Governments ready to go under-Food price crisis-All these signs-Jan. 28, 2009


Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 13 shows us in the end times one man will control the world’s economy.  If you are new to my site and many of you are, I have been warning that America is going to decline and the European Union Rise to fulfill both Daniel and Revelation.  Please don’t write me and tell me America isn’t found in Daniel chapter 2.  That is the point!  According to what God told Daniel the last world power would be the reborn Roman Empire.  This has already been fulfilled in part by the European Union.  The part about the Antichrist rising from the EU hasn’t taken place yet but is in the process of being fulfilled.  One of the ways the Antichrist will rise to power will be from the global economic crisis.  Since 1978 I have been sounding this shift in world powers alarm.  Finally many people are listening to what I have warned and are contacting me for answers. 

Each day I provide evidence of the decline of America. I do this not to scare you but to prepare you for what is coming.   As things get worse in the U.S. it will spill over into the other nations.   Look at California today.  “ABC News has learned that tax refunds are now on hold in California for the first time in state history, according to the state controller's office.”  California is going broke! If you read my post from a week ago you noticed that 43 other states are almost in the same boat.  I keep warning you, you will see massive lay offs and everyday that is what we are seeing in the news. For example, in today’s news we see, “Texas Instruments, which does a lot more than make the excellent TI-series calculators, saw its profits drop 95%, from about $1bn last year’s Q4 to $55m this year. That’s harsh, but at least it’s not a loss, like the beleaguered and possibly doomed AMD’s negative $3.1bn bottom line. Still, a 95% loss in profit isn’t good news, and they’ve sacrificed 3400 jobs on the shareholders’ altar.”  As the American economic machine puts on its breaks the smoke can be seen in others nations.

Here is an example that the crisis that started in the U.S. has now spread over seas.  “A U.K. official says his predictions of economic collapse are coming to pass. The Telegraph is reporting that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has brought the country to the brink of bankruptcy. Christopher Monckton, the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, agrees. He says the Labor Party's continual borrowing for social programs is to blame.”  Soon the entire world is going to see that borrowing more money to pay for the debt they already have did not work.  Obama is going to find out the same thing in America.  Jesus warned this shift in world powers would come.  He warned there would be a single man who will appear to have the answers to the global economic crisis but in the end, Jesus showed us, this man will force his will on everyone and make you take his ID mark of 666.  Without that mark, forget about buying any food and forget about selling anything to provide for yourself.  At that time the only way you will be able to have access to the economy will be to take the mark.  There is one massive problem with this.  If you take that mark you seal your eternity in hell.  Jesus made it clear, the only way to enter into His Kingdom if you are left behind will be to refuse this mark.  That means you will have to die for Christ in order to enter His kingdom.  Why go the hard way when all you have to do is just ask Christ to forgive you now and be sealed to the Father and, live with Him in heaven for all time?  I can point the way but you must follow the path to Christ!

Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I talked about the famines and how high food prices have gotten.  In the past I warned prices will continue to skyrocket.  I also showed you in the Word of God that many will die because they can’t buy food. Jesus showed us in the book of Revelation that there were going to be many factors that lead up to starvation.  Some of those are famine, drought, intense heat, wars,lack of water, and the price of food.  At the current time everyone of the things Jesus listed are beginning to get worse.  For example,  “Nations turn to barter deals to secure food”  Countries struggling to secure credit have resorted to barter and secretive government-to-government deals to buy food, with some contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars. In a striking example of how the global financial crisis and high food prices have strained the finances of poor and middle-income nations, countries including Russia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Morocco say they have signed or are discussing inter-government and barter deals to import commodities from rice to vegetable oil.”,Authorised=false.html?

If I were you I would take what Vice President Joe Biden said about Obama facing a major crisis with the first 6 months of as president to heart.  We have entered into the final days prior to Christ’s return and all these labor pains are going to get worse.  Unlike Biden I will not say, “mark my word” however, I will say, Mark Christ’s Words”.

The Israeli soldier was killed and three others were injured, one seriously, Tuesday, Jan. 27, when Palestinians detonated a large explosive device against a routine Israeli military patrol near the Kissufim crossing a week after Israeli troops exited the Gaza Strip. Eight hours later, an Israeli air strike killed a Hamas operative involved in the attack on a motorbike near Khan Younis.

DEBKAfile's military sources expected further clashes after defense minister Ehud Barak warned that Israel would respond to the Palestinians' unacceptable breach of the ceasefire.

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21 we are given the signs of war and rumors of war, and nation will rise against nation.  In Ezekiel 38-39 we see one of these major wars, which has not yet been fulfilled.  This is the war where Russia takes her allies into battle against the tiny nation of Israel. One of Russia’s strongest allies is Iran and yes, Iran is specifically mentioned as partners in this coming war against Israel. 

If you have followed the Middle East news and the war between Israel and the Hamas in the Gaza you would have read that the Hamas have been trained in Iran and have been given arms by Iran.  Iran’s President has given his life to the destruction of Israel.  If you are new to my site you can check out the facts out for yourself to make sure what I am telling you is the truth.  Below you will see a green link to a 2005 report, which shows you, what Iran’s president has said. “Leaders around the world on Thursday condemned a call by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Israel be "wiped off the map," and a top Iranian official said that mass demonstrations in his country on Friday would rebuff the rising criticism from abroad.” The reason I am giving you this information is to make you aware of what Iran intends to do.  Since God told Ezekiel Iran would be involved as a major player in the attack against Israel, we should see Iran taking actions that show us this war is not far off.  Last week Israel stopped their attacks in the Gaza as they agreed to a cease-fire.  When I heard about the cease fire last week I told you this cease fire won’t last.  Only one week later the Hamas broke the cease fire. I quote, “One Israeli soldier was killed and three others were wounded on Tuesday morning when terrorists in the Gaza Strip detonated a roadside bomb against their patrol vehicle along the border fence. Other Israeli troops engaged the terrorists, killing one according to Palestinian sources.” It was the first serious act of violence since Israel and Hamas declared separate unilateral ceasefires ending the 21-day Gaza war more than a week ago.”  I told you the Hamas would use this time to rearm.  I warned you that Iran would bring in new arms and shortly the fighting would begin again.  In today’s news we see what I have been talking about. I quote, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen said Jan. 28 the US Navy had intercepted a Cypriot-flagged ship in the Red Sea last week and searched it with the captain's permission for Iranian arms bound for the Gaza Strip. This Iranian arms ship was first revealed exclusively by DEBKAfile on Jan. 20 and tracked further on Jan. 23 and Jan. 25. “The Navy had done all it could do legally but was not authorized to seize the weapons," said Mullen, adding he would like authority to act in such cases.” “The vessel was expected in port in Syria this week, he said.”

If you’re new to my site please go back and read what I said about arms flowing into Syria and making their way south to the Gaza where these arms are placed in the Hamas’s hands.  Everything I have warned you is taking place.  Let me connect the dots between the news and prophecy.  Syria is mentioned in Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah chapter 49 verses 24-27.  In both of these prophecies we see that Syria will be destructed.  Syria is directly North of Israel.  This may not seem important to you, but when you read Ezekiel 38-39 you see the attack on Israel will come from the “Northern parts”.  Iran who wants to destroy Israel is arming Hamas and even training their soldiers in Iran.  This short cease-fire won’t last because the PLO and Hamas will never give up!  Iran knows this and is playing this card by aiding them to do their work.  In the mean time Israel is still preparing to hit Iran’s nuclear power plant.  Not much news has been released about this situation since Israel attack the Gaza but soon it will be again.  Israel knows they are going to be forced to bomb that nuclear site and this move alone could be what starts the Ezekiel war. 

Tie all these things together and you can see where we are headed!  By the way, all this is supposed to take place when Israel is calling for Peace and safety.  President Obama, like all the presidents before him is now sending over a new representative from the U.S. to try and restart the peace talks again.  Knowing what God has said would happen, what do you think is going to happen?  Look for something major to take place in the Middle East soon that will cause Russia to lead Iran and their allies against Israel.  This war is coming!  How close are we?  As soon as this war takes place you enter into the 7-year tribulation.  That means the Antichrist will be revealed to the world.  The sad part about all this is this; most of the world won’t know he is the Antichrist.  They will receive him as a champion of peace and a man who will lead the planet out of a global economic crisis.  Notice I said you.  I said you because this will not apply to me since I have taken Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior already.  The only people who will be left on this planet to face the Antichrist will be those who refused to receive the truth about who Jesus Christ really is and what He has done for them.  If you want to be counted as one who will escape all these things that are coming to pass you will need to drop to your knees and ask Jesus to forgive you.  There is nothing anyone or I can do for you if you are left behind when Jesus calls His children home.  If you are reading these words and haven’t received Christ yet, I am telling you this from the Holy Spirit, today is your day to receive Christ’s free gift of Salvation.  God help all of you who think this is science fiction!

 Prophecy Sign: Mark 13:9 tells us in the last days Christians will be taken before the courts to give account of their faith in Christ.  Here is one example in the news showing us these things are taking place right now. 

“A woman arrested at the Cairo airport because her identity card described her as a Christian has been threatened for her faith by the judge in her case, according to a new report. As WND reported, authorities in Egypt deprived the woman's two children, ages 2 and 4, of food to try to coerce her to abandon Christianity and return to Islam. According to the Assyrian International News Agency, a woman identified as Martha Samuel Makkar was arrested Dec. 13 as she, her husband, Fadl Thabet, and two sons were trying to leave Cairo for Russia. Makkar, formerly known as Zainab Said Abdel-Aziz, was accused of carrying forged government documents, because she identified herself as a Christian. Islamic law forbids Muslims from abandoning the faith.” The woman’s lawyer, Tawfiq, “told Compass Direct "the judge then said, 'I want to talk with Martha alone,' so we all left the room, and he said to her, 'Nobody changes from Muslim to Christian – you are a Muslim.' "And she said, 'No, I am a Christian.' He told her, 'If I had a knife now, I would kill you,'" the lawyer said. Makkar, 24, has said she's been enduring death threats from police and members of her extended family for the five years since she converted.”  "In the last 10 years, more than 5,000 Christians have been massacred in Egypt," he told WND. "Hundreds of businesses and homes first have been looted, then burned and destroyed. Churches have been burned and destroyed."

Here is another example of how Christians are being attacked.  “As a fresh wave of sectarian violence is unleashed across the Indian state of Orissa, Gethin Chamberlain talks to homeless survivors in Kandhamal district who were forced to abandon their religionKumari Naik with her son Santosh amid the ashes of their home.Hundreds of Christians in the Indian state of Orissa have been forced to renounce their religion and become Hindus after lynch mobs issued them with a stark ultimatum: convert or die.”

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


    • jam4him on January 28, 2009 at 2:59 pm
    • Reply

    on the part of today’s post concerning food shortages and starvation,
    here’s a slightly different view…here in the U.S., we have an abundance of food, but there are a few ways to starve…anyone who’s been to 99-cents-only or Dollar Tree has seen food priced very low, but have you noticed that the majority of items are foods that are empty calories, high in salt, sugar and nutrients? ….you can fill your belly, yet still be malnourished…even these “foods” may end up in very short supply, but in the meantime because of price, we will buy all the wrong things for our bodies, causing malnourishment, illness, and in extreme cases, even death….
    just a thought. God Bless You, Frank!

    • jam4him on January 28, 2009 at 3:02 pm
    • Reply

    in my comment i listed foods that are cheap, but detrimental to health…i meant to type “high in salt, sugar and LOW in nutrients”…thanks!

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