World unrest is getting ready to receive the Antichrist- July 22, 2008


Today is July 22, 2008.  I wanted you to read what I wrote you on my April 8, 2008 post concerning food prices and what will take place in the near future.  “On my post of April 8, 2008 I warned that you would begin to witness social unrest because of food.  A week later the news agencies began reporting on riots taking place in many poor nations. When you click to the links below you will witness what I warned is already here and getting worse. I warned you, you would see higher prices of food keep climbing and, now every night news agencies are also reporting that is exactly what is taking place. Read Matthew chapter 24 and take to heart what Jesus had to say about how the world would begin to starve in the last days. Read chapter 4 of my book for in-depth details and quotes from the Word of God.” 


It has only been 3 months since I wrote that April 8th post and look how much worse these food problems have gotten.  Let me show you just some recent news. “People around the world are experiencing sticker shock at the grocery store, the result of runaway economic forces that show no signs of abating. Here in the United States, the price of eggs jumped 29 percent last year. Dairy products are up more than 7 percent. And the price of corn has tripled in the past four years. It’s even worse worldwide. Globally, the food price index calculated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations rose by nearly 26 percent last year, compared with 9 percent the year before. So far in 2008, that same index has jumped to unprecedented levels. Spiraling food prices make a triple whammy for Americans, who are simultaneously being hammered by staggering gas prices and the mortgage crisis, with little meaningful relief in sight.”  Josette Sheeran, executive director of the World Food Program, said this year that soaring global food prices could lead to a “silent tsunami” that would push 100 million people who previously did not require help to buy food into hunger and poverty. Sheeran added, “This is the new face of hunger – the millions of people who were not in the urgent hunger category six months ago but now are. The world’s misery index is rising.” Here is another report pointing us to what lies ahead in the tribulation period.  “First it was Citibank. Now it’s Barclay’s and New York City’s Chrysler Building skyscraper. Muslim Arabs are buying out collapsing Western banks and businesses and gaining growing international power, but some Arab investors are worried their investments may go down the drain with the American economy. The current financial crisis in the United States has spread to other countries because of a massive debt that was not backed by enough real and liquid collateral. Banks and businesses gasping for financial breath are up for sale at basement prices, but no one is certain if the basement is the bottom. 


What you must understand is we are now living in a global system.  When one nation begins to go under it won’t take long before that nation drags the other nations down with it.  What is taking place with the skyrocketing food prices and now the food shortages is a prime example how nations around the world are being affected.  Let me paint a picture for you by referring to the book of Revelation.  Jesus told us in the Revelation that in the end times one man would control this planet.  He would control everything and that includes what you eat, what you drink and yes, what you can buy and sell.  When this planet gets so bad and so many people are going hungry they are going to look for a person to lead us out of this mess.  That man is the Antichrist and he is already here and in the wings waiting for the right time to appear on the scene.  Jesus told us that billions of people would starve during the last days.  When you go back and read my Feb. 15, 2008 post you will see I listed in detail the items that would skyrocket during this generation.  Every item I listed is now rising so fast that it is causing turmoil for many nations and that now includes the United States.  America is on its last days of power.  Her knees are shacking with thousands of job loses,  rising debts, business foreclosures, and shock waves of a bad economy.  For example, “July 21 (Bloomberg) – American Express Co., the biggest U.S. credit-card company by purchases, withdrew its 2008 earnings forecast after second-quarter profit fell 37 percent on worse-than-expected consumer defaults. The shares slumped 11 percent in extended trading.”   A federal rescue of troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could cost taxpayers as much as $25 billion, Congress’ top budget analyst said Tuesday. But Peter R. Orszag, director of the Congressional Budget Office, predicted in a letter to lawmakers that there’s a better than even chance the government will not have to step in to prop up the companies by lending them money or buying stock.”  The news you are now reading is nothing compared to what is coming!  While the Feds are trying to figure out how to stop the wave of defaults thousands are walking away from their homes.  We haven’t seen anything like this since the depression!  I have tried to warn you all that we would see more job cuts and they keep coming!  Here is just one example. “Wachovia Corp. reported a surprisingly large second-quarter loss Tuesday, deflating Wall Street’s hopes that the nation’s big banks are weathering the credit crisis well. The nation’s fourth-largest bank by assets said it lost $8.86 billion, is slashing its dividend and eliminating 10,750 positions after losses tied to mortgages soared”.  The great USA is falling!  The Revelation is about to be opened up and the last world empire Jesus warned us about is standing and ready to receive the one man who will appear to have all the answers to the world’s problems.  That man is called the Antichrist and he will emerge on the scene through the peace process which is currently going on in the Middle East.  Everything we are watching in the news is linked together and all has to do with fulfilling the last few prophecies before Jesus takes His Church out of this world and, then the 7 year tribulation will begin.  The world economy is about to dive and most people don’t understand the real reason behind it.  Jesus warned us in detail about the skyrocketing food prices.  He warned us about the billions who would die because of the lack of food.  He warned us nation would fight nation and kingdom against kingdom.  Must of what the nations will be fighting over is food, and all the details are found in the Book of Revelation.  If you think the U.S. economy will suddenly revive you are sadly mistaken.  The U.S. has to give way to make another empire the number one empire.  The Bible makes it very clear that last world empire is going to be the Revived Roman Empire or the modern day European Union.  I don’t care where you live, you will be affected by what is about to take place on this planet!  As soon as Israel and their enemies sign the peace covenant you will see the door open to the beginning of the tribulation.  You will see hunger like you have never ever seen before.  What is coming to planet earth will make the depression look like a walk in the park.  The man who confirms that peace agreement is the Beast or Antichrist, and he isn’t going to be hidden from the world scene for very long.  When he comes you will wish to God you had received Jesus call to saIvation.  You still have time to give your life over to Christ.  Ask Him today to forgive you of every sin and ask Him to be the Lord of your life, believe Jesus died for you so that you could have eternal life in Him.   If you choose Jesus instead of the Antichrist today, write me. 


In a previous post I told you that the European Union would in the near future ratify the new Constitution.  About 3 weeks ago Ireland voted no and has been holding up the process.  I told you that this would not stop this new Constitution from being finished and signed into law.  Today there was another step toward the final goal.  Today Great Britian ratified the controversial Lisbon Treaty. News from the UK stated, “The Queen then gives Royal Assent, and signs goatskin “instruments of ratification” along with the Foreign Secretary. These are then sealed, bound in blue leather, and deposited with the Italian ministry of foreign affairs in Rome. A spokesman for the Foreign Office said all these stages had now been completed. “The documents were lodged in Rome yesterday,” he said.  Concerning the Ireland problem the Author of the E.U. Constitution in its orginal form made a statement that shows us the E.U. will fully ratify the Constitution with or with out Ireland.  “Mr Giscard d’Estaing told the Irish Times that Ireland’s referendum rejection would not kill the Treaty, despite a legal requirement of unanimity from all the EU’s 27 member states.”  As I said, Jesus warned us the Revived Roman Empire would rule at the time He returned to Earth.  No one nation is going to be able to stop what has been set in motion.  Since the European Union is the revived Roman Empire you will see the new E.U. Constitution being signed soon.  The next thing that will follow the signing of the Constitution will be to place the first full time President over all the 27 nations.  This is the position the Antichrist is going to arise to.  If you want to follow prophecy, watch the E.U. and this Constitution process, then keep on the watch for the first full time E.U. President.  Jesus warned us the Antichrist would be the one who rules over this revived Roman Empire or the modern day European Union.



I will keep posting my Father’s warnings as long as I can, but the time is coming when my voice and the other watchmen’s voice will all be silent.    All of us who have received our Lord Jesus will be taken to God soon as the Words of Jesus in Revelation will be fulfilled. “I am coming quickly”.







Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf


Special note: Some one taped my radio interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it.  I am posting the videos here.  















Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:


Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.

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