Reborn Roman Empire-Antichrist standing at the door-America is falling-July 11,2008


Prophecy sign: Daniel’s book shows us the Roman Empire will return in the end times.  Download my free book and read chapter 2 for complete details.  Since I began this web site I have been warning you all that America is going to fall to the side as the number 1 superpower.  God showed Daniel just before He was to return the Old Roman Empire would be reborn.  The European Union is that reborn Roman Empire.   America’s economy is tanking and it is part of the plan to move the E.U. into their final role as that last world Empire.  What Daniel saw so many years ago is standing right in front of us right now.  Here is one of the signs showing the U.S. is in the process of losing that number one ranking.  This recent report stated, “One of the strongest warning signs came as the week began, when shares of the most important U.S. mortgage companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, plummeted. After falling almost continuously over the past month, in just one day Freddie Mac tumbled another 18 percent and Fannie Mae lost 16 percent amid concerns that the companies would need to raise billions of dollars in fresh capital.”  As America is being pushed to the side we see world economies beginning to suffer as well.  In the same report you read, “Worldwide, banks and brokerage have written down the value of the assets they hold, notably those linked to mortgages, by more than $400 billion since the beginning of last year. In April, the International Monetary Fund said total losses for banks, insurance companies and investment funds may reach $945 billion, and some forecasts say the bill could be even higher.”  Everything we are now witnessing is setting up the stage for the man of sin to come on the scene.  The world is already calling for men who can change things and one is coming.  He will first rise after there are 10 kings, then he will subdue 3 kings and take full control of the entire reborn Roman Empire.  When you read Daniel 2:41-42 you see what I just described.  Did you know that within the European Union which is the reborn Roman Empire the are 10 nations called the WEU, the Western European Union?  When you read my book I explain the function of the WEU within the European Union.  The point here is this, the 10 kings (nations) Daniel saw are already standing.  Since these 10 are standing the next thing to occur is the Antichrist will begin to rise through 3 of these kings and subdue them just as Daniel saw in his vision.  Did you know that there is what the E.U. calls the “gang of 3”.  Read chapter 2 of my book!  There are 3 nations that have been jockeying for position as the lead nation with in the E.U. (European Union).  When you follow the news in Europe you can plainly see who they are because they are in the news all the time.  Do a google search and put in “the E.U.’ s gang of three” and see what you get. I placed two links for you at the bottom of this post.  One of those links talks about the Italian Prime Minister (Silvio Berlusconi) who has attacked this gang of three leaders in the past.  Daniel shows us that the man of sin will come from Rome and Jesus tells us the seat of power in the end times will be in the city of 7 mountains which everyone knows in Rome Italy.  By the way Berlusconi was just reelected as Prime Minister of Italy again.  Current events in the European Union show the gang of three are still jockeying for power.  Do you find it interesting that what Daniel wrote is exactly what we are witnessing in the E.U. today?  So, this is where we stand.  The 10 kings (leaders of nations) are already standing, we see the (three) kings standing in position just as was written.  The next step will be that soon the man (Antichrist) will make his way up through these 3 and subdue them.  In other words he will take control and do his will.  How close are we to seeing Jesus Christ return?  Very close!  This man is suppose to rise to power during the time that Israel is calling for peace and safety.  If you aren’t brain dead you know Israel and their Arab neighbors have been calling for peace and safety just like the prophets said they would.  Why did God tell us these very specific things concerning the reborn Roman Empire and the 10 kings, and the 3 kings?  To  prove to you His Word is true and to drew you to Himself.  God knows that when people see His Words all coming to pass, that their would be those who would believe in Him and except Him as their Savior.  Who is this God?  He is the man who said “I and the Father are One” and his name is Jesus Christ the Lord our God and Savior to all those who’s eyes have been opened and have ears to hear His truth.  This is the same God who came to us and died on the cross for us so that we could be restored to Him.  This is the same God who in 3 days was raised from the dead and lives for ever.  If there is one sure way you will find out who this Antichrist is, reject Christ Jesus now and you will be tossed into the tribulation.  Jesus said, “I came in my name and did not receive me, another will come and in his name you will receive him”.  The man Jesus was talking about is that Antichrist.  I beg you all to consider the Words of Christ in prophecy, everything He has spoken is coming to pass just the way He had it written down for us!  This is Jesus’ love call to us all, telling us I love you, trust my Words and come to Me and I will give you rest.  Listen to His Words and his Salvation call today.  Where ever you are, what ever you are doing take time right now and give your soul back to Christ!  Receive Him today as your Lord and Savior and He will remove you to heaven into His chambers where you will be safe from the Antichrist a
nd all the destruction this man is going to cause during his 7 year reign as the last world ruler before Jesus comes back to take His throne as King.   If the Holy Spirit has touched you today through my message, I want you to e-mail me and let me know.  Jesus has begun to call the last of you who will listen before He comes for His Church.  Please be accounted in this number.

Prophecy sign: Ezekiel 38 The list of nations.  War in the Middle East is about to break out and God told us who will be involved in this war.  For a complete look at how we got to this point please read chapter 10 of my book. If you are new to my site, everything I do is free.  You can download the book at the end of this post for free, no strings attached.  Ezekiel gives a list of nations that are going to join Russia to attack Israel in the last days.  Turkey is included in this list.  The name of Turkey in the Old Testament is Beth Togarmah with would be our modern day Turkey and Armenia.  Since 1978 I have been telling everyone I can that Russia will be forced to attack Israel for some reason and Turkey will join in on that attack.  Persia is also listed by Ezekiel to join in on that attack.  Persia is modern day Iran and parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.  Everyone of these nations in the past 10 years have become strong allies to each other.  Iraq of course has been in turmoil since Bush invaded them but as of late Turkey and Iraq have become much closer.  There were more signs of this alliance in the news today as Turkish and Iraqi Prime Ministers meet in an what the news calls, an “historical” visit.  Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his Iraqi counterpart Nouri al-Maliki agreed to strengthen mutual political and economic relations in a meeting in Baghdad, referred to as “historical” by both leaders. Erdogan, who paid his first official visit to Iraq, is the first Turkish prime minister to visit Iraq after 18 years.”  If you have been tracking these last days events you would know this new friendship is very important to prophecy.  Turkey and Iraq was the last nation to form this common bond.  One thing they all have in common now is that they all are friends and allies of Russia.  I think you are beginning to see the big picture.  If Israel attacks Iran this fall and, this fall is God’s appointed time to finish prophecy, then I can tell you Turkey will come against Israel with Iran, Iraq, Russia and other Islamic nations which also include Libya.  Many of you who read my first copy of my book in 1997 knows I warned to watch Libya.  I said they will resurface on the world scene and begin to show their dislike for Israel again.  I said they would join an alliance with Russia and they to would join in on the attack against Israel..  If you read my previous post from this year you would have seen my warning came true. I want to quote from a section I wrote about on may May 2, 2008 post.  “On May 1st Libya said what the Israeli’s are doing to the PLO in Gaza is like what Hitler did to the Jews during the Holocaust.  Here is a short section of the report. “Libya stands by its United Nation envoy’s comparison of the plight of Palestinians in Gaza to the Holocaust and deplores a walkout by Western diplomats in protest at the comments, official Libyan media reported on Wednesday” ( Over the past few weeks the leader of Russia, Putin, has traveled to many of the nations on the list to attack Israel in the end times.  One by one Putin is wiping out their debts.  These nations are getting ready to fulfill prophecy concerning the end time attack.”. If I could force you into God’s Kingdom I would but Jesus has given everyone of us a free will to either receive Him as your Savior or reject Him.  What we are now seeing in the Middle East are all the things God said we would see.  God has kept his promise.  Read what he said.  Isaiah 44: 6-8 “This is what the LORD says– Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. Who then is like me? Let him proclaim it. Let him declare and lay out before me what has happened since I established my ancient people, and what is yet to come– yes, let him foretell what will come.  Do not tremble, do not be afraid.   Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.”


Isaiah 48: 3-5  I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass. For I knew how stubborn you were; the sinews of your neck were iron, your forehead was bronze. Therefore I told you these things long ago; before they happened I announced them to you so that you could not say, `My idols did them; my wooden image and metal god ordained them.’  Is war coming upon Israel soon?  Will the nations listed in Ezekiel really attack together?  God has shown us every detail before the war begins so that when you see it you will know it was God who forewarned you.  I am asking you not to be a stubborn people like some are but, believe God in these coming matters.  Your eternal life is at stake.  If there are any soldiers from the nations listed in Ezekiel 38 I plead with you, when your leaders say they are going to attack Israel, do not go with him.  God has spoken what will happen and forewarned that 5/6 of the invading armies will be wiped out.  You can not fight against God and win.  Please listen to what I am saying, I am trying to save your life.  Remember God’s Words in Genesis 12:3  “And I will bless those that bless you and curse the one who curses you. And in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.”  If there is one curse you do not want to have when you march into battle is a curse from God!  All the nations who attack Israel will fall under this curse. 


“Libya stands by comparison of Nazi concentration camps, Gaza”.

May 1, 2008


Since I was on the subject of Turkey, the Turkish Weekly just reported the following: “Soaring food prices and shortages of staples mean about 77 million people of Pakistan’s 160 million population are food insecure, a 28 percent increase over the past year, according to U.N. World Food Program (WFP) estimates.”  Go back and read my April 25, 2008 post, I warned you, you would see more of these kinds of news reports.  Jesus told us famines would come, and in the Revelation we see prices of food are just about untouchable!  This is no joke we are living in the last days just before Jesus is to return and we haven’t much time left.  If you are going to get right with Jesus, do it now!



BREAKING NEWS: On January 19, 2008 I wrote and warned a depression was on its way in America.  Please go to that January post and read what I had.  Since January this nation has taken hit after hit and America’s economy is on the edge of falling all together.  One major sign of this fall came today. I just read a report entitled U.S. Weighs Takeover of Two Mortgage Giants” “The companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, have been hit hard by the mortgage foreclosure crisis. Their shares are plummeting and their borrowing costs are rising as investors worry that the companies will suffer losses far larger than the $11 billion they have already lost in recent months. Now, as housing prices decline further and foreclosures grow, the markets are worried that Fannie and Freddie themselves may default on their debt.”  I’m not sure how you understand how huge of a problem this is for America but these companies are major pillars holding our economy up.  When they go, America goes!  They just lost half their stocks today.  This is just a major issue for the U.S. that the “Bush administration officials are considering a plan to have the government take over one or both of the companies and place them in a conservatorship if their problems worsen, people briefed about the plan said on Thursday.”  I want you to understand how serious a blow this is.  Remember my warning, the European Union will rise and America will fall?  This has to happen to fulfilled Daniel’s prophecy and what Jesus showed us in the Revelation.  We are told it would be the reborn Roman Empire in place as that World Power at the time Jesus returned not  America.  Instead of trying to get rid of Jesus in this nation we should be dropping to our knees asking Him to return!

My warnings are all most over.  Everything Jesus listed to watch for has already come upon us. Once Israel is attacked as written in Ezekiel you enter the last stage of the end of the age.  You will miss me because I am going to a place you can not go unless you receive Jesus as Savior.  I will miss you who have refused these kind words of wisdom to run into the arms of Christ.  I pray that when I am gone millions will read what I have left for them as a testament of Truth in Christ.  If you do not know the Lord, download my book and save it.  When we are taken to heaven you will need a guide as to what to expect next.  Have a bible close at hand and read the book of Revelation and see what you are about to go through.  I pray you will take Jesus now before you have to live the Revelation for real. He who has an ear let him understand.

Frank DiMora



It has been an honor to serve you all.

Frank DiMora


Below are links to the “gang of three” as seen in Daniel’s vision: If I were you I would read yesterdays post.,9171,901040223-591268-2,00.html



This is my call: “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth” (Isaiah 62:6-7).



Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf



Special note: Some one taped my radio interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it.  I am posting the videos here.
















Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:


Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.


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