The call for Peace and Safety-Signs of the end times-War-Jan. 12, 2009


Prophecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians 5:3 says, "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. If you aren't aware, the call for Peace and Safety began I believe in 1977 when President Jimmy Carter managed to get the Leaders of Israel and Egypt to sign a peace agreement between their two nations. This agreement has held in place since the signing. However, the second part of this prophecy which informs us that while they are still calling for peace and safety sudden destruction will come.    Right now the peace talks have stopped because Israel has invaded the Gaza to put a stop to the Hamas rocket attacks on Israel.  Today we found ou that "US  president-elect Barack Obama said in an interview broadcast Sunday he will create a special team that will engage in Middle East peace efforts immediately after he takes office on January 20. "What I am doing right now is putting together the team so that on January 20th, starting on day one, we have the best possible people who are going to be immediately engaged in the Middle East peace process as a whole," he said in an interview with ABC's This Week program."

In my posts in 2008 I warned you not only will you keep hearing the call for peace and safety but that their would be another conflict in Israel soon. As you now know this conflict is currently raging and getting bigger in the Gaza Strip. While the fighting is going on nations everywhere are trying to get the people fighting back to the peace table. 

If you love our Lord you should really be keeping your eyes on these events because when the nations finally realize that the peace talks are not going any where Israel will be attacked just as the Word of the Lord warned us.  Look for Syria to become more hostile towards Israel. I believe soon Syria will also engage in the conflict against Israel as well. One of the few prophecies left to be fulfilled is the destruction of Damascus and Syria which is found in Isaiah 17: 1. According to the Prophet Daniel their will be a peace covenant signed with Israel and many nations but I believe this signing will happen after Israel is invaded as recorded in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.  I believe as soon as this invasion takes place the Antichrist will step in and confirm this 7 year peace agreement (covenant).  In the mean time President elect Obama will do just as all the other U.S. Presidents have done since President Jimmy Carter, he will try to get a peace plan signed.

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus warned us that the last generation alive when He returned will have become a generation just like Noah's generation.  Our generation has become a carbon copy of Noah'g generation. During Noah's time homosexuality was running wild and we are witnessing the same thing taking place in our world today. The homosexual movement is growing just as it did back then. Our society is trying to make people think this type of life style should be excepted as normal.  The Word of God obviously disagrees with the world standards. Fact is, part of the reason why God sent the world flood during Noah's time was judgment against this type of sin against God. Companies are now getting engaged in reaching out to the gays. What is the real reason for them doing this. Money!  Companies know there is much money to be made from the gays and that is the real reason why they won't back down from sending groups asking them not to support this type of life style. In the news today is one such example, "Despite being pressured by traditional family advocates to stop, Campbell's Soup Company, maker of Swanson's brand broth, has vowed to continue spending its advertising dollars in pro-homosexual publications. As WND reported earlier, the American Family Association objected to a Swanson's broth magazine ad that depicts a lesbian couple and their son. The ad was placed in the December 2008 and January 2009 issues of The Advocate, a magazine that touts itself with the line, "For 40 years, setting the standard in LGBT journalism." Campbell's Soup, however, has brushed off the AFA's complaint."  Judgment is coming and many are sending out the warnings just the way Noah did. Homosexuality isn't the only thing that will cause this judgment, but it is one of those traits that were found in the people at the time of Noah's generation.

Why is this subject so important?  Because our Lord Jesus told us when we saw this sign He would return. There were other major signs we were told we would see at the same time which would without a doubt warn every person on the watch for Christ that He is about to come and remove His followers. We we to see Israel reborn, they already are. We were to see at the same time a army of 200 million from the East rise in the same generation and now China has a army of exactly 200 million. We were to see the world begin to turn against Israel and that is happening right now. We were told our generation would be know as the drug generation and we have been labeled just that. We were told in Daniel chapter 12:4 that we would also be know a the generation of increased knowledge and we today have also been labeled the generation who has gain more knowledge than any in history. We were told that Israel in that same generation would again take Jerusalem out of the hands of the gentiles and in 1967 Jerusalem was taken over by the Jews.  We were warned that the issue of Jerusalem would become a burdensome stone to anyone dealing with this city and the main reason why no final peace agreement has been reached it because Israel will not give up Jerusalem. We were told that during this time we would witness huge storms and many earthquakes and for the past two years this planet has found itself in major crisis as a result of huge earthquakes and many recorded breaking storms. I could could go on but would you believe?  For the first time in history everyone of the signs Jesus warned us about is taking place right now. You are mistaking to think judgment isn't coming. There is a way out for Christ has provided a way to safety just as our Lord provided a way of safety for Noah and anyone else who would choose to walk with God before the worldwide flood came. During Noah's time the safety was Noah's Ark. During this generation your safety will come from Christ Jesus as you receive Him as your Savior for He is our Ark. 

Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapte 24 warns about the diseases that will come upon man in the last days. A few days ago I gave you some facts on recent news about the bird flu disease. Today there is more news about another disease making its way in Africa. I quote, "Tanzania has announced Sunday that it was closely monitoring the propagation of the deadly ebola virus in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and that it was taking measures to contain the disease in case of outbreak. On Thursday, Angola tightened border restrictions with the DR Congo where an outbreak of the virus is believed to have infected 40 people and killed 13."

Prophecy Sign: Revelation chapter 13 and chapter 17 and Daniel chapter 9 show us a new Roman Empire would be born again in the last days and one man would rule in Europe just the way Cesar ruled in the Old Roman Empire.  This leader would end up ruling over the entire world and would take over the economics of the world as well. Under this leaders rule he would be able to control what you buy or sell.  Jesus warned that when this man comes, he will force his mark in everyone's skin, without this mark you won't be able to buy any thing or sell anything. 

We know that part of this prophecy has already be completed because the European Union is the reborn modern day Roman Empire. The U.N. is almost a carbon copy of the same nations that used to be in the Old Roman Empire.  At the present time the E.U. is looking to install a full time President over all of Europe, those 27 nations which belong to the EU.  There was news about this issue today and I quote, "Tony Blair, the former UK prime minister, is re-emerging as a possible choice to be the European Union’s first full-time president after four momentous crises reinforced the argument for having a high-profile international personality in the job. According to EU officials and diplomats, the impressive performance of Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, during his six-month spell in charge of the EU last year has strengthened the hand of those who say a big name should guide the 27-nation bloc."  I wanted to present these facts to you because I believe very soon the EU is going to finally have their full time President.  You can count on this taking place because Jesus showed us this was going to happen.  The Antichrist will rise up from the EU and make his way to this newly created position. Watch the news and see how the global economic crisis is going to help speed up this process. Europe is going to be looking for that strong figure to help them with the failing economic situation which has already begun to spread do to the decline of America's economy.

The day is coming when many of you will regret not believing our Lord's warnings. I know I can not reach and lead all of you to Christ for many of you will refuse to except our Lord's truth about  His coming back.  However, many of you will opened up your hearts today to Christ and walk into Christ and His safety.  I pray if you are reading this, you are one of those people who will turn to Christ for Salvation. It has been a blessing for me to lead many of you to my Savior but I know the days to receive our Lord's free gift of Salvation are coming to a close. Do not take the chance of being left behind when the Lord removes His believers. Those who refused Noah's call to come to the Salvation of God tried to make their way to safety on the Ark but it was to late for them. Don't let the same thing happen to you.  What we are witnessing in the news is all connected to prophecy and it is real. Christ is coming and He is coming soon!

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

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My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!  


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