Maitreya the fail Christ, what you need to know-Ezekiel 38 coming together-Many earthquakes-March 4, 2009



I want to thank everyone of you who have been telling your friends about my web site and the information I am providing for you. I just set a new record of 160,062 people.  Considering I do not advertise or pay anyone to pump up my site on any of the search engines, this is truly a blessing from God.  More and more people are finding the truth at this site and they are recognizing how important it is to be on the watch for the Lord's 2nd coming.

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Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

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Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel chapter 38:6 the nation of Beth Togarmah is numbered with the nations that will invade Israel in the last days.   Togarmah was the second son of Gomer; his descendants occupied eastern and northern Turkey, and they occupied Southern Russia, which used to be comprised of many small nations such as Armenia.  Present day Armenians still call themselves the house of Togarmah.  Keep in mind; Armenia is a former republic of the Soviet Union (Russia) and will come against Israel with Russia and Russia’s allies listed in Ezekiel 38:6. Since I had about 200 new people come to my site you should know I have been giving you signs that modern day Turkey has just recently shifted their alliance to Russia.  I have been warning people this way going to take place since 1977 and finally it is happening.  Why now, because the Ezekiel battle is about to be fulfilled.   Here is a short section from a new report out about the new Russian and Turkish alliance.  I quote, “Turkey's government, led by Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, has shown increasing impatience with not only Washington policies in the Middle East, but also the refusal of the European Union to seriously consider Turkey's bid to join. So it's only natural that Turkey would seek some counterweight to what it has perceived as overwhelming US influence in Turkish politics since the Cold War. And Russia's leaders have no problems opening such a dialogue, much to Washington's dismay.”  You the new people, last month Turkey was involved in peace talks with Syria and Israel but when Israel invaded the Gaza to stop the PLO from launching rockets into Israel those peace talks went cold and right after that Turkey’s and the Israeli friendship has gone to pot.  Turkey was the last nation that had to join in a friendship treaty with the rest of the nations mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 38 and now that is done.  That tells us one thing, we are very close to seeing this prophecy coming to pass.

Prophecy Sign: Anyone coming to my site should know what Ezekiel’s prophecy says by now.  If you are new just download my free book and read the first page in Chapter 10 and you will understand the importance of Iran in this prophecy.  For years I have been saying that as soon as the PLO and Hamas come to the end of their ropes in the peace talks they will call for help to retake Jerusalem by force.  Iran has been helping the PLO for years and today we see the spiritual leader of Iran in the Gaza and guess what he is saying?  I quote, “Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Wednesday for world Muslims to join the Palestinian "resistance" against Israel as he kicked off a two-day summit in aid of war-torn Gaza. His statement came as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas and premier Salam Fayyad in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on her first visit to the region since taking office. She had met Israeli leaders in Jerusalem on Tueaday. "The only way to save Palestine is resistance," Khamenei said in his address to open the global summit Tehran organised in aid of Gaza and the Palestinians. "Support and help to Palestinians is a mandatory duty of all Muslims. I now tell all Muslim brothers and sisters to join forces and break the immunity of the Zionist criminals," Khamenei said.”  Both main leaders in Iran are calling for the destruction of Israel.  They are saying this at a time when the peace talks have broken down and the new hand picked Primie Minister of Israel said he has not real partners in the peace talks.  Let me make this clear for you.  What he is saying is he knows the PLO, and Hamas don’t really want peace and he doesn’t want to deal with them.  We are heading down the path that the PLO and nations like Iran will sound the call to attack Israel.  This is one of the reasons why I have asked you to keep your eyes on Iran.  We see from Ezekiel that Iran is going to place a major role in that prophecy.


To make matters even worse today the Iranian military chief issued a new warning to Israel.  I quote, “TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – Iran's military chief is warning Israel that its nuclear facilities are within the range of Iranian missiles. The warning from Revolutionary Guards commander Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari is the latest message from Iran that it will strike back if attacked. Israel and the United States suspect Iran's nuclear program is a cover for weapons production and say they would not accept a nuclear-armed Iran.”  Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister working to form a new government in Israel has already warned he was going to have to attack Iran to take out Iran’s nuclear site.  Now that Iran is threatening Israel with these missiles it has only heated up the problems between the two nations.  All this news is pointing to the coming attack on Israel.  I hope you noticed the report said Iran will strike back if attacked?  I mentioned this because I think it is very possible that if Israel takes out Iran’s nuke site it could spark the war or the invasion on Israel as written in Ezekiel chapter 38.

Last year while the media was afraid to say the U.S. was in a recession, I told you to look for news in the near future talking about a Depression.  Since I issued you that warning we are seeing news reports popping up all over the place talking now about a possible Depression coming to America.  Today there was another one of these reports. I quote, “Central questions these days are how severe will the U.S. economic downturn be and how long will it last? The most serious concern is that the downturn will become something worse than the largest recession of the post-World War II period — 1982, when real per capita GDP fell by 3% and the unemployment rate peaked at nearly 11%. Could we even experience a depression (defined as a decline in per-person GDP or consumption by 10% or more)? The U.S. macroeconomy has been so tame for so long that it's impossible to get an accurate reading about depression odds just from the U.S. data. My approach uses long-term data for many countries and takes into account the historical linkages between depressions and stock-market crashes. (The research is described in "Stock-Market Crashes and Depressions," a working paper Jose Ursua and I wrote for the National Bureau of Economic Research last month.) The bottom line is that there is ample reason to worry about slipping into a depression. There is a roughly one-in-five chance that U.S. GDP and consumption will fall by 10% or more, something not seen since the early 1930s.”  Please are finally waking up to the fact that the U.S. is in deep trouble.  Nothing seems to be working to jump start the economy.  If you keep in mind what the Prophet Daniel wrote in the 2nd chapter of his book you come to understand America is not going to be a power to deal with in the last days.  Daniel told us it would be the reborn modern day Roman Empire.  This is the main reason why America is now declining in power.  There has to be a power shift to rise the new revived Roman Empire into the number 1 spot on the world scene.  The EU or European Union is the fulfilment of the modern day Roman Empire so you should be keeping your eyes on what she is doing. As far as America goes, she will continue to slip.



I only took a few days from writing and within that time there were 18 big earthquakes that were reported.  If you are new to my site, I keep you posted to this information because Jesus in Matthew 24:7 said we would see many earthquakes during the last days.  The earthquakes would be taking place at the same time all the rest of the prophecies were also taking place.  Our generation is the only generation to see all these things being fulfilled all at the same time and it is a major key which tells the Christians to be ready to meet Jesus at the rapture of the Church.

Prophecy Sign: In Daniel chapter 2 we see that in the end times the Old Roman Empire will emerge again in a new form.  It will be from this new modern day Roman Empire that the Antichrist will rise up from.  I am not going to go into detail here because you can read chapter 2 of my free prophecy book and get all the specific details that proof the European Union has fulfilled the Daniel prophecy.  The EU is the modern day Roman Empire.  I have been giving you the stepping stone signs that a one-world government is coming and by the time it is finished the Antichrist will be running the world.  For years I have shown you how nations are joining together to make Union of nations. One of the stepping-stones to forging a one-world government is to make many large unions.  Then at the right timing the Antichrist will bring in all these Unions and make a single world government.  Today we see another one of these unions in the works. I quote,  “The leaders of ten Southeast Asian countries have signed a declaration to integrate their economies and construct an economic and political union modeled on that of the European Union by 2015.”  If you notice all these Union of nations are forming themselves after the model of the EU or modern day reborn Roman Empire.  If you can’t see where we are going with all this you are still in spiritual trouble.  In order to see these things clearly you need the Holy Spirit in your life to bring all these things into focus.  All it will take for all these unions to come together is some kind of major crisis.  We see one of those crisis forming right now via the global economic crisis.  It is okay and isn’t okay not to except what I am saying to you.  It is okay because when you see it happen your eyes may finally get the clear picture of all these warnings.  It isn’t okay because when all these things occur you will probably have been left behind when Jesus came for His Church.  It isn’t okay because that means you are going to have to face the Antichrist and go through the tribulation.  If you only knew what to except during the 7 years you would be shaking in your shoes with fear.  Most of you who refuse the Lord’s message and are cast into the tribulation are going to die during this 7-year time fame.  Mind you, if you are caught by the Antichrist the only way to get into heaven will be to die for Christ and that means you will have to have your head cut off. See Revelation 20:4 if you think I am kidding.  Jesus wants you to escape these 7 years but, He can only make that happen if you ask Him to be your Lord and ask His forgiveness and repent.  Without this you will face the worst time of Planet Earths history.  Your call but let me warn you now, since you read this information Jesus is going to hold you accountable to what you just read.  When you stand before Christ you will have to answer to him, you will have no excuses why you didn’t receive His warnings or His call to His Salvation.


Just yesterday I was sent an e-mail asking me what I thought about the person who is suppose to be the coming Christ. This person is called the Maitreya.  I am going to give you some information on this person so that you will not be fooled by any deceptive signs from a false Christ.   I just watched a new youtube video telling the world that the Maitreya is coming soon and a star will lead his way.  Let me warn you that Christ said watch out for false christ’s and the signs they will perform.

“THE CHRIST IS NOW HERE.”  On June 25, 1982, a full-page ad proclaiming the Christ was now here appeared in the Los Angeles Times.  This same ad ran in 16 other major newspapers in selected areas throughout the world on the same day.  The messages in the ads were all the same. This was part of their message, “How will we recognize him?  Look for a modern man concerned with modern problems – political, economic, and social.  Since July 1977 the Christ has been emerging as a spokesman for a group or community in a well-known modern country.  He is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense of the word pointing the way out of our present crisis.  We will recognize Him by His extraordinary spiritual potency, the universality of His viewpoint, and His love for all humanity.  He comes not to judge, but to aid and inspire.” 

The man person pushing the appearance of this false Christ is a man by the name of Benjamin Crème.  Benjamin even says that this man the Maitreya is already among us.  Of course we all know the real Jesus Christ has not returned yet.  I put up a link to a video where they show you some pictures of this full page ad I am writing about that came out in 1982.  If you watch the video you will also hear them say Crème says the Maitreya is here already.  If you love Jesus you won’t believe anything you here Crème say in any of his interviews!

According to the ad, the Christ goes by the name of Lord Maitreya.  According to the information in the ad the Lord Maitreya is the person “known to the Christians as the Christ.  And as Christians await the Second Coming, so the Jews await the Messiah, the Buddhists the fifth Buddha, the Moslems the Imam Mahdi, and the Hindus await Krishna.  These are all names for one individual” (Ibid).  I found one part of the ad proclaiming the Maitreya Christ ever interesting.  In the book of Matthew, Jesus Christ gave a warning for His followers to keep watch for in the last days.  These are the words of Jesus: So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the desert,’ do not go out: or, “Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it” (Matthew 24:26).   The full-page ad, which appeared in the 17 cities, had this to say, “Throughout history, humanity’s evolution has been guided by a group of enlightened men, the Masters of Wisdom.  They have remained largely in the remote desert and mountain places of earth.”  In yet another section of the ad they say, “His location is known to only very few disciples.”  The disciples who are proclaiming this Maitreya have fulfilled the prophecy made by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:26.  When the real Christ comes it won’t be a secret.

 The Word of God tells us, “Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him: and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him.  So shall it be!  Amen”  (Revelation 1:7). If you know prophecy you know that the real Jesus Christ does not come back until the end of the tribulation when He goes into Jerusalem to take his seat as King of Kings.  In the recent video you just watched they tell you to expect this Maitreya even before the tribulation begins.  I can assure you that anyone who doesn’t know God’s Word will be able to fall into this trap and believe these lies.

In the Maitreya ad they also say, “He comes not to judge, but to aid and inspire.”  This is a far cry from the word of God, which says, "I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True.  With justice he Judges and makes war” (Revelation 19:11).   The 1982 ad also stated, “One of these has announced that soon the Christ will acknowledge His identity and within the next two months will speak to humanity through a worldwide television and radio broadcast.  His message will be heard inwardly, telepathically by all people in their own language”  (Los Angeles Times June 25, 1982).  When two months had passed and there was no sign of any such Lord Maitreya, I called the people responsible for running the ad.  I was told by one of the people at the Tara Center in Los Angeles, the Maitreya would not appear because the timing was not right.  I would think if he were really God that he would automatically know when the time was right, and wouldn't have to cancel his appointment with earth.  If you watched the new video they again are saying the same things they said in 1977. In the March 31, 1997 DEFENSE WEEKLY article that is no longer on the internet stated, “that the Army's JFK Special Warfare Center and School in late 1991 disclosed that it was looking to develop a PSYOPS Hologram System with a capability to "project persuasive messages and three-dimensional pictures of cloud, smoke, raindroplets, buildings…..(*or, for that matter, even "flying saucers" and religious "figures")……..The use of holograms as a persuasive message will have worldwide application".  Let’s face it, we are living in a world where any technology is possible.  Is it possible that a figure of a man or a star in the sky can be shown worldwide?  I do believe it is now possible with our new technology.  However it is done I can assure you that it won’t be the real Christ for Jesus warned us as to when He would be returning and it is at the end of the 7 year tribulation not even before it begins.  This is the reason why Jesus said stay with sound doctrine in the last days.

Another group following the Maitreya is Share International.  I hit their web site, and learned they are reporting on the Lord Maitreya’s appearance again.  The message is primarily the same message as it was in the 1982 ad.  The information on their web site states, “In recent years, information about Maitreya’s emergence has come primarily from Benjamin Crème, British artist and author who has been speaking and writing about this event since 1974.  According to Crème, Maitreya descended in July 1977, from His ancient retreat in the Himalayas and took up residence in the Indian-Pakistani community of London.  He has been living and working there, seemingly as an ordinary man, His true status known to relatively few.  He has been emerging gradually into full public view so as not to infringe on humanity’s free will.”  It was also stated, “At this time of great political, economic and social crisis Maitreya will inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global cooperation” (Who is Maitreya?  Share International Web site Aug. 12, 1998).  The so-called Christ Maitreya, in June 1992 told his followers “The Middle East peace talks will thrive.”  Share International was quick to report “In the fall of 1993, PLO chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands in Washington on a historic agreement of mutual recognition.  Prime Minister Rabin announced that, for the sake of peace with Syria, he is prepared to give up Israeli occupied settlements in the Golan Heights”  (Share International Aug. 22, 1998).

What Share International is not reporting in 2009, is that prophecy from Maitreya turned out to be a false prophecy.  As a matter of fact Arafat died many years ago after being held up in his office, surrounded by Israeli soldiers.  No one had peace in 1993, and they still don't in 2009.  Here are the real facts.  The fact is the peace talks died in 2002.  Anyone alive who has a newspaper or TV knows that Israel and the PLO are at war with one another.   In 2004 the Israeli army had made a full-blown attack on Arafat and his followers.  Arafat was confined to a small building until he died in late 2004.  To make my point about this false prophecy of peace by Maitreya, I quote a news release from the Associated Press.  "Late in the afternoon, five Israeli tanks and a bulldozer moved into the northern town of Tulkarem, near Qalqilya, meeting no initial resistance.  The Israeli advances came after Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in a televised address Sunday night that Israel was "at war" and branded Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat "an enemy of Israel, blaming him for a bloody series of suicide bombings against Israelis" (AP Lompoc Record April 1, 2002 p. A5).  Maybe the Maitreya didn’t see what just took place in the Gaza 3 weeks ago when Israel and the PLO went to war again.  There was not peace and there is still no peace.

Five years after Arafat’s death and the Middle East situation is much worse then it was.  So much for the Master of Wisdom!  If the Maitreya were a true Christ he wouldn't have made a mistake in his prophecy in the first place. The fact is, his prophecy failed and is therefore a false prophet!  No excuses!  The bible states there will be a short time of peace, when the Antichrist confirms a 7-year peace agreement with many.  However, the bible makes it clear it will be the beginning of the end and not a blessing.

The so-called Lord Maitreya stated in 1988, “I will flood the world with such happenings that the mind can never comprehend it”  (Share International Web site, Aug. 22, 1998).   I have no doubt that it is possible this Lord Maitreya may have the power or ability to perform many signs and wonders.  As a matter of fact expect to see these signs in the near future!  We are heading in the final days just before the real Christ will return.  Please remember Jesus Christ told people who believed in him to look for these things.  For false Christ's and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect-if that were possible” (Mark 13:22).  

In 2009 Maitreya is still a danger to real Christianity.  His people are still proclaiming, soon he will show himself to the entire world.  They keep reporting on these so-called miracles he is doing on their web page.  In Share International Vol.21, no3 April 2005 they are tell the world the Maitreya is coming soon.  Take this information to heart, because if and when he shows up you will know it is not the Christ of the bible, but a fake.  The picture below was taken from the SHARE International magazine dated December 15, 2005.  Share International shows a picture of who they tell us is the coming Savior. This picture was taken from the Share International magazine dated April 1999.  December 24, 2007 the Share International web site is still proclaiming everyone will soon see him. I quote. “As Maitreya himself has said: 'Soon, now very soon, you will see my face and hear my words.' ”


If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!

Total-Deliverance: End times Special Guest author Frank Dimora Part 2

Great web site to help teach you how to lead people to Christ 

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