Steps to one world government-Berlusconi and global economy!-More Noah signs, gay marriages in Conn.–Bird flu-America decline-Famines- Oct. 10, 2008


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Prophecy Sign: Antichrist signs: Jesus gave us signs of what the Antichrist would be like.  He told us what to look for. In 2nd Thessalonians 2:4 it states, "He opposes and exalts himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, and even sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God."  We know from Revelation chapter 17 that the false church will sit on the beast (Antichrist) in Rome. This means that the Antichrist will come from Rome which is in Italy. Daniel saw all the kingdoms from his time all the way to the last kingdom which he says will be the reborn Roman Empire. The European Union is that reborn Roman Empire and Italy has been a major player in the EU since it started. One of the major signs of the end times is the rebirth of the Roman Empire, so watching the signs concerning the political climate within the EU should be taken with special interest. The is one man you should pay special attention to, and that is Silvio Berlusconi. Berlusconi is the former Prime Minister of Italy. He is one of the most powerful men in all of Europe and he is one of the richest men in the world.  In a few day Italy will elect a new Prime minister. As it stands right now, officials are saying Berlusconi will win.  Why is this so important?  This same man Jesus spoke about will in the end times take control of the world economy.  Remember Jesus said when this man comes he would exalt himself? Let me give you some quotes Berlusconi has stated about himself. You can click to the links below and read them for yourselves later. Here they are.  1."I am the Jesus Christ of Politics. I am a patient victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone" . 2. There is no-one on the world stage who can compete with me." 3. In the Guardian report Jan. 18, 2004 they reported that Berlusconi calls himself 'monarchist' which means (he being the king). Now let me ask you a question, does this sound just like Jesus warned us about the personality of the Antichrist? Now look at what Berlusconi said about the economy and how to control the economic crisis. “Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) — Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said political leaders are discussing the idea of closing the world's financial markets while they “rewrite the rules of international finance.'' “The idea of suspending the markets for the time it takes to rewrite the rules is being discussed,'' Berlusconi said today after a Cabinet meeting in Naples, Italy. A solution to the financial crisis “can't just be for one country, or even just for Europe, but global.'' I am telling you that this man is doing the very things that the bible says the Antichrist does.  This is why I want you to keep paying attention to what he does.  He could be the man Jesus warned us about.


Prophecy sign Matthew 24:7 Diseases. In my August 15, 2008 post I warned the following, “The H5N1 bird flu could end up being one of those major diseases that will end up spreading throughout the world.  As it stands now the disease is making its way to nations who did not have this disease in the country.  “Dresden, Germany:  Authorities say a duck at a farm in eastern Germany has tested positive for the H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus. The social affairs ministry in the eastern state of Saxony says the farm near Goerlitz on the Polish border has been sealed off.” We keep hearing about this bird flu showing up in different part of the world and it should make you wonder when a full blown flu pandemic will strike.  We already saw the first case of this disease passed on from human to human, it is only a matter of time before we see it jump again. I reported on the case back in April of this year. I quote, “ WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A 24-year-old Chinese man who died of bird flu in December passed the virus directly to his father in a rare case of human-to-human transmission of the virus, doctors reported on Monday.  I always take in account what Jesus says about our future and He warned these signs would intensify as birth pains.  I am sure you will hear more reports soon about the bird flu being passed on from human-to-human.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 warns us about famines.  In one of my 185 posts I warned you that if America keeps declining and the economic crisis get worse she will be forced to cut aid to the poorer nations.  Apparently I’m not the only one thinking about this. “The chairman of the African Union has appealed against any cut in aid following the global financial crisis. Jakaya Kikwete, who is also president of Tanzania, said his country and other developing states were "deeply concerned" about the crisis. "Skyrocketing oil and food prices" were also a worry, he said. Experts say Africa is relatively sheltered from the global financial crisis, but there could be an impact on investment, remittances and aid. "Our appeal to our development partners is that they should not cut aid to the developing countries," Mr Kikwete said.”  Part of the birth pains Jesus warned us about has to do with millions of people starving during the tribulation.  Put two and two together. When a global meltdown takes place it won’t be just the U.S. who won’t have the funds to send to these poor nations like Tanzania.

Prophecy Sign: Jesus also warned in Revelation 9:21 this generation would be known as the drug generation.  The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.  The drug problem is world wide and getting worse. In the past few years the crime rates as a result of use of drugs have sky rocked in many nations including Mexico.  Many nations are using the sale of drugs to support their war efforts. One report on this subject was reported about this morning. “A spokesman says NATO defense ministers have agreed their troops can target drugs facilities financing the Afghan insurgency”.  Just about every nation on this planet is being affected by illegal drug use and there is no doubt the drug problem will get much worse in the near future.,2933,435643,00.html

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapters 2 & 7, Revelation chapters 13 & 17. God showed Daniel all the World Empires that would rule the world from the time Daniel was alive all the way up to the second coming of Christ.  God showed Daniel that in the last days the Roman Empire would be reborn and it would be the last World Empire ruling when Jesus returns.  Jesus in the Revelation shows us primary the same things. Jesus adds the information about the Antichrist and his controlling the economy.  As you saw from the news today the world economy is melting down and all the nations are in an ecenomic crisis.  Events today that are taking shape are leading to the fulfillment of prophecy.  For weeks now I have showed you that the nations leaders are calling for a global economic policy.  There is a new policy coming and it will be lead by the Antichrist just as Jesus has warned us! News about the global economic crisis is being reported everywhere. “TOKYO — A massive sell-off on Wall Street and escalating fears of a global recession sent Asian stocks plunging Friday, with Japan's key index shedding nearly 10 percent to close out its worst week in history.”  This morning I watch the President of the United States assure the people he had tools at his disposal that would help shore up the crisis however; he didn’t cite any of these tools.  Once again I have to warn you that America will keep losing its superpower status.  People ask me why is this happening?  That question is easy to answer. The European Union is the fulfillment of the revived Roman Empire.  The nations in the EU are the same nations that used to be in the Old Roman Empire. The European Union starting to be formed a few years after the rebirth of the nation Israel. It is by no coincidence that both these nation were reborn around the same time, it had to happen to fulfill prophecy, since this is the last generation.  Jesus told us the generation who witnessed Israel’s rebirth would be alive to see Him return.  This is the reason why America is declining and the EU getting stronger.  The European Union or revived Roman Empire is also having a crisis in their economy.  They as all the nations are taking a beating in the stock markets. Just because Jesus showed us the Roman Empire would rule again in the last days, it doesn’t mean she won’t have troubles like the rest of the world.  The only difference will be that it is through this EU Empire that the Antichrist will rise up from.  Once he rises he will make peace and control the entire world economy.,2933,435581,00.html

We know a one-world government is coming and it will be lead by the Antichrist. We see the footsteps of this one world government being paved right now. Let me give you an example.  “The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression is claiming another casualty: American-style capitalism. Since the 1930s, U.S. banks were the flagships of American economic might, and emulation by other nations of the fiercely free-market financial system in the United States was expected and encouraged. But the market turmoil that is draining the nation's wealth and has upended Wall Street now threatens to put the banks at the heart of the U.S. financial system at least partly in the hands of the government. The Bush administration is considering a partial nationalization of some banks, buying up a portion of their shares to shore them up and restore confidence as part of the $700 billion government bailout. The notion of government ownership in the financial sector, even as a minority stakeholder, goes against what market purists say they see as the foundation of the American system.” Other nations are in the process of doing the same thing.  Slowly but surely the wealth of the world is being funneled to banks that will be controlled by governments.  This act will bring us one step closer to a one-world government.  

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 36-39 The sign that our generation would be just like Noah’s generation.  One of the signs in Noah’s generation was homosexuality ran ramped and it is running ramped in our generation  Here is another example how our society is teaching that this life style is to be accepted.  “The Pride Campus of Social Justice High School would be open to all students in the city, and would probably end up being "majority straight", said Arne Duncan, the head of Chicago Public Schools. But it would provide a supportive atmosphere for gay pupils, using prominent gays and lesbians – including James Baldwin and Gertrude Stein – in its curriculum. Bill Greaves, the city's liason officer on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, said the school would "make sure these people are not invisible in history". He said it was important that gay and lesbian historical figures were highlighted to give young gay people positive, successful role models.”  God hated that type of sin during Noah’s generation and it was one of the main reasons why God sent the flood to destroy the world.  This same type of sin is a major sign that Jesus is about to judge the world again.

Our society is going down hill in the way Jesus warned us it would.  Today we found out that another state in America has passed through the courts to allow gays to marry. “Connecticut's Supreme Court ruled Friday that same-sex couples have the right to marry, making the state the third behind Massachusetts and California to legalize such unions. The divided court ruled 4-3 that gay and lesbian couples cannot be denied the freedom to marry under the state constitution, and Connecticut's civil unions law does not provide those couples with the same rights as heterosexual couples.  In a previous post I asked you to watch the news because you would see more states begin to allow gays to marry. November 4th Florida will be voting on this issue. If it passes they will be the 4th state to allow gay marriages. Now that Obama is going to get elected expect more states to follow their lead.  I have no doubt Jesus is coming soon!\US\20081010\Connecticut-Same-Sex-Marriage.xml&cat=us&subcat=&pageid=1



If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter Heaven without giving their life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down. 


"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope.

I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend.

I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your  Book of  Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.



DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano.  Interview was heard on June 26, 2008












If you missed my 2nd interview on “The Edge” International radio show on Aug. 10th, you can now click on the links below, and listen to the entire interview.  If you want to know what is going to happen next in prophecy, you will want to listen to this interview. The facts and evidence from this interview come from my prophecy book called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 1

August 10th, 2008 – Part 2

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

 August 10th, 2008 – Part 5

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:


Major signs show we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora's youtube videos, outlining some of these signs.

Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.

Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

Frank DiMora's video, on how Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept Jesus's own Words. Link is below:


If this is your first time to this site, please feel free to download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is  about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to  Once there, go to the left side of the page where it asks the state, and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.

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Adam DiMora is helping people save money and better their life.



    • Jennifer Lambert on November 6, 2008 at 12:18 pm
    • Reply

    >>Jesus told us the generation who witnessed Israel’s rebirth would be alive to see Him return.
    Can you please cite where this is in Scripture? I’m not disagreeing with you — I would just like to know for reference purposes in the future.

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