Cashless society-Antichrist signs-America’s decline-U.S. turning away from Israel-Earthquakes-April 9, 2009


My first show ever as the Host of my own International radio show entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is now airing at the following link: When you watch the video it may freeze up but you will still be able to listen to me explain how the Lord managed to give me all the evidence to prove that shows His Words are all true concerning the last days prophecies.  The studio is working on fixing the video problem.

You can also go to the link below to listen to my latest interview on the Total-Deliverance Radio program.  I will be the quest speaker on this show again this Friday.

Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 13:16-17 we read the following: “16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”  If you read my documentary called “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” you will learn about the steps being taken over the years to bring Planet Earth to a cashless society.  In my book I give you an in depth look at all the technology surfacing in the market place that is leading us right to the words found in Rev. 13:16-17.

Never before in history has it been possible for almost every person on the earth to buy and sell products without ever touching cash.  Jesus made it very clear that this is what is going to happen to the last generation of people who would see Him return.   For years governments around the world have slowly moved further and further away from using cash for their market transactions.  People may not realize it but,  the technology invented by this generation was done so to help fulfilled Revelation chapter 13 verses 16 & 17!  Let me give you an example of how one nation is taking another step toward a total cashless society that eventually all the nations will be forced to under.  I quote, “Plans for a widespread system for cashless payments to be in place in time for the 2012 Oympic Games are likely to be thwarted by retailers’ hesitation in adopting the necessary technology. Under the plans, large areas of the UK, including the Olympics site in east London, would become cashless environments where contactless technology allows consumers to simply hold up cards to a reader to buy goods and services without the need to enter a PIN code. But contactless payments will only take off if major retailers embrace the concept, said Sandra Alzetta, senior vice president for consumer market development at Visa Europe.”

One thing the above report did not say was, if the world were casted into a global meltdown as we are a the present time, the nations of the world could mandate this new system.  Look at what is going on right now in Europe.  The G20 leaders have come together to begin to develop and brand new economic system that will be a global system.  If you watched the news this past week you would have had to hear at least one of these 20 leaders say they want a one world single currency.  Not only is this what they stated but these leaders are working together to make that happen.  What they are working on will take us one step closer to the goal of creating a one world economic system that will not longer use cash.  Many of the leaders know the upside of going cashless.  For example, take a look at what has happened in Mexico with the drug lords.  Once you take away the cash it will make a huge dent in them doing business.  Don’t think this hasn’t been discussed already, it has.  The other thing to consider is if there is a world emergcy.  If the world’s economy were to fail we may see new laws being forced causing everyone to use the same system.  Think this is not possible?  Read what the Prophet Daniel wrote concerning what the Antichrist will do when he shows up. Daniel 7:25: “He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws.” You don’t have to be a economic mastermind to see what is happening.  Let me give you an example from a report that tells us where the world is headed as far as a cashless society. Maybe then you will believe in the Lord’s warning and keep on the watch for what is headed our way soon.   

The report I quote from was entitled, The New Cashless Economy”. It is interesting reading.  If you read the report to will come to this quote under the subtitle, “Remember Money?”  “Nevertheless, the wheels are in motion to create an economy free of paper money and coins. The first steps of that quiet revolution have long been in place for years and touch tens of millions of consumers every day. This includes consumers rolling through tollbooths without stopping, their in-car transponders beaming information to an RFID (radio frequency identification) reader and triggering a process by which tolls are transferred from a credit card or bank account to the highway authority.”  This is one of hundreds of articles on the coming cashless society.  You need to face this fact, Jesus told us that the Antichrist will control the world economcy, he wil control what every one will be able to buy and sell.  When the right time comes you will see this new cashless system put in place.  They have been preparing for it and Jesus has had warned it was coming.  Do you really think all these things are nothing but coincidences?   Lets put two and two gether. At the very same time the world is going through a global economic crisis and, world leaders are putting together a one world order, it just so happens that we have the technology to suddenly go cashless if ordered to.  This warning comes from Jesus Christ and you had better listen to his warning because if you don’t believe this, you may not believe Jesus is your Savior.  I want to repeat what Jesus says to you in Revelation 2:7.”He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”  My question to you would be this, are you hearing what Jesus is trying to tell you in these last days?  If you are hearing his warnings then you are hearing His call as well.  If you came to my site today and you don’t know Christ as your Savior, ask Him into your life.  If you do you will part take in the last part of verse 7.  You will be with God while the rest of this world is dealing with the Antichrist on Earth.

Like I said the world leaders are working toward a new global system.  One of these world leaders thinks the changes won’t take place via the G20 but rather the G8.  Let me quote what Berlusconi stated and tell you why this is important to keep on the watch for.  “World leaders gathered in London for the G20 summit will make some decisions towards an overhaul of the financial system but the Group of Eight summit (G8) in July will be the stage for the main action, Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi said Wednesday. Berlusconi said he thought the G20 would adopt ''some immediate decisions'' relative to preventing financial speculation. ''The G20 will begin to do something, but it's at the G8 that the new code on world financial and economic behaviour will be drawn up,'' he said as leaders met for bilateral talks ahead of Thursday's main G20 summit. ''At the G8 we will make our proposal for a Global Standard, which is international legislation for the financial and economic worlds”

Why is this news important? First is proves they are working on a new global standard. These are the new laws that the entire world will have to follow soon.  Knowing that Daniel warned us the Antichrist would change the laws, we must pay attention to anything that would relate to global finiances. Could this new standard end up being the new standard the Antichrist will enforce?  It is possible.  The other thing of interest is who said this.  If you have been coming to my site you know I have been watching what Berlusconi does.  Why?  Because so far he is fulfilling the requirements of the Antichrist.  If you go back a read my previous posts on the Antichrist you will see the quotes where Berlusconi has already maginfied himself. This was one of the signs of the Antichrist.  He is also one of the richest men on the plant which is another sign of the Antichrist.  He is from Italy which as you know was the head of the Old Roman Empire and both Daniel and Jesus told us the Old Roman Empire would again rise in the last days.  Berlusconi is the Prime Minister of Italy and therefore also adds to the list of things we were warned about the Antichrist.  We are also told in Daneil 9:27 the Antichrist will make a covenant with Israel and many nations and Berlusconi is very much invovled in the Middle East peace process.  No one knows for sure if He is the man who will end up changing the times and laws but we need to keep on the watch just in case.  

Prophecy Sign: Speaking about Daniel’s book let me remind anyone new to my site that Daniel showed us the last world empire ruling when Jesus came back would be the Revived Roman Empire not the United States of America.  God gave Daniel complete details as to what empires would rule the world from Daniel’s time all the way to the second coming of Christ.  Why isn’t the U.S. mentioned when they are supposed to be a leading world empire?  Because by the time the final days come just prior to the beginning of the tribulation begins America would have already fallen as a mighty empire.  For the last few years we have witnessed this very thing taking place.  I have provided numerous reports showing the world America is in a free fall and declining as a world power very quickly.  America at the present time is just managing to take a float but soon she will be forced to go under. One of the articles I use in my book to show you the shift in power is already taking place was found in the Times on line news. I quote, “A one-year investigation and analysis of 235 countries by Jane's Information Services has put the UK joint seventh in the premier league of nations with the US at 22nd and Switzerland, normally associated with wealth and untouchable stability, is rated 17th.”  Just a short time ago the U.S. was number one but since the economic crisis America is falling fast.  Since 1977 I have warned as many as I can these days were coming and now they are already upon us.  The fall of U.S. is going to get worse and the news is already reporting on it.  A top US central banker has said that the unemployment rate in the country could jump above 10% this year. Richard Fisher, a member of the Federal Reserve's interest-rate setting committee, said the central bank would use "every tool" to fix the economy.”  What you can expect to happen in the near future.  You will see America struggle like she has never done so before. She will continue to lose her strength as a world leader and she is headed for a collapse like never seen before.  Jesus didn’t tell us why America wasn’t mentioned as a world empire all we know is she will be so weak during the last days that there was no need to even talk about her.  The shift in world powers has always been part of God’s plan.  Jesus is going to fulfilled all the remaining prophecies that haven’t been fulfilled yet and that will include His coming to destroy the modern day Roman Empire which has already risen and getting rid of the Antichrist the false prophet and locking up the devil for 1000 years.  Where are you going to fit in the Lord’s plans?  Will you be watching the 7 year tribulation from heaven with Christ or will you be on earth running, hiding from the new world order headed up by the Antichrist?  If you want to be with Christ and haven’t given your life over to Him yet scroll down to the box where you can repeat the prayer of Salvation.  Jesus will come to you as soon as you say that prayer.  If you do make a stand for Christ, please let me know so I can pray for you.  Satan isn’t going to like the fact that another child has given his soul over to the King of Kings.

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To reinforce what I have been saying about the new world order coming, I would like to qoute anothter report today, “BEIJING –Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says his two-day visit to Beijing this week is part of the creation of a "new world order."  The frequent U.S. critic told reporters that power in the world is shifting from America to countries such as Iran, Japan and China.  "We are creating a new world, a balanced world. A new world order, a multipolar world," Mr. Chavez said on arriving in China the evening before a scheduled Wednesday meeting with China's president and Communist Party leader Hu Jintao.  "The unipolar world has collapsed. The power of the U.S. empire has collapsed," he said. "Everyday, the new poles of world power are becoming stronger. Beijing, Tokyo, Tehran .. It's moving toward the East and toward the South."  Not only are they telling you a new world order is coming but they also make my case in telling you they know America is falling!

Why is it that just about every report shows us the Euro is going to change the way the world does business?  The Euro is strong even at a time when the EU nations are having economic troubles. One could say it is the signs of the times in that since the EU is the modern day revived Roman Empire it would only make sence that their Euro currency would kill the dollar.  I have been following the Euro since it came out in 2000.  Since 2001 the Euro has out done the dollar and now nations all over the world are saying dump the dollar.  Is this to just another coincidence?  Not on your life, it has to be this way.  One empire had to rise while the other falls.   “Investors braced Tuesday for the US corporate earnings season that many expect will be brutal as the prolonged recession bites, and data showed a steeper contraction in the eurozone. Pessimism gripped financial markets, particularly stock markets, as the US corporate earnings season got under way and concerns mounted about the embattled banking sector. Bottom of Form "There is plenty of reason to suspect that this is not a typical cycle and that the market perhaps got ahead of itself" in posting a four-week Wall Street rally, they said in a client note. Financial sector concerns hammered markets after a newspaper report highlighted the depth of the bad asset problem plaguing institutions. According to the Times of London, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will project troubled assets racked up by banks and insurers will rise to four trillion dollars, The IMF said in January that it expected the deterioration in US-originated assets to reach 2.2 trillion dollars by the end of 2010, but its next forecast sees 3.1 trillion dollars, the report said.  Soon the world will see America cannot get out of debt and the nation will go belly up.  You just can’t spend trillions you don’t have and expect to dig yourself out of the hole.


Prophecy Sign: Anyone coming to my site should know I try to keep you informed about the Ezekiel prophecy.  This is found in Ezekiel chapter 38 & 39. If you read it you will see God outlined a last days war against Israel. You will learn that Russia will lead a host of Muslim nations of which Iran is one of those nations.  This will probably be one of the next prophecies to be fulfilled and there is a lot of tension in the Middle East right now that suggest this war is just around the corner.  “Israel carried out a test launch of its Arrow II interceptor missile on Tuesday, the Defense Ministry said, a system designed to defend against possible ballistic missile attacks by Iran and Syria. "There was a successful test today of an improved Arrow [missile] that hit and intercepted a target more complicated than normal," Defence Minister Ehud Barak told reporters after watching the launch from a helicopter.”  If you are new to my site you may be asking what is so important about his.  Two remaining prophecies that haven’t been fulfilled yet are as I said, Ezekiel, and the other is found in Isaiah 17:1, which shows us Syria will be destroyed.  Where do you think all the tension in the Middle East is coming from right now?  It is between Israel, Iran and Syria.  Go figure.  At the present time the world is watching, waiting to see if Israel is going to attack Iran’s nuclear power plant.

Let me show you the handwriting on the wall. Today we found out  the following: “TEHRAN, April 9 (Reuters) – Iran is now running 7,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges, a senior official said on Thursday, an announcement likely to increase Western concerns about the Islamic Republic's disputed nuclear plans.”  Israel’s Prime Minister has warned they will attack Iran to stop them from getting their hands on a nuclear weapon.  Is Israel going to move on Iran?

After reading this next report I can say that Israel already knows they are going to strike at Iran and they are preparing for what will happen once they do. I quote, “The Home Front Command is preparing to hold the largest exercise ever in Israeli history, scheduled to take place in about two months, in hopes of priming the populace and raising awareness of the possibility of war breaking out.”

Since Obama took office Israel and the U.S. have begun to drift apart.  We were told by the WASHINGTON (AP) that,“The Obama administration said Wednesday it will participate directly in group talks with Iran over its suspect nuclear program, marking another shift from former President George W. Bush's policy. State Department spokesman Robert Wood said the United States would be at the table "from now on" when senior diplomats from the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany meet with Iranian officials to discuss the nuclear issue. The Bush administration had generally shunned such meetings.”  Obama and Israel’s new Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are butting heads.  Obama doesn’t get it. Iran will never stop trying to wipe out Israel. Iran’s president has publicly declared he will destroy the nation of Israel and Netanyahu knows this.  America and the world should expect that the Israeli American relationship will continue to drift apart.  Keep in mind, the Prophet Zech. warned in chapter 12 of Zech that in the end times all nations would turn against Israel.  We see the first steps of an American about face taking place now.  Israel is preparing for war, God said war was coming against Israel, and when you look at current events it is the same nations named in prophecy that are coming against Israel right now, namely Iran and Syria.  This is not a coincidence, we were warned this was going to occur.

Look at what Ahmadinejad said about Israel attacking. “TEHRAN, April 9 (Xinhua) — Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday downplayed the Israeli threat to launch a military attack on Iran, the local Press TV website reported.     "The Iranian nation considers Israel as just a nonentity and the regime is too weak to threaten us," Ahmadinejad told a group of people in Iran's central city of Isfahan.      "Today nobody dares to threaten the Iranian nation," he stressed. “  The biggest mistake Mahmoud has made to is under estimate the power of Israel.  No only that but many of the leaders in Israel are aware what the Ezekiel prophecy says and they believe God will come to their aid just as it says in the scriptures.  Iran will find out they are right!

“Ahmadinejad furthermore claimed that Iran had developed a new kind of fast centrifuges for the rapid processing large quantities of enriched uranium. These disclosures followed the concession announced by US secretary of state Hillary Clinton that her government would be fully involved in the talks with Tehran proposed by the 5+1 powers Wednesday. The first round of talks from 2007 and 2008 petered out when Tehran kept on asking for more time to review the generous incentives on offer and ended up refusing to give up uranium enrichment.  Ahmadinejad's Isfahan announcement told Washington and the other five powers that their offer of talks and incentives for discontinuing nuclear enrichment were now irrelevant; Tehran's nuclear program had progressed way point that point. DEBKAfile's Iranian sources add that Iran's rulers, having won all the time they needed to bring their nuclear weapons program to fruition, are now made doubly cocky by being courted by the Obama administration's willingness to expand the agenda of their dialogue beyond the nuclear issue to Iran's role in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Tehran calculates that for the sake of its cooperation in resolving these conflicts, the US administration will give way on its nuclear drive.”  You can see from reading this report Ahmadinejad thinks there is nothing anyone can do to stop his nuclear program.  Obama is proving  to be a weak president to those living in the Middle East.  Israel’s is watching Obama’s moves and they now understand they will have to act alone with they attack Iran’s nuclear site.  Once this attack is played out we may see why God told Ezekiel Russia would lead the invasion on Israel.  Go back and read some of my previous posts and you will discover Russia is the closest ally Iran has.  Also, Russian came out and stated anyone who attacks Iran is the same thing as attacking Russia.  Now can you see the Middle East puzzle coming together?

Let me get back to Zechariah's prophecy.  Is America the only nation that is beginning to turn away form Israel, as Zechariah 12: 3 tells us would happen in the last days? Here is more proof that it is.  I quote from a report out today entitled, “German, EU Cooling Relations with Israel”. “Less than a week into the new government's term, Germany and the European Union are ratcheting up diplomatic pressure on Israel to agree to a "two state" final-status solution in the Land of Israel west of the Jordan.”  The talk surfacing in both America and the EU is that these nations will force Israel into a peace deal that will divide Israel up into two parts.  If you keep your eyes on the news you will hear more about this issue in the coming weeks. I will keep you posted when I see this news.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapter 24:7 tells us to look for the sign of earthquakes in many places.  I believe it was only a few days ago that I gave a warning to watch for more major earthquakes that were on their way.  That didn’t take long to see. I quote, “A magnitude 7.O earthquake struck off Russia's Pacific coast on Tuesday about 182 miles east northeast off Kuril'sk in the Kuril Islands, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The quake, which struck at 12:24 a.m. EDT, was at a depth of 24.3 miles, USGS said.   As you can see from the report below Italy is still recovering from their major quakes which it just a few days ago.  What is the point?  All these things are taking place all at the same time exactly as Jesus said they would.

Today Italy was hit by another major after shock. This is the third major aftershock to hit the region. The first occurred on Tuesday afternoon and registered 5.6 on the Richter scale. A second shock on Tuesday evening led to the deaths of two people.

Italian rescuers are continuing to search for survivors under buildings wrecked by a devastating earthquake which killed at least 179 people. With 1,500 injured and some 17,000 homeless after Monday's quake struck L'Aquila and its region, many survivors spent the night in shelters. One woman was rescued alive almost 23 hours after the quake, but 34 people are still thought to be missing.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!

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