Signs of the coming Middle East war-7 big earthquakes-Dec. 18, 2008


Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 17:1 speaks to us about Syria being destroyed in the last days.  We also read in Ezekiel 38-39 that Russia is going to mount an attack against Israel in the latter days.  Russia’s allies will include Iran, Libya, Turkey and Iraq to name a few.  Russia has already moved their navy fleet into Syra and Libya in the past few months.  Russia has been arming all the nations listed by Ezekiel that will attack Israel. Yesterday I reported the facts as to what Russia is now up to in Lebanon.  What is important to note is the Prophet Ezekiel warned us this coming attack against Israel will come from the North.  For those of you who don’t know where Lebanon is located, they are located just North of Israel.  Todays’s news reported that, “Russia gave Lebanon ten MiG fighter jets yesterday in a deal to boost defence cooperation. The MiG29 Fulcrum fighters would be provided free to Lebanon under an agreement on military-technical assistance, the head of Russia’s defence cooperation service said. Mikhail Dmitryev said that the jets would come from Russia’s existing stock.”  At the current time Russia’s economy is about ready to collapse, so why would Russia give away the Jets that cost them millions.  Just the engines alone for these planes cost 50 million.  If you have a clear understanding of prophecy, you understand from Russia’s actions, they are getting set to do battle against Israel exactly as it is written in the Word of God.  It is not by coincidence that Russia now has bases in Syria, Iran, Libya and now is arming the nation directly North of Israel.  Even the U.S. has seen the importance of what Russia is doing in Lebanon. I quote, “ The Pentagon delegation headed by Edelman highlighted the issue of "extensive Russian presence" North of Syria; a threat to US presence in the region. The delegation also pointed to an ongoing "US – Russian cold war", new strategies adopted by Moscow and new moves which require a change of US strategy, especially in Lebanon, which is the closest location to the Russian base on the Syrian Port city of Lathikiya.”

On Dec. 12 the DEBKAfile ran a report which they entitled, “Al Qaeda operatives relocated from Iraq to Lebanon.”  The headline alone should be enough for you to know what is taking place however, this is what the report stated, “UNIFIL, northern Israel on terror alert Early Thursday, Dec. 11, the UN peacekeeping force's South Lebanon command declared the Palestinian Ain Hilwe camp near Sidon a no-go zone for the force's convoys for fear of attacks by al Qaeda. Supply convoys using the main coastal road from Beirut to Sidon were restricted to travel by night between 3 and 5 a.m., under armored vehicle escort. The day before the al Qaeda alert, Dell Dailey, counter-terrorist operations director at the US State Department, reported that al Qaeda had responded to heavy US military in Iraq by shifting some of its fighting strength to Lebanon, though not in large numbers. He spoke during a visit Beirut. DEBKAfile's military sources report that this strength has split between two Palestinian camps: Ain Hilwa and Nahr al-Barad near the northern town of Tripoli. US intelligence expects them to focus on four targets: 1. One group will attempt cross-border strikes in northern Israel. A second has managed to infiltrate the Gaza Strip after landing in Egyptian Sinai by sea.  War signs are everywhere in the Middle East.  Israel knows a war is coming and they have been preparing for it.  I hope you believe in the Word of God because these are some of the most important battles to be fought just North of Israel.

Iran, another one of Russia’s allies, and she is also getting armed to the max by Russia.  Iran is going to be a major player with Russia when Russia leads the end times invasion on Israel.  What is Russia up to in Iran?  I quote, “Despite the efforts of US and Israeli leaders, Moscow has begun delivering the highly sophisticated medium-range air defense S-300 system to Iran for securing its nuclear and strategic sites against potential attack. The RIA news agency reported Wednesday night, Dec. 18: "Moscow has earlier met its obligations to supply Tor-M1 (short-range) systems to Iran and is currently implementing its contract to deliver S-300 systems." DEBKAfile's military sources disclose the S-300 deliveries began two weeks ago.  Their installation, coinciding with the return home of members of Iranian air defense officers from training in Russia, means that air or missile attacks on Iranian sites will henceforth be extremely difficult and carry a high price”.  I have been preparing you for the Ezekiel war for the past 8 months.  Both Russia and Iran know Israel will try to bomb Iran’s nuclear power plant.  This is why Russia just gave Iran all those S-300 systems.  We need to be watching these nations because soon Israel will be forced to bomb Iran.  When that happens be prepared to witness the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39.

Many people have asked me why isn’t America mentioned in the last days events?  The reason is because something takes place that will bring down the level of power the U.S. has.  It could be because of the global economic crisis or it could be from a attack on the U.S.  Israel’s Defense Minister spoke about this subject today.  I quote, “Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned Wednesday that if Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, it could try to attack the United States. Barak said the world should press Iran to stop it from building nuclear weapons.”  Israel’s pressing days is coming to a close and we are going to see war soon.

This would be a great time to reflect on Christ.  The days without the King of Kings ruling in Jerusalem are coming to a close.  This will be a blessing for all those who have taken the Lord Jesus as their Savior.  It will truly be a Merry Christmas to see Jesus sitting on His rightful throne!  Now is the time to make sure you are ready to see the King.  He is coming soon just as He promised, and this coming war in the Middle East will bring us that much closer to His return. 

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 warns us to watch for many earthquakes in various places. I have been keeping you up to speed with all these quakes. Today alone there were 7 big quakes. Two quakes hit Chile. One quake was a 6.0 and the other was an 6.3.  Fiji Islands had a 5.6, the Dominican Republic had a 5.2.  A 5.2 quake hit Molucca Sea.  Japan had a 5.3 and so did Vanuatu.   Yesterday the 17 of Dec. there were 7 quakes hitting from 5.0 to 5.8. 

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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The Way of the Master

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