Is Nicolas Sarkozy the Antichrist? E.U. vs Mediterranean Union in fulfilling Daniel 9:27- World economy in trouble-July 25, 2008


Prophecy Sign: Daniel 9:27  Signing of covenant. I recently received a e-mail from a person who believes the Euro- Mediterranean region may be the fulfillment of Daniel chapter 9:27, and that Jewish French President Nicolas Sarkozy is the Antichrist.  The writing hints that this treaty was signed without anyone even being aware of the fact that the treaty had been signed at all?  I want to make a few points that all should understand.  God never does anything without letting us know about it first.

Amos 3:7 “Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.”  Daniel 9:27 told us at the time the covenant was signed with many nations, the person (man) who confirms that covenant will come from Rome not France.  French President Nicolas Sarkozy did not get this Mediterranean region to sign a 7 year agreement as stated in Daniel.  God told Daniel to write what he wrote so there would be no guessing or secrets.  When Daniel 9:27 is fulfilled everyone will know about it. As for the Mediterranean region, the only time table given so far was reported back in 2006 and that time frame was to be completed in 2020. If this region signed a treaty in 2008 and the time frame is for 2020, that gives us 12 years.  Since the tribulation is for an exact time frame of 7 years, that would put us 4 years past the tribulation.  This as you know does not line up with what is written in Daniel’s book.   I want to quote from a report from the E.U. on this Mediterranean time frame. “The strategy proposed a timetable of actions for the phase of Horizon 2020. With the strong support of the Finnish EU presidency, during the second half of 2006 all partners were consulted on the proposed timetable leading to its endorsement at the gathering of Euro-Med Environment Ministers held in Cairo in November 2006. This was the first Euro-Med environment ministerial held outside the EU. With this timetable the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership now has a concrete set of milestones to guide it towards a cleaner Mediterranean for our children.” 

Let me give you some proof that Berlusconi the Prime Minister of Italy is showing the exact traits we were warned about by Paul the Apostle.  Did you know Berlusconi calls himself the anointed one?  Here is a short section from a Guardian report.  “By then he had inserted himself into every part of Italian life – Italians even coined the word Berlusconismo to describe the single-handed takeover. No wonder he sometimes calls himself “the anointed one”. Italians, though, have another nickname: The Great Seducer. Berlusconi has made little attempt to hide his fondness for beautiful women. He’s famous for sporting a perma-tan and for hiding wrinkles with a thick layer of foundation.” Berlusconi also says, “I am a man to whom nobody can compare”.  If you read by previous posts you will see he has also referred to himself as king, and the best political leader in the world and, says there is no one on the world stage like him.  These are the traits we are warned the Antichrist would have and as I said we see none of these traits in the French President.,12576,1126448,00.html

Read many of Berlusconi statements about himself, link to link below.

One thing to consider is that Ezekiel 38-39 has not been fulfilled yet.  This war must take place first because it will be out of this war that the nations will come together and sign a covenant with Israel and many nations.  We believe it will be at this time the Antichrist will tell Israel to go ahead and rebuild your Temple.   Another fact to consider are the treats of the man who confirms this covenant.  We are told in Daniel that he will exalteth himself and, he will magnify himself.   Sarkozy has not done this, unlike Berlusconi who has been magnifying himself for some time and is from Rome.  When you take a look at the E.U. and the Mediterranean region most of the nations are the same in both.  Who will have full control in the very near future?  As soon as the E.U. picks their first full time President which looks like that may take place in 2009,  that will be the position the Antichrist will rise from. Remember the Lord told us the Antichrist would rise out of 10 kings.  We know the E.U. has the 10 who act as the E.U.’s security, they are called NATO.  If you read my book I show you how the E.U. has 10 full members to this group.   I do know this for a fact, once this covenant is signed with Israel and they are able to build their Temple everyone will know about it, this is going to be a major news story.  That event will be huge in the press!  I think it is wise to pay attention to everything the E.U. and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership does.  Do I have all the answers, no  but, I do know what the Bible says to look for.  Can things change?  Of course and I think that is why Jesus told us to “keep on the watch”.  I will be watching both the European Union and the   Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.  If in the near future we find out that a 7 year treaty has been signed and the man who in fact confirms that treaty is from Italy or Rome, then I would say we have our proof, but in my heart I believe this man will arise from the E.U.  After looking at all the facts concerning both the E.U. and the new Med. Region the scales are weighted in favor of the E.U.


Prophecy Sign:  Revived Roman Empire Daniel and the book of Revelation.  Over the course of months I have given you signs that America is giving way to the E.U. as that last world superpower.  I have warned you that this world is in for  economic turmoil and it may be that this turmoil will bring the Antichrist on the scene.  I read news that our global economy is in danger and I am again warning you all to try and prepare yourselves for it.  Here is some current news. “The global economy is at the point of maximum danger” “It feels like the summer of 1931. The world’s two biggest financial institutions have had a heart attack. The global currency system is breaking down. The policy doctrines that got us into this mess are bankrupt. No world leader seems able to discern the problem, let alone forge a solution.  The International Monetary Fund has abdicated into schizophrenia. It has upgraded its 2008 world forecast from 3.7pc to 4.1pc growth, whilst warning of a “chance of a global recession”. Plainly, the IMF cannot or will not offer any useful insights.”  In the coming months you are going to see a lot of news about the state of the economy.  You will see more banks fold and it isn’t going to be a pretty site.  Most government leaders know what is coming but aren’t telling the truth. The government can’t say how things really are because if the general population knew what was coming they would all panic.  How is the U.S. doing in home foreclosures?  The U.S. is taking one of the worse hits it has ever since.  I will let today’s news report speak for itself.  “July 25 (Bloomberg) — U.S. foreclosure filings more than doubled in the second quarter from a year earlier as falling home prices left borrowers owing more on mortgages than their properties were worth. One in every 171 households was foreclosed on, received a default notice or was warned of a pending auction. That was an increase of 121 percent from a year earlier and 14 percent from the first quarter, RealtyTrac Inc. said today in a statement. Almost 740,000 properties were in some stage of foreclosure, the most since the Irvine, California-based data company began reporting in January 2005.”

Now is the time to turn to Christ.  You are going to need His strength and guidance through these trying times.  Do not give up Hope!  Jesus is coming to take everyone who has received Him as Lord and Savior to heaven.  We can count on these words.  “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” Luke 21:36. Jesus has made us a promise that He is going to keep.  Do you want to leave this Earth before all these things come upon us?  If Yes, start living your life as a real Christian today and believe His Words!




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Special note: Some one taped my radio interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it.  I am posting the videos here.  















Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:


Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.

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