Want to know what is going to happen in the near future next! A lesson to act when Jesus speaks to you-Peace and safety prophecy-Feb. 3, 2009


Everyone of my warnings has come true!  Since opening up my site a little over a year ago people from all over the world have been shocked by what they read in my book.  People from all parts of the world are coming to Jesus after they read this book.  Do you know why?  Because there is so many facts and evidence that God's Word is coming to pass that they can not deny what they read.  If I were you and you haven't received Jesus as your Lord and Savior I would read chapters 1, 2,  & 10 right away! 

I can not tell you how much mail I have gotten by people blown away by all the proof that we are in the final days and Christ is coming again soon.  How would I know in 1977 that America's economy would be doing what it is today, collapsing?  How did I know that Russia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Libya, and Syria would form new military alliances.  How did I know Russia would move troops into Syria, and Libya and arm everyone of the nations I listed above.  How did I know the peace talks in the Middle East would end up with the world's leaders stumped over the Jerusalem issue which by the way, is what is at the present time killing the peace talks.  How in the world would I know back in 1977 that the European Union would over take  America as a world power.  How did I know to warn the people that Europe's new currency would over take the dollar and sound that warning even before the currency ever hit the market place?  How did I know back in 1977 that in the future Europe would end up electing one man to run most of Europe.  By the way, Europe is one nation away from signing a treaty that will give the European Union a full time President that will rule most of Europe.  How did I know to warn you all that a group of 3 nations from Europe would be in the spot light and now some 30 years later Europe has what they call "The Gang Of Three".  How did I know to warn you 30 years ago that the world's weather patterns would change?  How did I know 30 years ago that a major problem would be from the rising of the waters?  How did I know 30 years ago to keep your eyes on China for they would begin to have serious problems with food and water.  How did I now to warn you 30 years ago that America, Canada, Great Britain and Australia would be in the Middle East all at the same time which by the way, they are now.  How is it that I told you 30 years ago to watch for Jews returning back to Israel and millions did exactly as I said?  And how is it that I warned many of you would not believe any of this, yet that is exactly what is happening? How is it that 30 years ago I said the gay movement would take hold and people would start rejecting God, His Words, and sound doctrine and that to is taking place right now? How is it that I could warn you 30 years ago about a one world religion being born and based in Rome Italy and now 30 years later we are seeing the world council of religions forming right in Rome?  How could I have been right on the mark in saying 30 years ago that in the future most of Europe would again join their suppurate armies and form a one European Union Army?  By the way, check the news because that is exactly what the EU is doing today!  How could I be right in warning you 30 years ago that Israel would make moves to rebuild their third Temple and now today, they have not only the plans to do so but have created everything needed to start their Animal sacrifices again just as I warned they would.  Do you want to know the answers to all these questions?  Let me help connect the dots between God's warnings and current events.  Yes you are going to be shocked.  I promise you, if you read this book the Holy Spirit is going to open up a new world for you.  This book will drive you into the arms of Christ.  My book was never intended to take the place of the Bible but only as a tool to drive you to the Bible.  If you have any questions at all while you are reading my free book, please email me and I will be at your service to help you.  In the mean time I will pray for any of you who haven't taken Christ as your Savior yet.  I just pray for your sakes Jesus doesn't removed His Church before you get the chance to say yes to Christ!

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

I have been warning you that another major conflict is coming on Israel.  I asked you to watch the news because any attack on the PLO or Hamas by Israel could set of a chain reaction that will force the Ezekiel prophecy to be fulfilled.  Ezekiel prophecy can be found in detail in chapter 10 of my book.  Today from the Middle East we see what Netanyahu plans to do in the Gaza soon if elected on Feb. 10, 2009. I quote, “Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday promised that a government under his leadership would topple the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip. "[Kadima leader] Tzipi Livni and the people of Kadima scoffed at the predictions regarding rocket fire. A government under my leadership will overthrow the Hamas rule in Gaza and bring about a cessation of rocket fire," Netanyahu said during a tour of Ashkelon following the first Grad rocket attack since the conclusion of Operation Cast Lead some two weeks ago.”  The way the world sees Israel today is they are the aggressor.  When Israel makes moves to take out their enemies in the Gaza watch for the Middle East to blow.   


Two things in the news today that are important in one news report.  First the talk about peace and safety continues as was warned by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”  There is a big push right now to get  all the sides in the Middle East that are fighting to come back to the peace talks.  Not if you will the nations who are going to be involved in this next round of talks.  Take notice Italy is one of those nations again.  You should pay attention to Italy because we see that Rome will be the seat of power for the Antichrist and this is where He will come from.  That means the man who will confirm the peace covenant with many as it says in Daniel 9:27 will come from Rome.  This is the reason I am asking you to watch what is happening with the peace talks when Italy is involved!  Today’s news stated, “Abbas' aides have said he is on a European tour, with stops at EU parliament in Strasbourg, as well as is Britain, Italy, Turkey and Poland, in hopes of gaining support for a Palestinian unity government that would likely have to involve Hamas but would also include independents as Cabinet ministers.”


Today I received a touching letter from a person who regrets not acting on Christ’s behalf.  It is a good lesson to do what you know you should. 

Dear Pastor DiMora

I read with interest about how people are writing that their friends don't want to hear why things are happeing. This is a bit long so I will just say now, I am sorry for how long it is.I have to tell you what just happened to me that just devasted me.  I work as a contractor for an attorney, who is for the most part retired and really a recluse in his home.  He went on a trip to India with his son for three weeks.  I heard he had a bad fall (not sure in India or here at home), anyhow, he was not as mobile due to the fall.  I was supposed to go to work with him and his business manager at his home this week, where I normally went to work for him (at his home there is an entire office on the second floor). I had not heard from his business manager who was/is very good about calling me.  She stated last week she would need me this week, so I called her last night at 7:30 p.m., for another reason (taxes question), and she told me that John (attorney) died on Friday.  My throat became tight, my chest contracted into a horrible pain and I choked tears back.  Had I not been sitting down, I would have collapsed from horror. 

Why am I telling you this, as with any other story you may have heard, but this being fresh in my mind as is this, was I hurt he was gone? YES, but oh so much more than that, I told Jan (business manager), I never got to see him again, I was supposed to see him this week.  There was always her rushing us in and out and working and leaving and fast and fast (no excuses here), I actually had one opportunity where I could have Pastor DiMora, I COULD HAVE and did not, did not even think about it as I was listening to him talk and our one time alone about his collection of clowns, we both collect, tell him or even talk about Jesus.

It is too late, he is gone, I never even muttered about my Jesus who I love.  Getting back to my conversation with Jan, do you know what she said to me?   She said, "You know he wasn't very religious, but please pray for me, I am not doing so good."  I have talked to her about Jesus a few times when I see her as well as my other friends, so basically she knows how much I love the Lord and my dedication to my church (as I won't work on Sundays).  But for as many as I have told, one slipped past and it is an ugly lesson for me.  Do you know, I have been so upset, I can hardly pray this morning, although I have tried, I have cried and asked God to what, forgive me for what I should have done, or could have done, that the price of learning is so great it makes me sick. 

I tell you this is because no matter that your friends do not want to listen, soooooo what.  You inch in what you can to them, cuz at least you have told them, I know you know this.  I read my bible and tried to pray and a block wall is there.  I happened to read your entry yesterday and then saw you combined today and yesterday and reread your entry and happened to see it again about the friends section.  I am not saying you can even use my story, but if it helps for one person not to let any opportunity pass whether their friends want to hear what they have to say, then so be it.  It is better to at least have tried and prayed then to keep closed about the truth we have.  Thanks for taking the time to read this way long story.  (My name never has to be anonymous.)

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