DiMora’s focus is one the Christ child is yours? Dec. 18, 2008


I would rather wish you a very merry Christmas and pray this year you will be celebrating the true meaning behind why Jesus was born.  If you have the Christ child in your heart you will have a long long life and it will be the most the peaceful one that you could ever imagine.

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Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 6-7 tells us to watch for the signs of war and rumors of war. Ezekiel chapter 38 also warns us of an end times attack on Israel by Russia and her allies.  Ezekiel tells us the attack will come from the North.  Russia is already aliened with all the nations listed in Ezekiel 38, which are supposed to attack Israel while they are calling for peace and safety.  There was more evidence that this war Ezekiel was talking about is just around the corner.  Recently Russia moved part of their Navy fleet into Syria.  Now the Russians are making moves in Lebanon, which is just North of Israel.  We see from the news today, “Russia has agreed to supply Lebanon with 10 MiG-29 fighter jets, Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Murr said on Tuesday during a visit to Moscow.”  Russia has supplied almost every nation who is supposed to attack Israel with billions in arms.  Lebanon is the latest to receive the Russian stockpile of arms. 


Russia’s other allies in the Gaza are already shelling Israel again with Qassam rockets. I quote, “Palestinian militants in Gaza on Tuesday fired seven Qassam rockets and a mortar shell at the western Negev, as Islamic Jihad threatened to increase its cross-border rocket fire. 'Our rockets will not stop and it will be like the rain over all the Zionist towns around the Gaza Strip, said Abu Hamza, a spokesman for the Palestinian militant group. The rocket attacks came just days before a six-month truce between Israel and Gaza factions was set to expire.”  Let us not forget Jesus told the Apostle Paul that when they are calling for peace and safety sudden destruction will come.  It appears we are almost at this point right now.  Keep on your toes and please stay on the watch as Christ asked of you. 


If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


The Way of the Master

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