hill. "Unified Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Jerusalem always has been and always will be ours and it will never be divided again," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to the sounds of roaring applause. "I stand here today… saying what I said in my visit to the US: Jerusalem will never be divided again. Only Israeli sovereignty over the city would ensure the freedom of religion for the three faiths, and it is the only thing that can guarantee that all minorities and congregations could continue living in it," he said. Rafik Husseini, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in response to Netanyahu's speech that "Israeli occupation of east Jerusalem is illegal," adding that an Israeli attempt to keep control of east Jerusalem would be a "major obstacle to peace."  Please go back and read my warnings on these events.  Now let me tell you what is taking place behind the scenes.  Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and the PLO are making plans to attack Israel.  These Arab nations have been waiting to see what Netanyahu was going to do over the issue of Jerusalem.  Now that they know he is never going to give up Jerusalem, they are making plans to take it by force.  War is coming soon to the Middle East.  Before this war takes place, let me tell you who is going to win.  In the past Israel has been out numbered and out armed by their Arab enemies.  In the 1973 war Israel was out numbered 5 to 1 and they still won that war.  When the Arabs attack Israel this time those who don’t know the Word of God will think Israel will finally be wiped off the map.  I can assure you now, that is not going to happen.  Israel is going to win the next war.  I don’t expect all of you to believe me however, when you witness what I am telling you, I pray you will turn to Christ and ask Him to forgive you for not believing His warnings.  The Lord has given us all the information we need to know as to what is going to take place in the near future.  All I am doing is connecting the dots for you.,2506,L-3719712,00.html

Many of my readers know or heard about the Bilderberg Group.  In case you don’t know who they are, let me explain. The Bilderberg Group is a group of influential people, mostly politicians and business people, whose existence and activities are private, and due to its secretive nature is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. The group meets annually at five-star resorts throughout the world, normally in Europe, although sometimes in America or Canada. It has an office in Leiden, South Holland. Although the group has no official name, the "Bilderberg Group" title comes from what is generally recognized to be the location of its first official meeting in 1954: the Bilderberg Hotel in Arnhem, the Netherlands.  Many have watched this group because it is believed they are the ones controlling what happens around the world. It is it also believed this groups goal is to form a one world government.  Last week the Bilderberg Group meet in Greece and today I received news as to what they are planning to do. A new Kremlin report on the shadowy Bilderberg Group, who this past week held their annual meeting in Greece, states that the West’s financial, political and corporate elite emerged from their conclave after coming to an agreement that in order to continue their drive towards a New World Order dominated by the Western Powers, the US Dollar has to be “totally” destroyed. Even worse, a new US report on these secret Bilderberg meetings states: “Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, whose information from inside Bilderberg has routinely proven accurate, states that the global elite’s plan to completely destroy the economy and ultimately lower global population by two thirds has stoked fears even within Bilderberg itself that the fallout from such chaos could ultimately result in the globalists losing their control over the world.”  One of the main questions that keeps surfacing is why doesn’t any of the mainstream press cover these meetings?  The answer is, the Bilderberg Group owns these companies and they control the media.  I will let you decide if the Bilderberg group is behind the push for a one world government however, I know the real reason why it is happening.  If these men are behind it it is only because they are doing the will of God and they don’t even know it.  Prophecy is going to be fulfilled one way or the other and in the end every Word Jesus warned us about the Antichrist ruling a one world government will come to pass.

If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again. Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.

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