Warning! War is coming is fulfilled in part today-Russia send in tanks-Signs of Ezekiel 38 with Iran, Turkey and Israell-Hurricanes Aug. 8, 2008




Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:6 Wars & rumors of war.  If you have been coming to my site you would have read my warning to look for more wars to break out soon.  Actually, the warning comes from the Lord.  If we know what to look for in His Word and what to expect, then we will be prepared.  War has broken out and (Reuters) provides us with the details. “Russia sent forces into Georgia on Friday to repel a Georgian assault on the breakaway South Ossetia region and Georgia's pro-Western president said the two countries were at war. http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSL768040420080808

“Russia sent troops and dozens of tanks into the breakaway Georgian province of South Ossetia today, throwing the two former Soviet neighbours into a sudden yet undeclared state of war.” “In the most serious regional crisis since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, at least 50 tanks – and possibly many more – rumbled through the Roki tunnel, which cuts through the Caucasus mountains separating South Ossetia from the Russian province of North Ossetia.”  Of course this isn’t going to be the only war, there is another one coming in the Middle East that will also involve Russia, Israel, Iran, and Turkey.  This war in recorded in Ezekiel 38-39.  In my first presentation in 1978 I warned that Turkey would join link up with Iran and Russia and other Arabs nations and attack Israel at a time when Israel was calling for peace and safety.  In my first book in 1993 I warned to watch future events in Turkey and you will see them become very close with Russia, and Iran.  It has been a long time but, everything I warned is now taking place.  The reason this is happening now is two fold. First, we are just about at that point where Ezekiel’s war is going to be fulfilled and therefore all these nations listed in the attack have to become very close allies and they are.  Here is one of those signs. “Many countries are deeply ambivalent toward the US policy, none more so than Turkey, which imports 90 % of its energy needs. Now Ankara is pushing the limits by increasing its natural gas purchases from Iran and considering possible involvement in developing the world?s largest hydrocarbon reserves. On July 29 Iranian Petroleum Minister Qolam Hosein Nozari said in Tehran that Turkey and Iran were negotiating over Turkey being a transit corridor for Iranian natural gas exports to Europe and that Iran would provide increased amounts of natural gas to Turkey during the winter (Anadolu Ajansi, June 30).


The second reason why we are seeing Turkey and Iran join in partnerships is it is happening at the same time all the prophecies are being fulfilled.  Jesus said, when you see all these things take place we would know His coming would be soon.  Of course the news is also linking in Israel.  Today’s news we found out that Israel is irked over the Iranian leaders’s planned visit to Turkey.  Here is a section from today’s Yahoo News.  “Israel has conveyed its misgivings to Turkey over a planned visit to the country by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an Israeli diplomat said Friday. -"It is not a good idea to give legitimacy" to a leader who has called for the destruction of Israel and denies the Holocaust, moreover at a time when Western powers are mulling fresh sanctions against Iran over its controversial nuclear programme, he said.”   http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080808/wl_mideast_afp/turkeyisraelirandiplomacy&printer=1;_ylt=ArNbgVyFS6OKkA55RJklWtWbOrgF

Those of us who know God’s Word know every well what these signs are telling us!  Don’t think for a moment that these events naming the exact nations in Ezekiel 38-39 are in the news today.  What we are seeing are the stepping stones which are preparing for the next Middle East war between Israel, Russia, Iran, Turkey and other Muslim nations.  While this is going on the US sent 2 aircraft carriers which are headed for the Gulf.  This is another sign something is going on in the Middle East and the US as well as Israel are getting ready for it.  I quote, “Two additional United States naval aircraft carriers are heading to the Gulf and the Red Sea, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Kuwait Times. Kuwait began finalizing its "emergency war plan" on being told the vessels were bound for the region.” Israel and Iran currently are at the door steps of war.  Israel has warned Iran to shut down their attempts to gain a nuclear weapon and Iran has in so many words, told them to go to hell.  Russia has been sending weapons to Iran and that include missiles. Today Israel said “We’ll neutralize S-300 if sold to Iran”  According to todays report, “If Russia goes through with the sale of its most advanced anti-aircraft missile system to Iran, Israel will use an electronic warfare device now under development to neutralize it and as a result present Russia as vulnerable to air infiltrations, a top defense official has told The Jerusalem Post”


I really hope you are getting of clear picture as to what is about to take place in the Middle East.  God told us this battle would come and all the signs point to it happening soon, possibly before this year ends.  In any case I pray you are ready to meet the Lord soon!

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Seas and waves roaring.  Last week Texas was pounded by heavy rains and today news about two more hurricanes are in the news. “Tropical Storms Hernan and Kika
Tropical Storm Hernan (60 mph) is steadily strengthening and could become a minimal hurricane before reaching cooler waters. It is forecast to move westward away from any land, just a threat to open-sea mariners. In the central Pacific, Kika, 960 miles well southeast of Honolulu, remains a minimal tropical storm but some strengthening is still possible.”

I wish I had the time to give you every detail of every prophecy but I don’t have the time here. So, the next best thing is to read my free book with all these specific details in it.  You can download my book for free at the end of this post.  You will also want to hear my radio interview on The Edge Aug. 10. Correspondent Gina Romano from the International Radio Show (The Edge) has notified me today my interview with her will be aired on Sunday August 10, 2008 at 8PM on Spiritually Speaking.  You can go to The Edge site by clicking to these links. http://www.theedgeam.com/spiritual/main.htm . If I receive any more information I will pass it on to you all.  You will want to make sure all of your loved ones and friends hear this interview so please start spreading the news when it will be aired.  This interview will be filled with very important information people should know about.

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