Ezekiel’s prophecy keeps lining up-Israel attacked from the North again-A servant released-Jan. 14, 2009


Prophecy sign: Ezekiel 38 says a end times attack on Israel will come and it will come while Israel feel safe. The reason Israel invaded the Gaza Stripe 2 weeks ago was to make sure their people remain safe from the thousands of rockets launched at them by Hamas. Isaiah 17: 1 informs the reader Damascus and Syria will be destroyed. We read in Ezekiel 38 that Sudan will be among the nation who come against Israel. For months I have been showing you how all the nations listed to invade Israel are coming together. Today we see more signs of this. I quote, "DAMASCUS, Jan 12 (KUNA) — President Bashar al-Assad and his Sudanese counterpart Omar Hassan al-Bashir on Monday stressed that stopping the Israeli aggression should be accompanied by withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces, lifting unjust siege imposed on the steadfast Palestinian people in Gaza and opening crossing points."


Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 warn the attack on Israel will come from the North. We can now see how the Gaza war is spreading to the North of Israel. "GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Guerrillas in Lebanon rocketed northern Israel on Wednesday for the second time in a week, drawing Israeli artillery fire and threatening to drag the Jewish state into a second front as it battled Hamas in the Gaza Strip." Little by little this war is getting bigger and the people all around the world are turning against Israel.


Ezekiel also said Turkey would be accounted as one of the nations invading Israel. We are seeing Turkey and Syria becoming much closer in the past few weeks.  Ankara: An activist says a convoy of 200 cars is on its way from Turkey to Syria to protest Israel's attacks on Gaza. Nezir Dinler, an official of the Istanbul-based Solidarity Foundation, says the convoy is heading toward Syria Sunday. He says Syrian protesters are expected to join them once they reach border on Monday morning."  We know that soon Syria will destroyed and we also know that Turkey will become a huge force with Russia at the time of the Russian invasion.  This news may not sound like much but to prophecy it is very meaningful. These nations like Syra and Turkey are all warning to us that something is going to happen. I pray you will reconize it for what it is


Those of you who have been coming to my site realize I have warned Israel will strike at Iran's nuclear site. This act of war could be the very act that begins the Ezekiel war.  Today we got some eye opening news.  "Informed sources in Washington tell Newsmax that Israel indeed will launch a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities soon – possibly in just days as President George W. Bush prepares to leave office. The reason: The time clock has begun to run out. Iran is close to acquiring a nuclear device under the control of its radical president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said in June that Iran would have a nuclear weapon in as little as six months. That six-month period has passed."  I have doing my best to prepare people for thisprophecy to be fulfilled.  This war will bring us to the doorway of the 7 year tribulation.  When Ezekiel's war begins the church who is watching and ready to meet Christ will be leaving this world for safety in our lord's arms.  If you don't believe me, just watch the news and see if what I am telling you comes to pass.  What I say will come fulfilled because it is the Lord's warning in Ezekiel not mine. I am only the messenger for the Lord.


I am not writing this to puff myself up I wanted to show you how Jesus has blessed me. The truth is, I have known my place in this world for some time. I have waited for Christ to act on some of the things He told me about the future and what He was going to do with me. He is beginning to do those things now and He has sent people to me to confirm what I was told so many years ago.

In the past 4 months I have meet 4 people who gave me the same message. 3 of these people I didn't even know and one of them I just met and didn't know anything about him. Everyone of the people said Jesus gave them a message for me. I was told that Jesus showed them I would go before millions of people for the Lord. On Oct 31, 2008 I received my 5th message about going before millions. This message came to me while in Hollywoood. I had receivd a phone call for Cathy Newton who was going to put on a prophecy conference right at one of the Hollywood studios. She asked me to be a guest speaker at this conference and I did go.

During that conference I was picked out of the crowd of people because the person speaking that night told me Jesus had given her a message about me,and she had to give tell me what she was shown. She asked me to come up front. It was the same message I had heard from the 4 other people in the previous months. She said, you need to know Jesus has chosen you to go before millions of people in His name and he was going to do a mighty work though you. I was told that the Lord showed her that I felt as though I was being confined and had the feeling of being chained and wanting to bust out to preach. She said Jesus is going to send you out and I would witness to milions including Christians.

One week before I received that message I had sat down with the pastor at my church. I asked him about possibly doing something at our church as I feel restless. I told him the Lord told me that He was containing me and I was to wait for Him to be released. I meantioned to the Pastor it was as if Jesus had put chains on me and I was in a case waiting to bust out for him. That night in Hollywood the women who called me out of the crown, told me, Jesus had revealed to her that He had put chains on me and was holding me back for His purpose but, the time for Him to release me had come. She then placed her hand on me and pushed me backwords. I wasn't what they call slain in the spirit, she just wanted me to sit. I was caught off guard but 3 people behind me helped me to the floor so I could sit  on the floor. She kneeled down and went through the motions as if she was taking chains off my feet. She then told me I was released according to God's command.

Right after all that happened things began to take shape. I have met 4 people from India who have asked me to come to India, I have been asked to go to Kazakhstan, then the doors opened up to New York. If you saw what has taken place in this church since I arrived you might understand I was really here because of my Lord. In one day his church attendance over doubled and in the second service the church was almost full. He even made a comment about it during the service. The people here have been blown away by what they have seen and they are turning to Christ. Jesus showed the Pastor something about me in this short time that he even asked me if I would consider coming back to Rochester.  When I am alone and am sitting down thinking about what Jesus is doing with me, I can't help not to cry. For some reson I was chosen to do what I am doing.  Right after I gave my speah in Hollywood, my prayr partner Carlos and I were driving back to the hotel room. We  were talking about what the prophet at church had told me about being unchained to do the Lord's work. She also told me that Jesus told her, I have crowns from Christ that I know nothing about. All this blew me away. When we got to the hotel room, I wanted to check my email before going to sleep. The second email I read went like this. I have been reading your site and the Lord as shown me something about you that you need to know. You will be given crowns you know nothing about. When I read that email I turned the computer around and asked Carlos to listen to what someone I don't even know has written me. Carlos was completely taken back by this, and frankly so was I. It was very obvious Jesus wanted me to know how favored I am. I am humbled by all this. After my 3rd speaking engagement here in New York, I returned home to check my email. I received two emails from two different pastors. Once again a message from Christ telling me I had been chosen to
 do this work. Here is was the pastor wrote.

Dear Servant of God : Brother Frank Dimora,
I am so happy and joyful to read your Biography and the Bible Prophecy & End Times Current Event which is performing your genuine character as a humble man for the Lord and telling us the real story about the Prophecy Signs before the Lord's return. I believe that you are selected by our Father in Heaven to let us know all  the Prophecy Signs to remind us to prepare ourselves to be ready at anytime for the soon coming Rapture for the Bride of Christ. By the way, I alreday read your Free Book about the above subject and it is really a wounderful teaching about the Bible prophecy.
May God always be with you wherever you go.
Shalom in Christ
Daniel Pasaribu
Pastor of World For Jesus Pasadena

I emailed the pastor back and thanked him for sharing what God had shown him about me. As a result of that email it looks like I will be traveling to pasadena to speak to his church. He replyed, "So, since it is a very important message, I would like to talk first with my Senior Pastor to make this event happens to enable us to bring many people to hear this special message at the proper time. As soon as I have a possibility on this ministry service with you then I will let you know immediately."

Right after I read that email I opened up the other Pastors email and read that. He wanted to envite me to come to His fellowship and teach there. I called him and now I will be visiting there. As you can see, I did not go after these speaking engagements, Jesus opened the doors for me to go and He is speaking to people on my behalf.

After my third speaking engagement here in New york I received a phone call from my cousin who attended the 2nd service I was preaching at. He asked me if I would come and speak to his son because he felt he needed to hear my message. There is no way I could have refused this call and I went. I spent 3 hours showing them the things I was going to preach on at the next services in N.Y. Afterwords my cousin drove me back to my moms home where I am staying. On the way back I asked my cousin if his son had already asked Jesus to be his savior. He said no. I told him that I forgot to ask him that question but that when he got home tell him Frank wanted to ask you but he forgot. I told my cousin that if he goes back home and asks his son to receive Jesus as his Savior, he will say yes.  Today I received a call from my cousin telling me that when he got home he spoke to his son and he lead him in prayer to receive Christ as his Savior. I am truly thankful to  Christ that I was blessed to meet his son and be able to share the blessed Hope of our Lord Jesus. I was happy that it turned out the way it did because to me there is no greater joy than to lead your own children into the arms of our Savior. I was given the blessing to be the final messenager which showed his son Jesus was truth and is coming soon.

Before I even began this trip the Lord placed it on my heart that I would be witnessing to people on the planes. When I got on the plane I expected to meet the people Jesus had picked for me.  Sure enough on my first flight I sat by a women who I witnessed to almost the entire flight. She was also blown away by all the evidence and signs of the Lords coming soon. My second plane to N.Y. I had a chance to witness to a Jehovah's witness. The only question I have for Christ now is, who is next? Tonight I will give my final presentation to the church here in N.Y. I know Jesus is going to do something special tonight for those people who attend. It is snowing here and it is supposed to be about 10 below with the wind blowing, but I know one thing for sure, the warmth of Christ Jesus will be with me as I preach Jesus tonight.  After I give my finl speach. I will return home in prayer. I will open my email to see who Jesus has touched this time and will ask me  to come to them. Lately I feel like a modern day Paul. I can see how Paul was so blessed and content. Meeting others for the Lord is truly a special blessing.

Last night I had the special blessing to have dinner with some very close frineds of mine. Today they are going to take me to church to give my presentation.  Because I didn't ask for permission to use her name I won't give it. However, I will tell you her first name which is Casey. She has a p

ump on her heart which she has to carry in a pack on her back and it is heavy. The battery has to be changed every 4 hours and she is on the heart transplant list. I believe Jesus wants her to be free from the problem and I am asking Jesus to provide the heart for her. I know if I ask our Lord He will do it and I am asking you to pray with me today and ask Jesus to grant Casey the heart He has prepared for her.

Thank you all for allowing me to share some of the things Jesus is doing. There is much more that I haven't shared with you but if you knew what Jesus was doing, you would go through a box of tissues. This trip is almost over and I will be posting more prophecy updates as soon as I return. Until then , I pray what I have written will draw you to Christ.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'Last Chronicles of Planet Earth'

My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!



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    • Uithoven family on January 14, 2009 at 12:55 pm
    • Reply

    Frank, thanks once again for your prophecy updates – and especially for sharing what the Lord is doing in your life! It is an inspiration to me!
    I share the prophecy information with my husband and kids and look forward to the opportunity to share with my extended family.
    Thank you for your dedication to our Lord’s service!
    God Bless you,

    • Brenda Gunde on January 19, 2009 at 5:54 am
    • Reply

    Dear Brother,
    I believe it is not me writing to you but the Lord himself. I have been coming back to this site everyday to check more information on the prophecies and answers to the questions that I have been asking . The Lord has highly favoured you to be his mouthpiece, I am afrom Africa but I dont know how i got to know about this website but I have been truly blessed and am eager to read more daily, please continue in this ministry as we await the groom Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God bless you and your team.

    • Brenda Gunde on January 25, 2009 at 11:45 pm
    • Reply

    Dear Brother,
    I am always touched by our messages, and I open this website daily so that I can keep myself uptodate. As yousaid I believe that the Lord is building up his warriors and we are more than happy to fight for the Lord through prayer and I thank the Lord for his Grace. I have been a follower of world events versus prophecy and you site has helped me alot to understand most of the things that I couldnt and one thing that I most want is to understand more of prophecy so that I can share to to others and your site is helping me a lot. I am blessed and encouraged by your teaching. I pray to the God of heaven that he continue to bless you and your family and to keep on protecting you as you teach his word. Glory be to God

    • David Laffranchini on May 18, 2010 at 10:03 pm
    • Reply

    I just read an article on Ezekiel 38 & 39 by Steven M. Collins, Sioux Falls, SD. In the article he states that the attack on Israel by Gog and Magog etal will be much broader than what most people believe. He contends that the attack by Gog/Magog will not only include the Nation of Israel but will be much broader; “the modern nations of the ten tribes of Israel (because of the great blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant which God affirmed in Hosea 1 would still be applicable in the post-exilic period) must be found in the modern world among the major nations of the earth.” He goes on to include the U.S.A., Great Britain and New Zealand in this equation and states the attack will be against these nations as well. Could you comment on that? Thank-you for your consideration of this.

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