Huge Earthquake in Russia-Is a worldwide Depression on its way? Big Banks in trouble-America’s fall- Noah’s signs-Jesus’ blessings in Rochester N.Y.-Jan. 15, 2009


Yesterday at the end of my post I said the following.  "After I give my final speech. I will return home in prayer. I will open my email to see who Jesus has touched this time and will ask me to come to them".

I opened my email and read the following:

Dear Frank,

We thank you once again for all that you are doing for GOD………….

We will continue to pray for you to reach out to the people in every nation, as we get closer to when JESUS returns.

We pray that GOD will continue to use you in a mighty and awesome way to wake up the majority of people on plant earth before it is too late.

We pray also that GOD will provide you with funding, transportation and lodging and food as you travel around the world this year!

We would like to invite you to the island of Saipan in Micronesia, we would love for you to be able to preach at several island churches here, and then possibly in Kazakhstan in the future………….whatever GOD wants us to do, HE will provide an easy way for us!

God Bless you!

In HIS love,


What a blessing to know Jesus has chosen me to do His work in these last days. One of the reasons why Jesus has picked me is because I have never charged anyone a dime to read my book or to hear the message Jesus has given me to give.  There are many who claim that you need to be rich or you are not in God's favor.  Let me tell all those pastors preaching this lie, Jesus never charged anyone to receive His Words and He didn't even have a pillow to lay His head on.  The drew to Jesus was His Truth, not Him being wealthy. You who preach Jesus on your thrones and seem to be rich and in need of nothing have become poor in the sight of the Lord and, you refuse to turn from your ways. Repent, or the Lord will remove what you have. It is a blessing to in trust your ministry in the hands of Christ and give out freely what we should be giving, God's Word! Next time you preach from your TV tube try not asking the people for money.  If God is with you, you won't have to ask, God will make a way!  I want to be serious with all people, Christian or not.  We are much to close to the final judgment to be not walking with Christ the way we should.

Prophecy Sign: The warning of earthquakes is found in Matthew 24. I really hate to repeat myself but for the sake of the new people coming to my site, I must say, I told you major earthquakes are coming. Read what the news out of Washington from (Reuters) reported. "A large earthquake of 7.3 magnitude struck in the ocean off the Kuril Islands in far eastern Russia, the U.S. Geological Survey said on Thursday."

Prophecy Sign: In chapter 2 of the book of Daniel and Chapter 13 of the book of Revelation we are not only warned that the Old Roman Empire would return in the last days but that out of this modern day reborn Roman Empire is where the Antichrist would rise. This man would somehow end up controlling the world‘s economy and force everyone to take a mark in their right hand or forehead. In 1978 when the Lord commissioned me to this ministry He instructed me to warn anyone who would listen, to watch the developments of the European Union because this small group of European nations would fulfilled both prophecies in Daniel and Revelation. Since 1978 when there was less then 10 nations in the European Union much has changed. Now they are 27 nations in number and still growing. It turns out that this union is almost an exact copy of the first Roman Empire.

When Jesus worked out the details for me to put up my web site up over a year ago I began taking this new avenue to begin warning that the United States would fall and the European Union rise. My message has been the same for 33 years. America has to fall because the man of sin Jesus warned us about will rise out of Europe and rule the entire world. If America remained the number one superpower their would have been problems with this prophecy but God has his plans and we see them in action. America is declining and the EU has already risen to be a major Superpower. I have been warning people that America is going to see a crisis hit America and it would speed up the process in raising the new Revived Roman Empire to the position of the last days superpower. My warnings have already come to pass but they are not fully complete. This is only the beginning of things to come. Anyone reading my posts in 2008 know I warned you all to listen for more talk about a Depression coming. At the time I issued these warnings the U.S. Government wouldn’t even admit the U.S. was going into a recession. Knowing what Jesus had revealed to me, that there was going to be a shift in superpowers. I began to press the issue and increased my warnings at my site.

Around Sept. 2008 all hell brought loose on America America‘s economy took one of the worse hits since the Great Depression and this economic crisis has now spread to nations around the world, and for good reason. The stage is being set for the Antichrist to take center stage and help control a world in a global Depression. I asked you all to watch the news and if you did you would see how they would begin to warn that a Depression was coming to America. The following report is just one example of many that what I have warned you has come to pass. I quote, “Societe Generale said on Thursday that the United States' economy looks likely to enter a depression and China's could implode. In a highly bearish note, veteran cross asset strategist Albert Edwards said investors should now cut equity exposure after a turn-of-the-year rally and prepare for a rout. He predicted that the S&P 500 index of U.S. stocks could be set for a fall of around 40 percent from recent levels. Edwards also raised the danger of a global trade war with China. "While economic data in developed economies increasingly reflects depression rather than a deep recession, the real surprise in 2009 may lie elsewhere," Edwards wrote.”

Anyone who thinks President elect Obama is going to get the U.S. out of this crisis is going to be shocked when things turn even worse. Fact is, Joe Biden told us all that in 6 months Obama would face a generated crisis. I believe this crisis may come two fold, for the failing economy and war in the Middle East. Everything we are seeing in the news is now connected to Bible prophecy. We are at the present time witnessing one of the major labor pains Jesus said would fall upon us. The Middle East war could get out of control and fulfill the prophecy Ezekiel warned us about in Ezekiel chap. 38-39 which is the Russian lead invasion against Israel.

One of the things I warned you in many posts it to keep your eyes on U.S. banks because I believe more banks will begin to fail in the coming months. Well now there is a big shake up at Citigroup. I quote, “Citigroup agreed Tuesday to shed its Smith Barney brokerage unit, its crown jewel, giving the bank $2.7 billion in badly needed cash. But Pandit is expected to discuss other assets that will be sold off on Friday. The bank also is expected to post its fifth straight quarterly loss.” Job losses, bigger lines for food stamps, and businesses closing their doors are all the signs I told you was coming.

Another big bank in trouble is Bank of America and there was bad news about this bank today as well. “Bank of America and Citigroup saw their stocks go into another free-fall on Thursday amid worries about financial health of two of the nation's biggest banks. Bank of America (BAC 8.78-1.42 (-13.92%) plunged to an 18-year low on news that the banking giant may get billions more in federal aid to help it absorb losses from its recent acquisition of Merrill Lynch.” If you click to the 2nd link below you can watch a 3 minute video talking about the these two banks needing to ask for more money. I am telling you again, there is no amount a money that is going to fist what is coming on America. I believe by late February to will get a clearer picture where this America is headed. All these events are going to lift up the EU because the Antichrist is about to emerge on the scene exactly as Jesus warned us he would. I spent this week in N.Y. witnessing for Christ to the Faith to Faith Church in Rochester. When you read the rest of my post you will read what happened there. I pray what Jesus did for those people He will now do for you.

Look at today’s date. Remember the words I am warning. The stimulus package Obama is putting together will fail! Nothing is going to stop America from declining as a Superpower. Look at what House Minority Leader John Boehner said after reviewing the stimulus package which is behind closed doors right now. I quote, “ABC News' Rick Klein and Dean Norland Report: House Minority Leader John Boehner needed only three words to serve notice that President-elect Barack Obama is nowhere close to achieving the big bipartisan vote on the stimulus package he wants so badly. "There was no Republican input at all involved in what House Democrats outlined today," Boehner, R-Ohio, said at a news conference at the Capitol. "I just took a moment to look over the draft from Chairman [David] Obey and the draft or outline from Chairman [Charlie] Rangel. Oh, my God. "I just can't tell you how shocked I am at what we're seeing. You know it's clear that they're moving on this path along the flawed notion that we can borrow and spend our way back to prosperity." I would assume by late February or early March many in Washington and the world are going to be saying, “Oh, my God, it didn’t work”.

Jan. 15 (Bloomberg) — ARG Enterprises Inc., the operator of 69

Black Angus Steakhouse

restaurants in seven states in the western U.S., sought bankruptcy protection and said it is seeking a buyer. Closely held ARG, with headquarters in Los Altos, California, said in today’s Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware, that it has between $100 million and $500 million in both assets and debts.

Remember the lay offs I said would come. Here are just a few examples of news we are now hearing every day concerning people getting pink slips. News from “NEW YORK (AP) – Google Inc. is closing three engineering offices and cutting 100 recruiters from its work force as the recession dampens hiring at the Internet search company. "Given the state of the economy, we recognized that we needed fewer people focused on hiring," Laszlo Bock, a Google vice president, wrote in a blog posting late Wednesday announcing the layoffs.”

Today we also see news from Chicago telling us, “Regional department store chain Gottschalks Inc said on Wednesday it filed to reorganize under bankruptcy protection, while apparel chain Goody's LLC plans to liquidate its remaining 282 stores in a return to Chapter 11.” Why is all this happening? People are scared, they feel someone really wrong in their soul, it is Jesus speaking to them trying to get everyone’s attention. Many of you who don’t know Jesus as your Savior yet know something is very very wrong with this world. I have been sent to you to connect the dots between Jesus’ warnings and current events. I am pointing the way for you, so you can make sense and understand why all these things are happening. I am not asking anyone to follow me. I am asking you to follow the one who is calling you to Himself, that being your Lord and your Savior, the one who has been waiting for you, Jesus.

In order for one man to rise and take control of the entire world‘s economy their must be a vehicle that allows him to rise to that position. The global economic crisis is that vehicle. I don’t want to give the impression is it just the U.S. that will find itself in a Depression. This Crisis started in the U.S. but as you can see it is spreading worldwide. News from Canada today showed us pink slips are being issued there as well and businesses are also filing paper work. “TORONTO (Reuters) — Nortel Networks Corp., North America's biggest telephone equipment maker, filed for bankruptcy Wednesday, hoping to save a once high-flying business whose decade-long decline has accelerated with the global economic crisis.” Notice they recognize this not as a Canadian crisis but a global one. These are the stepping stones leading right up to the Antichrist’s rise to power.

One thing you must never forget, because it is key to knowing when Jesus said He was going to come back, is that this generation was to be a copy of Noah’s generation. One of the major signs during Noah’s time was the people turned to homosexuality. Jesus told us in Matthew 24 that when we see these things again we would know His hand is on the door and would come back. Our generation has become a copy of Noah’s generation and we see it everywhere. When you watch Obama take office in a few days you are going to see history being made but it is not the type Jesus is going to be pleased with. I quote, The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, who was elected the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop in 2003, will deliver the invocation for Sunday’s kickoff inaugural event on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the Presidential Inaugural Committee said. “

Just because Obama says he is a Christian doesn’t mean he is actually walking with Christ. People say things to gain control or power. If you look back in history you will see that every president who made it to that office spoke about God. Any politician who wants to take the White House knows they must appear to love God. There are many people calling themselves Christians but are not. A true believer will follow sound doctrine and abide in the Words of Jesus. Fact is, today if you keep to sound doctrine they call you all sorts of names. Any on fire Christian who knows what Jesus warned about turning to homosexuality knows Jesus is against this. Here are just a few of God’s warning about this type of sin. “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22). “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them (Leviticus 20:13). What did Jesus have the Apostle Paul write about homosexuality? We read that “homosexuality is the sign of spiritual and moral decadence. When humanity abandoned the true knowledge of God, and invented other religious systems, God judged their idolatry by letting men and woman fall into homosexuality. 'For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due' (Romans 1:26,27).” The more nations turn from God’s Word the faster they fail and America, you are about to have your legs cut from under you.

I want to make one thing perfectly clear. Does this mean Jesus doesn’t love anyone who has come out of the closet and exposed themselves as gay or lesbians? God loves these people as much as He loves you and me but without turning from this sin and repenting, Jesus’ judgment will fall upon you as with any other type of sin. No sin is greater than another and without repentance they are all the same. Let me show you what Jesus has to say, because His Word plainly warns us: “'Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God' (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). The reason I point out the sin of homosexuality is because it was one of the things that caused the destruction of Noah’s generation and, Jesus wants us to understand how close we are to seeing Him return, since this sign has appeared again.

Look around, this sinful life style is popping up everywhere. You see it in the cites, you see it in magazines, you see it in politics, and you are defiantly seeing it on TV and in movies. Some day soon those in Hollywood who are promoting this type of life style will have to stand before Jesus. I pray these people will see what they have done before that day comes and turn to Christ.  The latest thing is Stan Lee who used to head up Marvel Comics and is the creator of the Hulk and X-Men “has reportedly created a character called Thom Creed, a high-school basketball player who is forced to hide his sexuality as well as his superpowers. It is not known what kind of powers Creed will display. Lee, the former head of Marvel Comics – who also created the Hulk and the X-Men – will unveil Creed in an hour-long television special made in the US.” Stan Lee, the creator of Spider-man, is planning to unleash the world's first homosexual superhero in a new television program.” I pray to my Lord that His signs will draw you to Him.

Look, I know millions of people won’t believe my warnings, because they won’t even listen to Christ, so why me? But, millions are reading my warnings and I am beginning to see the impact my writing and this ministry is having on people. Last night I gave my final presentation to the Faith to Faith Church in Rochester N.Y. Just before I finished my presentation I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to stop and tell all those who He had been touched by Christ to stand up for Christ. I said, how that you have heard and seen all the evidence that this Christian walk and belief in Christ is not a joke but real, and now you know that today is your day for Salvation, the Lord wants those who have heard this message and are willing to stand up with Jesus and begin your new walk in Christ, stand up right now and show Jesus you are willing and will follow Him. Not one person remained seated. The entire church was standing on there feet for Christ. I than said, Jesus has sent me to you all but my work here is not finished. With that I ended the presentation. I have not seen this happen since Jesus placed me in this ministry in 1977. I sent to the back of the church and was greeted by all the people in the church, I was hugged, and blessed. It was hard to contain the love I felt from all who had come to hear me speak. I was honored, truly honored to be there on Christ’s behalf. At that moment as I was being greeted I truly felt how the Apostle felt as he to meet people but had to leave. God is Good. I am being sent out by Christ, will I be sent to you next? Let Jesus direct. If the doors is opened, I will do my best to great you in my Fathers name.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!  

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