Global crisis bringing down nations-Antichrist has to subdue 3 kings, who are they? Droughts-Food shortages-Jan. 26, 2009


Prophecy Sign: Anyone coming to my site knows I have asked you to watch what happens with the global economy.  I have been telling you what to expect and why should you be surprised when you see it happen?  I am not the one who wrote the prophecies and the warnings, it was the Lord who forewarned us before all these things have happened.  God told Daniel in Daniel chapter 2 that the Old Roman Empire would return just before Christ comes back.  That has already happened.  If you are new to my site I pray you will take the time to read chapter 2 of my free book because I explain in detail how the European Union is fulfilling this prophecy.  Jesus warned us a man would come up from this EU or reborn Roman Empire and take control of the economy.  The way he would control the world would be by him forcing his mark on everyone.  If you want to keep buying and selling you will be required to take the mark.  If you don’t you can’t go to the store to by any food and you aren’t going to be permitted to sell anything.  This means you will be on your own in the global economy.  This also means you are going to be labeled an enemy of the state.  Jesus told us what they would do to you when they caught you without this mark of the Antichrist, they will kill you.

Mind you this is going to happen to anyone who refuses Jesus as their Lord, it is not going to happen to those who are covered by Christ.  While the Antichrist is hunting down those who refuse to take the mark, those who took Christ a Savior will be in heaven while all this is going on.  It is your choice how you want to spend the future.  In any case, I warned America would decline to fulfill prophecy.  America has to fall in order to lift up the EU, which will be that last world power as we see in Daniel chapter 2.  I told you the global crisis began in America and to keep watching the signs of her fall.  I told you to watch the domino effect hit the other nations and everything I have warned is coming to pass.  Does that make me some great prophet?  Not a all!  Because I have read and believed what my Father has written to us, I know what to expect.  If you read the Word and studied the same Words from Christ as I have, you to would know what to look for.  If any thing, Jesus has picked me for a special purpose as He as chosen other just like me.  We are all doing the same thing, warning you that Jesus is coming soon and pay attention to these signs.

In the news today we see one of the signs showing us the global economic crisis is getting worse.  As this crisis intensifies we move closer to see the rise of the Antichrist.  He is coming to fix a broken economic system. How bad is it getting? I quote,  “Iceland's leaders say the economic crisis could bring down the country's government within 24 hours. Prime Minister Geir Haarde has called an election for May and says he'll step down due to illness. But it's not clear whether the government can continue until May.”  Don’t expect me to soften the Word of God I cannot do that.  What you are watching in the news concerning this crisis are the footsteps that will bring you to the feet of the Antichrist.  Even now many of you still refuse to believe His warnings!  If Jesus is speaking to you, don’t turn from His voice.  He wants to remove you from what is coming and the only way He can do that is by you coming to Him as your Savior.

In speaking about the EU it would be a good time to bring you up to speed with a very important prophecy Sign found in  Daniel 7:24  which says,“The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings.”   If you read the book of Daniel you will know all about the reborn Roman Empire that had to show up in the last days.  One important fact God told Daniel was, when the Antichrist rises, the first thing he will do is subdue 3 kings.  These are leaders of nations that are in today’s modern day reborn Roman Empire.  In my book I point out two groups of 3 nations which many European Union news reports refer to as “The Gang of Three”. I ask you to pay attention to these 3 nations because I believe Jesus is showing us who these 3 are that will fulfill Daniel 7:24. One of the groups I pointed to is the group of 3 nations that does not have the EU currency called the “Euro”.  I said that this group of nations is considered to be weak link to all the nations because they are not taking part of the currency that is making the EU strong.  We can now see that this gang of 3 probably isn’t the 3 God pointed to because Denmark now wants to move into the Euro zone. I quote,  “ The Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen is moving aggressively toward an early referendum on Denmark’s accession to the Eurozone. The financial crisis” demonstrates the problems of a small currency, says Rasmussen.” The national currency, the Danish Krone, is already linked to the common currency. Compared to the British Pound or the Swedish Krona, it has not fallen as much in recent months. “My conclusion is that Denmark should be there at the heart of Europe. That’s were we belong,” said Rasmussen. “I believe that in the Danish population there is strong agreement.”  What does all this mean?  In my speaking engages I point out that I have always felt the other group of 3 known also as the gang of three will be the ones God pointed to.  This group of nations, which include British, French and German are fighting for EU doninance.  Since this has to do with own controll the EU it would stand to reason it would be this group of nations or leaders that the Antichrist is going to have to deal with when he first rises up.   Now that we know one group is being eliminated you should keep your eyes focued on these 3 leaders because shortly the Antichrist when, he rises will go after them just as God had warned Daniel.


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38: 6 warns us that in the last days Turkey will unite with Iran and Russia and attack Israel. All this will take place  when the call for peace and safety is being heard in Israel. At the present time the peace talks have stopped because of the fighting that just occurred in the Gaza.  Paul warned in 1 Thessalonians that when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”  Notice the words as “a woman with child  These are the very labor pain Jesus said we would see as mentioned in Mark 13:8.  The on again and off again peace talks are part of these labor pains and they are getting more intense. If you read chapter 10  my book would have learned how I tie in what is going on in the Middle East and how you should watch for Turkey to move away from Isreael and move toward both Russia and Iran.  What I have been warning you about is now taking place.  I quote, from new out of Istanbul  Turkey. “Israel’s Gaza offensive has created fractures in the Israeli-Turkish alliance and deepened ties between Ankara and Tehran in what analysts fear could be the start of a major realignment in the region. "This will seriously damage Turkish-U.S. relations on a long-term basis," said Graham Fuller, a former CIA officer and author of books on Iran and Turkey. "Israel will get no free ride from Ankara anymore."  Please don’t think that this is just one of hundreds of coincidences taking place between Bible prophecy and current events!  What we are watching is the setting up for the attack on Israel.  The nations that are suppose to line up  together have already done that.  Soon you all are going to see the rest of the Lord’s Words come to pass.  Just watch how heated the Middle East gets again. Soon the labor pains will end and the child will be born.  In the case of this prophecy that end will be an all out attack on Israel by Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya and other nations in the region.  As soon as that takes place look for the Antichrist to make a 7 year peace pact with Israel and many nations as outlines in Daniel 9:27.  My question to you is this.  Will you be ready to meet Jesus Christ in the air when He blows the trumpet to take us home?  If you are thinking about how to answer this question, you are already in trouble.  Make sure you will leave with us by asking Jesus to take over your life, and do it now while there is still time.  Jesus is calling out to you all, saying I am coming soon be on the watch for I am near even at the door.


A few months back I ask you to keep your eyes on California.  I said that as goes California other U.S. states follows.  If you have been watching any news at all you see states across America are on the verge of going bankrupt.  Read what is happening in California. I quote, California is rapidly running out of money. Blame it on the state budget deficit that continues to bleed billions of dollars from California's reserves. Facing inadequate credit to make up the difference, California's Controller John Chiang warns that by the end of February, the nation's most populous state may not be able to pay some of its debts, and instead be reduced to issuing those creditors IOUs. "My office has projected that, in approximately 60 days, there will be insufficient cash available to meet all expenditures reflected in the 2008-09 Budget Act," stated a Tuesday letter from Controller Chiang to the directors of all state agencies. "To ensure that the State can meet its obligations to schools, debt service, and others entitled to payment under the State Constitution, federal law, or court order. California may begin, as early as February 1, 2009, issuing registered warrants…commonly referred to as IOUs…to individuals and entities in lieu of regular payments."

Look, if you don’t believe that America is declining do your own search. Just type in “States in financial trouble” and see what pops up!  One of the first reports you will read is entitled “43 states in financial trouble”.  I quote from just one of the many reports. “The recession has most states unable to cover expenses, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and states should expect tough times ahead.”  The crisis may have started in the U.S. but anyone who knows what to expect from the knowledge in the Word of God knows it will lead to the rise of the Antichrist and his controlling the entire world economy.

Jesus even told us in Matthew 24:7 that famines and droughts would come and He also told us in Revelation that food would become so expensive that a man will work all day just for a handful of wheat.  We are witnessing droughts in many places across the planet and we are running out of food.  California is at the current time getting hit on several fronts.  The economic crisis and the drought crisis.  All these things going on in California will affect you in some way very soon.  The first thing you will see is the price of food climbing.  Go back and read some of my previous posts where I warned you of these things.  Look at the date I wrote them so you know, I have warned you in advance!  Where did I get my information to pass on to you, right from the Word of God.  Now you can either believe these signs from Christ or you can turn from His truth, but either way, soon you are going to be confronted with His reality to all these signs.  I just hope to God that reality don’t come when you are looking at the Antichrist.  Read what is taking place in California with regards to the drought.  “Consumers may pay more for spring lettuce and summer melons in grocery stores across the country now that California farmers have started abandoning their fields in response to a crippling drought. California's sweeping Central Valley grows most of the country's fruits and vegetables in normal years, but this winter thousands of acres are turning to dust as the state hurtles into the worst drought in nearly two decades.”

Are famines and droughts really going to affect us as Jesus said?  Can we expect riots and civil violence because of the lack of food as we are warned in Matthew 24:7? The answers to these questions can be seen just about every night on the news.  Here is one example of what I am speaking about. “The World Food Program warns Kenya is facing a catastrophic decline of food and the agency will have to more than double the number of people it feeds there to over four million. WFP says drought and erratic rains following three successively poor harvest seasons have resulted in widespread crop failure. Weather clearly has played a major role in creating this disastrous situation. But, the World Food Program says the violence that followed the 2007 Presidential election worsened Kenya's food crisis by displacing thousands of people from the Rift Valley, the country's food basket.”

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!

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