Why aren’t pastors teaching about Hell anymore, Why aren’t pastors keeping the Chruch on the Watch? Why are so many Churches filled with programs and keep Jesus outside? Why is it that most Christians don’t know the Word of God? All signs!


The words of Christ are fulfilled. The Old Roman Empire is reborn and is ready to receive the one man Jesus said would come in the end times.  Soon one man will begin to rise from within the European Union to rule this planet, he is called the Antichrist.  The prophet Daniel wrote about each power that would come one after the other until this reborn Roman Empire was established again in the end times.  The E.U. is getting ready to elect one man who will control all E.U. nations.  If you read chapter 2 of my book you will be blown away by how precise God’s Word is.  The final stage to forming a one world government is under way.  I challenge anyone to refute all this documentation which proves only a True God could be so exact. 

I put a link to a video explaining how this one world government has been developing you can watch it unfold for yourself.  I am sorry to inform you this may scare some of you before all this information is true and you will see just how true once you read Chapter 2 and view this video entitled: The End Game.  If after you see this material and you refuse to believe what Jesus said was coming, all I can say is, may the Lord help you.  Jesus said “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattered abroad.”


Give this down load a chance to load then turn to chapter 2 to see where Jesus said we would be. Click to link.

Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf 



The End Game:



 Click on picture to get a preview of the near future.

Once you watch the video read chapter 10 from my book and see what is about to happen next.  War is coming and you must know exactly what will happen before it takes place so that when it breaks out you will know it was God who told you the details.  I pray you will take Christ as your Lord before this war but just in case, please read chapter 10.



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