One world currency-New World Order in the news-Is the ENP the 7-yr. covenant Daniel warned us about? More trouble for banks-Europe’s think tank warnings-Economic troubles-War & Famine-March 6, 2009


DiMora will be on the Radio again today March 6, 2009 starting at 2 PM Pacific Standard Time. Just click to this link and it will take you to the show.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

As you know I have been warning that a new world order has to come.  Jesus never used the term New World Order but we know what He was referring to when He told us the Antichrsit would control the world’s economy by forcing his mark in everyones right hand or forehead.  You can watch these short video where UK leader Brown hopes for this New World Order.   The second video will take about a single currency.  This is the currency in which soon the Antichrist will control.  Remember Jesus told us this information almost 2,000 years ago and now they are talking about actually doing it.The second video is entitled “World Currency Coming and so is AntiChrsit”.  These videos are from news agencies.  New World Order   World currency

I want to address the 7 year covenant which we were warned about in the book of Daniel chapter 9:27.  Many people think that this covenant was already signed and confirmed as of Jan. 1, 2007 through what is called the ENP. I will explain this below. I think it is a good idea to keep a open mind to current events and to watch what is going on.  There is no doubt we will know if the ENP was or is the actual 7 year covenant Daniel talks to us about. Let me explain.

On June 29, 2004 heads of state conducted their semi-annual summit.  During that meeting they appointed Javier Solana as the Unions’ first Minister of Foreign affairs.  This is a very powerful position in the Union, and according to the EU Constitution Solana will automatically become the Vice President of the EU Commission as soon as the Constitution is signed into law. This is the same position France delayed Solana from receiving.  Solana’s is Secretary General of the WEU, the military arm of the EU, which is comprised of the 10 original member countries that signed the Treaty of Brussels.  God told us, when this antichrist comes up amoungst the 10, he will also confirm the covenant with many for 7 years. This covenant deals in large part with Israel.  Solana has been responisible for introducing what is called, “the European Neighborhood Policy or (ENP). The ENP is part of Solana’s new security policy, which calls for spreading peace and security around the EU neighbors.  Solana has also been taking part in the Middle East peace talks, and in December 2004 he managed to get 16 neighboring nations to sign on to his ENP policy. Israel and the PLO were two of the nations that signed on.  All the nations who signed this ENP treaty have made agreements confirming the beginning date, which starts on January 1, 2007.  The duration of the European Neighborhood Policy is to last 7 years, with the ending date in 2013.  Could this be the 7-year covenant God warned us about in the book of Daniel?  It just may well be, but I think there is still a 7-year plan coming that will fulfill the scripture and that is the plan I am looking for. However, I am keeping my eyes on these developments because, as I stated, so far these current events have been running parallel to scripture.

If this ENP treaty of 2007 is in fact the treaty which Daniel referred to in Daniel 9:27 then, we will know for sure around March 30 through April 6 of 2010.  Why am I saying this? Although the beginning date for the ENP was January 1, 2007, technically it could have started during the week of October 17-24, of 2006.  I say this because two of the fundamental regulations for the European Neighborhood Policy came about on October 17, 2006 and on October 24, 2006.  On the 17th there was 11 billion dollars of euro funds set aside to launch the ENP and, on that date is was specified that the treaty would run for a period of 7 years.  On the 24th of October this time frame was again set in stone. You can read the full text of the laying down the general provisions establishing a European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument by going to the link below. The link will take you to the Official Journal of the European Union.  On October 24 the time frame of 7 years was established again.  I quote, “This Regulation establishes for the period 2007 to 2013 a financial envelope which constitutes the prime reference amount for the budgetary authority according to point 37 of the Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (2).”  If the 7 years really began in the week of October 17-the 24th then, according to the Word of God, exactly three and a half years from that date the Antichrist will walk into the rebuilt Jewish Temple and tell the world he is God.  Again, this date would be sometime between March 30, 2010 through April 6, 2010.  Of course, if the actual date was in fact January 1, 2007 all you have to do is count 1,260 days starting on the 1st and on the final day, that is the day the Antichrist will walk into the Jewish Temple and stop the sacrifice and tell the world he is God.  If this event does not take place around these dates we will know for a fact the ENP treaty was not the 7-year covenant mentioned by Daniel.  That will mean we should be on the watch for the coming covenant.  Link:

Citigroup Inc. C (NYSE) as of March 5, 2009 is down to $1.02 a share.  Here is some news showing you how bad things have gotten since 2007 for Citigroup. I quote, “Meanwhile, Pandit's track record is worth reviewing. Since taking over as CEO on December 11, 2007, Citi's stock has dropped 96% from $33.23 to $1.41, destroying $174 billion in stock market capitalization while Citi posted a $27.7 billion net loss — which includes a fresh $9.6 billion charge tied to the drop in value of its consumer banking franchise in North America, Latin America and Europe from the global economic slowdown.”  Yesterday I talked to you about watching more banks failing.  Maybe now you will start to believe me?  In any case these events are news showing us the power shift that the prophet Daniel told us would come is already under way.  The reason why there is so much talk about dropping the dollar and heading for the Euro is the European Union is that last world power that will be reigning when Jesus comes back.  The EU is the modern day Roman Empire as was shown to Daniel.  You can either except what is going on with the global economic crisis and understand why these things are happening or, you can go about your business being clueless as to how all these events are tied into the Word of God and His prophecies.  It is my prayer that you will come to have wisdom in Christ and receive Him as your Savior.  I promise you all, if you don’t have Christ in your life and Him at the center of your life, you may be able to deal with what is coming.  God will provide you with all the strength and peace you will need but you must trust Him and believe in Him first.

On Feb. 27, 2009 I wrote a post and gave you some information on (LEAP) which stands for, “Laboratoire European Anticipation Politique”.  This is a think tank out of Europe and they are telling the world what is going to happen in the coming months.  Please watch the videos and you can see for yourselves what they are warning us is the exact same thing I have been sounding the alarm for.  One of the signs Jesus told us to watch for was civil unrest which, is found in Matthew chapter 24 vs. 7 were He says kingdom will fight against kingdom.!-4th-quarter-2009-Beginning-of-Phase-5-of-the-global-systemic-crisis-phase-of-global-geopolitical_a2805.html

The LEAP think tank warned us about civil unrest.  We have already seen this begin to take shape in Europe and as I warned you, America will also see the same thing.  There was a huge deminstration in N.Y. but so far it has been peaceful, but this is how it started in Europe.  “A massive budget backlash came to lower Manhattan on Thursday. Tens of thousands of New Yorkers marched on City Hall, rallying to stop proposed funding cuts.”


People around the world are starting to become more agitated with their leaders and they are starting to do things to show they are upset. Case in point.  If you click to the link below you can watch a video that shows how one woman acted her anger out today. I quote, “A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: "Police are investigating circumstances surrounding an incident in Carlton House Terrace, SW1, at about 8am today. "Officers from Westminster CID investigate. There have been no arrests. No complaint has been received." Talking about the goo, Ms Deen said: "It's green custard – I could eat this right now, it's totally harmless." She went on: "The only thing green about Peter Mandelson is the slime coursing through his veins." And she added: "I don't want to get up early in the morning and throw custard at Peter Mandelson but I don't have a choice because democracy has failed us.”


Read what the Wall Street Journal had to say about what Obama is doing to the nation in their report entitled, “Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow”. “It's hard not to see the continued sell-off on Wall Street and the growing fear on Main Street as a product, at least in part, of the realization that our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy, not just mitigate the recession and financial crisis. The illusion that Barack Obama will lead from the economic center has quickly come to an end. Instead of combining the best policies of past Democratic presidents — John Kennedy on taxes, Bill Clinton on welfare reform and a balanced budget, for instance — President Obama is returning to Jimmy Carter's higher taxes and Mr. Clinton's draconian defense drawdown. Mr. Obama's $3.6 trillion budget blueprint, by his own admission, redefines the role of government in our economy and society. The budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, adding more to the debt than all previous presidents — from George Washington to George W. Bush — combined

Everywhere I read, I read the warnings that I have been issuing for years.  Now this type of news is becoming common.  Read what the Jerusalem Post has to say about the global economic problem. “We live in a looking-glass world – at least from the point of view of everyone who was born or grew up in the post-World War II era. The pillars of the socioeconomic order that defined the era are shaking and a large number have already collapsed. The speed with which this is happening, at least in the economic and financial spheres, is breathtaking. What's worse, the rate of disintegration is accelerating. The inevitable consequence of this process is that it will spread to the social and political spheres, with attendant upheavals in countries and societies around the world. A simple, yet chilling, example of the extent of the upheaval that has already taken place in the way people think and speak came to my attention a few days ago.”  Futher down in the article is says, “In March 2009, kicking around the possibility of the US going bust is not grounds for incarceration in a loony bin, or even a basis for labeling the writer a conspiracy theorist or scaremonger. The probability that the US and UK will lose their triple-A ratings is accepted in mainstream circles; the possibility that they will go bust is regarded as remote, but is now within the parameters of normative debate.”


In my Dec. 4, 2008 post I talked about signs you need to watch for that would show you the direction the nation is headed.  I gave you news on the number of people on food stamps. I did this because if a Depression is coming this would be a good indicator it is on the way.  Only 3 months after I wrote that post we now have new information concerning the number of people asking for help. I quote, “WASHINGTON (Reuters) — A record 31.8 million Americans received food stamps at the latest count, an increase of 700,000 people in one month with the United States in recession, government figures showed Thursday. Food stamps, which help poor people buy groceries, are the major U.S. anti-hunger program, forecast to cost at least $51 billion in this fiscal year ending Sept. 30, up $10 billion from fiscal 2008.”  In that December post I also told you that food banks would begin to dry up and we are seeing this take place as well.  I hate to do this but I must.  These figures are about to go even higher in the coming months.  Why?  Because we have entered the last days and Jesus warned us when this happened the signs would come as a woman in labor.  The signs are already here and Jesus Words will be fulfilled.  America’s economy is going to dive and the rest of the world will be dragged down because of her fall.  All this is going to take place because the Antichrist has to rise to power and appear to have the answers to get the world back on track.  If you fall for this man you will fall into a lie and Jesus gave you plenty of warnings about him before he comes.  Put no hope in any man, none, only Christ!

One of the signs Jesus told us to look for in the last days was the signs of wars, and famine which is recorded in Matthew 24:7.  These signs are now a major problem for the world and they are getting worse.  Today I want to show you one such case. I quote “The little hospital built from plastic sheeting and wooden poles is not much to look at. Yet it serves 20,000 of Darfur’s suffering people, offering life-saving medical care to families who fled their homes with nothing. Yesterday it was closed. Its patients were sent home and doctors and nurses told not to turn up for work. The Sudanese Government, having bombed more than two million people into the camps, is expelling aid workers in retaliation against a world that wants to arrest its President. Aid officials warn that a humanitarian emergency is in danger of becoming a disaster. The move has put the supply of food to 1.1 million people in doubt, as the UN’s World Food Programme scrambles to find lorries to deliver sacks of grain. It had been using four of the expelled charities to get food to people in need. Outside the hospital – run by the International Rescue Committee until it was ordered out – a mother brushed flies from the face of her daughter. “My baby is sick,” Fatima Abdulrahmen said. “She has a fever and I brought her here and now I don’t know what to do. Who will help me now?”

To all my readers, I want to thank you all for coming to my site to get the prophecy updates. I realize this information can be disturbing.  It is disturbing to me but, if it was important enough for Christ to press the issue of being ready and on the watch we would be fools not to listen to what He has warned us. There were many times during Jesus' stay on Earth the first time that He had to take time off away from everyone and just seek the Father. I suggest if this information is getting to you and you are finding yourself freaked out 24/7, back off from it and do what Christ did. Block everything out, all the negative news, all the worries about what may happen and just spend time with Christ in peace.  If you think it is hard on you to read all the information about the last days, let me tell you, it breaks my heart every day to have to send you type information.  It is really hard on me to have to be the one who pours nothing but bad news on you day after day, but for whatever reason Jesus has placed me in this ministry as a watchmen for the people. I am receiving many emails with people asking me what do I do?  The only thing I can honestly tell you is do what Jesus has asked you to do, (TRUST IN HIM FOR ALL THINGS).

The Lord promised us if we seek the kingdom of God first everything else will be added to us.  This means you must put your faith in Christ even in the hard times.  One verse that keeps coming up into my heart and mind is this. "Pray always that you be accounted worthy to escape all these things and to stand before the Son of man".  Jesus told us to pray that and I do just about everyday and sometimes several times a day.  You see, I know Jesus' Words are going to come true and that those who are abiding in Christ will in fact escape all the things that coming to pass.  If you believe in those Words spoken by Christ you will find that you will have peace.  Even tough we are living in hard times I am excited to be here and see what I am seeing.  We are a blessed generation to be alive to see the final days of the reign of Satan.  Yes some of us may have to go through hard times but we are very close to looking into the eyes of our Lord face to face.  All I can think about is making sure I do the will of the Father and finish this race for Christ so I can see Him face to face.  Recently I had someone ask me what if I fail Christ when I am persecuted.  I know many of you are thinking the same thing.  Don't you think the 12 Apostles had those same thoughts, yet not one of them let Christ down.  Do you know why?  Because Jesus was there with them in their time of need and it was Christ by the Holy Spirit that provided the strength to endure all things for His name sake.  If you miss the rapture of the Church, you can not fail the Lord.  Yet me tell you why.  What is the alternative to failure? It is an eternity in hell.  Anyone who is left behind after the rapture of the Lord's Church will be faced with being hunted down by the Antichrist and when they caught up with you, you will have to prove yourself worthy to Christ by losing your life for Him.  Hell is not a option that you even want to consider. 

This is why Jesus told us to pray always that you be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are coming to pass and stand before the Son of man. One group of people will escape because they were already worthy to leave this planet with Christ whereas the other group will have to prove they are worthy by refusing the mark of the beast and die for Christ.  This is why I am posting almost every day. I am doing what I can to reach as many as I can to help them become worthy in the Lord's eyes. If you are one of those people who have come to my site today and you haven't received Jesus Christ as your Savior yet, you are not worthy to escape anything but, that can change today by asking the Lord Christ Jesus to forgive you and tell him you repent of your sins.  Today your unworthiness’ can change in a second.  What road are you going to follow?

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


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    • ebrahim on October 11, 2009 at 6:07 pm
    • Reply

    if you do not believe jesus is christ and son of god you will die in your sins.

  1. Very honoured to see your blog,your blog is specific, I benefited a lot from it. Many thanks,welcome to our website . we can exchange our idea.

    • Melissa on August 13, 2011 at 10:09 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you so much for your blog. I found this a great read and I want to share this with as many as I can. Sometimes when I tell people some of the things you have written….they laugh at me and say “ohhhh they have been saying God is coming for many many generations and he never has and every generation after us will all be saying the same thing”…. Even when I bring up certain events and they follow the Bible. It makes me angry that people are so blind because I do not know how to get through without coming across snotty or like I know everything because trust me I DO NOT! I just wish everyone could go to heaven and have no worries I have recently even learned to pray for my enimes (people that simply just do not like me and have been extremly mean to me and that are lying on me trying to take away my 9 year old baby girl). I admit it was really hard at first but it is getting easier. I think that is what I struggle with the most liers that are doing everything possible to take away my little girl. (I am still praying for those people). You have taught me so much just with this blog alone thank you so much for sticking your neck out and I pray that the Lord blesses you greatly.
    Thank you,

  2. Never give up Melissa. It doesnt matter what people say. The only thing
    that matters is that you are walking in Christ doing those things which please
    Him. Thanks for letting me be part of your life.

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