More good size earthquakes-Is Antichrist here? EU’s global role & what it means- Christians in India being killed-Oct. 14, 2008


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Bible Prophecy Teacher Frank Dimora Introduced!

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 & Revelation chapter 17 paints us a picture of what world empire would be in power in the last days.  That final world power was to be the Roman Empire reborn again. This part of the prophecy has been fulfilled by the European Union or (EU).  I give a detailed explanation how this is the fulfillment in chapter 2 of my free book.  God showed the prophet Daniel when Jesus returns it would be at the time that the Roman Empire has been revived.  The Lord also showed Daniel the Antichrist would rise up from within this revived Roman Empire and he would be the man who at the end of the day will control the world’s economy.  This man of sin (Antichrist), will also make an attempt to control the world.  He will come on the world stage bringing peace.  In Daniel 9:27 this man will confirm a covenant of peace with Israel and many nations for a period of 7 years. Daniel 8:25 warned us “by peace he will destroy many” This Antichrist will mimic everything Jesus Christ did. He will come looking like a savior and will appear to die and rise again just as Jesus did. Jesus shows us in Revelation 13:3 that the Antichrist will receive a deadly wound that will heal.  If you are left behind when the Church is raptured to heaven don’t fall for this lie the Antichrist doesn’t rise from the dead. He will come back from this wound but he did not die you will only think he rose as Christ.  Our Lord even tells us in Zechariah 11:17 what affect this wound will have on the Antichrist. “Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! The sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.” Why am I giving you this information now?  Just in case you are left behind you will know what to expect from this fake savior.  What this scripture is telling you is that the Antichrist will recover from his wound but as a result of the wound he will be blind in one eye and his arm will just hang limp.  This is a result of a brain wound.  The man of sin will mimic Jesus as Jesus Christ had John the Baptist come before him as the prophet pointing to Christ.  The Antichrist will have his prophet as well. We are warned in Revelation 13:11-12 a false prophet will rise up and “he will cause the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”  By the way, this false prophet is going to be able to do great miracles to deceive the world.  Jesus warned the end time generation “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Matthew 24:24).  Jesus claimed to be God john 8:58 and He was God in the flesh. In 2nd Thes. 2:4 we see the counterfeit Christ (Antichrist), will exalt himself as god and demand to be worshipped as god.  Jesus made His why to Jerusalem as a peaceful man.  The Antichrist will make his way to Jerusalem stand in the Jewish Temple that is going to be rebuilt and there tell the world to worship him.  Anyone who doesn’t will die.  Jesus inspires worship as we see in John 14:14 however, the Antichrist demands worship and if you don’t worship him Revelation 20: 4 says you will be beheaded.  Is this man alive now?  Yes he is and he is about to be introduced on the world stage.  This evil man (Antichrist) could only come if the Old Roman Empire was revived which it has been.  The Antichrist will come at a time when it is possible for the entire world will be under the same economic system which, when he rises he will control.  Why am I telling you this now?  Because in the last month there has been a major push to place the entire world under a global economic policy.  This push has been generated by the world’s economic crisis, which is still going on.  I want to quote my words from my September 19, 2008 post. “First, America must decline and second, we must see signs of a distressed global financial market place.  Why a distressed global economy, because in chapter 13 of the book of Revelation we see the Antichrist taking control of what you buy and sell.  When you read the Revelation you will learn he will control everyone in the world so it is a global problem.  Third these global problems will be as birth pains.  Any one who is watching the news in America knows America’s economic system is in serious trouble.  We have seen the stock market go up and down like a roller coaster.  Let me quote Jesus in part of Mark 13: 8 “and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of birth pains”.  This is one reason why Wall Street is on that roller coaster ride.”  These are part of the birth pains and troubles Jesus warned us about.”  I want to show you two important facts. Yesterday we saw a great example of a major birth pain seeming to diminish.  The stock markets in most nations rose the highest they have ever raised in one day.  However, don’t be fooled by all this.  All this did was
give fuel to leaders of nations to forge a global economic policy so this type of crisis doesn’t happen again.  What I want you to see is, what empire wants to take the lead in bringing about a one world global policy.  I quote, “
Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) — European leaders met to forge a new set of measures to combat the credit freeze after their failure to act a week ago contributed to the worst sell-off in the region's stocks in two decades. “I want Europe to speak with one voice for Europe and for the world because this is a global crisis,'' French President Nicolas Sarkozy told reporters as he greeted European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso at the Elysee Palace in Paris. Sarkozy said he's seeking “an ambitious, coordinated plan.''  Is this just another one of those coincidences.  Jesus warned this would happen and it is this revived Roman Empire that wants to bring a one world policy to the forefront! Mark Christs Words, you will see this take place.   What we are witnessing are the Words of Christ being fulfilled.

In many of my previous posts I asked you to pay attention to Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi because so far this man is appears to be fulfilling all the requirements from the Antichrist.  In my May 20, 2008 post I site many of the quotes in the press about him. “In April of 2008 Berlusconi was reelected as the Prime Minister of Italy.  Why is this so important?  Jesus said when the man of sin, (Antichrist), comes he would exalt himself?  Let me give you some quotes Berlusconi has stated about himself. Here they are.  1. "I am the Jesus Christ of Politics. I am a patient victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone” 2. “The best political leader in Europe and in the world.”  3.”There is no-one on the world stage who can compete with me" (BBC News May 2, 2006).  4. In the Guardian report Jan. 18, 2004 they reported that Berlusconi calls himself 'monarchist' which means (he being the king).  Now let me ask you a question, does this sound like the warning Jesus gave us about the personality of the Antichrist?  You bet it does, but there is more.  “All hail Berlusconi” is the title to a report on Berlusconi by the Guardian news.  A Writer for the Guardian news profiles Berlusconi like this, "Silvio Berlusconi, a Roman emperor for the 21st century.” Now you know why my ears perk up when Berlusconi is taling about a new global economic policy.  Here is a quote from a recent report. “Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Monday that US President George W. Bush hoped for a meeting of Group of Eight rich country leaders on the financial crisis "in the next few weeks." Speaking through an interpreter, Berlusconi said that Bush, who leaves office in January, had "expressed the intention to have a meeting among the leaders within the G8 in the next few weeks." "I absolutely agree with him, I think that everything which can be done for a coordinated action, just to pursue a common method, and behave in the same way, versus this global crisis, is something which is positive," he added.  You may not accept this, but the current world economic crisis is giving world leaders the platform to form this system Jesus warned us would come.  The Antichrist is alive and ready to appear.  Watch the Middle East peace process because we know that this man will show up to confirm that 7 year agreement or as Daniel says, a “covenant with many”.  The bottom line to all this is this, we don’t have much time to spread the Word before Jesus removes His Church.  That means if you haven’t received Jesus as your Savior yet you are running out of time.  Please ask Him into your life today so you won’t have to face the Antichrist and God wrath, which will soon begin to be poured out on all the unbelievers.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:12 persecution of the Christians. During the 7-year tribulation.   Will Christians be persecuted in the end times as Jesus prophesied they would?  Like the birth pains of the seas and waves roaring we are to look for the birth pain concerning Christians to be persecuted.  Before the Church is removed expect Christians to come under fire.  When the Church is removed at the rapture, the Christian persecution will reach its max.  We see from the book of Revelation that during the tribulation the Antichrist will use any means he has to kill anyone who does not worship him.  Anyone who refuses the Antichrist’s ID mark will be killed.  The people who refuse the mark will do so for one reason, they will obey the Word of God and which warned them not to take the mark.  These people who refuse that mark show their love for Christ and will be hunted down and beheaded.  In 2008 we see persecution of Christians accelerating.  This morning I received a e-mail asking for prayer.  I want you to read this mail because it shows a good example how many Christians are being killed right now for their faith in Christ.  The persucation Jesus warned would come prior to the tribulation and will intensify during the tribulation has already begun!

Prayer Request from YWAM (Youth With a Mission ) in
India    Sat,4 Oct 2008



beloved sponsors and friends of Good News India …We have never seen anything like this.   We knew that Orissa was the most resistant and hostile State in India as far as the Gospel isconcerned. And we brushed off the continuous threats and harassment we faced as we went about His work.   But none of our staff imagined that they would see this kind of carnage… And it seems to be totally under the radar ofthe  Western Media ….  Let me explain…. A militant Hindu priest and 4 of his attendants, who were zealously going around the villages of Orissa and 'reconverting' people back to Hinduism, were gunned down by unknown assailants in Central Orissa   last weekend.  Immediately the Christians were blamed. The cry rose up…'Kill the Christians!' And the horror began…. In the past 4 days, we have first hand witness to hundreds of churches being blown up or burned and many, many dozens of Christian tribals have been slaughtered. For no other reason than they bear the name of Christ.   Night and day I have been in  touch with our Good News India Directors spread across 14 Dream Centers in Orissa… they are right in the middle of all this chaos.In Tihidi, just after the police came to offer protection, a group of 70 blood-thirsty militants came to kill our staff and destroy the home. They were not allowed to get in, but they did a lot of damage to our
Dream Center   by throwing rocks and bricks and smashing our gate, etc. They have promised to come back and 'finish the job.' Our kids and staff are locked inside and have stayed that way with doors and windows shut for the past 3 days. It has been a time of desperately calling on the Lord in prayer.  More police have come to offer protection.  In Kalahandi, the police and some local sympathizers got to our dream center and gave our staff and kids about 3 minutes notice to vacate. No one had time to even grab a change of clothes or any personal belonging. As they fled, the bloodthirsty mob came to kill everyone in the building. We would have had a mass funeral there, but for His grace.  In Phulbani, the mob came looking for Christian homes andmissions. The local Hindu people, our neighbors turned them away by saying that there were no Christians in this area. So they left. We had favor. The same thing happened in Balasore.    All our dream centers are under lock down with the kids and staff huddled inside and police outside. The fanatics are circling outside waiting for a chance to kill. Others were not so fortunate. In a nearby Catholic orphanage, the mob allowed the kids to leave and locked up a Priest and a computer teacher in house and burned them to death. Many believers have been killed and hacked into pieces and left on the road…. even women and children.  At another orphanage run by another organization, when this began, the Director and his wife jumped on their motorbike and simply fled, leaving all the children and staff behind. Every one of our GNI directors that I have spoken to said: 'We stay with our kids….we live together or die together, but we will never abandon  what God has called us to do.' More than 5000 Christian families have had their homes burned or destroyed. They have fled into the jungles and are living in great fear waiting for the authorities to bring about peace. But so far, no peace is foreseen. This will continue for another 10 days…. supposedly the 14 day mourning period for the slain Hindu priest. Many more Christians will die and their houses destroyed. Many more churches will be smashed down. The Federal government is trying to restore order and perhaps things will calm down. We ask for your prayers. Only the Hand of God can calm this storm. None of us know the meaning of persecution. But now our kids and staff know what that means. So many of our kids coming from Hindu backgrounds are confused and totally bewildered at what is happening around them. So many of their guardians have fled into the jungles and are unable to come and get them during these trying times.  Through all this, I am more determined than ever to continue with our goal: the transformation of a community by transforming its children.  Orissa will be saved… that is our heart's cry. If we can take these thousands of throw-away children and help them to become disciples of Jesus, they will transform an entire region. It is a long term goal, but it is strategic thinking in terms of the Great Commission.  What can you do? First, please uphold all this in fervent prayer. Second, pass this e-mail on to as many friends as you can. We must get the word out and increase our prayer base for this is spiritual warfare at its most basic meaning. We are literally fighting the devil in order to live for His Kingdom. The next 10 days are crucial. We pray for peace and calm to pervade across Orissa.  Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please pass it on and help us to get as many people to partner with us on this cutting edge  effort to fulfill His mandate: Go and make disciples of all nations…. Prayer works!     Blessings, Chip & Sandy Wanner     Col 2:2 MBI   / Team Facilitators to YWAM frontlines”. 

We are for the first time in history witnessing every one of the prophecies taking place all at the same time.  Jesus made it very clear when we see this happen it would be the time He would come back.  Not only that, Jesus told us He would come back before the generation who saw Israel’s rebirth passes away.  You my friend just so happen to be included in that specific generation.  Keep in mind, Jesus gave us this specific information almost 2,000 years before the events even took place.  There is the chance that some of us may have to give our lives up for Christ.  Jesus never said being his follower would be easy.  Just ask the Christians living in parts of India today that are being hunted down right now for their faith.  Soon all Christians will be raptured to Christ but while we are waiting for that blessed day we should be praying for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who have been called to stand firm in His name.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7, Watch for earthquakes. Today Mindanao, Philippines had been rocked by a 5.3 quake.  Yesterday there were 6 quakes all hitting 5.1 and higher.


If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving their life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 


"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope.

I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend.

I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your  Book of  Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.



DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano.  Interview was heard on June 26, 2008












If you missed my 2nd interview on “The Edge” International radio show on Aug. 10th, you can now click on the links below, and listen to the entire interview.  If you want to know what is going to happen next in prophecy, you will want to listen to this interview. The facts and evidence from this interview come from my prophecy book called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 1

August 10th, 2008 – Part 2

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

 August 10th, 2008 – Part 5

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:


Major signs show we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora's youtube videos, outlining some of these signs.

Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.

Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

Frank DiMora's video, on how Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept Jesus's own Words. Link is below:


If this is your first time to this site, please feel free to download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is  about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to  Once there, go to the left side of the page where it asks the state, and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.

Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_large_print_2008_update.pdf

Adam DiMora is helping people save money and better their life.

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