Iran’s nuclear deal is no deal for Israel/ Why could the first blood moon of 2014 be important to prophecy? Nov. 25, 2013


FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 23, 2013 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material. Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Where can you get a FREE Bible prophecy documentary book? I am the author of the book entitled: The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. I have poured 38 years of my life into this prophecy documentary which will prove our generation is living in the days just prior to Jesus Christ’s second coming. One way to find out if Jesus Christ is telling you the truth concerning the last days events is to see what He said and, then see if what He said is coming to pass. If you see the facts you will have to conclude Christ is the true Messiah! Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place?

If you are one of the people who call yourself a Christian and you do not know the signs of Jesus’ second coming or, if you aren’t saved yet this documentary is a must read! There is no book in the market place today with the amount of information contained in The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth that will show this generation is the one Jesus spoke about in this scripture. I quote, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. (Matthew 24:34). Christ has pointed the way to knowing the appointed time of His second coming via all his signs and, my work for Christ in The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth points to these prophecies.

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 23, 2013 Edition written by Frank DiMora

















The Ezekiel 38 war of which Iran will follow the Russians in an invasion against Israel.


Headline: Iran, West 'Thwart Zionist Plot' With Nuclear Deal

“Israel fuming over 'delusional' Iran nuke deal, threatening to review military option Iran on Sunday hailed the nuclear deal it reached with Western powers as a victory over "the Zionists," while Israel fumed over the details of the agreement, even as US President Barack Obama insisted it would improve the security of the Jewish state.  "All plots hatched by the Zionist regime to stop the nuclear agreement have failed," Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said to his nation's media from Geneva.”  “

“Israelis officials seemed incredulous that Obama could enter, eyes fully opened, into such an arrangement. "What was agreed last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Sunday's cabinet meeting. "Today the world has become much more dangerous because the most dangerous regime in the world took a significant step to getting the most dangerous weapon in the world."  "There is no achievement in this agreement," added Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. "This is the biggest diplomatic victory Iran has known in recent years."  "We awoke this morning to a new reality. A reality in which a bad deal was signed with Iran. A very bad deal," Economic Minister Naftali Bennett wrote on his Facebook page. "If a nuclear suitcase blows up five years from now in New York or Madrid, it will be because of the deal that was signed this morning."  "Just like the failed deal with North Korea, the current deal can actually bring Iran closer to the bomb," said Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz. "Israel cannot take part in the international celebrations based on Iranian deception and self-delusion."



Headline:   Iran's 'moderate' new president takes aim at 'Zionist enemy'

Mocking the threat of Israeli military action against Iran's nuclear program, Rohani last week told a gathering marking the anniversary of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq War that "when a miserable regional country says such things, it makes you laugh. Who are the Zionists to threaten us?"  Far from taking a conciliatory position in foreign affairs, Iran's IRNA news agency reported that Rohani had reaffirmed his nation's commitment to embattled Syrian dictator Bashar Assad and Lebanon's Hezbollah so that together they could better deal with "our enemies in the region, especially the Zionist regime."



CROP_thumb1_thumb_thumb_thumb.jpgStarting Tuesday I am going to have to take a week off.  For the past 5 years I have been almost non-stop in my writing to you concerning the last day signs as well as writing in my book as well as  answering everyones emails.  I need your prayers because once again I am having problems with carpal tunnel syndrome.  I am hoping that a week off will help me so I can keep writng.  It is a good time for me to rest and, I pray you will all be resting as well with your families during Thanksgiving. If during my week off some crisis or major disaster strikes I will post that information.  God Bless you all and may our Lord keep you all safe.

Some may ask what is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  Watch the video.




NEWBut you will have to go to my new site to read this news. Go to


  1. Evangelicals Use Occult Deception !
    Heard of the coming blood moons? Is the pretrib rapture symbolized by anything in the heavens?
    Hal Lindsey, influenced by occult astrology, asserts on p. 124 in “The Late Great Planet Earth” that the famous Sphinx in Egypt has the head of a “woman” – even though encyclopedias say it’s the head of a “man”! Hal’s plagiarism on that page of a 19th century British theologian is his acceptance of the occult Virgo-to-Leo theory – a “Christian” zodiac arbitrarily starting with Virgo (Virgin Mary) and ending with Leo (Christ returning as “Lion,” Rev. 5:5).
    Those who swallow this guesswork often see Ursa Minor (part of Cancer which precedes Leo) as a heavenly “symbol” of a pretrib rapture!
    Pretribs also insist on separating the “church” from “Israel” – but when you aren’t looking (or thinking) they blithely “prove” pretrib by the Jewish feasts in Leviticus, the stages of a Hebrew wedding (Google “Pretrib Rapture: A Staged Event”), and the one “taken” and the other “left” in “Jewish” Matthew 24!
    Amazingly, Jewishness (and even anti-Jewishness) has been uncovered even in pretrib dispensationalism’s 19th century foundation (Google “Roots of Warlike Christian Zionism”)!
    The current “blood moons” craze (promoted by lunar persons including rock musician Scottie Clarke and John Hagee) is tied to – you guessed it – the same Jewish feast days.
    Yes, there’s something colored red in the future of the church, but I don’t have moons in mind. What will really turn red will be the collective faces of many when it finally dawns on them that their any-moment fly-away was nothing more than an end time hoax!

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