Major signs in Bible prophecy- Aug. 25, 2008


Frank DiMora’s radio interview with Host Gina Romano can be heard on Aug. 27, 2008 8PM EST.  Click to the following link to listen to the show.

You can download the book for free by clicking to the following link below.

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf




Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 Modern day Roman Empire reborn.

I have touched based on the decline of America in a few days but I want to remind you that America will decline.  If you are new to this site let me explain why the USA must decline.    God showed Daniel in the last days the Old Roman Empire would be reborn again.  This would be the Empire that rule the world at the time Jesus Christ returns.  This Modern Day Roman Empire would also give rise to the Antichrist.  Since we have entered the last days just prior to Christ’s 2nd coming we see the rise of the new Roman Empire in the form of the European Union.  Because we know the EU must be the most powerful Empire during the last days that shows us America must decline.  We see the decline in many ways. For example our economy is dragging and it appears we are in for more of the same.  Today’s Headline from the Statesman read as follows, “FDIC gets ready for bank failures”.  If you go back and read my previous posts you will see that I warned you this was coming. Here is a short look at the news today. Speaking about banks they inform us, “Hundreds could fail, some industry experts predict. That could force the agency to make good on its promise to insure most customers' checking and savings deposits up to $”.  They also stated, “Despite the frequent gloom on both Wall Street and Main Street, industry players seem confident in the overall resiliency of the banking industry and the FDIC's ability to shelter customers from bank failures” This is I believe misleading and I will tell you why.  They don’t mention the fact the major businesses are laying off thousands of employees, they don’t tell you that the inflation rate is climbing and that the prices of everything are still climbing and, our economy is almost at a stand still.   Prepare to see more banks go under and more problems for the US.  As for the US dollar expect it to rise slightly but to fail again as inflation rises.   The main point is this.  No matter what happens in the end the European Union will be the world leader just as God showed the Prophet Daniel.

Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38-39-Last days attack on Israel lead by Russia and Iran and other Arab nations as well.  The last 5 or 6 posts I put up I have been showing you the stepping-stones that will lead these nations to fulfill Ezekiel’s prophecy.   We see in the news today that “Ahmadinejad and Medvedev will talk about strengthening relations between the two countries and discuss regional and international issues, the Fars News Agency reported.”  In case you don’t know these are the leaders of Russia and Iran.  I can assure you these nations are in talks about Israel!

Again today the President of Iran talked about getting rid of Israel. I quote, “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad renewed his verbal attacks on arch-foe Israel on Saturday, accusing it of dragging the world into turmoil and predicting its demise. He said that if the West does not restrain Zionism, "the powerful hand of the nations will clean these sources of corruption from the face of the earth," without specifying which nations.”  Let me tell you whom Ahmadinejad is referring to.  They are the nations that God listed in the 38 chapter of Ezekiel. Please download my free book and turn to chapter 10 for a detailed list of the nations Ahmadinejad is referring to.  Is a attack on Israel coming?  God told us it was and Ahmadinejad is now confirming what God showed Ezekiel.  Just keep this information in mind and watch the news.

Prophecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 informs us that when Israel is talking peace and safety sudden destruction will come. While Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the other nations on Ezekiel’s list are getting ready to invade Israel, Israel is still in the hard of calling for peace and safety just as it is suppose to happen.  Today we learned that,  US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice left Sunday for the Middle East in a new bid to broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal by January 2009 despite mounting odds. In her seventh visit to the region since the Annapolis peace process was launched in November last year, Rice will arrive in Israel on Monday for talks with top Israeli and Palestinian negotiators.”  If God showed us they would be calling for peace at the time they are attacked which are, we can expect this attack to take place soon.  Just be ready and stand on the watch because we are closing in on the 2nd coming of Christ.

Prophecy Sign:  Matthew 24:37-39. In these verses Jesus told us in the last days the last generation would be exactly as the generation during Noah’s generation.  We are an exact copy of Noah’s generation and that sign alone tells us we are very close to seeing Jesus Christ return for His Church.  If you have come to my site of the past year you would have seen the facts about all the gay pride parades taking place in much of the world.  Today we see more news about this issue in Israel.  I quote, “Jerusalem mayoral candidate, Israeli-Russian businessman Arcadi Gaydamak, is determined to cancel the annual gay pride parade in the capital. "When I'm elected mayor, I would die before allowing the pride parade to be held in Jerusalem," he said Monday during a conference held by the Bikur Holim hospital owned by him.”  We see more news about the gay agenda then ever before.  Why?  Because Jesus warned us this was going to take place when all the other prophecies were also taking place.  That is a key sign we have reached the final days.  Prepare yourself to meet Christ.  If you refuse His calling on your life, you then should prepare to meet the Antichrist during the tribulation that will follow after Israel in invaded.,7340,L-3587409,00.html

If you missed my 2nd interview on “The Edge” International radio show on Aug. 10th you can now click to the links below and listen to the entire interview.  If you want to know what is going to happen next in prophecy you will want to listen to this interview. The facts and evidence from this interview come from my prophecy book called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.  You can download my book for free at the end of this post.

August 10th, 2008 – Part 1 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 2 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

 August 10th, 2008 – Part 5 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9 

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf

Special note: Some one taped my first interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it.  I am posting the videos here.  Hopefully this person will make my second interview available to you as well, if not you can go directly to The Edge link and listen to it there.













Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 

Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.

Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state, and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.


    • Steven Baldassari on September 24, 2008 at 10:17 pm
    • Reply

    If God says, “Thow shall not kill” then what, if anything, makes it ok for us to kill in war for our country. I know that I am ready to fight for freedom…fight for America. Many others seem to be frightened. Can you explain why it was ok for say “David to kill Goliath”?

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