How Christ is working though this ministry. The power of 0-Jan. 29, 2009


When the Lord picked me to spread His message I couldn’t figure out why He chose me? One of the things Jesus made clear to me was I was never to charge anyone for what He was sending me out to preach.  Jesus made it clear, if I listened to what He said, he would bless me and the message He told me to sound.  Because I have been faithful Jesus has allowed me to see some of the fruits of my love labor in Christ.  I may not have much money but as I read the letters coming in from people telling me Jesus sent them to me and, they have been changed because of my ministry, I see the wealth measured in souls not in dollars.  I want to thank all of you who have already written me.  I am sure many who are reading your letters are wondering what is going on at my site to change so many lives?   This is one of the reasons why I have asked you to send in your letters. 

You may not know this but, you are helping me bring more people to my site and if more are coming, the more chances I will have to lead others to the truth as to why we are seeing all these things in the news.  Its all about Christ, its about getting as many people ready as possible to meet Christ as we are running out of time before He calls His Church home.  So why did Jesus pick me to spread His message during these end times?  He knew I would do the same thing He did. Preach with love, give out the Word for free, but at the same time, not watering down the message to please anyone.  In a time when most pastors won’t teach on hell, or even touch Bible prophecy, Jesus while here, did both. Christ taught on hell more than anyone in the Bible.  The whole purpose of Jesus’ coming was to keep His children from going to hell, yet men who call themselves preachers have chose to silence our Lord’s teachings on both hell and prophecy.  I ask all who call themselves pastors to take a look at the cross.  Remember why Jesus hung on that cross!!!  He did it to save us all from eternity in the lake of fire.

If Jesus died to open the doorway to heaven, don’t you think your church members need to know what is going to happen to anyone who rejects Jesus and what He did for us?  How long will you keep your church unprepared for the things that are coming on this earth?  How long will you keep silent in the church as your flock is trying to figure out what is going on? Your flock is witnessing crisis after crisis but can not connect the dots between these end times and current events. 

I say these things in love, but you need to reflect on how Jesus got upset with the religious men who could not discern the signs of the times when He stood before them.  Prepare your church as Christ has instructed you to do or, they will come to you in anger asking you to explain why you did not inform them of the things Jesus told us to be on the WATCH for. 

Those of you who are reading this, I am asking you to bring your loved ones, and your friends, and those you meet to my site.  Let them know there is a man who will tell it like it is.  Let them know that their questions can be answered and there is no need to pay any spiritual advisors to have them tell them something that is not from God.  Let them know that their life is in the hands of a real loving God and not found in their daily horoscope. Show them this site so they can see for themselves how the Holy Spirit is changing one person at a time and He is calling to you all to make yourselves ready to meet Him. Now it is my blessing to post more letters showing how Jesus is saving and changing lives.  Keep in mind, everyone of the lives begin changed has done so without me charging a dime!  This is the power of the Holy Spirit. I may have 0 in my pocket but I have the wealth of the Father from heaven.     

MY FIRST REQUEST TO YOU: I wanted to show anyone who is new to my site how the Lord is working in people’s lives.  I must admit, I am humbled by what I am reading.  I know it is truly Jesus opening the eyes of many, and I am only the vehicle in which our Lord is getting His message to you.  I have been blessed beyond measure by the fact that my work for Christ is leading many away form the gates of hell and right into the arms of a loving Father and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Thank you for sharing with me how Jesus is moving. I will keep posting comments as they come in.  As you can see from the letters this book is becoming a powerful tool to win souls, and I praise God that this message can be given to you free, just as the Salvation our Lord is free. 

Frank DiMora


You mentioned asking the Lord to show you how your work has touched peoples lives.  Anything I write won't do your work and the way the Lord uses you justice.  But here goes.

A couple of months ago I shared some of the past year with you. How I lost my father in March.  He was a source of strength for me through out my life, and he was a man of God who gave all he had to the service of God.  I was raised in church, and taught by my parents the Word of God, and the things that were to come.

When I was about 25 I went through a divorce.  I drifted away from Jesus and began to do my own thing.  The things I did, places I went, and friends I made were pulling me further and further away from God.  Looking back I can see just how dangerously mislead I was letting myself become.  By the time I was 36 I was continuing my lifestyle, and began replacing the wonderful name of God with terms such as the "universe".  I even allowed a friend to talk me into seeing her "spiritual advisor".  The things I thought were harmless were slowly changing me, my heart, my mind, and the foundation layed in earlier years.  Satan really thought he had me where he wanted me.

At 40 things began to change in my life.  My health and physical strength began to decline.  And it only worsened.  By the first part of 2008, to say I had drifted away is an understatement.  But, somehow, I always thought my father would be there.  And as crazy as it sounds, I think I somehow thought I could ride his shirt tail into Heaven.  When he passed away in March, I was lost.  The week preceding his death was a story in itself.  I'm not sure what all he saw during that time, but the experience was incredible to see.  He praised and worshipped his way into the hands of God.  Even though it was breaking, my heart was also beginning to change.

The last year things in our world have begun changing rapidly…as of course you are well aware of.  I have had such a desire to serve the Lord! And while the Word has strengthened me, I have always had a hard time understanding Bible Prophecy.  I began asking the Lord to help me see what is happening in the world.  And he answered by leading me to your website, and your ministry.  To tell you the truth I am not even sure how.  My father always taught me to pray, study the Word, and try the spirits.  And in our world today, being without his guidance and knowledge could have been very frightening.  But God has used you in my life more than I can tell in this email! I did not want someone to sugar coat things for me, or to tell me to not worry these times we are in will pass and all will be ok.  I wanted to know what was happening, and what I needed to do.  And being led by the Spirit, your have laid it out and made it clear. 

I may never get to meet you on this earth, Frank.  But I will be looking for you when we get Home.  Never worry that you are not making a difference because you are.  I look forward to each new post, and am learning to really search the Word for answers.  You are truly a blessing.  You can do what you want with this email.  You don't need to keep my name out, and you don't have to post it on your website.  I just wanted you to know how your ministry is making a difference.



Thank you for everything you do. Your videos and book updates are inspiring to me.  I have a long ways to go but, I would not have made it this far if not for you.

Again Thank You,


Hi Frank,

I think I may have told you my story of how I came upon your web site. Last March in 2008 I felt like spiritually the Lord told me to wake and to watch. With that touch something began in me that day. I became very interested in current news and end time prophecy. From this new passion I searched the web site to see what people were saying on this subject, I came upon a few web sites about end times that just didn't line up with the Word of God. I had a need to know if others were feeling what I was feeling, this passion, this call of the Lord saying Watch! I prayed, after the falseness I stumbled upon that the Lord would show me the truth, asked to be led to His truth and His truth only. I found your web site and have been reading your post every day since. Every day I see the Word of God being fulfilled. And you have helped me greatly with connecting the dots, of current headlines and Bible Prophesy. I have been touched by what others have written in response to your web site. What you are doing is so needed, I struggle in my daily life with trying to find anyone around me both believers and non believers that feel that the Lord's return is a breath away. And the desire of just wanting to talk about what is happening according to Gods Word in our daily lives.  I know in my spirit He is coming soon, and this is the most exciting time to be alive. I thank the Lord that He said wake up sleepy head, I was asleep spiritually, numb since the death of my son. But He came for me, and said sleep no more. And then the Lord led me to you. I am thankful for His guidance. Our Lord is an Awesome God and soon we shall meet Him in the air. What a glorious day this will be.

Your sister in Christ



Dear mr dimora,

 I would like to thank you for making your book available to believers like me. I've been studying biblical prophecies for years but your explanation is truly from God no doubt. i thank the lord for leading me to your site. No doubt we are the generation that would see the coming of the messiah. God bless you and your family mr Dimora. Please continue to update us so that we can be found worthy at our lord's coming.

Thanks again.


Hello Frank Much like John the Baptist prophesized before the first coming of Christ, God has anointed and appointed you as one of the end time prophets to make the way for the return of our Lord. You too are a voice crying out in the wilderness, "REPENT – AND GET YOUR HEART AND LIFE READY TO MEET CHRIST JESUS." Your website contains up to the minute articles and videos on current events that you post along with the correlating Bible passages and prophesies. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to follow you as you take us through the Old and New Testaments and give the evidence of Christ's soon return. In my opinion, you are a man who stands in the gap for our Lord and His Church. You have been faithful to teach the message given to you by the Holy Spirit in the 1970's. I believe the 2nd coming of Christ is very near and that God's people are turning to your web site for Biblical knowledge of these end times. Thank you for being faithful! Marjorie Psalm 31:24 Be brave. Be strong. Don't give up. Expect God to get here soon


Dear Brother, I am always touched by our messages, and I open this website daily so that I can keep myself uptodate. As you said I believe that the Lord is building up his warriors and we are more than happy to fight for the Lord through prayer and I thank the Lord for his Grace. I have been a follower of world events versus prophecy and you site has helped me alot to understand most of the things that I couldn’t and one thing that I most want is to understand more of prophecy so that I can share to others and your site is helping me a lot. I am blessed and encouraged by your teaching. I pray to the God of heaven that he continue to bless you and your family and to keep on protecting you as you teach his word. Glory be to God

Brenda Gunde

Dear Frank,

Thank you so much for you post I stumble into your site since the war with Israel and Gaza started I felt this weird feeling.  When the war started I felt this urge to find out more about the end of times.  To me this war was different I felt like the beginning of something big was happening. Even though thru your post I  found out that these are just birth pains that we are going thru. My eyes have been opened since I read your post I felt that I was not really seen all of God’s work  and how much he loves us  and it’s because of your post that I have begun to fully see that.  I really feel great as I get closer to the lord. I read your post every day and will continue to do so.  Thank you Frank and God bless you, your family and all your readers as well everyone on the face of the earth.  I hope everyone does start accepting God before it is too late.  


Thank the LORD for a man that can speak the truth no matter what people think. I have been coming to your web site for quite a while and telling many people about your website and telling many people to get ready for the Lord's return because I am like you and I know it is coming soon. You have truly enlighten me on many issues and I thank GOD so much for using you to preach and teach his message. I tell you nothing happens by accident and I also was looking for end time events and you get a million things when you type it in on google but I prayed and ask the Lord to show me and I just happened to click on your site, as I said not by accident I know. I thank the Lord that he has taught me many important things and I no longer want to waste my life not telling people about Jesus. It is time to share the Lord with as many people as I can before his return and your messages help me to do so. I am no longer afraid to speak up and speak out for Jesus. Thank you Frank you are a special man and the Lord will bless you for all your hard work for his kingdom.


Dear DiMora

Hi there and greetings in the strong name of Jesus! I want to personally say thanks for what you do for the body of Christ around the world. Also thanks for telling others that Jesus alone saves. My wife Marilyn and I live in Nashville,TN. She works for Life Way Bookstores, and I am in full time ministry with christian singer and song writer Gordon Jensen(Compser of "Written In Red" among many others), and Don Piper(Author of "90 Minutes In Heaven"). I am also retired Military and served in both Desert Storms. I look forward to hearing from you soon as we fellowship in our great and awesome God!!

Heaven Is Real and Jesus Is The Way,

Ron Leonard

Dear Frank,

I am one that has to write to tell you that God has used your writings to convict my heart.  I have been so guilty of letting the fire that once consumed me slowly die to embers at times.  I have grieved these last months and have searched for the closeness that once was so easy.  I allowed the trails of this world to slowly pull me away from where I know I am suppose to be as a child of the King.  The holy spirit has convicted my heart and I know the Lord forgives me.  I am his and will always be.  During the past weeks, I have cried out to my father to lead me to truth in a fallen world.  I have specifically prayed that he would give me discernment during these times and that he would help be understand what more he wants me to do. I know that one night he lead me to your site…… I had been unable to sleep for many previous nights because I kept thinking about the Lord's return.  I felt a sense of urgency regarding this, so I "googled" end times and by God's grace found your site.  I stayed up until 5:30 am reading all that I could and have since, anxiously awaited updates!   My husband is a true warrior for Christ and I told him about your site.  He too, is reading it now and my teenage son as well.  My son is sixteen and I've told him about a sermon by Paul Walsh that we listened to.  I think we found it by clinking on a link from your son's blog.  The sermon was directed at  today's youth and all Christians, it was incredible! I've told my son that before this weekend ends, he must hear it! I am praying for you, brother Dimora.  I pray that God will protect you and continue to use you to minister to his people.  We go to a very good First Baptist Church in a small town and we're just not hearing there what we are from your site.  It's almost like today's Christian's are scared to talk about end times because someone will think we're crazy!  Praise God that you're not afraid to stand up and shout it for Christ, despite what others might think!  Let us know if there are any specific prayer request you may have.  I for one will be praying that God continues to bless you and that he will guide you as you lead his people towards the day he will come for us……God bless





Hi Frank,

Yes, your book and posts have helped me.  I'm much more aware and atuned to what is going on in the world as it relates to Christ, our Lord.  Thank you!



This is in response to your request on your January 23 post (if posted on your site, please withhold my name):  I used to be what is commonly referred to as a "lukewarm" Christian.  I grew up in a Christian household and went to church once a year on Easter.  A couple of years ago I started to listen to Christian music and I loved it!  I then started to attend church more regularly.  About 6 months ago I knew something wasn't right because of the economic news.  I googled economy and end times and your site came up.  I've been reading it nearly every day since then.  Let's just say I no longer consider myself a lukewarm Christian.  I am on fire for Jesus!  I never miss church and go twice a week now.  My entire life now revolves around the Lord which is how it should have been all along.  My whole outlook on life is different and I will never go back to how I lived before.  Thank you for your tireless work that you are doing to help awaken those that need it.  I can't imagine how overwhelming it must be to know your dedication is turning people to Christ our Savior.  I love the song "You Are My Joy" by the David Crowder Band.  Here are some of the lyrics which describes my life to a T.  I listen to it every day:

And He set me on fire and I am burning alive

With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone

And He set me on fire and I am burning alive

With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone

And I cannot hold it in and remain composed

Love's taken over me so I propose the letting myself go

I am letting myself go

You are my joy, you are my joy, you are my joy, you are my joy!

Dear Mr. DiMora,

I just read your message about what you have done as a servant for Jesus in regards to your web-site in spreading the word and prophecy messages to others.  I would like to say that Jesus through you, have open my eyes and mind to things that even I were not aware of after reading the Bible and studying prophecy since I was 16 years old and now I am 50.  In my last e-mail that I sent you I told you that my first Bible book that I read was Revelation and then I started to read the Bible after that.  I have read the whole Bible about 7 times in my life so far, but I mostly read daily devotional and study prophecy end time readings.  Your web-site has brought things out in the open more then other sites that I have read and you back it up with scripture, which is what we are suppose to do as Christians in spreading God words.  I would like to say a word of advice if I may, I wish for you, if you would, spread the word of Jesus more of his love for his children and the ones that he is trying to save.  I feel in my heart that more words of love and his forgiveness with the other prophecy writings would help people out there that are searching for something that would help them in their lives and when they see your web-site with those words of love from Jesus with also the warnings of the end time and Revelations and other scriptures saying, maybe it would bring more to Jesus and to you.  I am not saying that you have not put those words of love on your site I just feel more would be helpful.  You don't have to put my advice on the posting but please consider what I said.  I check you site everyday and I also go over the ones that you wrote in the past.  I compare what you have on the site with the news and what the Bible says and it is very true.  I hope you can get as many people you can brought to Jesus to be saved, because that is what us believer have to do.  To lead others to the Lord, because time is running out.  Thank God for you and thank you for you web-site.  May God always Bless you.  You are a true one.

Diane Lopez-

Mr. Dimora,

I first would like to congradulate you on your web site and your continious effort to put the word of our Lord Jesus Christ out to the world. The WWW has become a usefull tool to be able to communicate the Word to the world in the masses, something that was virtually impossible to accomplish before its existance. I stumbled upon your web site about 6 months ago, I check it almost on a daily basis. From it I have been able to see alot of the prophecies that I was unclear of, I grew up in a Christian church, Jesus entered my heart at a young age. However through out my adolecense I grew apart from him. I returned to Jesus 6 years ago, and again departed from him 3 years after. I've always kept my eye alert because the book of Revelations has always intrigued me. I recently came to the Lord again and the Lord has been reveiling to me his mysteries. My reason for this email is simply to ask you to please ask the Lord for guidance and follow John 5:39 and you will find that perhaps you are not 100% correct. That's all Mr. Dimora may God bless you and keep up the good work for it is not in vain.-


It's amazing how God works and speaks to us.  Yesterday as I read that scripture you quoted in 2 Timothy 3 : 1-5 that says:  "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,  without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,  treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God –  having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people." – it spoke to me powerfully.  As Christians we still aren't perfect and we will stuggle with and give in to sin as long as we are in these immoral and corruptible bodies.  Both David and Paul;  who were used in a mighty way by God;  struggled with sin and were deeply sorrowful for giving in to the temptations of sin.  David wrote Psalm 51 after the terrible sins he committed in the Bathsheba story and Paul wrote in Romans 7 : 14-25 about his struggle with sin.  But going back to 2 Timothy I see sins mentioned in that passage that I'm still guilty of and it causes me so much grief and sorrow in my heart.  All sin is unholy so that one probably speaks to all of us.  I've been reminded of a book I once read entitiled  " The Pursuit of Holiness ."  I have to admit that I haven't been pursuing holiness as much as I should.   But God is continuing His work in me and He has spoken to me through prayer that He still loves me and will never give up on me.  Love is forgiveness.  Since God will never stop loving us He will never stop forgiving us.  But just as Paul wrote in Romans, that is not a license for us to continue to willingly sin.  He wants me/us to pursue holiness.  So that message from yesterday confirmed to me and reminded me of what I need to be doing.  It is my wakeup call.  We are in the last days and Jesus is coming to take us away any time now.  When He comes I'll be ready.  My lamps are filled with oil – Matthew 25 : 1-13 – and I'm waiting for the sound of the trumpets and for Jesus to take me away. 

I was going to send you an email yesterday after reading yesterday's post but I didn't.  NOW I see why I wanted to send it to you but I got involved in other things and never sent it.  I believe God wanted me to send you an answer to your prayer BEFORE you posted your message to us today.  It would have been an extra blessing for you to get it beforehand and it would have shown you in a more "spectacular" way how God answers your/our prayers.  But because I didn't obey God it robbed you of an extra blessing.  I'm angry at myself that I didn't send it.  Please keep doing what you're doing and don't change anything.  God is speaking not only to unbelievers who come to this site but also to believers who are being blessed by the Holy Spirit's work through your obedience to God.  Thank you.


Dear Brother Frank,

I want you to know your continued faithfulness to the Lord to keep us up-to-date with what's going on in America and the world is so appreciated and needed. We, who know Bible prophecy, need to be kept informed almost as much as the lost need to. The news you continue to bring is helpful in keeping the urgency in our prayers for the lost, and in keeping ourselves obedient to and close to the Lord. Thank you, thank you for your efforts. I go to your website pretty much every day and look for more news to help me gauge what time it is during these last few minutes, seconds before the Rapture.



    • Shannon on January 25, 2009 at 2:30 pm
    • Reply

    I thank the LORD for a man that can speak the truth no matter what people think. I have been coming to your web site for quite a while and telling many people about your website and telling many people to get ready for the Lord’s return because I am like you and I know it is coming soon. You have truly enlighten me on many issues and I thank GOD so much for using you to preach and teach his message. I tell you nothing happens by accident and I also was looking for end time events and you get a million things when you type it in on google but I prayed and ask the Lord to show me and I just happened to click on your site, as I said not by accident I know. I thank the Lord that he has taught me many important things and I no longer want to waste my life not telling people about Jesus. It is time to share the Lord with as many people as I can before his return and your messages help me to do so.I am no longer afarid to speak up and speak out for Jesus. Thank you Frank you are a special man and the Lord will bless you for all your hard worh for his kingdom.

    • Marjorie on January 25, 2009 at 10:47 pm
    • Reply

    Hello Frank
    Much like John the Baptist prophesized before the first coming of Christ, God has anointed and appointed you as one of the end time prophets to make the way for the return of our Lord. You too are a voice crying out in the wilderness, “REPENT – AND GET YOUR HEART AND LIFE READY TO MEET CHRIST JESUS.” Your website contains up to the minute articles and videos on current events that you post along with the correlating Bible passages and prophesies. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to follow you as you take us through the Old and New Testaments and give the evidence of Christ’s soon return. In my opinion, you are a man who stands in the gap for our Lord and His Church. You have been faithful to teach the message given to you by the Holy Spirit in the 1970’s. I believe the 2nd coming of Christ is very near and that God’s people are turning to your web site for Biblical knowledge of these end times. Thank you for being faithful! Marjorie
    Psalm 31:24
    Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up.
    Expect God to get here soon.

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