Proof Ezekiel 38-39 is headed our way-America’s decline & more-March 25, 2009


Today's post is longer than usual and it may take you two days to digest all this information.  If you actualy take the time to review all the information reports and, videos I am sure you will be blown away by what you see. 


You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Prophecy Sign in Ezekiel chapters 38-39: For months you have been reading here at Bible Prophecy & End Times Current Events about a future attack against the land of Israel that is mentioned in chapters 38 and 39 in the book of Ezekiel.  For months you have been told that the attack will come from the north of Israel and that this massive fighting force will be led by Gog – a people originating out of the land of Magog from out of the far north (Russia).  If you are new to my site, I suggest you download my free prophecy book and read chapter 10.  I give details about all the nations listed by God that will soon attack Israel.  This is what God said to Ezekiel about this future war against Israel. "Therefore, son of man (Ezekiel), prophesy and say to Gog.  "Thus says the Lord GOD:  "On that day when my people Israel dwell safely, will you not know it?  Then you will come from your place out of the far north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great company and a mighty army.  You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud, to cover the land.  It will be in the latter days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me, when I am hollowed in you, O God, before their eyes” Ezekiel 38:14-16.

So this isn't just a guess or "speculation" that this event is going to take place.  It is a sure thing.  God is going to be the one to make it happen.  And WHY is God going to cause this war to happen?     "So I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name anymore.  Then the nations shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.  Surely it is coming, and it shall be done", says the Lord GOD."  Ezekiel 39:7,8.    


It is important that we focus on this war at this point and time because we are beginning to hear the "drumbeats" of the enemy.  If you understand what is taking place in the above scriptures, then you will notice that there are going to be many nations coming against Israel.  And please also take note that there will be no other nations – including the United States – there to help Israel.  They will be totally isolated. The enemies of Israel have only have one thing on their mind which is why this fighting force will be so large and that will be for the total annihilation of Israel as a nation – a modern day holocaust.  The scriptures tell us that after this great army is defeated that Israel will be burning their weapons for 7 years.  So what do we see happening today that shows us that things are lining up for this event to take place? 

As most of us know already, Israel is under intense pressure to split Jerusalem and make Israel a 2 state country.  Half for Israel and the other half for the Palestinians – who also happen to be arch enemies of Israel.  For years this has been going on about whether to let this take place or not.  It has used up massive amounts of resources by all countries involved in this peace process and it's cost millions of lives through the wars that have taken place because of it.  Well, it's now come to the time when the world is going to start applying the thumbscrews on Israel until they agree to do this.  Because of the war in Gaza recently and all of the innocent lives that were taken because of this attack, it has turned the world against Israel.  Even the United States is beginning to take a stand against Israel.  Israel is being isolated right now as it is described to us in the scriptures.  Israel's allies are turning against them – and this isn't a good thing for those countries – or for us either.   "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the seige both against Judah and against Jerusalem.  And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” Zechariah 12: 2, 3.   Did you hear that?  All the people of the earth will be gathered together against it!!!  This means the United States too folks!  – it’s the world against Israel – but Israel has God on their side – and all God's people!   – the video on this report doesn't work but the article is loaded with information that proves the warning given to us by God via Ezekiel should not be taken lightly.

How close are we to the Antichrist?   Watch this next video featuring Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor – Zbigniew Brzezinski – and you will get a sense of how close to a 2 state solution Israel really is.  And remember, the antichrist is the one who will be "sealing the deal".  You can set the cursor at 5:15 into the video.  The stuff before that doesn't relate to the point here.  From 5:15 into the video it will open your eyes as to how dire things are becoming for Israel.  Notice he says that we have to "bite the bullet" with the Mid East conflict.   And he says that the United States must lead the action to be taken and that he believes that NOBODY would object to whatever it is that we decide to do about it.  I'm sure that he is including the EU and United Nations in this as well.   And when you read in between the lines, it is clear that If Israel doesn't agree to a peace plan soon then WE will decide it for them – with force!    Yes – Israel truly is becoming more and more isolated as the days go by.

I have one more video for you to watch. When you click on the link it will take you to the Prophecy in the News program. When you get there click on MONDAY'S program that will appear below the screen.  You DON'T want to miss this!!!  This was the main video I wanted you to see but the video doesn't have it's own link so you have to go to the site.

I don’t know about you but I thank Jesus Christ for allowing me to see the truth not only about these end times but for who Jesus Christ really is.  After reading His warnings and seeing all these things coming to pass, you would have to be brain dead to see what is taking place.  It could not have been made any clearer for us.  Jesus is calling you to Himself and these current events warn us His Church will be going home to Christ soon.  Come with us when He calls us home.  The only way that will be possible is for you to take Jesus as your Savior and repent for your old ways.  Jesus is the doorway to your eternity and He wants you to walk through that door to safety today.  We are running out of time to witness for Christ so I pled with you.  Take the love gift Jesus has extended to you and live forever in His Kingdom.  I cannot water down the message.  If you refuse to receive what Christ has done for us, (THE CROSS), and you turn from Him, you will spend your eternity with the Devil, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and all those who rejected Jesus in HELL.  Jesus talked about this place more than anyone in the entire Bible.  Why?  Because He wanted to make sure you knew what to expect and He was trying to keep you from making the decision to go there.  Hell is a lake of fire where the flames and torment will never ever go away.  Christ has given everyone (FREE WILL).  He will not force you to choose Him.  If you go to this lake of fire right after you pass on it will be because it was your choice to refuse Christ’s Love for you.  Why do you think I spend so much time showing you every Word in prophecy is coming to pass?  It is because this is how Christ is showing everyone His Words are true.  He is the one wants you to believe you can trust what He says.  Knowing Christ’s Words are Iron clad and a Hell fire awaits all the unrepentant, will you not take the better way today?  Christ said, When you see all these things know that it is near even at the door.  What else can we see that He warned us about?

There is a coming worldwide famine and depression on our horizon.  This is another sign that Jesus will soon be returning.  In Revelations chapter 5 in verses 7 and 8 when the fifth seal is opened, it describes conditions that paint a picture of a global depression where money will be worth next to nothing.  We are seeing signs of this happening now.  Our government just committed another 1.25 Trillion dollars to try and jumpstart our economy again.  They might as well throw gasoline on a fire.  It won't help.  It isn't going to help because according to the scriptures these are the conditions that will be here in the tribulation period.  This is money we don't have – it needs to be printed.  The more money we print the more it devalues it.  China is worried about it and if China stops buying our treasury notes – which in turn finances our debt – then the United States is done.  If China calls us on our debt and we can't pay them then the markets crash.  The WORLD markets crash because the monetary standard of world financial markets is the dollar.  This will be one of the main topics of discussion at the all-important G20 meeting in France on April 2.  China and other nations have expressed their desire for a new reserve currency but the EU says that they are not in favor of a new currency right now.  Is the EU just waiting for the dollar to crash?  Remember, the Antichrist will rise up out of the modern day Roman Empire – the EU.  It sounds like instead of a new monetary system – or one world currency – they may be waiting for the crash to happen and then just go ahead and implement the new Antichrist system which will be the mark of the beast system.  We need to keep watching how this develops.  But notice how these developments are in line with what is taking place in the Middle East.  These are two issues that may seem to be headed towards fulfillment sometime in our near future.  Who will be the one who comes along and "solves" all of these problems?  You got it – the Antichrist.

The following 2 people in these next videos are Christians.  The things that were told to them were told by a Christian man.  When you watch these videos then you decide what you want about them.  Is the United States in trouble and are they preparing for the "big crash"?  We'll know soon enough if this information is correct.

Part one:

Part two:

US Orders Project ENDGAME To Begin, 775,000 Americans Targeted For Arrest? February 24 2009

Jesus told us in Matthew 24 that there would be earthquakes in various places at the time of His coming.  There was a 4.8 quake near the Salton Sea in Southern California yesterday.  Doesn't sound like much but it gets better.  There were around 40 quakes recorded since the weekend in this area with most of them under a magnitude 3.  I think it best that you just read the article.  There are serious implications if this activity doesn't stop.  If you pull up a map of California on the net and enter San Andreas Fault then notice where it runs.  It runs north to south and it's track takes it right through the middle of San Francisco.  Future judgments in wait, very possible?  Between the years 1997 to 2009 there have been a total of 224,949 earthquakes.  Just through March 17 we have already had a total of close to 300 earthquakes this month around the world.  It's just a matter of time before a big one hits somewhere.  In the book of Revelation we see examples of where God uses earthquakes to pass judgment on the world.

If you want a complete look at facts on recent earthquakes click to link below.

Russia has "risen from the dead" in just the last few years and they've already been flexing their muscles.  They returned to back to battle for the first time in many many years back in August of 2008 when they invaded Georgia.  The "bear" has come out of hibernation.  Since the Georgia battle they have been sailing the high seas and establishing new alliances and visiting old friends.  Interesting to note is that most of the countries that they visited on their world tour included countries that will be participating in the Ezekiel war.   This is NOT a coincidence.  This is prophecy in the making. In Daniel chapter 7 we read in verse 5 of a bear.  "And suddenly another beast, a second, like a bear.  It was raised up on one side, and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth.  And they said to it: 'Arise, devour much flesh!"   There is no question that this passage is referring to Russia.  And the question is, WHO do the three ribs represent that are in the bears mouth.  These will be three countries that Russia will conquer in the last days but before the antichrist shows up because in Daniel's vision the bear is the second beast to appear.  The antichrist is shown in the fourth beast from verse 7 right on through the end of the chapter.  Could Georgia be one of the ribs represented?  Probably.  Who are the other two? I am certain without a shadow of a doubt that the UK is one of them.  There has been an ongoing strife between these two countries for the past few months and things are heating up between them.  The UK is also considering joining NATO which Russia DOES NOT want and will, more than likely, make sure doesn't happen.  And then there are a couple of others that want to join that Russia vigorously objects to.  And they are Croatia and Albania.  Watch the Russian bear!

Sometime after the Antichrist shows up – which will be after we are raptured away and are in heaven (PRAISE GOD!!!) – there will be a new system of buying and selling that will begin. Read Rev. 13:16-17.  It will have to do with the mark of the beast.  Unless somebody has the mark of the beast either on their right hand or forehead they won't be able to buy or sell anything.  It looks as if what this system may include both a chip implantation and a tattoo to be used as a visual confirmation that the chip was installed.  The implant could be inserted somewhere in the body and the tattoo will show that that person has the implant.

If you read my post from yesterday March 24, 2009 and saw the new technology now out, this next video will really open your eyes.

Shopping takes on a different meaning if you know what Christ warned us!

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


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