Nov. 21, 2008-America in decline-EU on the rise-Storms & Earthquakes-Gold run-


Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 & 7 and Revelation Chapters 13 & 17. Please bear with me if it seems as though I am repeating myself. I have new people coming to my site every day and they need to understand the connection between prophecy and current events. In the Book of Daniel and Revelation we see in prophecy that in the end times the last superpower to be ruling when Jesus returns to earth will be a modern day Roman Empire. This Revived Roman Empire has already been fulfilled through the (EU) or, the European Union.  When you take a look at the previous Roman Empire and you study this new modern day Roman Empire you will have discovered they are the same nations that used to be in the first Roman Empire.  It is not a coincidence that this modern day Roman Empire has been born to this generation. This is exactly what Jesus told us to keep on the watch for.

In order for the EU to rise to the position as stated in Daniel and Revelation, something had to happen to America to bring her down in status and, lift the EU to the number one position on the world stage. I have been giving the exact details about what would happen to America since 1978 and now those warnings have already come to pass.  This January 1, 2008 I issued another one of those many warnings in a post I entitled, “Is a depression coming?”  I gave you a scenario of how America economy will fall.  That scenario is taking place for real right now.  America’s power is declining and both Main Street America and Wall Street are in one of the worse economic crisis since the Depression and the situation is getting worse.

You may not have known this but yesterday President Bush according to a Reuters report out of Washington just handed the U.S. economy over to the European Union.  America is falling apart while the revived Roman Empire is gaining in power and strength.  The Reuters report was entitled; “Bush Hands Over Reins of U.S. Economy to EU”. I quote, “The results of the G-20 economic summit amount to nothing less than the seamless integration of the United States into the European economy. In one month of legislation and one diplomatic meeting, the United States has unilaterally abdicated all the gains for the concept of free markets won by the Reagan administration and surrendered, in total, to the Western European model of socialism, stagnation, and excessive government regulation Sovereignty is out the window. Without a vote, we are suddenly members of the European Union. Given the dismal record of those nations at creating jobs and sustaining growth, merging with the Europeans is like a partnership with death. At the G-20 meeting, Bush agreed to subject the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and our other regulatory agencies to the supervision of a global entity that would critique its regulatory standards and demand changes if it felt they were necessary. Bush agreed to create a College of Supervisors. "By giving Bush a seeming victory on a moratorium against protectionism for one year, Sarkozy was able to slip over his massive scheme for taking over the supervision of the U.S. economy. All kinds of political agendas are advancing under the cover of responding to the global financial crisis.” “According to The Washington Post, it would "examine the books of major financial institutions that operate across national borders so regulators could begin to have a more complete picture of banks' operations." Their scrutiny would extend to hedge funds and to various "exotic" financial instruments. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), a European-dominated operation, would conduct "regular vigorous reviews" of American financial institutions and practices. The European-dominated College of Supervisors would also weigh in on issues like executive compensation and investment practices. There is nothing wrong with the substance of this regulation. Experience is showing it is needed. But it is very wrong to delegate these powers to unelected, international institutions with no political accountability. “Their scrutiny would extend to hedge funds and to various "exotic" financial instruments. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), a European-dominated operation, would conduct "regular vigorous reviews" of American financial institutions and practices.” 

It is unheard of to think America’s financial sectors will be monitored by another power however; this is all part of the process that is bringing the shift in superpowers.  What God told Daniel and what Jesus warned about these last days is already upon us. The good news is this.  If you will believe in Christ and except His Words you will be sealed not to pass through His wrath.  If you harden your hearts to Christ’s love call and refuse to receive your Father as Savior, you will face the evil Shepard who is the Antichrist.  This Antichrist is rising up from the ranks of the revived Roman Empire, the same Empire that Bush handed over America’s finances to.  It is the Lord’s heart calling to you to remove the blinders that are hindering you from accepting His Grace and Love for you.  Jesus’ desire is to save everyone, but it is a free will choice.  All these signs were given us because of that love for us and to encourage us to believe.  No one could have predicted all these events that are coming to pass unless He were God!  The odds of all these prophecies coming to pass are staggering.

There was more news concerning America’s decline. “WASHINGTON, Nov 20 (Reuters) – U.S. economic and political clout will decline over the next two decades and the world will be more dangerous, with food and water scarce and advanced weapons plentiful, U.S. spy agencies projected on Thursday. The National Intelligence Council analysis "Global Trends 2025" also said the current financial crisis on Wall Street is just the first phase of a global economic reordering. The U.S. dollar's role as the world's major currency would weaken to become a "first among equals," the report said.”  A world with multiple power centers has been less stable than one with a single or two rival superpowers, and there was a growing potential for conflict, the report said.  Global warming will be felt, and water, food and energy constraints may fuel conflict over resources.” Jesus in Matthew 24:7 warned us you will see famines, great heat, and million will starve.  These are exactly the same warning The National Intelligence Council is warning.  Is this other coincidence?  They are all signs form Christ and these things will take place just as they are written.  When you compare every detail to what Christ said would happen to the current events, you see all of His Words have come to pass.  I don’t know what it will take for some of you to believe, maybe the Antichrist?

Both Christ and Daniel show us the Antichrist is coming from the EU.  They also show us that this man will control the world economy for the Word says, “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” Rev. 13:17. As you are witnessing in the news the global economy crisis is one of the vechicles that will help bring out this man of sin.  He is going to emerge soon and the world will think he has all the answers to our global economic crisis. This will be the same man who is going to confirm a covenant with Israel and many nations soon.  I am not just saying this, it is written in Daniel chapter 9:27.  Here is the most recent news about our global crisis and it comes from a report entitled, “Fear stalks the world’s economies” . “Fears of a severe global recession gripped financial markets on Thursday, sending interest rates to record lows and driving down US stock prices to their worst close in more than a decade. Economic news across the world was almost uniformly bad. US jobless claims soared while slumping Japanese exports threatened to push the economy further into recession and the Swiss central bank unexpectedly slashed interest rates by a full percentage point. In China, officials warned that the employment outlook was becoming “grim”, as the global financial crisis led to more factory closures in the export sector. EDITOR’S CHOICE

Two-year US interest rates slid below 1 per cent to their lowest levels yet amid a gathering conviction that the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates again next month. UK bond yields dropped to their lowest levels since the second world war. The S&P 500 equity index fell 6.7 per cent to 752.44 – its lowest close since 1997 – as financial stocks plunged. Earlier in Europe, the FTSE 100 fell 3.3 per cent and Germany’s Dax lost 3.1 per cent.  “This is all about disinflation and deflation,” said Alan Ruskin, a strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital. “Rates can go low and stay low for a protracted period.”

In many of my warning I tell you as America declines she will drag the other nations into a major recession and possibly very soon a depression.  Here is more evidence the U.S. economy is in a major slide. “NEW YORK – Stocks plunged for a second straight day Thursday, falling to levels not seen in at least five years, as financial and energy stocks tumbled while demand for the safety of government debt spiked. Wall Street saw the most intense selling late in the session after hopes faded that lawmakers would quickly assemble an aid package for U.S. automakers, and as the Standard & Poor's 500 index broke through lows established in 2002. That breach of a key technical threshold sent a shudder through the market and touched off further selling.;_ylt=AnxRmE2froBHaNCRXw6xS3Gs0NUE

Go back and read my posts concerning the decline of America.  You will see over and over again I told you to watch for massive layoffs. They have already started.  If the Senate doesn’t bail out the auto giants in December we are told that 2 ½ millions jobs will disappear. Today we are told “The Associated Press plans to cut up to 10 percent of its workforce in 2009, according to sources at the news service, as it copes with tough financial times and ailing member newspapers. The AP has one of the world's largest news-gathering teams, employing about 3,000 journalists, and a total of about 4,100 people worldwide. The cuts could amount to about 400 employees.

Even Russia with all the new found wealth in oil is on the brink of collapse.  “MOSCOW, Nov 20 (Reuters) – Prime Minister Vladimir Putin assured Russians on Thursday he would guide them through the global financial crisis without the economic convulsions of the past, but acknowledged there would be pain.”  President Bush didn’t want to tell the truth about America’s economic crisis and now Putin is doing the same thing in Russia.  I can go on and on with all the bad news about the failing global economic crisis but will you believe why this is all taking place?  I say this from my heart; please believe in Christ’s Words.  The last remaining prophecies are going to be fulfilled whether you believe it or not, the only important remaining fact is if you will be on the side of Christ when He returns?

Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38 gives a detailed list of the nations that are going to join with Russia and invade Israel in the last days.  One of those nations is Turkey.  For years I have been proving to people that every nation listed to attack Israel has made new military and friendship pacts with Russia.  We saw more evidence of these facts today.  I quote, “According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Serdyukov will discuss with his Turkish counterpart, Vecdi Gonul, issues of bilateral military-technical cooperation, joint efforts to fight terrorism, stability in the Black Sea region, and European security.”

Ezekiel 38 and 39 warn us the last day’s invasion on Israel will come from the north.  Isaiah 17: 1 informs us Syria will be destroyed.  For the past year the Syrian’s have been arming Israel’s enemies called the Hamas.  The Syrian’s have been shipping arms from Russia through Syria to the Hamas in Lebanon and the Gaza in Israel.  I have warned you to pay attention to Syria and Lebenon because another war is coming and this next war could set off both the Ezekeil prophecy and Isaiah 17: 1.  We see the signs of this coming conflict right now. “Hamas' military wing announced Tuesday it was "prepared for a confrontation with Israel" and for the end of the cease-fire with Israel. But political sources said the cease-fire was expected to go on. Hamas' Iz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades threatened to "turn the cease-fire tables on the heads of the Zionists," they said in a statement. Abu Obeida, the alias of a spokesman for the military wing, threatened that Hamas would "retaliate fiercely" should Israel resume its targeted-killings policy, as some defense officials have said were advisable after the cease-fire.”  Let us not forget that Jesus also told us to listen for wars and rumors of war.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 7 and Luke 21:11 tell us to watch for earthquakes in many places and great earthquakes. Luke also told us huge storms would come and said watch for the roaring of the sea and waves.   If you are a regular visitor to my site you know exactly how many earthquakes and storms we have been having and, I have told you come are coming. Yesterday Nov. 20, 2008 there were two quakes a 5.7 hit South of the Fiji Islands and a 5.0 Baja California, Mexico.  Today there were 3 more big quakes. A 5.2 in Hokkaido, Japan, a 6.0 hit the Solomon Islands, and a 5.0 hit South Sandwich Islands.

Yesterday I posted a report concerning Australia’s battle against a massive locust invasion. Today Australia’s news reported on a massive storm. I quote, “SOLDIERS, low-security prisoners and police recruits will today help to clean up Brisbane, which was declared a natural disaster area after it was lashed by one of the most damaging storms to hit the Queensland capital in a quarter of a century. Roofs were torn from houses, power lines crashed down and one man died in Brisbane on Sunday night as a line of violent storms moved from the Gold Coast, through Brisbane and on to the Sunshine Coast.”  Start adding one prophecy sign on another and the odds of all these things taking place in one generation are much to hard to conceive. 

Propehcy Sign: Revelation chapter 18-19.  In 18-19 Jesus listed some of the things that the world will cry over when it is lost.  One of those items on His list is GOLD.  As this world enters the 7 tribulation period and the world economy busts gold as well as everything else will increase in valve.  Fact is, Jesus shows us that people will work all day just to buy one small meal.  Everyone who shops knows how fast the price of everything is climbing. Today’s news tells us, “Demand for gold reached a record high in the third quarter as investors sought refuge from the financial crisis and volatile stock markets, according to the World Gold Council.”.  In my post dated Jan, 2008 I warn you to watch the price of gold go up.  Since Janurary the price has dropped some but in the near future you will once again see the price of gold rise to levels we have not seen yet. If you plan to be cast into the tribulation it might be a good idea to get some gold. When the dollars crashes gold will be a savior for many.  There is a problem with this however, not much time will pass before you won’t even be able to cash in your gold.  Once the Antichrist takes his seat and forces everyone to take his mark in their hand or forehead you will no longer be able to sell that gold unless you take that mark.  If you take it, the Word says you seal you fate in HELL for eternity.  It is Christ Jesus that the people have their real security in not gold.  If you want that security for you and your family, receive Him as your Lord, Father and most of all your Savior.  Please do this before Jesus removes His Church from this earth.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Download “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” book for free.  The large print edition may take 4-7 minutes to download the book but it will come up.  If your computer is faster it will only take a few minutes. It is 309 pages in a PDF file.  This new August 31, 2008 book is the latest up-dated edition.  You can also choose to download the book in smaller print, which will download for you even faster. Click to links below to download the book of your choice for free.

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My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church.  Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus! 

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