Famines of a different kind-Rev. 6:6 and the Wheat- Americans beginning to feel helpless-July 28, 2008



The next few pages you will read are from my new up-dated book as of July 28, 2008.


The skyrocketing cost of food staples, stoked by rising fuel prices, unpredictable weather and demand from India and China, has already sparked sometimes violent protests across the Caribbean, Africa and Asia.  The price of rice has more than doubled in the last five weeks, she said. The World Bank estimates food prices have risen by 83 percent in three years” (news.yahoo.com April 22, 2008).  Right now as I am writing this book there are 37 nations in dire need of food.  Many of these nations have food but the prices have climbed so high the poor can’t afford to buy anything and we are now beginning to see violence spreading as the poor are beginning to riot.  High food prices can also cause famines of a different kind.  Fox News reminds of this fact in an article they entitled, “Food Prices Soaring Worldwide Thanks to Freak Weather, Global Economy Changes.”  Here is what Fox reported.  From subsistence farmers eating rice in Ecuador to gourmets feasting on escargot in France, consumers worldwide face rising food prices in what analysts call a perfect storm of conditions.  Freak weather is a factor. But so are dramatic changes in the global economy, including higher oil prices, lower food reserves and growing consumer demand in China and India.  The world’s poorest nations still harbor the greatest hunger risk. Clashes over bread in Egypt killed at least two people last week, and similar food riots broke out in Burkina Faso and Cameroon this month. But food protests now crop up even in Italy. And while the price of spaghetti has doubled in Haiti, the cost of miso is packing a hit in Japan” (March 24, 2008).  In March 2008 the World Food Program called for urgent help to feed some 73 million people who have almost been almost priced out of the food market. Read what the people at the World Food Program stated,.  “We’ve never quite had a situation where aggressive rises in food prices keep pricing operations out of our reach,” Sheeran said.  The WFP has issued emergency appeals in the past for natural disasters or wars but never for a market-generated crisis, she said” (LA Times March 24, 2008).  Prices are going to continue to rise. Read what Jesus showed the Apostle John in Revelation 6:6.  And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine”.  The Apostle John describes a famine in where all of one’s daily labour will go to buy the bread to just barely survive for one day. The current price hikes are the beginning of the birth pains.  By the time people enter into the tribulation period you will have throught that these current prices were cheep.  What could drive the price of wheat up even higher?  How about a fungal disease that wipes out most of the wheat?   The fact is, we are just now seeing this very thing taking shape.  “The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned in March that Iran had detected a new highly pathogenic strain of wheat stem rust called Ug99. The fungal disease could spread to other wheat producing states in the Near East and western Asia that provide one-quarter of the world’s wheat”. “Scientists and international organizations focused on controlling wheat stem rust have said 90 percent of world wheat lines are susceptible to Ug99. The situation is particularly critical in light of the existing worldwide wheat shortage” (Tribune May 13, 2008).  Everything Jesus has said in His warnings are coming true.  At the current time an epidemic of stem rust on wheat caused by race Ug99 is currently spreading across Africa, Asia and just recently into the Middle East and is causing major concern and an increase of food riots and civil unrest, especially in West and Central Africa among the worst-hit countries.  As this stem rust fungus eats away at the wheat is has caused the price of wheat to skyrocket.  We are already seeing nations in distress over this problem,  For example,  “A global rise in food prices has led to several outbreaks of civil unrest in West and Central Africa over the last few weeks. In Cameroon, Reuters reports that at least 24 people have been killed; over 1600 people have been arrested since February 25, and already 200 have been tried and given jail sentences of up to three years. Civil society organizations have protested the secretive summary trials” (Bank Information Center March 13, 2008).  By July 2008 more bad new was reported by the UN World Food Program.  According to the BBC News who reported on the problem they state, “More than 14 million people in the Horn of Africa need food aid because of drought and rocketing food and fuel prices, the United Nations has warned” (BBC News July 22, 2008).  Speaking about Ethiopia “Aid groups say the older victims suggest there is an escalation in the crisis in Ethiopia, a country that drew international attention in 1984 when a famine compounded by communist policies killed 1 million people. This year’s crisis, brought on by a countrywide drought and skyrocketing global food prices, is far less severe. But while figures for how many adults and older children are affected are not available, at least four aid groups interviewed by the AP said they noticed a troubling increase. “We’re overwhelmed,” said Margaret Aguirre, a spokeswoman for the International Medical Corps, a Santa Monica, Calif.-based aid agency. “There’s not enough food and everyone’s starving, and that’s all there is to it” (news yahoo.com June 9, 2008).


There was also other troubling news about famines and hunger pains.  From the Turkish Weekly  we read that “Soaring food prices and shortages of staples mean about 77 million people of Pakistan’s 160 million population are food insecure, a 28 percent increase over the past year, according to U.N. World Food Program (WFP) estimates (July 11, 2008).  The Washington Post ran news concerning the situation in Somalia in their report entitled “Somalia hovering on famine’s brink”. In that report they stated “By the end of the year, U.N. officials predict, nearly half of this nation’s population, or about 3.5 million people, will need food aid, a dramatic spike driven by rampant political insecurity, skyrocketing global food prices, the devaluation of the local currency and a failure of nature’s mercy, rain” (DallasNews July 6, 2008).  Go back and read Revelation 6:6 again where Jesus tells us that during the tribulation period a person will in one’s daily labor will go to buy the bread to just barely survive for one day.  The BBC News gave a chart showing us how much food as gone up since March 2007 to March of 2008.  Corn has risen 31%, Rice has gone up 74%, Soya has risen 87% and wheat has risen 130%.  Now you know why so many of the poorest nations are dying and rioting (News.bc.co.uk April 2008).  At a time when farmers around the world need to produce more crops the weather conditions has caused one disaster after another.  Instead of increasing the amount of food the world can produce we are falling behind and this is a serious problem as the population of the world is increasing. “In a year when global harvests need to be excellent to ease the threat of pervasive food shortages, evidence is mounting that they will be average at best.  Some farmers are starting to fear disaster.”  “American corn and soybean farmers are suffering from to much rain, while Australian wheat farmers have been plagued by drought” (International Herald Tribune June 10, 2008).  Adding to the famine burdens is the fact that most of the Midwest crops in the U.S. were destroyed in June when those states were hit by one storm after another and the crops were all flooded.  “American farmers are planting 324 million acres this year, up 4 million acres from 2007.  Too much of the best land is waterlogged, however.  Indiana and Illinois have been the worst hit” (Ibid.).  During the June storms about 12-15 states in the Midwest lost their crops.  This is one of the reasons why the price of food has risen.  For the first time since the great depression Americans are beginning to feel helpless.  Many middle class families have joined the ranks of the poor and are being forced to choose between buying food, keep their utilities on, or putting fuel in their gas tanks.   You may be saying “what does this have to do with famines?”  Some famines come in different forms.  Not all famines come from extreme heat, wars, or droughts.  In this case we see famines hitting because of skyrocketing food prices along with everything else rising.  Let me give you a few examples of what is currently taking place in the U.S. “As skyrocketing food and gasoline prices strain budgets, utilities are disconnecting many more customers who fall behind on their bills, and even moderate-income households are getting zapped. Electricity and natural gas shutoffs are up at least 15% in several states compared with last year. Totals for some utilities have more than doubled.” “Disconnects are up 27% for Peoples Gas in Chicago, 14% for Southern California Edison and 56% for Detroit Edison, according to utilities or regulators. In Michigan, where home foreclosures are soaring and the unemployment rate is the USA’s highest, more than one in five Detroit Edison customers were behind in their electric bills in May” (USAToday June 24, 2008).  “Xcel Energy Inc. said Wednesday it’s shutting off power and heat to an average 1,000 residential customers every week in Colorado for nonpayment of bills and expects to disconnect 72,000 customers in 2008 — a 33 percent increase over 2007 (Denver Business Journal July 16, 2008).  “As the economy worsens, an increasing number of people around Tampa Bay are having their lights cut off because they can’t pay their bills. J Tampa Electric has had to cut off 27 percent more customers than it did a year ago, said spokesman Rick Morera. Progress Energy has seen cutoffs jump by 15 percent since last year, said spokesman Cherie Jacobs” (TampaBay.com June 26, 2008).  If you check the stats out in your state I am sure you will see the same trends as well.  



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Special note: Some one taped my radio interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it.  I am posting the videos here.  







14 http://video.aol.com/video-detail/june-26th-2008-part-14/40337309








Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eMPhti-cEQ

Part 1 how Ministry started:



Part 2 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.



If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.

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