Heat records for 2009-More killings-Big earthquakes in the news again- U.S. to force a two state Israel-Starvation-High food prices-Pestilence/disease-Jesus is holding it together-April 17, 2009



You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's radio show link to the edge: First show.


I just finished taping my 2nd radio show on the International Internet  radio program called The Edge. You will be able to see and hear this show now at the link below:


Another end time’s prophecy Jesus warned about had to do with the sun and the heat that would scorch the Earth during the last days. This is what Christ said in Revelation 7:15-16 “Therefore, "they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them.  16Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst.    The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.  “The Earth's temperature from January-March 2009 was the 8th-warmest on record, according to data released Thursday from the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. The global temperature of 55.04 degrees for the year's first three months was almost a full degree above the 20th-century average of 54.1 degrees.” Part of Luke 21:11 warns us we will see great signs from heaven.  I do believe some of these signs will be coming from the sun.  If you do a google search on the melting glaciers you will see the heat is melting the glaciers at record rates.  There is no question that the sun is already a major role in end time prophecy.


Prophecy Sign: Just a few days ago I gave you the last days sign that is recorded in 2nd Timothy chapter 3: 1-5 were it tells us what the people will become like in end times.  I quote, “1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them”. This past week the news has been filled with people walking into businesses, homes, churches, and yes today a hospital. I quote, A hospital worker shot and killed two employees and then killed himself at a medical center Thursday, sending panicked people fleeing, police and witnesses said.”  Many officials around the nation are trying to figure out why there are so many people going crazy all of a sudden.  People have lost control of themselves and in the process many of these people have become brutal.  Look, this is the truth, prophecy is being fulfilled all around us.  Can you see it yet?


Prophecy Sign: Once again I need to keep you up with the sign of eaethquakes in many places. You will find this prophecy sign for the last days in the 24th chapter of the book of Matthrew. Last week I gave you an update and told you to watch the news because you would see more of these major earthquakes take place.  Today one such quake was in the news. There was magnitude 6.6 earthquake that hit in the South Sanswish Islands region. I don’t have details so to if there was any damage.  What I can tell you this isn’t going to be the last big quake you will see. Jesus in Mark 13:8 warning us of the following: 8Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”  Some people may say I am going out on a limb saying this but, the people who are saying this doubt the signs Jesus told us to keep on the watch for.  I do not doubt anything Christ told us to keep on the watch for! These are the Words of Christ and His warnings are all true.  I would be lying to you if I told you don’t except to see more of these big quakes.  Did you grasp what Jesus said to us?  These signs are the beginning of birth pains.  Anyone who knows any thing about delivering a baby well tell you, the labor pains increase by the hour until the baby is born.  This is what we see taking place right now.  I am telling you up front soon you will see in the news reports of huge earthquakes that begin to hit cites.  Recently many of these quakes have been located in the waters near land.  The birth pains Jesus warned us all about, will be a strong wakeup call to anyone who disbelieves the Word of God. If you click to the second link you will see that just between yesterday and today there were many very strong earthquakes. On Wednesday of this week there were 6 quakes that hit a 6.2, 5.2, 5.5, 5.1, 5.7 and a 5.1.  On Thursday when I began to write this up-date there were three big quakes in the news already. One quake measured at 6.6.  The other two were a 5.8 and a 5.1. In the past 12 days alone there have been 22 big earthquakes. Look for these earthquakes to show up in many places because the Lord in Matthew 24: 7 the quakes would hit in many places.  Look, if you are new to my site don’t expect I am going to convince you that Jesus is coming back just by pointing out the earthquakes to you.  This one sign by itself probably won’t persuade you.  However, Jesus made it very clear to the reader that when you see all these things know that it is near even at the doors.  If you go back and read my previous posts with all the end time signs you will get a clear picture that for the first time in history all the signs Jesus told us we would see together are in fact taking place all at the same time.  Earthquakes are just one of the many signs that would be seen all at once.  


Last night just before I was going to finish this post for today I checked  the news and found out there was another major earthquake that hit a magnitude of 6.4.  “An undersea earthquake registering 6.4 on the Richter scale struck the western coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra early Thursday, but there were no immediate reports of injury or damage, the Indonesian seismologist agency said.” Earlier in the day I just wrote a warning that you will see big quakes starting to hit the cities.  Sometimes I even scare myself. 


Prophecy signs: In this one news report from Israel we see two prophecy signs being fulfilled. In Matthew 24: 7 Jesus said you will hear of rumors of war.  There is no doubt that the world has been subjected to these Middle East rumors of war between Israel and Iran.  Of course you probably have noticed that in the past few months the tension between these two nations was raised quite a bit.  The second part of prophecy that has been fulfilled is the alliance between Russia and Iran.  Ezekiel makes it very clear in his detailed discription of the invasion against Israel in the last days that Russia and Iran will be the main players in the coming invasion against Israel.  Right now we are only earing the rumors about this coming war but soon either Israel will attack Iran or Iran will attack Israel.  The exact day of this Russia lead invasion is not known. However, we do know from what Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians that sudden destruction would come when Israel is calling for peace and safety. I quote Paul, 3While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”  Anyone with a TV knows Israel and the Arabs have been going back and forth with the peace talks.  We know the attack will come soon because Paul’s warning is taking place right now. When we now turn our attention to the current events in the Middle East we see clearly that the footsteps to this coming invasion are being set in place.  I quote, “The detailed report compiled by the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) in Washington last month, complete with graphs and diagrams, has been reprinted in thousands of copies in Tehran. It is compulsory reading for its intelligence and Revolutionary Guards personnel because the Study on a Possible Israeli Strike on Iran's Nuclear Development Facilities concludes that the Jewish state has all the resources necessary for a successful strike. When asked recently, Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint US Chiefs of Staff, agreed with this estimate. This week, president Shimon Peres and prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu both said that if diplomacy failed to halt Iran's nuclear activities, Israel would be left with no option other than the military one. And Tuesday, April 14, the New York Times quoted an Israeli official as saying that Jerusalem would give the Obama administration until late 2009 to stop Iran's uranium enrichment projects; after that, Israel will be forced to act.”

Now if you still don’t believe in the Word of God and what is to come shortly in the Middle East, all I can say to you is just wait.  You have been put on notice. When you see the Russians join together with Iran, and the other Muslim nations and try to wipe out Israel, then maybe the doubting part you now carry with vanish.  If you want to wait it out to see if God is telling the truth through his Ezekiel prophecy that is your business but be warned. The rapture of the Church could take place before this invasion happens.  If that is the case you will be left behind to see this invasion on the global news.  That will also mean that you have been left behind and you missed the rapture and now you have to pass through the tribulation period.  This will mean you are going to be confronted with the Antichrist.  This is not a place anyone will want to be.  Do you want to escape the hell that is coming on this earth?  Jesus wants you to be able to escape it.  Read what He told you to do so you can escape. 36Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man" Luke 21:36.  There are going to be millions of people who have heard this warning and they will not accept it as truth.  Anyone who fails to believe the warnings will be left behind.  Please ask Jesus today to enter your name into His book of life.  You can scroll down to the box and say those words to Christ and join with the rest of God’s children as we watch for His second coming.  If you have given your life over to Christ please let me know so I can pray for you. fjdimora@gmail.com.


If you don’t believe the tensions are rising between Israel and Iran you had better read the news just out of Israel.  The is that not only are tension rising between Israel and Iran but tensions are also rising between the United States and Isarel.  Let me quote the news then explain what this is leading to. “(IsraelNN.com) UPI reports not only that Israel will bomb Iran later this year, but also that “many now assume” that Iran will then retaliate against Persian Gulf states such as Dubai and Saudi Arabia. Gulf States Fear Iranian Attack The UPI report states that Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Oman have deployed Patriot missile batteries along the Persian Gulf to deflect incoming Iranian missiles.  The members of the Gulf Cooperation Council are “getting ready for what many now assume will be retaliation from Iran following Israeli bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities later this year,” UPI reports. It has been reported in the past that Iran has trained secret networks of agents in the Gulf states to attack Western interests and incite civil unrest in the event that the U.S. or Israel attacks it.  Sleeper cells of teachers, doctors and nurses trained by Iran are ready to be activated when necessary, it is claimed. Obama vs. Israel The paper further reports that Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s hard-hitting Jewish Chief of Staff, recently told a Jewish leader in Washington, “In the next four years, there will be a final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, based on ‘two states for two peoples,’ and we couldn’t care less who the Prime Minister is.”


Now we are hearing that Israel will bomb Iran soon and not only that but now we are hearing rumors of war that will affect not only Israel but also other Arabs nations.  Notice the statement by Obama’s staff member.  Let me make this simple for you. Rahm Emanuel to Israel they don’t care if they like it or not they will force them to a two state nation!  Comments such as these just prove to us that what the prophet Zechariah said in Zech: 12:3 are also coming to pass. 3And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  Now read verse 9 from that same chapter.  9And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem”. When I saw George W. Bush working to divide up Israel I know we have come down to the final days just prior to entering the last 7 years or the tribulation period.  At least Bush never told Israel you will be forced to divide your land.  Obama has taken it one step further and is pushing Israel into something they do not want to do.  These are most defiantly the first signs that America is moving away from being friendly with Israel.  America will be just like all the nations who come against God chosen people. America will be cut into pieces just as God warned.  The prophecy stated all the people of the earth will gather against Israel so please don’t be surprised to see the U.S. turn from Israel.

In the coming months you will hear of more nations demanding that Israel divide Israel into two states and, that the PLO are to take Jerusalem as their capital.  I quote, “Jerusalem — The Saudi government’s official state news agency, the Saudi Press Agency, has reported the Saudi Cabinet issued a strong directive Monday calling for “swift action” to be taken to establish an “independent vibrant Palestinian state.” The Saudi Cabinet summed up statements made by Minister of Culture and Information, Abdul-Aziz Khoja, calling on the United States to “put pressure on Israel” to implement a March 2002 Saudi initiative. The measure would require Israel to expel Jews from East Jerusalem and other areas captured by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War to make room for an independent Palestinian state.”  First of all, the Prime Minister of Israel already said he would not give up Jerusalem to anyone and that includes the PLO.  We can see the handwriting on the wall.  Confrontation is coming.  In a short amount of time we have seen the U.S. give Israel their demanding and now the Saudi’s have added to this current news.  Look at it this way.  Obama is telling the Prime Minister of Israel he has to give up Jerusalem.  That would be like Israel telling Obama you have to give the White House and Washington over to Iran.  This is Israel’s Holy Land we are taking about.  I pray to God the leaders who are trying to divide up Israel know how angry they are making God.  So angry that God promised to cut the nations into pieces who divide His people’s land.  


Prophecy Sign. Jesus Christ told His disiples that in the last days famines would be a major sign of the end times.  This is what Jesus told Matthew to write in Matthew 24:7 “There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth  6Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"Global food shortage forces prices up There is a growing global food crisis. Shortages and rising prices have led to riots in several countries over the past couple of weeks. There have been protests in Egypt, Bangladesh, the Philippines and Haiti. In some parts of the world, staples like wheat and rice have risen in price by as much as 70% over the past year.


Global rice shortageThe price of rice around the world has risen by as much as 70% in the past year, as global demand has outstripped supply. This has hit some of the poorest countries hardest. In Bangladesh for example, the price of a kilo of coarse rice has doubled over the past year, which has had a huge impact as it is the staple food of the poorest people. Many families, especially in the cities, rely on government-subsidised rice to survive. Despite this, food takes up a large part of their income.


If you really want to see how bad the food shortage is read this information released by the BBC. “Oxfam is warning that millions of people in east Africa are being pushed into starvation because of spiralling food prices. The charity says about 13 million people are in urgent need of aid because of a combination of factors – including drought, conflict and chronic poverty.” If you click to the link below you will see a slide show with narration. I hope you have a strong stomach.  You will see the warnings Jesus gave us concerning famines; droughts and starvation are taken a toll on millions.   One of the nations that is starving is Ethiopia.  When you read the Ezekiel prophecy found in Chapters 38-39 of Ezekiel you will notice that Ethiopia is one of the nations that attacks Israel with Russia.  You will also notice from those chapters that the people are going down against Israel to take her spoils.  Israel is rich in food and crops.  For years I have been telling people I think what may happen is some of these starving nations such as Ethiopia will move on Israel for the food.  Don’t put it past Russia to tell the Ethiopians if they join in on the attack they can have all the spoils they want.  When people are starving they will do just about anything to feed themselves and their families.  



Prophecy Sign: In Daniel’s book chapters 2 and 7 show us which empire will be ruling with the Antichrist during the end times.  America is nowhere to be found as a powerful nation during the last days.  We know therefore that something had to happen to America for there not to be any mention of this once mighty superpower.  As we witness the current events we can see one reason why America wasn’t even talked about in Daniel’s book.  America it now appears will collapse within herself.  Her economy is tanking and we are heading toward a worse Depression than the first one.  Just last week I told you all that you are going to hear a lot more about businesses going bankrupt.  Today there was big news about a huge company that has joined the list of companies who have already filed.  I quote,  “NEW YORK (Reuters) – General Growth Properties Inc, the second-largest U.S. mall owner, declared bankruptcy on Thursday in the biggest real estate failure in U.S. history. Ending months of speculation, General Growth, along with 158 of its 200-plus U.S. malls, filed Chapter 11 while it tries to refinance its debts.”  On the other hand if you read the news you see that the European Union has taken the lead on the global economic scene.  Just last week at the G20 meeting many of the European Union leaders gave a speech telling the world that they have started to put together the new world order. A order that will control the economy of the world.  If you follow the road you will see we are walking down the path to the rule of the Antichrist.  Jesus told us this man would rise up from the reborn Roman Empire and that my friends is the European Union.


Speaking about famines, droughts and starvation read what is being said about what we are to expect in the near future. The titled to this report is called, “Pestilence Threatens Cash Crops”. ”Brant and Norfolk cash crop farmers are bracing in the coming years for an onslaught of pestilence and disease, borne on the rains and hotter temperatures of climate change. According to an area crop adviser, last year's growing season, the wettest in memory, was a precursor for weather changes and winds that will speed up a pest invasion from the U. S. this year that could be the scourge of some of Ontario's prime cash crops.-the wetter weather brought on more outbreaks of disease and pest infestations, forcing farmers to shower their crops with more fungicides and pesticides.-Here are the main ones he says to watch:  What you read about in this report is almost a quote taken from Matthew 24:7 where Jesus tells us pestilences would be among the end time signs.


Last year I wrote a post on the Liminin protein molecules. Today I received a email from a friend who spoke about this Liminin protein. I had sent him several books and I suppose this is where he saw the information. I wanted to share what he wrote. I figured if he didn't see this before and was so impressed at what he saw that there may be other people who are new to my site and didn't see this information.

The Glue That Holds Us Together 

This is a pretty neat story and an interesting thing that few of us know. It's brief, so please read. (FROM A DOCTOR)  A couple of days ago I was running (I use that term very loosely) on my treadmill, watching a DVD sermon by Louie Giglio… And I was BLOWN AWAY!  I want to share what I learned…. But I fear not being able to convey it as well as I want. I will share anyway.

He (Louie) was talking about how inconceivably BIG our God is… How He spoke the universe into being… How He breathes stars out of His mouth that are huge raging balls of fire.. . Etc. Etc. Then He went on to speak of how this star-breathing, universe creating God ALSO knitted our human bodies together with amazing detail and wonder. At this point I am LOVING it (fascinating from a medical standpoint, you know.)…. And I was remembering how I was constantly amazed during medical school as I learned more and more about God's handiwork. I remember so many times thinking…. 'How can ANYONE deny that a Creator did all of this???'


Louie went on to talk about how we can trust that the God who created all this, also has the power to hold it all together when things seem to be falling apart…how our loving Creator is also our sustainer.


And then I lost my breath. And it wasn't because I was running my treadmill, either!!!  It was because he started talking about laminin. I knew about laminin. Here is how Wikipedia describes them: 'Laminins are a family of proteins that are an integral part of the structural scaffolding of basement membranes in almost every animal tissue.' You see…. Laminins are what hold us together….. LITERALLY. They are cell adhesion molecules. They are what holds one cell of our bodies to the next cell. Without them, we would literally fall apart. And I knew all this already. But what I didn't know is what they LOOKED LIKE.


But now I do.  And I have thought about it a thousand times since (already)….  Here is what the structure of laminin looks like…. AND THIS IS NOT a 'Christian portrayal' of it…. If you look up laminin in any scientific/medical piece of literature, this is what you will see.

To see the writeup in DiMora's book click to the link and view page 48. You will see several photoes of the Liminin portein there.



Now tell me that our God is not the coolest!  Amazing..

The glue that holds us together….. ALL of us…. Is in the shape of the cross.

Immediately Colossians 1:15-17 comes to mind.

'He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible

And invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;

All things were created by him and for him.

He is before all things, and in him

All things HOLD TOGETHER.'

Colossians 1:15-17

Call me crazy. I just think that is very, very, very cool.

Thousands of years before the world knew anything about laminin,

Paul penned those words. And now we see that from a very LITERAL standpoint, we are held together… One cell to another… By the cross. You would never in a quadrillion years convince me that is anything other than the mark of a Creator who knew EXACTLY what laminin 'glue' would look like long before Adam breathed his first breath!!

I want to leave you with a scene of a man named Jesus. When He walked the Earth the first time most people just by looking at Him didn’t think much. But when He opened His mouth to speak, everyone around Him were touched in ways only God Himself could comprehend.  Appearances are very deceiving. What the world saw as a lamb turned out to be a roaring Lion.  People often misjudge people just by what they look like.  As you will see from this video, what the people viewed as a ugly duckling turned out to be a Swan.  Have a wonderful weekend.


Her first song ever:



If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.


May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe  and except Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.


My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!



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